How to add thumbnail to facebook scheduled LIVE VIDEO using API - facebook

I want to add thumbnail to facebook LIVE VIDEO using graph api. I saw some websites able to do that , they can add thumbnail to live video. there is no docs available to do that.
I tried to upload thumbnail to the live video attachment but not worked.
some website are able to add the thumbnail to the scheduled live video , see the above screenshot with thumbnail

As far as I know, there's no standard way of doing that. However, if you tried getting the data of the live video after the live stream has started, it will include an iframe that has the video ID in its source. So the process would be something like this:
Create the live video
Start the live stream
Get the live video data
Parse the iframe content and extract the value from the src attribute
Get the href query param from the extracted value
The last part of the href is the actual video ID that will show in feeds
Use that video ID to add the thumbnail
I would advise adding some latency before step #3 so that you can be sure that the video has been created in feeds.

Include event_params: {"cover" : "<thumbnail url>"} in the request parameters
Cover photo won't show up in timeline. (You need to click on more and then click on events)


Dynamic URL in Open Graph og:url

I need to publish a MP4 video on Facebook using OpenGraph.
I've created a dynamic page that gets the ID of the video and generates meta tag according to selected id.
If i insert the url like http://site/video/ID inside the Facebook sharing debugger (, the video is shared correctly with image preview and video player.
If i put a new id i get "This URL hasn't been shared on Facebook before." and preview does not work.
I don't think it makes sense to force Facebook to crawl for every ID, there must be a better way to do it.
Can anyone help me?

Facebook API. Change video thumbnail?

When you upload a video to facebook, it lets you specify a thumbnail you want to use out of the 10 it generates and offers you (In the edit settings). Is there a way to upload a video and have it change the thumbnail to one of their randomly generated thumbnails using the api instead of having to do it manually?
There is no way to directly tell Facebook to select one of those default thumbnails.
You can query the [api_url]/v2.3/[video_id]/thumbnails edge which gives you the 10 thumbnails that Facebook has extracted from the video, and then set one of those as the video thumb using the same edge yourself.
Refer to:

Post an mp3 to a users feed via the Feed Dialog

According to one can post mp3s to a users feed by constructing a URL like:<APP-ID>+&display=popup&caption=<CAPTION>&redirect_uri=<REDIRECT>&picture=<PICTURE>&source=<MP3-FILE>&description=<DESCRIPTION>
This produces a share dialog, but when the source parameter is added, the file is not embedded on the page (nor is any link to the file given).
I had expected to be able to embed the mp3 like the documentation says. I seem to remember that facebook had it's own player to play embedded mp3 files from the feed - this is not showing up.
Has this functionality been disabled?
I think the API still allows you to attach audio data but Facebook's audio player was removed in 2011 -
To play music inline now, you need to specify a flash player which loads the desired audio as an attached 'video' ( via the same 'source' parameter of the feed dialog )
You could also use a third party like Soundcloud who have a flash player for the content uploaded there

Streaming video from Facebook

I want to stream a video from Facebook to my site and use my own custom video player (flowplayer for instance) to play it. Basicly I want to access the registered user's videos and play them in my application. is it possible? If it is, how can I achieve that?
Fairly easy, but there are a few steps to go thru.
Grab a list of their videos from the Graph API me/videos using their user access_token
Present user with list of their videos, let user select video to watch.
For the id of the video selected, call the Graph API and FQL the src or src_hq which gives you the link to the mp4 of the video
Point your custom player to the mp4 link.

upload photo and publish story using FBConnect

In my iphone app,I want to let the user upload an image to his facebook photo Album and publish a story at the same time.The story's media field contains the uploaded image's url.I successly uploaded the photo and got the result's "link" and "src_small" property.But when I use FBStreamDialog to publish the story,I got:
At last,I find this:,it says:
We no longer allow stream stories to contain images that are hosted on the domain. The images associated with these URLs aren't always optimized for stream stories and occasionally resulted in errors, leading to a poor user experience. Make sure your stream attachments don't reference images with this domain. You should host the images locally.
It seems that I can't finish my job,What's your solution? thanks in advance!
you can't use that picture or the picture from facebook itself
you can upload the picture on other servers or upload it to online photo sharing like picasa
I got this functionality to work with ShareKit - it's really good:
It's also open source, so you can see how they do it inside...
Good luck!