JMeter throughput drops when hitting Amazon ELB - rest

I am hosting a web application on Amazon's AWS Servers. I am currently in the process of load testing the application with JMeter. My main problem seems to be that when I go through an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) to hit the Amazon server's rather than hitting the servers directly - I seem to hit a cap in my throughput.
If I hit my web application directly - for each server I am able to achieve a throughput of 50 RPS per server.
If I hit my web application via Amazon's ELB - I am only able to achieve a max throughput of 50 RPS (total)
I was wondering if anyone else has experienced similar behavior when load testing using Jmeter via Amazon's ELB.
For more context my web application is a REST application which allows users to download content (~150 kb) via HTTP requests.
I am running Jmeter with the following flag "" and running it with 10 threads. I have tried running these tests with multiple clients on different machines.
Thanks for any help in advance.

Load balancers may be tricky to test as they may have different mechanisms of orchestrating traffic depending on origin. The most commonly used approach to distinguish origin of the request and redirect it to the same host, which served previous request is a cookie. You can look into HTTP Cookie Manager to correctly manipulate your cookies and make sure than you have different ones for each testing thread or thread group (depending on your use case). Another flaky area is origin host IP. You may require to bind each testing thread to different IP address in order to hit different servers behind the load balancer. There can be also some issues with DNS in regards to Amazon LBs. useful guide on how to test Amazon ELBs

Most probable cause would be DNS caching by jmeter. ELB returns IPs of additional servers depending on how autoscaling is set but JMeter does not use these additional servers. This problem can be solved by ensuring that Jmeter does not cache DNS results...
The ELB is a name, not IP, and can suffer from DNS caching. Make sure you use "" when starting JMeter

A really late response, and slightly different than the original question, but I hope this can help others as it took me a while to get it all straight. My original problem was not reduced throughput as a result of the ELB, but the introduction of HTTP 503 errors. Actually, the ELB increased my throughput as compared to querying the web application directly, though even with 1 hour tests, the results were sporadic to say the least.
First, the ELB has 2-staged load balancing going on. The first load balance is across the ELB's themselves. That's done by associating multiple IP addresses to the hostname provided by AWS for the ELB you provision. The second is then, of course, across your application instances behind the ELB.
Without trying to offend the SO gods, this is a really helpful article.
The most helpful information in there was to use the DNS Cache Manager module in JMeter. This will query multiple DNS servers, and wipe out your DNS cache.
I implemented that module and then setup Wireshark, filtering on the two IP addresses belonging to the ELB hostname and sure enough, it was querying both IP addresses, though clearly favored one over the other.
That didn't make a big difference, at least not over short tests.
The real difference (2-3 times more throughput) came when I tweaked the ELB health settings. I initially had a high error rate, however after reducing the unhealthy threshold and the interval between health checks, my error rates dropped dramatically.
Additionally, whereas all my other tests had been 60 - 90 minutes in duration, this one was 8 hours. I started out with decent throughput and it then quickly dropped (by about 2/3). After about 20 minutes or more, the throughput then started ticking back up and by the end of the test, it had sustained throughput of about 5 times what I was getting without the ELB (which was similar to what the throughput was when it dropped shortly after beginning this test).


Airflow too many DNS lookups for database

We have an Apache Airflow deployed over a K8s cluster in AWS. Airflow is running on containers but the EC2 instances themselves are reserved instances.
We are experiencing an issue where we see that Ariflow is making many DNS queries related to it's DB. When at rest (i.e. no DAGs are running) it's about 10 per second. When running several DAGs it can go up to 50 per second. This results in Route53 blocking us since we are hitting the packet limit for DNS queries (1024 packets per second).
Our DB is a Postgres RDS, and when switching it to a MySQL the issue remains.
The way we understand it, the DNS query starts at K8s coredns service, which tries several permutations of the FQDN and sends the requests to Route53 if it can't resolve it on it's own.
Any ideas, thoughts, or hints to explain Airflow's behavior or how to reduce the number of queries is most welcome.
After some digging we found we had several issues happening at the same time.
The first being that Airflow's scheduler was running about 2 times per second. Each time it created DB queries which resulted in several DNS queries. Changing that scheduling alleviated some of the issue.
Another issue we had is described here. It looks like coredns is configured to try some alternatives of the given domain if it has less than x number of . in the FQDN. There are 2 suggested fixes in that article. We followed them through and the number of DNS queries dropped.
we have been having this issue too.
wasn't the easiest to find as we had one box with lots of apps on it making 1000s of DNS queries requesting DNS resolution of our SQL server name.
i really wonder why Airflow doesnt just use the DNS cache like every other application

Advice on how to monitor (micro)services?

