PineScript - zigzag trend change counter - counter

I've made an indicator that is similiar to zigzag. I want to write a formula that will count number of up trends or number of trend changes (from up to down and from down to up). I have problem with it, because my variable is still setting to 0. Could you help me to correct it?
study("ZigZag Poker", overlay=true)
trend = 0
trend := na(trend[1]) ? 1 : trend[1] //Beggining trend set to up
LL = 0.0
LL := na(LL[1]) ? low : LL[1] //LastLow
HH = 0.0
HH := na(HH[1]) ? high : HH[1] //LastHigh
LO = 0.0
LO := na(LO[1]) ? open : LO[1] //LastOpen
LC = 0.0
LC := na(LC[1]) ? close : LC[1] //LastClose
LOLO = 0.0
LOLO := na(LOLO[1]) ? low : LOLO[1] //LowestLow
HIHI = 0.0
HIHI := na(HIHI[1]) ? high : HIHI[1] //HighestHigh
zigzag = na
kolor = 0 //variable that counts number of trend changes
imp = input(true, "Alt imp")
kolor := imp == true ? 2 : 0
if (trend > 0) // trend is up, look for new swing low
if close >= min(LO, LC)
LC := close
LL := low
LO := open
LOLO := low
HIHI := high
zigzag := HIHI
trend := -1
HH := high
HIHI := high > HIHI ? high : HIHI
LC := close
LL := low
LO := open
LOLO := low
kolor := kolor[1] + 1
else // trend is down, look for new swing high
if close <= max(LO, LC)
HH := high
HIHI := high
LC := close
LL := low
LO := open
LOLO := low < LOLO ? low : LOLO
zigzag := LOLO
trend := 1
HH := high
LC := close
LL := low
LO := open
kolor: = kolor[1] + 1
plot(zigzag, color = trend < 0 ? blue : orange, linewidth=2, offset=-1)

I know it's too late to help the OP, but the error is in the line
kolor := imp == true ? 2 : 0, that always sets the value of kolor to 2 or 0, for all the candles that are in the current trend.
What is missing is copying the last kolor's value on every loop, so kolor[1] can have a valid counter.
Replacing that line with kolor := na(kolor[1])? 0: kolor[1] will do it.


How can i calculate the percent of full moon on a given date?

I need to find the percentage of a full moon on a given date, but i can not figure out how to calculate this. My attempt to do this is wrong, because the percent of to day is about 96.9%. Can anyone see what i'm doing wrong in my delphi-code.
procedure TfrmLag.btnCalcClick(Sender: TObject);
whatDate : TDateTime; // Now;
lunarDays : Double; // 29.53058770576
lunarSecs : LongInt; // lunarDays * (24*60*60);
new2000 : TDateTime; // 6.1 2000 18:14
totalSecs : LongInt; // whatDate - new2000
currSecs : LongInt; // totalSecs MOD lunarSecs
currFrac : Double; // currSecs / lunarSecs
currDays : LongInt; // currFrac * lunarDays
perOfFull : Double;
whatDate := Now;
lunarDays := 29.53058770576;
lunarSecs := Round(lunarDays * (24*60*60));
new2000 := EncodeDateTime(2000,1,6,18,14,00,000);
totalSecs := SecondsBetween(whatDate, new2000);
currSecs := totalSecs MOD lunarSecs;
currFrac := currSecs / lunarSecs;
currDays := Round(currFrac*lunarDays);
perOfFull := (100*currFrac);
lb.Items.Add('Date : '+FormatDateTime(' hh:mm:ss',whatDate));
lb.Items.Add('Lunar days : '+IntToStr(lunarSecs));
lb.Items.Add('First full 2000 : '+FormatDateTime(' hh:mm:ss',new2000));
lb.Items.Add('Total seconds : '+IntToStr(totalSecs));
lb.Items.Add('Current seconds : '+IntToStr(currSecs));
lb.Items.Add('Current fraction : '+FloatToStr(currFrac));
lb.Items.Add('Current days : '+IntToStr(currDays));
lb.items.Add('Percent of full : '+FloatToStr(perOfFull));
I suppose new2000 is the first new moon in the year 2000? If so then this code should calculate correctly.
If new2000 is the full moon, you only have to remove the -1 in the cos() function.
procedure Calculate();
MoonPeriod = 29.53058770576;
KnownNewMoon: TDateTime;
NowUTC: TDateTime;
DaysSinceLastNewMoon, NumberOfNewMoons, MoonPart: Extended;
KnownNewMoon := EncodeDateTime(2000,1,6,18,14,00,000);
NowUTC := TTimeZone.Local.ToUniversalTime(Now);
//How many moon periods (new moon -> full moon -> new moon) have passed
//since that known new moon date?
NumberOfNewMoons := (NowUTC - KnownNewMoon)/MoonPeriod;
DaysSinceLastNewMoon := Frac(NumberOfNewMoons)*MoonPeriod;
//The "moon part" is a sine/cosine function that starts at new moon with -0,
//reaches 1 at full moon and goes back to 0 at the next new moon.
//Starting at cos(-Pi) gives a -1 as "new moon value". Add 1 to set this to 0.
//Full moon is cos(0) gives 1. With the 1 added before, we have to divide by 2.
MoonPart := (cos((NumberOfNewMoons*2 - 1) * Pi) + 1)/2;
lb.items.Add('Number/amount of new moons: '+ FormatFloat('0.000000', NumberOfNewMoons));
lb.items.Add('Current moon part/position: '+ FormatFloat('0.000000', MoonPart));
lb.items.Add('Days since last new moon: '+ FormatFloat('0.000000', DaysSinceLastNewMoon));
This should give you the visible moon part in MoonPart and the days (incl. fraction) since the last new moon.

