Autohotkey: Setting a value to DateTime - autohotkey

Can anyone tell me how to set '01/Jan/1999' to a DateTime?
I've tried this but it didn't work:
FormatTime,datein,'01/Jan/1999', dd/MMM/yyyy
GuiControl,, myDate, %datein%
The dateparse function worked but, how am I going to set the value to the datetime?
Here is my code:
Gui, Add, DateTime, vmyDate, dd/MMM/yyyy
newdate := DateParse("Jan 1 1999")
FormatTime, test, % newdate, dd/MMM/yyyy
GuiControl,, myDate, %test%

Lucky for you, someone already wrote a Date Parsing Function for this purpose.
The function takes a large number of date formats and returns them in the YYYYMMDDHH24MISS format. You can then use that value with FormatTime.
Here is some example usage:
newdate := DateParse("Jan 1 1999")
FormatTime, test, % newdate, dd/MMM/yyyy
msgbox % test
DateParse(str) {
static e2 = "i)(?:(\d{1,2}+)[\s\.\-\/,]+)?(\d{1,2}|(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\w*)[\s\.\-\/,]+(\d{2,4})"
str := RegExReplace(str, "((?:" . SubStr(e2, 42, 47) . ")\w*)(\s*)(\d{1,2})\b", "$3$2$1", "", 1)
If RegExMatch(str, "i)^\s*(?:(\d{4})([\s\-:\/])(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2}))?"
. "(?:\s*[T\s](\d{1,2})([\s\-:\/])(\d{1,2})(?:\6(\d{1,2})\s*(?:(Z)|(\+|\-)?"
. "(\d{1,2})\6(\d{1,2})(?:\6(\d{1,2}))?)?)?)?\s*$", i)
d3 := i1, d2 := i3, d1 := i4, t1 := i5, t2 := i7, t3 := i8
Else If !RegExMatch(str, "^\W*(\d{1,2}+)(\d{2})\W*$", t)
RegExMatch(str, "i)(\d{1,2})\s*:\s*(\d{1,2})(?:\s*(\d{1,2}))?(?:\s*([ap]m))?", t)
, RegExMatch(str, e2, d)
f = %A_FormatFloat%
SetFormat, Float, 02.0
d := (d3 ? (StrLen(d3) = 2 ? 20 : "") . d3 : A_YYYY)
. ((d2 := d2 + 0 ? d2 : (InStr(e2, SubStr(d2, 1, 3)) - 40) // 4 + 1.0) > 0
? d2 + 0.0 : A_MM) . ((d1 += 0.0) ? d1 : A_DD) . t1
+ (t1 = 12 ? t4 = "am" ? -12.0 : 0.0 : t4 = "am" ? 0.0 : 12.0) . t2 + 0.0 . t3 + 0.0
SetFormat, Float, %f%
Return, d


How to convert from Pinescript version 2 to version 5

I have tried to convert the following from version 2 to version 5 without success. I have been getting various errors showing up. Also, the current converter on the Pine Script v5 User Manual doesn't go below Version 3. I would appreciate any help to do this. Much appreciated and thanks.
//Both fisher and macdl MTF
resCustom = input(title="Timeframe", type=resolution, defval="60" )
shortLength = input(12, title="Fast Length")
longLength = input(26, title="Slow Length")
sigLength = input(9, title="Signal Length")
ma(s,l) => ema(s,l)
sema = ma( src, shortLength )
lema = ma( src, longLength )
i1 = sema + ma( src - sema, shortLength )
i2 = lema + ma( src - lema, longLength )
macdl = i1 - i2
macdl2 = security(tickerid, resCustom,macdl)
len = input(34, minval=1, title="Fisher")
round_(val) => val > .99 ? .999 : val < -.99 ? -.999 : val
high_ = highest(hl2, len)
low_ = lowest(hl2, len)
value = round_(.66 * ((hl2 - low_) / max(high_ - low_, .001) - .5) + .67 * nz(value[1]))
fish1 = .5 * log((1 + value) / max(1 - value, .001)) + .5 * nz(fish1[1])
fish2 = security(tickerid, resCustom,fish1)
sw1=iff(fish2<-6 and macdl2>macdl2[1],1,0)
sw2=iff(fish2>6 and macdl2<macdl2[1],-1,0)
swap=final==1 or final==-1?fuchsia:green
plot(fish2, color=swap, title="Fisher",style=histogram)
hline(0, color=orange)

