applescript word searching revisions - ms-word

I am trying to organize the revisions in a Word document. I am obviously missing something pretty basic, as I can't get very far.
The following script
tell application "Microsoft Word"
set activeDoc to active document
set revCount to count of revisions of activeDoc
set aRev to first item of revisions of activeDoc
set auth to author of aRev
set when to date value of aRev
end tell
generates the following:
tell application "Microsoft Word"
get active document
--> active document
count every revision of active document
--> 1275
get item 1 of every revision of active document
--> current application
error "The variable aRev is not defined." number -2753 from "aRev"
The error occurs on the "set auth" reference. I have tried various items in the list with the same result. I also noticed from the dictionary that text ranges can contain revisions, but even with a range spanning the entire document I get zero from a count of revisions from it.

Either of the following should fix the immediate problem:
set aRev to first revision of activeDoc
set theRevs to the revisions of activeDoc
set aRev to the first item of theRevs
(I thought that the following should work, but right now I have forgotten why not)
set aRev to the first item of (revisions of activeDoc)


How can I delete a document's headers with AppleScript

When I tried to delete Document 1's headers.
tell application "Microsoft Word"
set headers to get story range document 1 story type primary header story
delete headers
end tell
I got a problem "Microsoft Word got an error: Can’t get document "Document1"." number -1728 from document "Document1"
I open a document, and set a header.So the document 1 exist.When I tried this code.
tell application "Microsoft Word"
set headers to get story range document 1 story type primary header story
get content of headers
end tell
It's all right.And get the header's text content.
I think, you should avoid creating variable headers, which is reserved word (property). Test following snippet yourself, because I don't use Microsoft Word at all.
tell application "Microsoft Word"
tell (story range document 1 story type primary header story)
delete its headers
end tell
end tell

Applescript to delete contacts from list

I accidentally added about 600 contacts to my Mac addressbook from a friend's iPhone I synced to my Mac a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately I dont have a backup of my contacts and now they are all synced with my iPhone and iCloud.
I was able to export all the unwanted contacts as ".vcf" files from my friends phone so I have about 600 files like "John Doe.vcf" and also a plain text list of just the contact names.
Ideally I would like a script that matches the data inside the VCF file to make sure I'm deleteing the right contact.
Idea #2 would be to delete the contacts that matches the name in list, skipping the searches that return two or more results (that way I dont lose my own contacts with same name as my friend's)
I started by attempint to delete a single contact using the following applescript but with no luck. Please help!
set daName to "John Doe"
tell application "Contacts"
repeat with onePerson in people
if (value of name of onePerson) is daName then
delete onePerson
end if
end repeat
end tell
Here is the final code I used to perform the task. I added a loop at the top that cycles through the list of names copied in the clipboard. I also added the name of the duplicated contact in the dialog box so I could take note of it.
Make a backup of all your contacts before running the script.
If you want to see the number of contacts "magically" decreasing
while running the script, scroll down to the of your contacts in
your address book and you'll see the totla amount of contacts
set the clipboard to (the clipboard as text)
set the_strings to the clipboard
repeat with this_string in paragraphs of the_strings
set daName to this_string
end repeat
on DeleteContact(theName)
tell application "Contacts"
set myList to every person whose name is theName
set Nb to count of myList
if Nb = 0 then return -- no record found
if Nb > 1 then
display dialog theName & " (too many found: do nothing)"
set myperson to item 1 of myList -- only 1 found to be deleted
delete myperson
end if
end tell
end DeleteContact
The script bellow contains sub-routine which check name and delete. I added some comments to make it easier to adapt for your need :you can build a loop looking for your card and calling the DeleteContact sub-routine.
set daName to "John Doe"
on DeleteContact(theName)
tell application "Contacts"
set myList to every person whose name is theName
set Nb to count of myList
if Nb = 0 then return -- no record found
if Nb > 1 then
display dialog "too many found: do nothing"
set myperson to item 1 of myList -- only 1 found to be deleted
delete myperson
end if
end tell
end DeleteContact
In case same name exist in multiple contact, I display a dialog, but up to you to decide what to do here.
This is a script I had and it may address your problem although you never said what the problem was.
tell application "Contacts"
local results,dlist,dloop
set results to {}
set dlist to people whose (first name contains "Oxnard" or (last name is equal to "Abercrombe"))
repeat with dloop in dlist
delete dloop
end repeat
set end of results to "Records deleted :" & count of dlist
return results
end tell
Note that the Contacts dictionary does define a name property however it will be based on preference settings.

