Converting more yuv frames to one yuv frame - yuv

I have some number of images in yuv format which are all part of one sequence I captured. Now I want to make video by converting them to mpg4 file. But before doing that I need somehow to make one yuv file from all of those yuv frames that I have. I have heard that it's possible, but couldn't find anything on Internet.
Does anyone knows how to do that? Apparently there is a Windows command for such thing...

YUV-video (or more correctly YCbCr) is just a concatenation of all frames into a single file.
On linux (bash) I'd do like this:
Sometimes a simple
cat *.yuv > movie.yuv
work, but you might run into problems with the number-sorting order. I.e
you might end up with something like this:
To solve this, loop over the indexes like this:
for i in {0..299}; do
cat frame$i.yuv >> movie.yuv
On windows you can use the type command:
type file1 file2 > file3
copy also works:
copy /b file1+file2 destfile


ImageMagick: How to batch append 4 parts of images into one (2 rows, 2 columns) (I have 500+ images that need to be combined like this)

I am using ImageMagick-7.0.10-Q16 on Windows 10. I’ve tried Googling for answers, but I’m still left very confused about how to do this. Most of the answers have been for UNIX and not Windows, I have no idea what it means, or given me errors. I don’t have any experience with coding or Windows PowerShell, so forgive my slowness
I have scanned pages of books that have been split into four pieces of jpg files. The images are named after the page number and the orientation of the corresponding piece. BL=Bottom left. BR=Bottom right. TR=Top right. TL=Top left. (BM=Bottom pieces merged. TB=Top pieces merged). So “BL0001.jpg" is the bottomleft piece of page 1. I’m not mentioning their sizes because I don’t want them to be resized or whatever. I just want them to be combined via append like a puzzle like this:
Combined jpg pieces.
The borders and the text-boxes there are just to demonstrate, and are not to be included
So the files are for example like this:
And so on...
This was the last thing I’ve tried in Windows PowerShell:
magick convert B*0001.jpg +append 0001BM.jpg
magick convert T*0001.jpg +append 0001TM.jpg
magick convert 0001*.jpg +swap -append 0001merged.jpg
This combines 4 parts into one image just like I want it to. I found out adding * works like a wildcard and merges all the images like BR and TR together in one go. But I can’t do that for the page number (in this case ‘0001’ in ‘B*0001.jpg’), because that would merge all the files in the folder into the same image, something I don’t want. So what I want to figure out is to how to “batch” run this command for with a sequential numbering system for the different pages. In other words, use a command to batch combine pieces of an image into one image, but with all the scanned pages in jpg in the folder. I know the commands above create addition files with the merged top and bottom parts before the final merge, but I don’t know how to make this command otherwise. I'm willing to try other commands/things too
Using ImageMagick v7 in a simple Windows BAT script you could do something like this...
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /l %%n in ( 1 1 9999 ) do (
set V1=000%%n
set V1=!V1:~-4!
magick *!V1!.jpg +append -crop 2x1# +swap -append +repage !V1!merged.jpg
exit /b
That uses a "for" loop to read all four "*0001.jpg" images at a time into an ImageMagick command. The "set V1=" lines are to make sure the variables have the correct number of leading zeros.
The IM command appends, crops, and appends the four images into the properly ordered output, and writes the image as "0001merged.jpg". Then it moves on to process "*0002.jpg" and so on.
I put a top limit on the number of image sets to process with that "9999" in the "for" command to work with the number of leading zeros. Make sure that number is the same or more than the number of image sets you have. It will just print an error for each loop after it goes over the number of image sets, but no harm done.
Note: Using ImageMagick v7 you should just use "magick" because when you use "magick convert" it emulates IMv6 behavior. You probably won't usually want that.

Is there any way to convert to Gromacs files (top and gro), if not then to or to CHARMM files (psf and pdb)?

I have a and I need to convert it to Gromacs files (gro and top) to run my simulations.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Another choice is to convert from lammps to charmm files (psf and pdb). Once I get the charmm files I can just use Topotools to get the gromacs files I need.
Indeed, NOW I am trying to do the same myself.
So far, you can use intermol , this should work fine to convert LAMMPS data files to Gromacs files. Once you install intermol, and you ceate a path to the intermol converter, you can use a command like:
python2.7 $conv/ --lmp_in --gromacs -v
CHECK the format of your data file, I still having problemst to convert it.
If you wish to create the psf file,
you would need VMD (google it), then open the tcl terminal and write :
topo readlammpsdata full
animate write psf topology.psf
The 1st line is for loading yur LAMMPS data file, if you are in the folder where
that files is located
2nd convert the data to psf CHARMM
Also, you could try this. In this paper, they provide a tood to conver
CHARMM topologies to gromacs here. Thus, you convert to psf, then to gro top.

How to rename partly the downloaded file using wget?