Lower time frame in pine script indicator

I want to fix calculation time period of my indicator as 1 minute .
That means
if I am checking on 5 minute chart . I want to see the current 5 minute indicator value as some of 5 one minute indicator values included in the current 5 minute candle.
If I am checking on 15 minute chart. I want to see the current 15 minute indicator value as some of 15 one minute indicator values included in the current 15 minute candle.
Same for all.
And I coded it as bellow . But as chart time frame changes calculation also changes.
This is how I Coded it
indicator(title = "OBV MULTI" , overlay = false)
var a = 0.0
var b = 0.0
var c = 0.0
var d = 0.0
a := ta.change(time("D")) ? 0.0 : a
b := ta.change(time("W")) ? 0.0 : b
c := ta.change(time("M")) ? 0.0 : c
d := ta.change(time("12M")) ? 0.0 :d
src1 = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid" ,"1",close)
src2 = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid","1",open)
src3 = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, "1",volume)
a := (close>open) ? a+volume : (close<open) ? a-volume : ((close==open)and(a[1]>a[2])) ? a +volume : ((close==open))and(a[1]<a[2])) ? a-volume : 0
b := (close>close) ? b+volume : (close<open) ? b-volume : ((close==open)and(b[1]>b[2])) ? b +volume : ((close==open))and(b[1]<b[2])) ? b-volume : 0
c := (close>open) ? c+volume : (close<open) ? c-volume : ((close==open)and(c[1]>c[2])) ? c +volume : ((close==open))and(c[1]<c[2])) ? c-volume : 0
d := (close>open) ? d+volume : (close<open) ? d-volume : ((close==open)and(d[1]>d[2])) ? d +volume : ((close==open))and(d[1]<d[2])) ? d-volume : 0
Plot(a , title = "D Line" , color =
Plot(b , title = "W Line" , color =
Plot(c , title = "M Line" , color = color.yellow)
Plot(d , title = "Y Line" , color =
Plot(0 , title = "Zero Line", color =

PineScript - zigzag trend change counter

I've made an indicator that is similiar to zigzag. I want to write a formula that will count number of up trends or number of trend changes (from up to down and from down to up). I have problem with it, because my variable is still setting to 0. Could you help me to correct it?
study("ZigZag Poker", overlay=true)
trend = 0
trend := na(trend[1]) ? 1 : trend[1] //Beggining trend set to up
LL = 0.0
LL := na(LL[1]) ? low : LL[1] //LastLow
HH = 0.0
HH := na(HH[1]) ? high : HH[1] //LastHigh
LO = 0.0
LO := na(LO[1]) ? open : LO[1] //LastOpen
LC = 0.0
LC := na(LC[1]) ? close : LC[1] //LastClose
LOLO = 0.0
LOLO := na(LOLO[1]) ? low : LOLO[1] //LowestLow
HIHI = 0.0
HIHI := na(HIHI[1]) ? high : HIHI[1] //HighestHigh
zigzag = na
kolor = 0 //variable that counts number of trend changes
imp = input(true, "Alt imp")
kolor := imp == true ? 2 : 0
if (trend > 0) // trend is up, look for new swing low
if close >= min(LO, LC)
LC := close
LL := low
LO := open
LOLO := low
HIHI := high
zigzag := HIHI
trend := -1
HH := high
HIHI := high > HIHI ? high : HIHI
LC := close
LL := low
LO := open
LOLO := low
kolor := kolor[1] + 1
else // trend is down, look for new swing high
if close <= max(LO, LC)
HH := high
HIHI := high
LC := close
LL := low
LO := open
LOLO := low < LOLO ? low : LOLO
zigzag := LOLO
trend := 1
HH := high
LC := close
LL := low
LO := open
kolor: = kolor[1] + 1
plot(zigzag, color = trend < 0 ? blue : orange, linewidth=2, offset=-1)
I know it's too late to help the OP, but the error is in the line
kolor := imp == true ? 2 : 0, that always sets the value of kolor to 2 or 0, for all the candles that are in the current trend.
What is missing is copying the last kolor's value on every loop, so kolor[1] can have a valid counter.
Replacing that line with kolor := na(kolor[1])? 0: kolor[1] will do it.

ag-grid filter not working with formatted number values?

