I'am preparing for a competitive exam and i have an operating system question.
I'am not getting how to solve it. please help me out.
A program took 160 seconds to execute on a single processor but only 64 seconds on a
4 core multicore. What is the best estimate for the execution time on a 64 core machine?
I don't think this is strictly relevant to programming (you might find this more relevant on the Math StackExchange but I'll attempt to answer it anyway.
The answer will depend entirely on how you model execution time vs number of cores. You could model the execution time as inversely proportional to the number of cores. For example, I used the following model:
Where t is time in seconds and n is number of cores, c (could represent overhead) and k (a factor) are constants.
Solve simultaneously
to get k = 128 and c = 32.
Then just substitute n = 64
So, you get 34 seconds according to this model. Of course, since you don't know the exact model, this can only be a calculated guess.
This question already has answers here:
latency vs throughput in intel intrinsics
(1 answer)
What considerations go into predicting latency for operations on modern superscalar processors and how can I calculate them by hand?
(1 answer)
How many CPU cycles are needed for each assembly instruction?
(5 answers)
Closed 10 days ago.
I understand that the term Cycle Per Instruction closely relates to the superscalarity of the processor, a term which I have not fully understood. According to Wikipedia, "...a superscalar processor can execute more than one instruction during a clock cycle by simultaneously dispatching multiple instructions to different execution units on the processor". In the same article, there is a hint that superscalarity is not necessarily related to instruction pipelining, a concept with which I'm fairly familiar.
Now, let's get concrete by taking the example of _mm256_shuffle_ps, which, according to https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/docs/intrinsics-guide/index.html#avxnewtechs=AVX,AVX2,FMA, has a CPI of 0.5 for the Alder Lake micro-architecture.
Can I assume that there are exactly 2 identical execution units which execute _mm256_shuffle_ps in all Alder Lake chips?
How can a programmer know which separate instructions involve the same executions units?
If there are different numbers of execution units for different instructions (such as _mm256_shuffle_ps), how does the statement "X is a 4-way superscalar processor" make sense, seeing as no one number could describe the distinct multiplicities of each execution unit?
Thanks in advance for the transfer of knowledge.
Superscalar is usually a term you'd apply to CPU's of old, e.g. the original pentium. Back in those days, you'd have two seperate pipes, the U (primary) and V (secondary) pipe, which would allow you to potentially dispatch two instructions at the same time (i.e. it had 2 execution units). It was effectively a way of getting slightly better performance from an in-order processor core (although that came with caveats - e.g. pipeline bubbles could be an issue)
These days processors tend to use Out of Order Execution (OOOE) backed by a larger number of execution units. Alder Lake CPU's have 12 execution units, however those execution units tend to be specialised to some extent - e.g. load/store, pointer arithmetic, SIMD FPU units, etc. That's why you won't see 12 execution units capable of performing a shuffle. It can dispatch 12 micro-ops per cycle, but those ops can't all be the same instruction.
Can I assume that there are exactly 2 identical execution units which execute _mm256_shuffle_ps in all Alder Lake chips?
No, you can't assume that. You can assume that there are two execution units which are capable of executing _mm256_shuffle_ps, but that doesn't mean those two units are identical. For example, we can see there are 3 execution units that can work on 256bit YMM registers, and we can see from the instruction timings that all 3 can perform _mm_add_epi32. However, only 2 can perform _mm_shuffle_ps, and only 1 can perform _mm_div_ps, so they are clearly not the same....
How can a programmer know which separate instructions involve the same executions units?
Unless the manufacturer explicitly states the capabilities of each execution port (sometimes you'll find that info in the technical manual for the CPU), you're pretty much limited to making educated guesses (e.g. the Apple M1)
If there are different numbers of execution units for different instructions (such as _mm256_shuffle_ps), how does the statement "X is a 4-way superscalar processor" make sense, seeing as no one number could describe the distinct multiplicities of each execution unit?
Modern Intel processors are not superscalar, therefore describing them as such makes no sense at all.
Alder Lake is able to dispatch 12 instructions per clock, using Out-Of-Order-Execution. The types of instruction the execution units can handle, is typically geared up to cover a range of common cases. For example, consider this code:
void func(float* r, float* a, float* b) {
// basic integer ops: increment and less-than
for(int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
// 2 address manipulation instructions
float* addr_a = a + i * 4;
float* addr_b = b + i * 4;
// 2 load instructions
__m128 A = _mm_load_ps(addr_a);
__m128 B = _mm_load_ps(addr_b);
// an addition
__m128 R = _mm_add_ps(A, B);
// another address manipulation op
float* addr_r = r + i * 4;
// a store instruction
_mm_store_ps(addr_r, R);
Providing 12 execution units that are all capable of executing an _mm_add_ps instruction doesn't really make any sense. It makes more sense to balance the number of SIMD execution units with all those other common tasks (e.g. address manipulation, looping, etc).
I am writing a matlab code, which does some operations on a large matrix. First I create three 3D array
dw2 = 0.001;
W2 = [0:dw2:1];
dp = 0.001;
P1 = [dp:dp:1];
dI = 0.001;
I = [1:-dI:0];
[II,p1,ww2] = ndgrid(I,P1,W2);
Then my code basically does the following
G = [0:0.1:10]
Y = zeros(length(G),1)
for i = 1:1:length(G)
g = G(i);
Y(i) = myfunction(II,p1,ww2,g)
This code roughly takes about 100s, with each iteration being nearly 10s.
However, after I start parfor
ProcessPool with properties:
Connected: true
NumWorkers: 48
Cluster: local
AttachedFiles: {}
AutoAddClientPath: true
IdleTimeout: 30 minutes (30 minutes remaining)
SpmdEnabled: true
Then it is like running forever. The maximum number of workers is 48. I've also tried 2, 5, 10. All of these are slower than non-parallel computing. Is that because matlab copied II,p1,ww2 48 times and that causes the problem? Also myfunction involves a lot of vectorization. I have already optimized the myfunction. Will that lead to slow performance of parfor? Is there a way to utilize (some of) the 48 workers to speed up the code? Any comments are highly appreciated. I need to run millions of cases. So I really hope that I can utilize the 48 workers in some way.
It seems that you have large data, and a lot of cores. It is likely that you simply run out of memory, which is why things get so slow.
I would suggest that you set up your workers to be threads, not separate processes.
You can do this with parpool('threads'). Your code must conform to some limitations, not all code can be run this way, see here.
In thread-based parallelism, you have shared memory (arrays are not copied). In process-based parallelism, you have 48 copies of MATLAB running on your computer at the same time, each needing their own copy of your data. That latter system was originally designed to work on a compute cluster, and was later retrofitted to work on a single machine with two or four cores. I don’t think it was ever meant for 48 cores.
If you cannot use threads with your code, configured your parallel pool to have fewer workers. For example parpool('local',8).
For more information, see this documentation page.
I have a fairly large scale optimization problem although the problem itself is fairly simple. It is just quadratic + linear objective, with linear constraints. So the problem is solvable with cplexqp. The scale of the problem is around 1300 variables, but I need to solve ~200 independent problems.
If I just loop over 200 times and call cplexqp as usual, it takes about 16 minutes to solve all the problems. I considered using parallel computing, so I changed the loop to parfor, and it now takes around 14 minutes. I would have thought we would get much bigger speedup factor, considering that we have 12 cores and 12 workers.
I made sure that the parallel worker is already initialized (so MATLAB does not have to spend time initializing them). I also verified that all 12 worker threads were active in task manager, and they all were using non trivial amount of CPU each.
My question is: do you think cplexqp has a locking mechanism, as in it can't be called with more than one problem at a given time (from different threads?) What if I have different MATLAB processes? (For example I can save the inputs to a file, and start up several MATLAB sessions to consume the file and each session would know which index of problems to solve).
16 minutes is not bad, but we may need to do this several times a day (with potentially different inputs), so I was wondering if we can speed up the process even more.
The problem is that by default CPLEX will use all cores on your machine to solve one problem. So if you attempt to solve multiple problems in parallel then you are heavily oversubscribing the CPUs. This is likely to result in an overall slowdown.
So you should carefully select how many models you solve in parallel and how many cores you allow for each solve. If you use parfor then you should use the Cplex.Param.threads parameter to limit he number of cores for a single solve, or alternatively, select the simplex algorithm to solve your QPs.
Whether this whole parallelization gives you an overall speedup depends on how much slowdown you will observe for the individual models by limiting the thread counts.
Say I have a super long polynomial of multiple variables. far too long to display on-screen, or print out, so collect http://www.maplesoft.com/support/help/Maple/view.aspx?path=collect is unlikely to help. I would like to tell maple to display only terms that contain a specific variable to one select power. I am sure there must be a simple way to do this. And no, I haven't looked into this extensively. feel free to just provide a link to the answer, if it already exists online.
If you care about speed -- perhaps because you need to do similar queries for other powers, of possibly other variables -- then consider using the coeff command. Eg, for polynomial f, the terms with x^2 could be obtained with the command,
For a trivariate dense polynomial of about 1000000 terms as in the following example, the coeff command is several hundred times faster in Maple 16 and 17 than is the has command approach as shown below.
nops(f); # number of terms
sol1:=CodeTools:-Usage( select(has,f,x^2) ):
memory used=105.36MiB, alloc change=58.22MiB, cpu time=842.00ms, real time=843.00ms
sol2:=CodeTools:-Usage( x^2*coeff(f,x,2) ):
memory used=156.84KiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=0ns, real time=4.00ms
# Check that the timing difference was not just due to the order in which
# the two approaches were done, by a simple repeat.
CodeTools:-Usage( select(has,f,x^2) ):
memory used=105.30MiB, alloc change=23.11MiB, cpu time=733.00ms, real time=691.00ms
CodeTools:-Usage( x^2*coeff(f,x,2) ):
memory used=156.81KiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=0ns, real time=3.00ms
That was all done in Maple 17 64bit on Windows 7, and timings are pretty similar in Maple 16. This is in stark contrast to Maple 15 and earlier, where the coeff approach is about 3 times slower than that has approach. Those improvements relate to major work done in handling polynomial structures in Maple 16 and 17. See here and here.
Let's say that you want to see all terms of polynomial poly with x^2. Then do select(has, poly, x^2);
Can someone help me with this example please and show me how to work the second part?
the question is :
If one third of a weather prediction algorithm is inherently serial and the remainder
parallelizable, what is the minimum number of cores needed to guarantee a 150% speedup over a
single core implementation?
ii. Your boss revises the figure to 200%. What is your new answer?
Thanks very much in advance !!
Guess: If the algorithm is 1/3 serial and 2/3 parallel...I would think that each core you added would give you a 66% increase in performance...So for 150% increase, you'd need 3 more cores, and for a 200% increase, you'd need 4.
This is a guess. Your textbook might be more helpful :)
If the algorithm runs on a single core and takes 90 minutes then 30 minutes is for the serial part and 60 minutes for the parallel part.
Add a CPU:
30 is for the serial part and 30 for the parallel part(half of the 60 overlaps with the serial part).
90 / 60 = 150% increase.
I am a bit late, but here are the answers:
1) 150% increase -> 2 cores at least required as dbasnett said;
2) 200% increase -> 4 cores at least required basing on the Amahld's law:
Here, 90 minutes overall required to perform the calculation. P is the actually enhanced part of the algorithm (the parallelizable part) which is 2/3 of 90, N is the number of cores, so when there's a core only:
You get 1, which means 100%, which is how the algorithm performs the standard way (without multi-core acceleration and therefore no parallelization speedup).
Now, we must find N number of cores for which the previous equation equals 2, where 2 means that the algorithm performs in half time (45 minutes instead of 90 when there's no parallelization) and therefore with a 200% speedup:
We see that:
So with 4 cores computing in parallel the 2/3 of the algoritm you get 200% speedup. The same goes for 150%, you will get 2, as dbasnett already told you.
Pretty simple.
Note that a complex algorithm may imply further divisions of its parallelizable parts (and in theory you can have a different number of processing units per parallelizable part concurrently):
You can further look at Wikipedia (there's also an example):
Anyway, the principle is the same:
Let T be the time an algorithm needs to execute in order to complete, A be the serial part of it, B its parallelizable part and N the number of parallel CPUs, you can divide B in further small sections and perform calculations on each part:
You may for C, D, G e.g. adopt M CPUs instead of N (the speedup will of course differ if M != N).
And at the end, you will arrive at a point when having more CPUs doesn't matter anymore, since:
And your algorithm speedup will at most tend to total execution time (T) divided by the execution time of the Serial part only (A).
Therefore parallel calculation comes really handy only when you have low execution time for the serial part of your algorithm.