flowing lights in structured text

I am very new to structured text, so pardon my simple question.
I am using OpenPLC to create this simple program. I have been following the example from the link below to create flowing lights simple program with structured text. In this video, they used 5LEDs and controlled it with case statements.
However, my question is, if my program needs to turn on 100 lights, how should I change the code?
Should I use for loops? How?
Yes you can use for loops etc. to make the program more "dynamic".
Unfortunately most of the PLC's don't give you dynamic access to their digital outputs. This means that at the end you will have to write code that will translate the value from array (which you will be looping through) into digital outputs.
There are a few ways to do that. First let me show how you can create chasing light for up to 16.
iNumOfLights : INT := 6;
fbCounter : CTU := ;
fbTicker : BLINK := (ENABLE := TRUE, TIMELOW := T#100MS, TIMEHIGH := T#1S);
wOut: WORD;
fbCounter(CU := fbTicker.OUT, RESET := fbCounter.Q, PV := iNumOfLights);
wOut := SHL(2#0000_0000_0000_0001, fbCounter.CV);
A := wOut.0;
B := wOut.1;
C := wOut.2;
D := wOut.3;
E := wOut.4;
F := wOut.5;
G := wOut.6;
Or if you know output address you can do it directly to outputs.
iNumOfLights : INT := 6;
fbCounter : CTU := ;
fbTicker : BLINK := (ENABLE := TRUE, TIMELOW := T#100MS, TIMEHIGH := T#1S);
wOut AT %QB0.1: WORD;
fbCounter(CU := fbTicker.OUT, RESET := fbCounter.Q, PV := iNumOfLights);
wOut := SHL(2#0000_0000_0000_0001, fbCounter.CV);
You can also change type of chasing lights by something like.
IF fbCounter.CV = 0 THEN
wOut := 0;
wOut := wOut OR SHL(2#0000_0000_0000_0001, fbCounter.CV);
Now what is behind this. SHl operator will move 1 to the left on set number. For example SHL(2#0000_0000_0000_0001, 3) will result in 2#0000_0000_0000_1000. So we assign it to wOut and then access individual bits by wOut.[n].

Autohotkey Matrix (AHK)

At the moment I am working on AI in AHK.
Now I have the problem that I don't know how to deal with a matrix. See below an example matrix:
WeightLooper := 1
Loop %NumberOfWeightsLayerTotal%
Random, Weight_%WeightLooper%, -1.0, 1.0
WeightLooper := WeightLooper + 1
WEIGHTS_1 := Array([Weight_1, Weight_2, Weight_3, Weight_4], [Weight_5, Weight_6, Weight_7, Weight_8], [Weight_9, Weight_10, Weight_11, Weight_12])
rows := (LastFilledY - 1)
columns := (LastFilledX - 1)
Xas := 0
Yas := 0
Loop, % rows
Xas := 0
Yas := Yas + 1
row := []
Loop, % columns
Xas := Xas + 1
Now I have a matrix of 3x4. Suppose I want a matrix of 10x10, how do I do that? So basically I want to create a variable matrix.
I ask this because my input (csv file) can vary from 2x2 to 1000000x1000000.
I'd probably recommend pushing a new array into the array in a loop:
WEIGHTS_1 := []
rows := 5
columns := 7
Loop, % rows
row := []
Loop, % columns
Random, weight, -1.0, 1.0
Example output:
[[-0.678368, -0.768605, -0.274922, 0.049760, -0.133968, -0.876030, -0.235799]
,[-0.296078, 0.359816, -0.461632, 0.788800, -0.707147, -0.200223, -0.473914]
,[0.474090, 0.085090, 0.458321, -0.820574, 0.145089, 0.193249, 0.990545]
,[0.205461, 0.901953, -0.137901, 0.279726, 0.562361, -0.019861, -0.887540]
,[0.504811, -0.876628, -0.127397, 0.156817, 0.873983, 0.859992, -0.879222]]