I'm using ag grid with angularjs and the filter does not work with formatted numbers. I use formatted numbers with currency values.
Below is the columndef code:
{ headerName:"GBO", field: "GBO", width: 200, editable:true, cellClass: "number-cell",filter:'agNumberColumnFilter',
cellRenderer : function(params){
if(params.value == "" || params.value == null)
return '-';
else return params.value;
Before assigning the data to the grid, I format the numbers using :
$scope.formatNumberOnly = function(num,c, d, t){
//console.log(num );
var n = getNumber(num);
//var n = this,
c = isNaN(c = Math.abs(c)) ? 2 : c,
d = d == undefined ? "." : d,
t = t == undefined ? "," : t,
s = n < 0 ? "-" : "",
i = parseInt(n = Math.abs(+n || 0).toFixed(c)) + "",
j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0;
return s + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + t : "") + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + t) + (c ? d + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(c).slice(2) : "");
The problem here is that the filter doesn't work with these formatted numbers and only seems to be working for values upto 999.
Can anyone please help me with a solution to this filtering problem?
If you want the filter to work on these formatted values, you should use a valueGetter instead of a valueFormatter
You should implement the above formatter function as a valueGetter in column Definition.
Also a number filter won't work as in order for your formatted number to be interpreted, it should be a text filter.
Here is an example from official docs.

Display Serial Number as Roman letters in Crystal Reports

need to display serial no as roman letters(i,ii,iii,iv etc) in my crystal reports. I have the serial number captured as record number (1,2,3,4...).so what i have to do for it in crystal report.
Just use the Roman() function provided by Crystal Reports
I can't take much of the credit; I simply ported the code from this VB Helper article into Crystal, but it was a fun exercise:
NumberVar iCounter := 0;
Local StringVar ch := "";
Local NumberVar result := 0;
Local NumberVar new_value := 0;
Local NumberVar old_value := 0;
Local StringVar temp := "";
temp := UpperCase({?#Roman});
old_value = 1000;
For iCounter := 1 To Len(temp) do
// See what the next character is worth.
ch := Mid(temp, iCounter, 1);
if ch = "I" then new_value := 1
else if ch = "V" then new_value := 5
else if ch = "X" then new_value := 10
else if ch = "L" then new_value := 50
else if ch = "C" then new_value := 100
else if ch = "D" then new_value := 500
else if ch = "M" then new_value := 1000;
// See if this character is bigger
// than the previous one.
If new_value > old_value Then
// The new value > the previous one.
// Add this value to the result
// and subtract the previous one twice.
result := result + new_value - 2 * old_value
// The new value <= the previous one.
// Add it to the result.
result := result + new_value;
old_value := new_value;
// Format the number without commas or decimals
ToText(result, 0, "");
Simply replace my {?#Roman} parameter placeholder with your variable, and you're all set.
I tried to fix it [enter image description here][1]
specifically: at crystal report
TH1: Fomula fields/new/"nameabc"/enter/"Roman(GroupNumber)"/ ctrl+S/and pull it out
TH2: Fomula fields/new/"nameabc"/enter/
select GroupNumber
case 1 : " I"
case 2 : " II"
case 3 : " III"
case 4 : " IV"
case 5 : " V"
case 6 : " VI"
case 7 : " VII"
case 8 : "VIII"
case 9 : " IX"
case 10 : " X"
case 11 : " XI"
case 12 : " XII"
case 13 : "XIII"
case 14 : " XIV"
case 15 : " XV"
case 16 : " XVI"
case 17 : "XVII"
default : ""
/ ctrl+S/and pull it out
But it really doesn't help t so there will be this 3 case (t improved from link 2-3) it can apply to the 3rd or even 10th group of headings
TH3: ex: (you want to create a text message for group 3)
Formula fields/new/"nameabc"/enter/
/ ctrl+S/ drag it out and put it in heading group 2 and hide it (= right click/format field/common/ check Suppress/ok) you can go to link 3 to see
Formula fields/new/"nameabcd"/enter/
stringvar y;
STRINGVAR ARRAY X := ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K", "L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X ","Y","Z"];
if INTSTTGRTEST <= 26 then (
redim preserve X[INTSTTGRTEST];
/ ctrl+S/and pull it out and place it at group 3
and the alphabet can be whatever we want. ex:
X := ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"];
hope it can help you
enter code here [1]: