Post an mp3 to a users feed via the Feed Dialog - facebook

According to one can post mp3s to a users feed by constructing a URL like:<APP-ID>+&display=popup&caption=<CAPTION>&redirect_uri=<REDIRECT>&picture=<PICTURE>&source=<MP3-FILE>&description=<DESCRIPTION>
This produces a share dialog, but when the source parameter is added, the file is not embedded on the page (nor is any link to the file given).
I had expected to be able to embed the mp3 like the documentation says. I seem to remember that facebook had it's own player to play embedded mp3 files from the feed - this is not showing up.
Has this functionality been disabled?

I think the API still allows you to attach audio data but Facebook's audio player was removed in 2011 -
To play music inline now, you need to specify a flash player which loads the desired audio as an attached 'video' ( via the same 'source' parameter of the feed dialog )
You could also use a third party like Soundcloud who have a flash player for the content uploaded there


How to add thumbnail to facebook scheduled LIVE VIDEO using API

I want to add thumbnail to facebook LIVE VIDEO using graph api. I saw some websites able to do that , they can add thumbnail to live video. there is no docs available to do that.
I tried to upload thumbnail to the live video attachment but not worked.
some website are able to add the thumbnail to the scheduled live video , see the above screenshot with thumbnail
As far as I know, there's no standard way of doing that. However, if you tried getting the data of the live video after the live stream has started, it will include an iframe that has the video ID in its source. So the process would be something like this:
Create the live video
Start the live stream
Get the live video data
Parse the iframe content and extract the value from the src attribute
Get the href query param from the extracted value
The last part of the href is the actual video ID that will show in feeds
Use that video ID to add the thumbnail
I would advise adding some latency before step #3 so that you can be sure that the video has been created in feeds.
Include event_params: {"cover" : "<thumbnail url>"} in the request parameters
Cover photo won't show up in timeline. (You need to click on more and then click on events)

create a mp3 player embedded in a facebook post

The Serial podcast has this cool feature where they share their webpage on their facebook page and Facebook lets the audio be played within Facebook. See this image:
I've created a blog post with all of the proper meta tags to match the relevant tags expected by facebook:
music:preview_url:url, the og:type is, etc.
But I can't get a mp3 player to appear.
When I compare the open graph meta data in the Facebook debugger from the Serial webpage to my own webpage, the tags match up fine. Yes, mine has a 'locale' array but that can't be the issue.
I'm thinking they must have some type of Facebook app? Or I don't know what. I've never built a Facebook app so if you think that is how they are doing it, where would I start looking?
This is my non-working open graph output:
This is the one from the Serial podcast. You can see in the Share Dialog the player buttons for the MP3. How are they getting that in there? I would have thought just be me using the correct meta tags, Facebook would put player buttons on top of my mp3 and create the player for me.

Video embed on timeline with custom open graph object

So the story is this, I added a custom object to my app called Music Video and an action called Watch. I have all the needed meta tags in my pages to show the flash video, the linter reads them perfectly, it says that the type of share for my object is Video also.
If I post it using the like social plugin the flash video shows just fine but with my custom Watch action just shows the thumbnail and no play button, no nothing.
Do you know any example of apps using the new open graph api to embed video?
Facebook currently does not embed Flash video alongside stories generated from the build-in Watch action or on custom actions. Facebook will however embed the video if the URL is organically shared (copy and pasted into the Composer in Facebook) or liked via the Like button.
For now, this means a click on the watch news feed or ticker story will drive the user to your site, where you can authenticate them, play the video, and publish another watch action on their behalf.
I don't know when the changes took effect, but you can check it right here:

Streaming video from Facebook

I want to stream a video from Facebook to my site and use my own custom video player (flowplayer for instance) to play it. Basicly I want to access the registered user's videos and play them in my application. is it possible? If it is, how can I achieve that?
Fairly easy, but there are a few steps to go thru.
Grab a list of their videos from the Graph API me/videos using their user access_token
Present user with list of their videos, let user select video to watch.
For the id of the video selected, call the Graph API and FQL the src or src_hq which gives you the link to the mp4 of the video
Point your custom player to the mp4 link.

Embedding open graph video doesn't use video player

I've been in, around, and through a good chunk of the internets looking for an answer to this:
I'm trying to embed a video in Facebook using the og:video tag, but despite the fact that the facebook linter keeps showing 'status: Video embedding on Facebook enabled', when it shows up in my feed, clicking on it always opens a new window instead of showing it in the video player. It does show a little play icon, but it acts like a link rather than a video.
I've tried it with an swf url that works when i hit it, i've tried it with an mp4 video, I've tried https, http, etc. My og tags are pretty much exactly like this example I see at (theres a good tutorial at
Do I need to associate it with an app (have tried that and just using my user id in fb:admins), and if so, what kind of settings do I need to set to make it show up in a video player? Do I need to set up a canvas url?
I'm using flowplayer.
Thanks for any help.
Edit: it seemed to spontaneously start working after trying for 8 hrs. Does facebook do some kind of testing/caching of the target before it allows the embed?
yes, I'm not sure on how often..but to update facebook's cache of a specific URL, run it through the debugger (formerly URL linter) #
Might also be SSL related. If you have secure browsing enabled on FB it will launch your video in a new window. The link of the video you are embedding with og:video is using "http" and not "https".