Autofac: Open generics and base interfaces - autofac

Given the following interfaces and classes, is there a way in Autofac to
Register a Provider<T> for all classes that have a ProviderAttribute, with T being the type of such a class (Think registering open generics and resolving them with Autofac's MakeGenericType())
Inject these registered providers as, drum roll, IEnumerable<IProviderBase> into the constructor of other classes
public class ProviderAttribute : Attribute { }
public interface IProviderBase
Type Type { get; }
public interface IProvider<T> : IProviderBase
DoSomething(T t);
public class Provider<T> : IProvider<T>
public Type Type
get { return typeof (T); }
public DoSomething(T t)

I have come up with a crude solution:
var types = GetProviderTypes();
foreach (var type in types)
var t = typeof (Provider<>).MakeGenericType(type);


Autofac: registering hierarchy of classes

I am struggling to register with Autofac a hierarchy of classes and interfaces.
I have an interface IMyService defined as below:
public interface IMyService
void DoMyService();
And I have two abstract classes with implement this interface and called MyServiceA, and MyServiceB:
public abstract class MyServiceA : IMyService
public abstract DoMyService();
public abstract class MyServiceB : IMyService
public abstract DoMyService();
Moreover I have a second-level hierarchy for each of the two aforementioned services: MyServiceA1, MyServiceA2, MyServiceB1 and MyServiceB2:
public class MyServiceA1 : MyServiceA
public MyServiceA1() : base() {}
public void DoMyService()
// Implementation goes here
public class MyServiceA2 : MyServiceA
public MyServiceA2() : base() {}
public void DoMyService()
// Implementation goes here
public class MyServiceB1 : MyServiceB
public MyServiceB1() : base() {}
public void DoMyService()
// Implementation goes here
public class MyServiceB2 : MyServiceB
public MyServiceB2() : base() {}
public void DoMyService()
// Implementation goes here
I have in input two enums FirstEnum and SecondEnum used to select which of the four concrete types to instantiate:
public enum FirstEnum
public enum SecondEnum
I want to register IMyService and by providing two enums, It will automatically instantiate the good concrete type.
For instance, if I want to resolve an IMyService and I provide FirstEnum.SvcB and SecondEnum.Svc2, it should instantiate the concrete type MyServiceB2 class. Moreover this hierarchy might be updated by adding some other concrete types etc, so I need a generic way of doing it
Does anyone have a clue to help me?
If you want to create a specific service dynamically depending on a set of parameters, this is a good use case for an abstract factory:
public interface IMyServiceFactory
IMyService Create(FirstEnum e1, SecondEnum e2);
public class MyServiceFactory : IMyServiceFactory
private readonly ILifetimeScope scope;
public MyServiceFactory(ILifetimeScope scope)
if (scope == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("scope");
this.scope = scope;
public IMyService Create(FirstEnum e1, SecondEnum e2)
if (e1 == FirstEnum.SvcA)
if (e2 == SecondEnum.Svc1)
return scope.Resolve<MyServiceA1>();
else //svc2
return scope.Resolve<MyServiceA2>();
else //B
if (e2 == SecondEnum.Svc1)
return scope.Resolve<MyServiceB1>();
else //svc2
return scope.Resolve<MyServiceB2>();
And now your consumer need to get the factory injected instead of the service:
public class MyServiceConsumer
private readonly IMyServiceFactory factory;
public MyServiceConsumer(IMyServiceFactory factory)
this.factory = factory;
public void Do()
//var service = this.factory.Create
Registration :
Autofac.ContainerBuilder builder = new Autofac.ContainerBuilder();
//and quick test resolve
var container = builder.Build();
var test = container.Resolve<MyServiceConsumer>();

