Advice on how to monitor (micro)services? - service

We are transitioning from building applications on monolith application servers, to more microservices oriented applications on Spring Boot. We will publish health information with SB Actuator through HTTP or JMX.
What are the options/best practices to monitor services, that will be around 30-50 in total? Thanks for your input!

Not knowing too much detail about your architecture and services, here are some suggestions that represent (a subset of) the strategies that have been proven in systems i've worked on in production. For this I am assuming you are using one container/VM per micro service:
If your services are stateless (as they should be :-) and you have redundancy (as you should have :-) then you set up your load balancer to call your /health on each instance and if the health check fails then the load balancer should take the instance out of rotation. Depending on how tolerant your system is, you can set up various rules that define failure instead of just a single failure (e.g. 3 consecutive, etc.)
On each instance run a Nagios agent that calls your health check (/health) on the localhost. If this fails, generate an alert that specifies which instance failed.
You also want to ensure that a higher level alert is generated if none of your instances are healthy for a given service. You might be able to set this up in your load balancer or you can set up a monitor process outside the load balancer that calls your service periodically and if it does not get any response (i.e. none of the instances are responding) then it should sound all alarms. Hopefully this condition is never triggered in production because you dealt with the other alarms.
Advanced: In a cloud environment you can connect the alarms with automatic scaling features. In that way, unhealthy instances are torn down and healthy ones are brought up automatically every time an instance of a service is deemed unhealthy by the monitoring system


General guidelines to self-organized task allocation within a Microservice

I have some general problems/questions regarding self managed Microservices (in Kubernetes).
The Situation:
I have a provider (Discord API) for my desired state, which tells me the count (or multiples of the count) of sharded connections (websocket -> stateful in some way) I should establish with the provider.
Currently a have a "monolithic" microservice (it can't be deployed in an autoscaling service and has to be stateful), which determines the count of connections i should have and a factor based on the currently active pods, that can establish a connection to this API.
It further (by heartbeating and updating the connection target of all those pods) manages the state of every pod and achieves this target configuration.
It also handles the case of a pod being removed from the service and a change of target configuration, by rolling out the updated target and only after updating the target discontinuing the old connections.
The Cons:
This does not in any way resemble a good microservice architecture
A failure of the manager (even when persisting the current state in a cache or db of some sort) results in the target of the target provider not being achieved and maybe one of the pods having a failure without graceful handling of the manager
The Pros:
Its "easy" to understand and maintain a centrally managed system
There is no case (assuming a running manager system) where a pod can fail and it wont be handled -> connection resumed on another pod
My Plan:
I would like this websocket connection pods to manage themselves in some way.
Theoretically there has to be a way in which a "swarm" (swarm here is just a descriptive word for pods within a service) can determine a swarm wide accepted target.
The tasks to achieve this target (or change of target) should then be allocated across the swarm by the swarm itself.
Every failure of a member of the swarm has to be recognized, and the now unhandled tasks (in my case websocket connections) have to be resumed on different members of the swarm.
Also updates of the target have to be rolled out across the swarm in a distinct manner, retaining the tasks for the old target till all tasks for the new target are handled.
My ideas so far:
As a general syncing point a cache like redis or a db like mongodb could be used.
Here the current target (and the old target, for creating earlier mentioned smooth target changes) could be stored, along with all tasks that have to be handled to achieve this desired target.
This should be relatively easy to set up and also a "voting process" for the current target could be possible - if even necessary (every swarm member checks the current target of the target provider and the target that is determined by most of the swarm members is set as the vote outcome).
But now we face the problem already mentioned in the pros for the managed system, I currently cant think of a way the failure of a swarm member can be recognized and managed by the swarm consistently.
How should a failure be determined without a constant exchange between swarm members, which i think should be avoided because of the:
swarms should operate entirely target driven and interact with each other as litte as possible
kubernetes itself isn't really designed to have easy intra service communication
Every contribution, idea or further question here helps.
My tech stack would be but isn't limited to:
Java with Micronaut for the application
Grpc as the only exchange protocol
Kubernetes as the orchestrator
Since you're on the JVM, you could use Akka Cluster to take care of failure detection between the pods (even in Kubernetes, though there's some care needed with service meshes to exempt the pod-to-pod communications from being routed through the mesh) and use (as one of many possibilities for this) Distributed Data's implementations of CRDTs to distribute state (in this case the target) among the pods.
This wouldn't require you to use Akka HTTP or Akka's gRPC implementations, so you could still use Micronaut for external interactions. It would effectively create a stateful self-organizing service which presents to Kubernetes as a regular stateless service.
If for some reason Akka isn't appealing, looking through the code and docs for its failure detection (phi-accrual) might provide some ideas for implementing a failure detector using (e.g.) periodic updates to a DB.
Disclaimer: I am employed by Lightbend, which provides commercial support for Akka and employs or has employed at some point most of the contributors to and maintainers of Akka.