** No sls-discount record is available. (91)

sls-discount i sthe database name
*/Good day. I have another problem in regards again to value change of a specific browse.
my code for Add Button:
ASSIGN mode = 3.
sls-discount.dsc-amount:READ-ONLY IN BROWSE BROWSE-13 = NO
sls-discount.dsc-discount:READ-ONLY IN BROWSE BROWSE-13 = NO
sls-discount.log:READ-ONLY IN BROWSE BROWSE-13 = NO.
IF BROWSE-13:num-iterations ne 0 then
BROWSE BROWSE-13:INSERT-ROW("BEFORE"). /*will cause value-change in browse*/
APPLY 'entry' TO sls-discount.dsc-discount IN BROWSE BROWSE-13.
RUN disp-enable.
my code for browse-13:
ASSIGN xpromo-no = {&FIRST-TABLE-IN-QUERY-BROWSE-13}.promo-no
mdlrid = {&FIRST-TABLE-IN-QUERY-BROWSE-13}.record-id.
OPEN QUERY BROWSE-16 FOR EACH sls.sls-disccount-model WHERE = xpromo-no
AND sls.sls-disccount-model.record-id = mdlrid NO-LOCK,
EACH sls.sls-model WHERE = NO-LOCK.
if I uncomment the entire value-change in a browse, it will display the message "** No DBName record is available. (91)" when clicking the add button. but if commented/removed, it will not display the message.
hope you can help me again .. Thanks
You've doubtless run into the infamous "partial field auto-completion" feature / bug. What that means is - if you cite a variable with no local definition for it, the Progress compiler will search all the available tables for a field that starts with the same sequence of letters and use that instead.
What the error is telling you is that the compiler associated a field with something in the "DBName" table, and when the code tries to access that variable, the DBName buffer isn't in scope - which is understandable since accessing it wasn't your intention.
My guess is that you've mis-specified a BROWSE construct. Looking at your first set of constructs, you've got two different forms:
sls-discount.dsc-amount:READ-ONLY IN BROWSE BROWSE-13 = NO
I'll bet one of these is wrong, and the compiler is associating the illegal "browse" citation with a field in DBName that starts with "Browse".
If you compile the code to an XREF file, it'll tell you which variable it's trying to associate with the DBName table. Correct that, and you'll be good to go.
I figure out what the problem on the code.. on click of Add button, the row inside browse-13 was arrange because of the {&OPEN-QUERY-BROWSE-13}. after that, because of BROWSE BROWSE-13:SELECT-FOCUSED-ROW(), it focused on the TOP date on browse and last, BROWSE BROWSE-13:INSERT-ROW("BEFORE"), created a blank data row at the very top. thus triggering value-changed of browse-13. on my value-changed on browse-13, the beginning of the code was to get current browse-13. since it was focused on the blank row, it resulted in an error with no query being found. sorry if i did not include the syntax get current in my first example.

Facebook ads-api: what are the adgroup_status field's values?

We'd like to get the complete list of values that the adgroup_status field can take. According to the FB docco it cannot assume the value CAMPAIGN_GROUP_PAUSED but we get that via the API.
Can someone supply the actual list of values this field may assume? In our code I see 14 values but it's likely incorrect/outdated:
these are the adgroup_status which we get we haven't seen any other apart from these. 'ARCHIVED' is to be added in the next migration changes. (refer here)

Word 2010 can Field added via QuickParts be given an ID and later referenced in document.Fields collection

I need to add a few fields to a Word 2010 DOTX template which are to be populated automatically with custom content at "run time" when the document is opened in a C# program using Word Interop services. I don't see any way to assign a unique name to "Ask" or "Fill-In" fields when adding them to the template via the QuickParts ribbon-menu option.
When I iterate the document.Fields collection in the C# program, I must know which field I'm referencing, so it can be assigned the correct value.
It seems things have changed between previous versions of Word and Word 2010. So, if you answer please make sure your answer applies to 2010. Don't assume that what used to work in previous versions works in 2010. Much appreciated, since I rarely work with Word and feel like a dolt when trying to figure out the ribbon menuing in 2010.
You are correct in that fields don't necessarily have a built-in way to uniquely distinguish themselves from other field instances (other than its index in the Fields collection). However, you can use the Field.Type property to test for wdFieldAsk or wdFieldFillIn . If this is not narrow enough to ID then you will need to parse your own unique identifier from the Field.Code. For example, you can construct your FILLIN field as:
{ FILLIN "Hello, World!" MYIDENTIFER }
when you iterate through your document.Fields collection just have a test for the identifier being in the string. EDIT: example:
For Each fld In ActiveDocument.Fields
If InStr("CARMODEL", fld.Code) <> 0 Then
''this is the carmodel field
End If
Another alternative - seek your specific field with a Find.Text for "^d MYIDENTIFIER" (where ^d is expression for 'field code')
Let me know if this helps and expand on your question if any gaps.