Vectorising matlab function - matlab

I'm writing a function to get the cosine of a given array. It works but I'm presently using a loop in order to iterate over each value in the array whereas I'm assured that it can be vectorised.
Presently the code is:
for i = 1:numel(x)
cos(i) = (sum(((-1).^(0:n)).*(x(i).^(2*(0:n)))./(factorial(2*(0:n)))));
and I can't for the life of me think how it vectorises, so any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: Here is the full function
2nd EDIT: link updated with new code that doesn't overwrite cos.

Here's one way using bsxfun and gamma:
v = 0:n;
fcos = zeros(size(x));
fcos(:) = sum(bsxfun(#times,bsxfun(#power,x(:),2*v),(-1).^v./gamma(2*v+1)),2)
In the spirit of learning, note that you have several issues with the code in your question. First, you don't preallocate memory. Second, you're overwriting the cos function, which is probably not a good idea. Also, I believe that using gamma(n+1) instead of factorial(n) will be faster. Finally, there are many unnecessary parentheses that make the code hard to read.


Too many output arguments

I am not a very hardcore coder in MATLAB, i have learned every thing from youtube and books. This might be a very simple question but i do not know what search for answer.
In MATLAB i am trying to do something like this.
>>[a,b,c] = [1,2,3]
and i want output like this.
>> a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
So Bsically question is that : - User will define the matrix of variables([a,b,c]) in staring of code and during process of the code similar matrix will be displayed and as input a matrix will be asked([1,2,3]). I dont know how do this without writing a loop code in which i will take every single variable from variable matrix and save the value in that variable by eval function.
well above written code is wrong and i know, i can do this with "for" loop and "eval" function.
but problem is that no. of variables(a,b,c) will never be constant and i want know if there exist any in built function or method in MATLAB which will work better than a for loop.
As i told earlier i don't know what to search for such a problem and either this is a very common question.
Either way i will be happy if you can at least tell me what to search or redirect me to a related question.
Please do write if you want any more information or for any correction.
Thank you.
The deal function can do this for a fixed number of inputs:
If you don't know how many inputs you will get beforehand, you have to do some fooling around. This is what I've come up with:
if length(V)>1
for i=1:length(V)
S{i}=['A' num2str(i)];
G{i}=['V(' num2str(i) ')'];
T=[S{1} ','];
R=[G{1} ','];
for i=2:length(V)-1
T=[T S{i} ','];
R=[R G{i} ','];
T=[T S{length(V)}];
R=[R G{length(V)}];
eval(['[' T ']=deal(' R ')'])
But then dealing with A1, ... , An when you don't know how many there are will be a pain!
This is somehow known as "tuple unpacking" (at least it's what I would search in python!). I could find this thread which explains that you could do this in Octave (I checked and it works in Matlab also). You have to transform the vector into a cell array before:
values = num2cell([1,2,3])
[a,b,c] = values{:}

Vectorising 3d array

I am trying to vectorise a for loop. I have a set of coordinates listed in a [68x200] matrix called plt2, and I have another set of coordinates listed in a [400x1] matrix called trans1. I want to create a three dimensional array called dist1, where in dist1(:,:,1) I have all of the values of plt2 with the first value of trans1 subtracted, all the way through to the end of trans1. I have a for loop like this which works but is very slow:
for i=1:source_points;
Thanks for any help.
If I understood correctly, this can be easily solved with bsxfun:
dist1 = bsxfun(#minus, plt2, shiftdim(trans1,-2));
Or, if speed is important, use this equivalent version (thanks to #chappjc), which seems to be much faster:
dist1 = bsxfun(#minus, plt2, reshape(trans1,1,1,[]));
In general, bsxfun is a very useful function for cases like this. Its behaviour can be summarized as follows: for any singleton dimension of any of its two input arrays, it applies an "implicit" for loop to the other array along the same dimension. See the doc for further details.
Vectorizing is a good first optimization, and is usually much easier than going all in writing your own compiled mex-function (in c).
However, the golden middle-way for power users is Matlab Coder (this also applies to slightly harder problems than the one posted, where vectorization is more or less impossible). First, create a small m-file function around the slow code, in your case:
function dist1 = do_some_stuff(source_points,dist1,plt2,trans1)
for i=1:source_points;
Then create a simple wrapper function which calls do_some_stuff as well as defines the inputs. This file should really be only 5 rows, with only the bare essentials needed. Matlab Coder uses the wrapper function to understand what typical proper inputs to do_some_stuff are.
You can now fire up the Matlab Coder gui from the Apps section and simply add do_some_stuff under Entry-Point Files. Press Autodefine types and select your wrapper function. Go to build and press build, and you are good to go! This approach usually bumps up the execution speed substantially with almost no effort.

How to sort in ascending order the solution vector in each iteration using ODE?

I've got an ODE system working perfectly. But now, I want in each iteration, sort in ascending order the solution vector. I've tried many ways but I could not do it. Does anyone know how to do?
Here is a simplified code:
function dtemp = tanque1(t,temp)
for i=1:N
if i==1
if i>1 && i<N
if i==N
Test Script:
[t temp]=ode45(#tanque1,0:360:18000,inicial);
It looks like you have three different sets of differential equations depending on the index i of the solution vector. I don't think you mean "sort," but rather a more efficient way to implement what you've already done - basically vectorization. Provided I haven't accidentally made any typos (you should check), the following should do what you need:
function dtemp = tanque1(t,temp)
dtemp(1) = (-k(1)*At*(temp(1)-temp(2))/y-U*As(1)*(temp(1)-Tamb))/(ro(1)*vol_nodo*cp(1));
dtemp(2:N-1) = (k(2:N-1).*(diff(temp(1:N-1))-diff(temp(2:N)))*At/y-U*As(2:N-1).*(temp(2:N-1)-Tamb))./(vol_nodo*ro(2:N-1).*cp(2:N-1));
dtemp(N) = (k(N)*At*(temp(N-1)-temp(N))/y-U*As(N)*(temp(N)-Tamb))/(ro(N)*vol_nodo*cp(N));
You'll still need to define N and the other parameters and ensure that temp is returned as a column vector. You could also try replacing N with the end keyword, which might be faster. The two uses of diff make the code shorter, but, depending on the value of N, they may also speed up the calculation. They could be replaced with temp(1:N-2)-temp(2:N-1) and temp(2:N-1)-temp(3:N). It may be possible to collapse these down to a single vectorized equation, but I'll leave that as an exercise for you to attempt if you like.
Note that I also removed a great many unnecessary parentheses for clarity. As you learn Matlab you'll to get used to the order of operations and figure out when parentheses are needed.

Avoiding loops in MatLab code (barycentric weights)

After having learned basic programming in Java, I have found that the most difficult part of transitioning to MatLab for my current algorithm course, is to avoid loops. I know that there are plenty of smart ways to vectorize operations in MatLab, but my mind is so "stuck" in loop-thinking, that I am finding it hard to intuitively see how I may vectorize code. Once I am shown how it can be done, it makes sense to me, but I just don't see it that easily myself. Currently I have the following code for finding the barycentric weights used in Lagrangian interpolation:
function w = barycentric_weights(x);
% The function is used to find the weights of the
% barycentric formula based on a given grid as input.
n = length(x);
w = zeros(1,n);
% Calculating the weights
for i = 1:n
prod = 1;
for j = 1:n
if i ~= j
prod = prod*(x(i) - x(j));
w(i) = prod;
w = 1./w;
I am pretty sure there must be a smarter way to do this in MatLab, but I just can't think of it. If anyone has any tips I will be very grateful :). And the only way I'll ever learn all the vectorizing tricks in MatLab is to see how they are used in various scenarios such as above.
One has to be creative in matlab to avoid for loop:
[X,Y] =meshgrid(x,x)
Z = X - Y
w =1./prod(Z+eye(length(x)))
Kristian, there are a lot of ways to vectorize code. You've already gotten two. (And I agree with shakinfree: you should always consider 1) how long it takes to run in non-vectorized form (so you'll have an idea of how much time you might save by vectorizing); 2) how long it might take you to vectorize (so you'll have a better sense of whether or not it's worth your time; 3) how many times you will call it (again: is it worth doing); and 3) readability. As shakinfree suggests, you don't want to come back to your code a year from now and scratch your head about what you've implemented. At least make sure you've commented well.
But at a meta-level, when you decide that you need to improve runtime performance by vectorizing, first start with small (3x1 ?) array and make sure you understand exactly what's happening for each iteration. Then, spend some time reading this document, and following relevant links:
It will help you determine when and how to vectorize.
Happy MATLABbing!
I can see the appeal of vectorization, but I often ask myself how much time it actually saves when I go back to the code a month later and have to decipher all that repmat gibberish. I think your current code is clean and clear and I wouldn't mess with it unless performance is really critical. But to answer your question here is my best effort:
function w = barycentric_weights_vectorized(x)
n = length(x);
w = 1./prod(eye(n) + repmat(x,n,1) - repmat(x',1,n),1);
Hope that helps!
And I am assuming x is a row vector here.

Replacement for repmat in MATLAB

I have a function which does the following loop many, many times:
for cluster=1:max(bins), % bins is a list in the same format as kmeans() IDX output
select=bins==cluster; % find group of values
% (*, above) for each point, write the mean of all points in x that
% share its label in bins to the equivalent row of means
%subtract out the mean from each point
Noting that repmat_fast_spec and meanOneIn are stripped-down versions of repmat() and mean(), respectively, I'm wondering if there's a way to do the assignment in the line labeled (*) that avoids repmat entirely.
Any other thoughts on how to squeeze performance out of this thing would also be welcome.
Here is a possible improvement to avoid REPMAT:
x = rand(20,4);
bins = randi(3,[20 1]);
d = zeros(size(x));
for i=1:max(bins)
idx = (bins==i);
d(idx,:) = bsxfun(#minus, x(idx,:), mean(x(idx,:)));
Another possibility:
x = rand(20,4);
bins = randi(3,[20 1]);
m = zeros(max(bins),size(x,2));
for i=1:max(bins)
m(i,:) = mean( x(bins==i,:) );
dd = x - m(bins,:);
One obvious way to speed up calculation in MATLAB is to make a MEX file. You can compile C code and perform any operations you want. If you're searching for the fastest-possible performance, turning the operation into a custom MEX file would likely be the way to go.
You may be able to get some improvement by using ACCUMARRAY.
%# gather array sizes
[nPts,nDims] = size(x);
nBins = max(bins);
%# calculate means. Not sure whether it might be faster to loop over nDims
meansCell = accumarray(bins,1:nPts,[nBins,1],#(idx){mean(x(idx,:),1)},{NaN(1,nDims)});
means = cell2mat(meansCell);
%# subtract cluster means from x - this is how you can avoid repmat in your code, btw.
%# all you need is the array with cluster means.
delta_x = x - means(bins,:);
First of all: format your code properly, surround any operator or assignment by whitespace. I find your code very hard to comprehend as it looks like a big blob of characters.
Next of all, you could follow the other responses and convert the code to C (mex) or Java, automatically or manually, but in my humble opinion this is a last resort. You should only do such things when your performance is not there yet by a small margin. On the other hand, your algorithm doesn't show obvious flaws.
But the first thing you should do when trying to improve performance: profile. Use the MATLAB profiler to determine which part of your code is causing your problems. How much would you need to improve this to meet your expectations? If you don't know: first determine this boundary, otherwise you will be looking for a needle in a hay stack which might not even be in there in the first place. MATLAB will never be the fastest kid on the block with respect to runtime, but it might be the fastest with respect to development time for certain kinds of operations. In that respect, it might prove useful to sacrifice the clarity of MATLAB over the execution speed of other languages (C or even Java). But in the same respect, you might as well code everything in assembler to squeeze all of the performance out of the code.
Another obvious way to speed up calculation in MATLAB is to make a Java library (similar to #aardvarkk's answer) since MATLAB is built on Java and has very good integration with user Java libraries.
Java's easier to interface and compile than C. It might be slower than C in some cases, but the just-in-time (JIT) compiler in the Java virtual machine generally speeds things up very well.