Why is use of specifc enum invalid in generic method with enum as the type

Why does this line of code (context below)
if (spellEnum == Spell.Fireball) return "Fire ball";
produce the error:
'Spell' is a type parameter, which is not valid in the given context
public abstract class DataSet : ScriptableObject
public abstract string DisplayName<T>(T arg) where T : Enum;
public enum Spell { Fireball, Icestorm, MagicMissile };
public class SpellDataSet : DataSet
public override string DisplayName<Spell>(Spell spellEnum)
if (spellEnum == Spell.Fireball) return "Fire ball";
return "Other spell";
public class DataLibrary
void main()
SpellDataSet spellDataSet = new SpellDataSet();
strint test = spellDataSet.DisplayName(Spell.Fireball);
I want a generic way to access data about various types (spells, items, characters), with data about specific kinds of that type (Spell1, Spell2, etc) accessed via that type's respective enum (Spell), and a universal method (defined in abstract class) across all types will produce the user-friendly name (DisplayName).
I still don't understand why the original code produces an error, but I have achieved what I wanted via making the abstract class generic, rather than only the DisplayName method. Code that works:
public abstract class DataSet<T> : ScriptableObject where T: Enum
public abstract string DisplayName(T arg);
public enum Spell { Fireball, Icestorm, MagicMissile };
public class SpellDataSet : DataSet<Spell>
public override string DisplayName(Spell spellEnum)
if (spellEnum == Spell.Fireball) return "Fire ball";
return "Other spell";
public class DataLibrary
void main()
SpellDataSet spellDataSet = new SpellDataSet();
string test = spellDataSet.DisplayName(Spell.Fireball);

Autofac - One interface, multiple implementations

Single interface: IDoSomething {...}
Two classes implement that interface:
ClassA : IDoSomething {...}
ClassB : IDoSomething {...}
One class uses any of those classes.
public class DummyClass(IDoSomething doSomething) {...}
code without Autofac:
IDoSomething myProperty;
if (type == "A")
myProperty = new DummyClass (new ClassA());
myProperty = new DummyClass (new ClassB());
Is it possible to implement something like that using Autofac?
Thanks in advance,
What you are looking for is, as I remember, the Strategy Pattern. You may have N implementations of a single interface. As long you register them all, Autofac or any other DI framework should provide them all.
One of the options would be to create a declaration of the property with private setter or only getter inside Interface then implement that property in each of the class. In the class where you need to select the correct implementation, the constructor should have the parameter IEnumerable<ICommon>.
Autofac or any other DI frameworks should inject all possible implementation. After that, you could spin foreach and search for the desired property.
It may look something like this.
public interface ICommon{
string Identifier{get;}
void commonAction();
public class A: ICommon{
public string Identifier { get{return "ClassA";} }
public void commonAction()
public class A: ICommon{
public string Identifier { get{return "ClassB";} }
public void commonAction()
public class Action{
private IEnumerable<ICommon> _common;
public Action(IEnumerable<ICommon> common){
_common = common;
public void SelectorMethod(){
foreach(var classes in _common){
if(classes.Identifier == "ClassA"){