Blocking a Service Fabric service shutdown externally

I'm going to write a quick little SF service to report endpoints from a service to a load balancer. That part is easy and well understood. FabricClient. Find Services. Discover endpoints. Do stuff with load balancer API.
But I'd like to be able to deal with a graceful drain and shutdown situation. Basically, catch and block the shutdown of a SF service until after my app has had a chance to drain connections to it from the pool.
There's no API I can find to accomplish this. But I kinda bet one of the services would let me do this. Resource manager. Cluster manager. Whatever.
Is anybody familiar with how to pull this off?
From what I know this isn't possible in a way you've described.
Service Fabric service can be shutdown by multiple reasons: re-balancing, errors, outage, upgrade etc. Depending on the type of service (stateful or stateless) they have slightly different shutdown routine (see more) but in general if the service replica is shutdown gracefully then OnCloseAsync method is invoked. Inside this method replica can perform a safe cleanup. There is also a second case - when replica is forcibly terminated. Then OnAbort method is called and there are no clear statements in documentation about guarantees you have inside OnAbort method.
Going back to your case I can suggest the following pattern:
When replica is going to shutdown inside OnCloseAsync or OnAbort it calls lbservice and reports that it is going to shutdown.
The lbservice the reconfigure load balancer to exclude this replica from request processing.
replica completes all already processing requests and shutdown.
Please note that you would need to implement startup mechanism too i.e. when replica is started then it reports to lbservice that it is active now.
In a mean time I like to notice that Service Fabric already implements this mechanics. Here is an example of how API Management can be used with Service Fabric and here is an example of how Reverse Proxy can be used to access Service Fabric services from the outside.
EDIT 2018-10-08
In order to abstract receive notifications about services endpoints changes in general you can try to use FabricClient.ServiceManagementClient.ServiceNotificationFilterMatched Event.
There is a similar situation solved in this question.

Service Fabric Strategies for Bi-Directional Communication with External Devices

My company is interested in using a stand-alone Service Fabric cluster to manage communications with robots. In our scenario, each robot would host its own rosbridge server, and our Service Fabric application would maintain WebSocket clients to each robot. I envision a stateful service partitioned along device ids which opens connections on startup. It should monitor connection health via heartbeats, pass messages from the robots to some protocol gateway service, and listen to other services for messages to pass to the robots.
I have not seen discussion of this style of external communications in the Service Fabric documentation - I cannot tell if this is because:
There are no special considerations for managing WebSockets (or any two-way network protocol) this way from Service Fabric. I've seen no discussion of restrictions and see no reason, conceptually, why I can't do this. I originally thought replication would be problematic (duplicate messages?), but since only one replica can be primary at any time this appears to be a non-issue.
Service Fabric is not well-suited to bi-directional communication with external devices
I would appreciate some guidance on whether this architecture is feasible. If not, discussion on why it won't work will be helpful. General discussion of limitations around bi-directional communication between Service Fabric services and external devices is welcome. I would prefer if we could keep discussion to stand-alone clusters - we have no plans to use Azure services at this time.
Any particular reason you want SF to host the client and not the other way around?
Doing the way you suggest, I think you will face big challenges to make SF find these devices on your network and keep track of them, for example, Firewall, IPs, NAT, planned maintenance, failures, connection issues, unless you are planning to do it by hand.
From the brief description I saw in the docs your provided about rosbridge server, I could understand that you have to host it on a Server(like you would with a service fabric service) and your devices would connect to it, in this case, your devices would have installed the ROS to make this communication.
Regarding your concerns about the communication, service fabric services are just executable programs you would normally run on your local machine, if it works there will likely work on service fabric environment on premise, the only extra care you have to worry is the external access to the cluster(if in azure or network configurations) and service discovery.
In my point of view, you should use SF as the central point of communication, and each device would connect to SF services.
The other approach would be using Azure IoT Hub to bridge the communication between both. There is a nice Iot Hub + Service Fabric Sample that might be suitable for your needs.
Because you want to avoid Azure, you could in this case replace IoT Hub with another messaging platform or implement the rosbridge in your service to handle the calls.
I hope I understood everything right.
About the obstacles:
I think the major issue here is that bi-directional connection can be established between service replica and the robot.
This has two major problems:
Only primary replica has write access - i.e. only one replica would be able to modify state. This issue hence could be mitigated by creating a separate partition for each robot (but please remember that you can't change partition count after the service was created) or by creating a separate service instance for each robot (this would allow you to dynamically add or remove robots but would require additional logic related to service discoverability).
The replica can be shutdown (terminated), moved to another node (shutdown and start of new replica) or even demoted (the primary replica get's demoted to secondary and another secondary replica get's promoted to primary) by various reasons. So the service code and robot communication code should be able to handle this.
About WebSockets
This looks possible by implementing custom ICommunicationListener and other things using WebSockets.