We are transitioning from building applications on monolith application servers, to more microservices oriented applications on Spring Boot. We will publish health information with SB Actuator through HTTP or JMX.
What are the options/best practices to monitor services, that will be around 30-50 in total? Thanks for your input!
Not knowing too much detail about your architecture and services, here are some suggestions that represent (a subset of) the strategies that have been proven in systems i've worked on in production. For this I am assuming you are using one container/VM per micro service:
If your services are stateless (as they should be :-) and you have redundancy (as you should have :-) then you set up your load balancer to call your /health on each instance and if the health check fails then the load balancer should take the instance out of rotation. Depending on how tolerant your system is, you can set up various rules that define failure instead of just a single failure (e.g. 3 consecutive, etc.)
On each instance run a Nagios agent that calls your health check (/health) on the localhost. If this fails, generate an alert that specifies which instance failed.
You also want to ensure that a higher level alert is generated if none of your instances are healthy for a given service. You might be able to set this up in your load balancer or you can set up a monitor process outside the load balancer that calls your service periodically and if it does not get any response (i.e. none of the instances are responding) then it should sound all alarms. Hopefully this condition is never triggered in production because you dealt with the other alarms.
Advanced: In a cloud environment you can connect the alarms with automatic scaling features. In that way, unhealthy instances are torn down and healthy ones are brought up automatically every time an instance of a service is deemed unhealthy by the monitoring system

LiveRebel Update Strategy

I am trying to utilize LiveRebel on my production environment. After most parts are configured I tried to perform update on my application from lets say version 1.1 to 1.3 as shown below
Does this mean that LiveRebel require two server installation on 2 physical IP addresses ? Can I have two server on 2 virtual IP addresses ?
Rolling restarts use request routing to achieve zero downtime for the users. Sessions are first drained by waiting for old sessions to expire and routing new ones to an identical application on another server. When all sessions are drained, application is updated, while the other server handles the requests.
So, as you can see, for zero downtime you need additional server to handle the requests while application is updated. Full restart doesn't have that requirement, but results in downtime for users.
As for the question about IPs, as long as the two server (virtual) machines can see each other , doesn't really make much difference.

How to make restfull service truely Highly Available with Hardware load balancer

When we have a cluster of machines behind a load balancer (lb), generally hardware load balancer have persistent connections,
Now when we need to deploy some update on all machines (rolling update), the way to do is by bringing one machine Out of rotation, looks for no request sent to that server via lb. When the app reached no request state then update manually.
With 70-80 servers in picture this becomes very painful.
Can someone have a better way of doing it.
70-80 servers is a very horizontally scaled implementation... good job! Better is a very relative term, hopefully one of these suggestions count as "better".
Implement an intelligent health check for the application with the ability to adjust the health check while the application is running. What we do is have the health check start failing while the application is running just fine. This allows the load balancer to automatically take the system out of rotation. Our stop scripts query the load balancer to make sure that it is out of rotation and then shuts down normally which allows the existing connections to drain.
Batch multiple groups of systems together. I am assuming that you have 70 servers to handle peak load. This means that you should be able to restart several at a time. A standard way to do this is to implement a simple token granting service with a maximum of 10 tokens. Have your shutdown scripts checkout a token before continuing.
Another way to do this is with blue/green deploys. That means that you have an entire second server farm and then once the second server farm is updated switch load balancing to point to the new server farm.
This is an alternate to option 3. Install both versions of the app on the same servers and then have an internal proxy service (like haproxy) switch the connections between the version of the app that is deployed. For example:
haproxy listening on 8080
app version 0.1 listening on 9001
app version 0.2 listening on 9002
Once you are happy with the deploy of app version 0.2 switch haproxy to send traffic to 9002. When you release version 0.3 then switch load balancing back to 9001 etc.