I'd like to download many files (about 10000) from ftp-server. Names of the files are too long. I'd like to save them only with the date in names. For example: I prefer to be
Is it possible?
I am not sure if wget provides similar functionality, nevertheless with curl, one can profit from the relatively rich syntax it provides in order to specify the URL of interest. For example:
curl \
"[53-54].{mp3,mp4}" \
-o "file_#1.#2"
will download files 53.mp3, 53.mp4, 54.mp3, 54.mp4. The output file is specified as file_#1.#2 - here, #1 is replaced by curl with the value of the sequence [53-54] corresponding to the file being downloaded. Similarly, #2 is replace with either mp3 or mp4. Thus, e.g., 53.mp3 will be saved as file_53.mp3.
ewcz's answer works fine if you can enumerate the file names as shown in the post. However, if the filenames are difficult to enumerate, for example, because the integers are sparsely populated, this solution would result in a lot of 404 Not Found requests.
If this is the case, then it is probably better to download all the files recursively, as you have shown, and rename them afterwards. If the file names follow a fixed pattern, you can select the substring from the original name and use it as the new name. In the given example, the new file names start at position 5 and are 8 characters long. The following bash command renames all *.nc files in the current directory.
for f in *.nc; do mv "$f" "${f:5:8}.nc" ; done
If the filenames do not follow a fix pattern and might vary in length, you can use more complex pattern substitution using sed, see SO post for an example.

MATLAB - Stitch Together Multiple Files

I am new to MATLAB programming and some of the syntax escapes me. So I need a little help. Plus I need some complex looping ideas.
Here's the breakdown of what I have:
12 seperate .dat files, each titled something like output_1_x.dat, output_2_x.dat, etc.
each file is actually one piece of a whole that was seperated and processed
each .dat file is approx. 3.9 GB
Here's what I need to do:
create a single file containing all the data from each seperate file, i.e. I need to recreate the original file.
call this complete output file something like output_final.dat
it has to be done in MATLAB, there are no other alternatives (actually there maybe; see note below)
What is implied:
I will have to fread each 3.9 GBfile into chunks or packets, probably 100 mb at a time (using an imbedded loop?)
these packets will have to be read then written sequentially
after one file is read then written into output_final.dat, the next file is automatically read & written (the master loop).
Well, that's pretty much it. I did a search for 'merging mulitple files' and found this. That isn't exactly what I need to do...I don't need to take part of a file, or data from files, and write it to a new one. I'm simply...concatenating...? This would be simple in Java or Perl, but I only have MATLAB as a tool.
Note: I am however running KDE in OpenSUSE on a pretty powerful box. Maybe someone who is also an expert in terminal knows a command/script to do this from the kernel?
So on this site we usually would point you to but this question is well phrased.
I wont write the code but i will give you how I would do it. So first I am a bit confused about why you need to fread the file. Are you just appending one file onto the end of another?
You can actually use unix commands to achieve what you want:
files = dir('*.dat');
for i = 1:length(files)
string = sprintf('cat %s >> output_final.dat.temp', files(i).name);
That code should loop through all the files and pipe all of the content into output_final.dat.temp (then just rename it, we didn't want it to be included in anything);
But if you really want to use fread because you want to parse the lines in some manner then you can use the same process:
files = dir('*.dat');
fidF = fopen('output_final.dat', 'w');
for i = 1:length(files)
fid = fopen(files(i).name);
string = fgetl(fid) %You may choose to parse the string in some manner here
fprintf(fidF, '%s', string)
Just remember, if you are not parsing the lines this will take much much longer.
Hope this helps.
I suggest using a objects on two of the files:
matObj1 = matfile('datafile1.mat')
matObj2 = matfile('datafile2.mat')
This does not load any data into memory. Then you can use the objects' methods to sequentialy save a variable from one file to another.
matObj1.varName = matObj2.varName
You can get all the variables in one file with fieldnames(mathObj1) and loop through to copy contents from one file to another. You can then clear some space by removing the copied fields. Or you can use a bit more risky procedure by directly moving the data:
matObj1.varName = rmfield(matObj2,'varName')
Just a disclaimer: haven't tried it, use at own risk.

Gnuplot incremental filename using macro

I need to plot points out of my c++ application.
So I simply save my points to a points.txt
and then run system("gnuplot 'plotmakro'");
which contains:
set output 'plot.png' set terminal png
set grid set multiplot
plot pointsa.txt' ', 'pointb.txt'
Is there a solution so that I get plot2.png, plot3.png when running the makro again?
As far as I understand your problem two possible solutions come to my mind:
sed the output of your gnuplot script to another location before running gnuplot with the newly created script or
output the png to some arbitrary file like tmp_plot.png and change the file name after gnuplot is done to your liking.
However, with both suggestions I somehow feel that there is a nicer and cleaner solution to your problem. Maybe you want to think about your interface between your application an gnuplot...