Access members of inner class from the outer class - TypeScript

I'm trying to group some members of a class in TypeScript. Consider the following class:
export class MyClass {
private member: string = 'foo';
public getFoo(): string {
return this.member;
// Helper
_doSomething() { console.log(this.member); }
What I basically want to do is to wrap _doSomething with a namespace (let's call the namespace helpers) so inside getFoo() I can call this.helpers._doSomething().
Of course, this is super easy to do in Javascript since we can define an object as a member and define the helper functions inside the object.
In TypeScript, I almost got the same effect through class expressions:
export class MyClass {
private member: string = 'foo';
public getFoo(): string {
return this.member;
private helpers = class {
// To have access to the parent's members
constructor(private parent: MyClass) { }
public _doSomething() { console.log(this.parent.member); }
The only problem is that the MyClass can't have access to helpers class members.
How do I get access to the inner class members from the outer class?
Is there a better way to achieve the namespace helpers?
Any help would be appreciated.
Using the accepted answer achieves the goal:
export class MyClass {
private member: string = 'foo';
public getFoo(): string {
return this.member;
private helpers = new (class {
// To have access to the parent's members
constructor(private parent: MyClass) { }
public _doSomething() { console.log(this.parent.member); }
You just defined the class, to have access to the non-static members you have to new it up. You can do this inline like so :
export class MyClass {
private member: string = 'foo';
public getFoo(): string {
return this.member;
private helpers = new (class {
// To have access to the parent's members
constructor(private parent: MyClass) { }
public _doSomething() { console.log(this.parent.member); }
Or if you want to have multiple instances of the helper class you can new it up as needed:
public getFoo(): string {
let h = new this.helpers(this);
let h1 = new this.helpers(this);
return this.member;
You can achieve a similar effect by using the merging of a class and a namespace, the problem is you will not have access to private members, while your solution requires this:
export class MyClass {
// Must be public for access from helper
public member: string = 'foo';
public getFoo(): string {
let h = new MyClass.helpers(this);
return this.member;
export namespace MyClass {
// must be exported to be accesible from the class
export class helpers {
// To have access to the parent's members
constructor(private parent: MyClass) { }
public _doSomething() { console.log(this.parent.member); }

resolve all given the Type

From the Autofac documentation I can see how to get all registrations for a class T:
public T[] ResolveAll<T>()
return _container.Resolve<IEnumerable<T>>().ToArray();
But when I only have the Type available, how can I get the equivalent results?
public Array ResolveAll(Type service)
return _container.Resolve( ???
I am trying to implement a wrapper class which has a pre-defined interface.
For quick reference, the answer from Matthew Watson (with relevant ideas from David L) is:
public Array ResolveAll(Type service)
var typeToResolve = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(service);
return _container.Resolve(typeToResolve) as Array;
Here is an example. I've added asserts to prove that the types returned from ResolveAll<T>(this IContainer self) are the same (and in the same order) as those returned from ResolveAll(this IContainer self, Type type):
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Autofac;
using Autofac.Core;
namespace AutofacTrial
public abstract class Base
public abstract string Name { get; }
public override string ToString()
return Name;
public sealed class Derived1: Base
public override string Name
return "Derived1";
public sealed class Derived2: Base
public override string Name
return "Derived2";
public sealed class Derived3: Base
public override string Name
return "Derived3";
static class Program
static void Main()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
var array1 = container.ResolveAll(typeof(Base));
var array2 = container.ResolveAll<Base>();
Trace.Assert(array1.Length == 3);
Trace.Assert(array2.Length == 3);
for (int i = 0; i < array1.Length; ++i)
Trace.Assert(array1[i].GetType() == array2[i].GetType());
public static T[] ResolveAll<T>(this IContainer self)
return self.Resolve<IEnumerable<T>>().ToArray();
public static object[] ResolveAll(this IContainer self, Type type)
Type enumerableOfType = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(type);
return (object[]) self.ResolveService(new TypedService(enumerableOfType));
The underling implementation is the same
I also used Reflector to look at the implementation of Resolve<IEnumerable<T>>(), and it winds up doing this:
public static TService Resolve<TService>(this IComponentContext context, IEnumerable<Parameter> parameters)
return (TService) context.Resolve(typeof(TService), parameters);
which calls:
public static object Resolve(this IComponentContext context, Type serviceType, IEnumerable<Parameter> parameters)
return context.ResolveService(new TypedService(serviceType), parameters);
So the two must be equivalent, since they are implemented that way.
You can invoke _container.Resolve by calling your wrapped method via reflection (MSDN), but in doing so you will lose your compile-time type safety.
public class Container
public T[] ResolveAll<T>()
return _container.Resolve<IEnumerable<T>>().ToArray();
public object ResolveAllGeneric(Type t)
MethodInfo method = GetType().GetMethod("ResolveAll")
.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { t });
return method.Invoke(this, new object[] { });