Does ABRecordGetRecordID changes value when something changed in contact info? - addressbook

I want to sync my custom address book with ABAddressBookRef and I am wandering if ABRecordGetRecordID is changing value when user changes something in contact info.

No, the recordID does not change when the user changes contact info. However, the recordID is not 'permanent'. It is not guaranteed to be consistent across devices, so it is possible for the recordID to change out from under you. This is covered in the Address Book Programming Guide in the Direct Interaction section


Is it possible to get the current user's address book record?

Assuming the user has granted permission for the app to access contacts, is there any way to determine which record belongs to the phone owner? For example if you browse the list of contacts on your phone, you will see a little "me" beside the record that is identified as the owner's record. So the phone clearly knows this, but is there any programmatic way to determine this? Or is that considered a privacy violation?
I know on a Mac you can use [[ABAddressBook sharedAddressBook] me]. For iOS, take a look at how Square's CardCase app does it.

is there an API call that gives you an iPhone user's "My Info" contact DB record?

So in the latest iOS (not sure about prior) there is a "My Info" setting that let's the user pick a ContactDB record on his device that is "his".
Is there an API call to get this value? I can query the user's entire ContactDB, but figuring out which contact DB is his isn't trivial.
There’s no public API that I know of to retrieve the user’s “me” card. Your best option is probably to present an ABPeoplePickerNavigationController asking the user to select it.
Also, I believe Bump had a setup step that asked for your contact info, and the moment you gave it your phone number (or email?) it looked up the contact card with the matching info and autofilled the rest of the form. A bit of a workaround, but it did the trick.

Best way to design functionality to automatically log users in who clicked on an email link

I have a hiking site and after a hike happens I generate an email to ask them how it was.
The current problem is that there is a low ratio of people signing in to tell about their hikes. So I want to log them in automatically when they click on the link. Since it will be from their email, I can rely that it is them, right? :)
I am thinking to have some GUID generated and if a person clicks through on the url that has the guid as a param, I can log them in.
Is that a good approach? Is there something better that can be done?
Should I create the GUID as I am generating their email? Or should I create the GUID right after they initially register for the hike?
I think the best way was to insert the guid whenever inserting the record that will be used later.
That way more things are inserted in one statement rather than updating that database record later.

Can i build an app that edits the conatct list on the iphone?

Hey everybody,
I want to create an app that handles some sort of recognition of another person in my area, and creates a new contact based on his info. regardless to how it is done, my question is more basic - can i, or maybe i should ask will Apple approve an application that edits the contact list in the IPhone?
The AddressBook framework allows access to a centralized contacts database, called the Address Book database, that stores a user’s contacts.
Yes of course you can edit the contact List from your application by using the address book API.

display email inbox?

is there an option that I could retrieve from my app the latest 10 email subjects from my ipad email inbox.
I would like to display the user his last 10 subjects in my new app.
Any Ideas if this is possible and how?
No, it's not. Apple doesn't allow access to most user data that's handled by the built-in native software, and even then generally not without the user explicitly giving the app access (such as in an address book picker).