Can i build an app that edits the conatct list on the iphone? - iphone

Hey everybody,
I want to create an app that handles some sort of recognition of another person in my area, and creates a new contact based on his info. regardless to how it is done, my question is more basic - can i, or maybe i should ask will Apple approve an application that edits the contact list in the IPhone?

The AddressBook framework allows access to a centralized contacts database, called the Address Book database, that stores a user’s contacts.

Yes of course you can edit the contact List from your application by using the address book API.


Is there a sample of displaying a BBM contact list using Cascades on BB10?

I have been struggling for a little while to get the contact list from a BBM connected app so that I can choose a contact to work with.
I am using the bb::platform::bbm::ContactService class, but whenever I call contacts() it comes back as null, even when the registration process is completed.
That method returns a list of contacts that have your application installed. There isn't a way for an application to read all of the user's BBM Contacts.
If you are looking to initiate a chat, you can use the invocation framework to do so and not specify a PIN. This will bring up the BBM contact picker - listing all BBM Contacts - for the user to select from.
Did you check to make sure your app has the right permissions? It should have access_pimdomain_contacts.

How to take a diff of app contacts against phoneBook or diff of 2 ABAdressBookRef's?

I have a contact book on my application and need to sync those contacts with server cum phonebook regularly.
Rather taking total phoneBook to update app's contacts, I am thinking of diff of changed contacts for which I didn't find a functionality in ABAddessBook API. Problem is that the contact objects in the app are of different type to contact objects that I get from phoneBook
via function ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople().
If I get difference of changed contacts efficiently, then I can just sync those contacts only.
Will that be possible?
Hey! I found that we can register to ABAdressBook change by ABAddressBookRegisterExternalChangeCallback, but is there a way to get diff of changed contacts?


I built an iphone app that syncs with the iphone address book.
with some users, the contact list has "linked contacts" or unified or merged contacts, they appear at the bottom. so some users have one person as the main contact and more linked contacts for the same/or other contact in the exchange server or mobileMe or whatever.
I tried running ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeopleInSource with kABSourceTypeLocal but it still returned duplicate contacts when encountering contacts with linked contacts
how can I make sure I sync only the main identify without duplicates ?
You can use a class with the singleton pattern.

display email inbox?

is there an option that I could retrieve from my app the latest 10 email subjects from my ipad email inbox.
I would like to display the user his last 10 subjects in my new app.
Any Ideas if this is possible and how?
No, it's not. Apple doesn't allow access to most user data that's handled by the built-in native software, and even then generally not without the user explicitly giving the app access (such as in an address book picker).

Retrieve SMS information based on user contact details

How can I make my iPhone application retrieve logs of previous SMSs, calls, etc.. based on a user contact?
I'm pretty sure that the API doesn't allow you to do that.