Delay Timer in Structured Text

I have Just started working on PLC using Structured text, I have to store values in Array of Temperature variable after delay of 1 min every time but i am not able to do that.
FOR i := 0 TO 5 DO
Temp[i] := tempsensor;
This is kind a pseudo code.
I just need to bring in the delay in the loop that after every 1 min it could read the value and store it in the array location.
Even if there is any other way then I will really appreciate that.
Try this
Temp: ARRAY[0..10000] OF LREAL;
delayTimer: TON;
delayTimer(IN := not delayTimer.Q, PT := T#1m);
IF delayTimer.Q THEN
Temp[i] := tempsensor;
i := i + 1;
IF i > 10000 THEN
i := 0;
After 1 minute it will record 1 temperature value and index the array. If it reaches the end of the array it will start to write over at the beginning.
Once every minute you cycle through array and set values.
i: INT := 1; (* Cycle number *)
temp: ARRAY[1..5] OF REAL; (* Array of temperatures *)
ton1: TON; (* Timer *)
ton1(IN := NOT ton1.Q, PT := T#1m);
IF ton1.Q THEN
temp[i] := tempsensor;
IF i >= 5 THEN i := 1 ELSE i := i + 1 END_IF;

Display Serial Number as Roman letters in Crystal Reports

need to display serial no as roman letters(i,ii,iii,iv etc) in my crystal reports. I have the serial number captured as record number (1,2,3,4...).so what i have to do for it in crystal report.
Just use the Roman() function provided by Crystal Reports
I can't take much of the credit; I simply ported the code from this VB Helper article into Crystal, but it was a fun exercise:
NumberVar iCounter := 0;
Local StringVar ch := "";
Local NumberVar result := 0;
Local NumberVar new_value := 0;
Local NumberVar old_value := 0;
Local StringVar temp := "";
temp := UpperCase({?#Roman});
old_value = 1000;
For iCounter := 1 To Len(temp) do
// See what the next character is worth.
ch := Mid(temp, iCounter, 1);
if ch = "I" then new_value := 1
else if ch = "V" then new_value := 5
else if ch = "X" then new_value := 10
else if ch = "L" then new_value := 50
else if ch = "C" then new_value := 100
else if ch = "D" then new_value := 500
else if ch = "M" then new_value := 1000;
// See if this character is bigger
// than the previous one.
If new_value > old_value Then
// The new value > the previous one.
// Add this value to the result
// and subtract the previous one twice.
result := result + new_value - 2 * old_value
// The new value <= the previous one.
// Add it to the result.
result := result + new_value;
old_value := new_value;
// Format the number without commas or decimals
ToText(result, 0, "");
Simply replace my {?#Roman} parameter placeholder with your variable, and you're all set.
I tried to fix it [enter image description here][1]
specifically: at crystal report
TH1: Fomula fields/new/"nameabc"/enter/"Roman(GroupNumber)"/ ctrl+S/and pull it out
TH2: Fomula fields/new/"nameabc"/enter/
select GroupNumber
case 1 : " I"
case 2 : " II"
case 3 : " III"
case 4 : " IV"
case 5 : " V"
case 6 : " VI"
case 7 : " VII"
case 8 : "VIII"
case 9 : " IX"
case 10 : " X"
case 11 : " XI"
case 12 : " XII"
case 13 : "XIII"
case 14 : " XIV"
case 15 : " XV"
case 16 : " XVI"
case 17 : "XVII"
default : ""
/ ctrl+S/and pull it out
But it really doesn't help t so there will be this 3 case (t improved from link 2-3) it can apply to the 3rd or even 10th group of headings
TH3: ex: (you want to create a text message for group 3)
Formula fields/new/"nameabc"/enter/
/ ctrl+S/ drag it out and put it in heading group 2 and hide it (= right click/format field/common/ check Suppress/ok) you can go to link 3 to see
Formula fields/new/"nameabcd"/enter/
stringvar y;
STRINGVAR ARRAY X := ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K", "L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X ","Y","Z"];
if INTSTTGRTEST <= 26 then (
redim preserve X[INTSTTGRTEST];
/ ctrl+S/and pull it out and place it at group 3
and the alphabet can be whatever we want. ex:
X := ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"];
hope it can help you
enter code here [1]: