During Enthought Canopy install, canopy.exe fails to run to setup environment on Windows 7 - enthought

I have a 64bit Win 7, installed the 64 bit canopy.
The first part installs fine, but if I try to launch canopy to set up the environment from the start menu (or from the desktop icon or "C:\Program Files\Enthought\Canopy\App\Canopy.exe" which is where they point) absolutely nothing happens.
This seems to be the same problem that has been reported a few times before:
Canopy Does not Start on Windows 7 despite successful installation
Install 32 bit Canopy on Win 7, 32-bit machine fails
Enthought canopy not running
but none of these questions have been resolved. What they all have in common is that they relate to Windows 7.
These questions are followed up by a request for the log:
However there are no logs, there isn't even a
C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Enthought directory.
However I have found that if I go into:
C:\Program Files\Enthought\Canopy\App\appdata\canopy-
and run the copy of Canopy.exe in there it allows me to setup the environment and run canopy from within this subdirectory (the desktop and start menu links still fail) . This also creates the
C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Enthought directory and logs.
BUT I am worried if I do this I will cause problems for myself further down the line. Can someone tell me why the canopy.exe linked to in my start menu isn't working?
I do have a previous installation of WinPython 2.7 in

Existing PYTHONHOME and/or PYTHONPATH environment variables may be interfering with Canopy startup. For details, please see:

Thanks for the report and pointers, Susie. No, you have not created any problem for yourself.
To help us get to the bottom of this, could you be so kind as to answer these questions?:
1) What is the full Target of the non-working shortcut? (Right Click / Properties / Shortcut tab / Target)
2) Can you start Canopy by running this?:
C:\Program Files\Enthought\Canopy\App\Canopy.exe
3) In the light of your previous Python installation, what go you see if you type “PATH” at a command prompt?

1) What is the full Target of the non-working shortcut? (Right Click / Properties / Shortcut tab / Target)
The non-working shortcut target is the filepath you give below:
C:\Program Files\Enthought\Canopy\App\Canopy.exe
2) Can you start Canopy by running this?:
C:\Program Files\Enthought\Canopy\App\Canopy.exe
No. I get about a half second of the spinning 'working' icon on my mouse pointer then stops.
If I run it from the command line it skips straight back out to the next line.
3) In the light of your previous Python installation, what go you see if you type “PATH” at a command prompt?
C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP\bin\x86_64;
C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP\bin\x86;
C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.6.7-Q16;
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;
C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static;
C:\Program Files\Broadcom\Broadcom 802.11 Network Adapter\Driver;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;
C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\;
C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\syswow64;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin;
C:\Program Files\MPICH2\bin;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Backburner\;
C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\;
C:\Program Files\OpenNI\Bin64;


Unable to find the TF executable while adding tfs to VSCode

I am adding TFS to Visual Studio Code IDE(1.42.0) for that I have installed Azure Repos extension.
In VS code at File-->Preference-->Setting-->Tfvc:Location, when I am entering path C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\tf.exe.
Getting error
(team) Unable to find the TF executable. Please ensure TF is installed
and the path specified contains the filename.
How can I solve this issue?
Edit 1: After installing Azure Repos extension, I am entering above path in tfvc:Location(for both tabs User and Workspace), but after entering path nothing happens. Check below screenshot
Edit2: Now I am getting this error at right below in VS code IDE
Since you have not got any help yet. I will take a shot. Any chance there is a issue with finding the executable and casing for the extension? My local TF is capitilized. \TF.exe
Also might want to checkout the Github and readme for TFVC.
Make sure you have installed VS on your computer. With a typical installation of Visual Studio, the Windows version of the TFVC command line client (tf.exe) is available under the Program Files (x86) folder. It will typically be placed in a location similar to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\TF.exe. On the 2017 version of Visual Studio Community, it can be found in a location similar to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\TF.exe.
I found a .vscode folder in my project
delete it, close and reopen vscode solved the problem

CFlint in Visual Studio Code: There was a problem with CFLint. spawn java.exe ENOENT

I'm trying to run CFLint in VSCode on Windows 10, but keep getting the following error:
There was a problem with CFLint. spawn java.exe ENOENT
What I tried so far:
Set the "JAVA_HOME" environment variable to the sdk Folder of my
Lucee installation (it's the only installed jdk on this machine)
Added %JAVA_HOME%\bin to my "PATH" variable
I did this for system and user variables in all combinations (only user, only system, both)
Tried the cflint.javaPath property in VSCode's settings.json (with and without /bin)
So far nothing helped. The environment variables seem to work fine, if I run javac -version from the command line, the version number is displayed (1.8.0_172).
Could this be a problem with Lucee's/Tomcat's jdk? Or maybe a Windows 10-Issue?
Have you tried to provide the path to the executable file - not only the path to the JAVA installation like
"cflint.javaPath": "D:\\JAVA\\jdk11.0.6_10\\bin\\java.exe"

Launching VSCode from terminal keeps posting state updates

I like to navigate to my working dir via GitBash and upon launching VSCode via
code .
the terminal locks up in the process and I have to launch another GitBash to execute my commands. I am having troubles figuring out why its behaving like this since its happening only on 1 out of 3 machines I'm using. Google is so far no luck.
How can I change this to the default behavior I'm used to? On the other two machines it just launches VSCode in the directory where I am at and prompts to a new line to accept further cli commands.
Set State updates VSCode img
Finally found the problem, the issue was in the PATH environment variable. It pointed to Code.exe in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code
it is supposed to point to
C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\bin

Netbeans 8.2 installer fails on Windows 7

java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "C:\Program Files\NetBeans
8.2\bin\netbeans.exe" (in directory "C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2"):
CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specifiedat
I tried downloading and installing netbeans and the JDK bundle and still getting this. Might be netbeans independent but my system that's causing it.
Note the location of the installer.
Open a Command Prompt running as administrator:
2.1. Go to Start button > All Programs > Accessories
2.2. Right click Command Prompt
2.3. Select Run as administrator
In the Command Prompt use the cd command to change to the directory containing the installer.
Execute the following command to extract the contents of the installer: [Note: You might need to change the name of the installer to match the one you have.]
netbeans-8.2-ml-java-windows.exe --extract
Execute the following command to manually execute the installer:
java -jar bundle.jar
You will see rapid scrolling output in the Command Prompt window for a few moments, then the installer window will appear to begin the installation process.
Once Netbeans is installed on Windows 7, you may also need to run Netbeans as an Administrator--especially for database, web application and web services development, which each require server resources.

Matconvnet error cl.exe not found

I have installed MatConvNet from VLFeat and I am trying to compile it. But as I am trying to run vl_compilenn it shows the following error:
Warning: CL.EXE not found in PATH. Trying to guess out of mex setup.
> In vl_compilenn>check_clpath (line 580)
In vl_compilenn (line 413)
'cl.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Error using vl_compilenn>check_clpath (line 591)
Unable to find cl.exe
Error in vl_compilenn (line 413)
check_clpath(); % check whether cl.exe in path
install visual studio community edition ( it's the free edition ) (minwg compiler will not work)
go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
search for cl.exe
take the one appropriate for your computer architecture and copy it to the folder containing the matconvnet installation
run mex -setup c++ and set it to visual studio
and you're good to go
I have added the directory with cl.exe to my system PATH variable (you need to restart Matlab after that operation) and the compilation succeeded. The check_clpath() function was unable to find proper location of cl.exe, because it was trying to find executable in directory which does not exsist:
cl_path =
'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\bin\amd64'
after adding the cl.exe dir to PATH variable, in my case:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\bin\Hostx64\x64
the compilation succeeded.
Matlab accepts Professional Version of Visual Studio Compiler as I found out in one of the posts on MatLab forums.
The following is an easier solution,
addpath(fullfile('C:', 'Program Files (x86)', 'Microsoft Visual Studio', '2017', 'Professional', 'VC', 'Tools', 'MSVC', '14.16.27023', 'bin', 'Hostx64', 'x64'));
Matlab Post for reference:
This worked for me
install community visual studio 2019 professional from
move to the directory where the installer placed visual studio. In my case
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional
locate the cl.exe appropriate to your host and target architecture (there are four combinations x86/x64). In my case x64/x64 resulted in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.27.29110\bin\Hostx64\x64
place the path in the environmental variable in your system
within matlab, move to CF2-master\external\matconvnet\matlab and execute vl_compilenn
Unfortunately MatConvNet does not support MinGW compiler in the current version. On Windows, you need to install Microsoft Visual Studio. Nowdays you can download the community edition for free, e.g. here.
One of the reasons why MatConvNet does not support MinGW is that on windows it uses the GDI+ library to speed up reading image files. You can try to compile it using:
vl_compilenn('EnableImreadJpeg', false)
cl.exe is a C++ compiler.
This message means that the program cannot find this file on your computer (either because it is actually not there, or because you did not indicate its location.)
If you actually have a C++ compiler and work with Windows, go to the properties of your PC -> advanced settings -> Environment Variables (Sorry if the names are not accurate, my computer is in French but should be something similar...).
Here you will have a field called PATH with most probably some paths already set. Modify it by adding the path of you C++ compiler (the folder containing cl.exe) and reboot your computer (your change is not taken into account otherwise).
I do not know how to do for other OS...
Otherwise, you need to download a C++ compiler. Visual Studio is free and has one.