How to deploy Node.js in cloud for high availability using multi-core, reverse-proxy, and SSL

I have posted this to ServerFault, but the Node.js community seems tiny there, so I'm hoping this bring more exposure.
I have a Node.js (0.4.9) application and am researching how to best deploy and maintain it. I want to run it in the cloud (EC2 or RackSpace) with high availability. The app should run on HTTPS. I'll worry about East/West/EU full-failover later.
I have done a lot of reading about keep-alive (Upstart, Forever), multi-core utilities (Fugue, multi-node, Cluster), and proxy/load balancers (node-http-proxy, nginx, Varnish, and Pound). However, I am unsure how to combine the various utilities available to me.
I have this setup in mind and need to iron out some questions and get feedback.
Cluster is the most actively developed and seemingly popular multi-core utility for Node.js, so use that to run 1 node "cluster" per app server on non-privileged port (say 3000). Q1: Should Forever be used to keep the cluster alive or is that just redundant?
Use 1 nginx per app server running on port 80, simply reverse proxying to node on port 3000. Q2: Would node-http-proxy be more suitable for this task even though it doesn't gzip or server static files quickly?
Have minimum 2x servers as described above, with an independent server acting as a load balancer across these boxes. Use Pound listening 443 to terminate HTTPS and pass HTTP to Varnish which would round robin load balance across the IPs of servers above. Q3: Should nginx be used to do both instead? Q4: Should AWS or RackSpace load balancer be considered instead (the latter doesn't terminate HTTPS)
General Questions:
Do you see a need for (2) above at all?
Where is the best place to terminate HTTPS?
If WebSockets are needed in the future, what nginx substitutions would you make?
I'd really like to hear how people are setting up current production environments and which combination of tools they prefer. Much appreciated.
It's been several months since I asked this question and not a lot of answer flow. Both Samyak Bhuta and nponeccop had good suggestions, but I wanted to discuss the answers I've found to my questions.
Here is what I've settled on at this point for a production system, but further improvements are always being made. I hope it helps anyone in a similar scenario.
Use Cluster to spawn as many child processes as you desire to handle incoming requests on multi-core virtual or physical machines. This binds to a single port and makes maintenance easier. My rule of thumb is n - 1 Cluster workers. You don't need Forever on this, as Cluster respawns worker processes that die. To have resiliency even at the Cluster parent level, ensure that you use an Upstart script (or equivalent) to daemonize the Node.js application, and use Monit (or equivalent) to watch the PID of the Cluster parent and respawn it if it dies. You can try using the respawn feature of Upstart, but I prefer having Monit watching things, so rather than split responsibilities, I find it's best to let Monit handle the respawn as well.
Use 1 nginx per app server running on port 80, simply reverse proxying to your Cluster on whatever port you bound to in (1). node-http-proxy can be used, but nginx is more mature, more featureful, and faster at serving static files. Run nginx lean (don't log, don't gzip tiny files) to minimize it's overhead.
Have minimum 2x servers as described above in a minimum of 2 availability zones, and if in AWS, use an ELB that terminates HTTPS/SSL on port 443 and communicates on HTTP port 80 to the node.js app servers. ELBs are simple and, if you desire, make it somewhat easier to auto-scale. You could run multiple nginx either sharing an IP or round-robin balanced themselves by your DNS provider, but I found this overkill for now. At that point, you'd remove the nginx instance on each app server.
I have not needed WebSockets so nginx continues to be suitable and I'll revisit this issue when WebSockets come into the picture.
Feedback is welcome.
You should not bother serving static files quickly. If your load is small - node static file servers will do. If your load is big - it's better to use a CDN (Akamai, Limelight, CoralCDN).
Instead of forever you can use monit.
Instead of nginx you can use HAProxy. It is known to work well with websockets. Consider also proxying flash sockets as they are a good workaround until websocket support is ubiquitous (see
HAProxy has some support for HTTPS load balancing, but not termination. You can try to use stunnel for HTTPS termination, but I think it's too slow.
Round-robin load (or other statistical) balancing works pretty well in practice, so there's no need to know about other servers' load in most cases.
Consider also using ZeroMQ or RabbitMQ for communications between nodes.
This is an excellent thread! Thanks to everyone that contributed useful information.
I've been dealing with the same issues the past few months setting up the infrastructure for our startup.
As people mentioned previously, we wanted a Node environment with multi-core support + web sockets + vhosts
We ended up creating a hybrid between the native cluster module and http-proxy and called it Drone - of course it's open sourced:
We also released it as an AMI with Monit and Nginx
I found this thread researching how to add SSL support to Drone - tnx for recommending ELB but I wouldn't rely on a proprietary solution for something so crucial.
Instead I extended the default proxy to handle all the SSL requests. The configuration is minimal while the SSL requests are converted to plain http - but I guess that's preferable when you're passing traffic between ports...
Feel free to look into it and let me know if it fits your needs. All feedback welcomed.
I have seen AWS load balancer to load balance and termination + http-node-proxy for reverse proxy, if you want to run multiple service per box + cluster.js for mulicore support and process level failover doing extremely well.
forever.js on cluster.js could be good option for extreme care you want to take in terms of failover but that's hardly needed.