Is my RabbitMQ cluster Active Active or Active Passive?

I have created a cluster consists of three RabbitMQ nodes using join_cluster command.
rabbitmqctl –n rabbit2#MYPC1 join_cluster rabbit2#MYPC1
(currently the cluster runs on a single computer)
In the documents it says there is one implemetation for active passive and one for active active.
What did I configure?
How do I know?
How can it be changed?
Is there a big performance trade off between Active Active & Active Passive?
What is the best practice to interact with active/active?
i.e. install a load balancer? apache that will round robin
What is the best practice to interact with active/passive?
if I interact with only the active - this is a single point f failure
I have been doing some research into availability options with RabbitMQ and while I am still fairly new, I'll attempt to answer your questions with the knowledge I do have. Please understand that these answers are not intended to be comprehensive.
Before getting to the questions and answers, I think it's worth pointing out that I think using the terms Active/Active and Active/Passive in the context of a cluster running on a single computer does not really apply. Active/Active and Active/Passive are typically terms used to describe highly available clusters where you have a system of more than one logical server (in your case, multiple RabbitMQ clusters), shared/redundant storage, network capabilities, power, etc.
What did I configure?
Without any load balancing for the nodes in your cluster or queue mirroring you have neither, meaning you do not have a highly available cluster.
How do I know?
RabbitMQ does not provide any connection management so traffic with a failed node will not automatically be passed on to a different node, which is required for an active/active cluster. Without queue mirroring you do not have fully redundant nodes in your cluster, which is required for active/passive.
How can it be changed?
Even if you implement load balancing and/or queue mirroring you are missing a number of requirements to offer a highly-available RabbitMQ cluster. Primarily, with a RabbitMQ cluster you only have a single logical broker (at least two are required for an HA cluster).
Is there a big performance trade off between Active Active & Active Passive?
I think you will start seeing performance penalties as you start introducing data replication and/or redundancy, which would affect both Active/Active and Active/Passive. If you are using synchronous data replication then you will see a bigger performance hit than if you replicate data asynchronously. There's a lot more to it, but to me this feels like there may be a bigger performance hit by using Active/Active but this depends heavily on how fast all of the pieces are working together. In Active/Passive where you may be using asynchronous replication across servers your performance may appear better but in a failover situation you would need to wait for that replication to complete before you can switch to your secondary server.
What is the best practice to interact with active/active? i.e. install a load balancer? apache that will round robin
RabbitMQ recommends using a load balancer so that you do not have to leak details about the nodes in your cluster to the clients.
What is the best practice to interact with active/passive? if I interact with only the active - this is a single point of failure
It is a point of failure but with Active/Passive you can implement a failure strategy to retry the next available server or all remaining servers. With these strategies in place you can establish a scenario where the capabilities of your cluster are merely degraded while a failover is happening instead of totally unavailable. Also, you can interact with the passive side but the types of interactions may be very different (i.e. read-only access) since there may be fewer resources available on the passive side and there may be delays in data replication.
Here are some references used to gather this information:
High-Availability Cluster on Wikipedia
Clustering with RabbitMQ
Highly Available Queues in a RabbitMQ Cluster
High Availability in RabbitMQ

How to make restfull service truely Highly Available with Hardware load balancer

When we have a cluster of machines behind a load balancer (lb), generally hardware load balancer have persistent connections,
Now when we need to deploy some update on all machines (rolling update), the way to do is by bringing one machine Out of rotation, looks for no request sent to that server via lb. When the app reached no request state then update manually.
With 70-80 servers in picture this becomes very painful.
Can someone have a better way of doing it.
70-80 servers is a very horizontally scaled implementation... good job! Better is a very relative term, hopefully one of these suggestions count as "better".
Implement an intelligent health check for the application with the ability to adjust the health check while the application is running. What we do is have the health check start failing while the application is running just fine. This allows the load balancer to automatically take the system out of rotation. Our stop scripts query the load balancer to make sure that it is out of rotation and then shuts down normally which allows the existing connections to drain.
Batch multiple groups of systems together. I am assuming that you have 70 servers to handle peak load. This means that you should be able to restart several at a time. A standard way to do this is to implement a simple token granting service with a maximum of 10 tokens. Have your shutdown scripts checkout a token before continuing.
Another way to do this is with blue/green deploys. That means that you have an entire second server farm and then once the second server farm is updated switch load balancing to point to the new server farm.
This is an alternate to option 3. Install both versions of the app on the same servers and then have an internal proxy service (like haproxy) switch the connections between the version of the app that is deployed. For example:
haproxy listening on 8080
app version 0.1 listening on 9001
app version 0.2 listening on 9002
Once you are happy with the deploy of app version 0.2 switch haproxy to send traffic to 9002. When you release version 0.3 then switch load balancing back to 9001 etc.