How to associate an Eclipse Workspace with TFS workspace? - eclipse

I am working with Team Foundation Server plug-in for Eclipse Version 11.0.0.
I have several Eclipse workspaces and several TFS workspaces. Is it possible to associate a TFS workspace with an Eclipse workspace?
I see that mapping local folder does not work for this purpose – the workspace remains the same

Team explorer - Pending changes - Actions - Switch workspace

Write them down.
I work on a project with a team that has this same issue. After a lot of digging it doesn't seem to be possible. It would have to be functionality in the TFS plugin also if I'm not mistaken. So until the TFS plugin is released with this ability of "mapping your mappings" so to speak, it's something you have to personally keep track of.
(Perhaps the TFS plugin for Luna will have this?)


Cannot use Subclipse after installing

I have installed Subclipse in Eclipse EE Luna.
This is what my installation details look like :
Going on past experience, I would now expect a silo icon to appear next to all of my files as they are locally all part of a SVN directory structure.
Also when I right click a file or folder I expect lots of SVN options. All I see is this :
Which leads me to believe that is not switched on? not working maybe?
Does anyone know what I need to do to get it working? Other SVN tools immediately synch up with my projects.
(The neverending Eclipse configuration nightmare continues....)
You get that context menu for 'Team' if the current project is not being shared.
So right click on the Project and use 'Team > Share Project...' to set up the project in SVN.
Subclipse cannot automatically connect to projects that existed in the workspace before you installed Subclipse. For those projects, you have to use Team > Share Project. Subclipse will recognize that it is a SVN working copy and just "connect it".
That said, your option is grayed out. That means these projects are already "connected" to a Team provider as far as Eclipse is concerned. However, since there are no Team options on the menu, that means the team provider is likely not installed.
So my conclusion is that you had these projects linked to the Subversive plugin, not Subclipse. You will have to install that plugin so you can use Team > Disconnect ... or you need to delete these projects and then re-import them to the workspace.

Subclipse not showing the SVN data in package explorer and team options not available

I installed completely from scratch adt latest version with Juno, and I installed the latest subclipse plug-in (1.10) from the update site. However, once everything is installed I am not able to see the SVN data in the package explorer and in the context menu on the file no team option is available.
How can I investigate what's happening behind? I have not been able to find anything helping in google.
Some information from suggestions below:
I was having a previous installation of juno and I started from scratch in a new folder.
I am using the same workspace as before.
I have tried using subclipse alone, subversive alone and both installed at the same time.
The folder in workspace is recognized by Tortoise in windows, no corruption on SVN folder.
If you do not see the Share Project option in the Team menu, then I would guess the issue is that you are reusing an existing workspace and you had Subversive plugin, not Subclipse installed, and these projects were already connected to Subversive. So the Eclipse framework thinks it is associated with Subversive, but that plugin is not available to add its options to the Team menu.
Create a new workspace is one option. Install Subversive is another option.
If you do see the Share Project option, then that is your answer. You need to take that option to "connect" your project to your SCM plugin. Projects that are already in your workspace when you install a new SCM plugin do not get connected to your SCM automatically. You have to take Team > Share Project to make the connection.
For recognizing the existing installation of SVN you need to use Team > Share Project and then select the proper version control tool (SVN this case), automatically will associated SVN to the project.

Export repository locations from STS or RAD

Due to recent hardware failures, I am having to set up a new workspace for STS and I have a lot of repositories to add.
I have added them all, but I am trying to find a way to export the repository locations so that in the future, anyone on my team or myself could pull them out of my network drive and just import them in. This would save me some time. It wouldn't be a lot of time I know, but it would be nice.
So far, the only thing I have found was an Eclipse option that I could select File/Export, select SVN Repositories and voila. However, using STS or RAD, I am not getting the SVN Repository option in the export options. Is that Eclipse exclusive? If so, why would it be removed for STS and RAD?
Any help pointing me in the right direction is appreciated.
There are two different projects that can provide svn support in Eclipse: Subversive (from and Subclipse (from STS includes Subclipse, but many people get Subversive when they install SVN support into a "plain" Eclipse. Subversive includes the ability to export your repositories when exporting preferences. My copy of STS, which has Subclipse 1.8.22, does not (like you observe). It appears that the feature was supposedly added to Subclipse a few years ago, according to this and this (bug tickets for subclipse), so I'm not sure what's going on there. Maybe the version of Subclipse that STS includes is out of date... who knows.
One potential workaround would be to export Team Project Set(s) for the project groups that you want to be able to easily import. That will automatically include the repository info, but has other advantages, too. Read more about them here and here.

How can I filter the file types I check in to TFS 2010 with Eclipse and TFS Everywhere?

I'm using TFS for java with eclipse (running TFS Everywhere).
He wants to set a filter so that files and folders beginning with '.' won't get checked in.
How do I set it?
Is that a server or client side filter?
Do I set it in Eclipse, or in Team Explorer?
You can filter the types of files that are ignored by the TFS plug-in for Eclipse using the Team Project ignore functionality of the plug-in, which is exposed by .tpignore files.
If you're using the SP1 of the TFS plug-in for Eclipse (and we'd recommend upgrading, if you haven't) then you can simply right-click on the folder and select Team > Ignore.

TFS support for netbeans ide

I need to checkout and manage a project from TFS (Team Foundation Server) and was wondering if there is an easy way to do this.
I usually use SVN, but for this particular project, TFS is a requirement.
The best way I've found so far with a bit of Googling is at
Short answer, no I don't think there is any easy way to integrate the Netbeans IDE and TFS. However there are some options.
Firstly you could use the SVN bridge this allows subversion clients to connect to TFS. If that is viable then you should be good to go. Here are a couple of blog posts that you may find useful when using TFS if you have a SVN background. SVN to TFS. If SVN Bridge doesn't meet your needs then there are other ways to use TFS but none of them are integrated in to the Netbeans IDE.
If you're developing on Windows then you can install Team Explorer (Use the version that matches the version of TFS you're using e.g. if you're connecting to TFS 2010 then install Team Explorer 2010), this will install a Visual Studio Shell and the Team Explorer plugin. Along side that it will install the "tf" command line utility, you then have a choice of using either a GUI with the VS plugin, or the command line.
You should also install the TFS power tools, they add some usefull functionality such as extra command line tools (using the "tfpt" command) they will also install windows explorer integration, this will allow you to do some basic Source Control functions from the Right Click menu in windows explorer (Check out, check in, diff etc)
You should also look at Team Explorer Everywhere, I don't think it does Netbeans integration but it does do Eclipse. If you're developing on an OS other than Windows then this is your only option.
To use any on these tools you must have a TFS CAL to be licenced properly. If you have an MSDN licence that will probably include a CAL, if not then someone needs to spend some cash and buy one :-).
Since TFS started to support Git repositories, it is possible to:
create TFS project for Git
after project creation use url from Code tab
to configure Git Repository Location in NetBeans IDE
Once you have the tf.exe (from Visual Studio or Team Explorer) there is a plugin that can be configured to do the TFS commands from NetBeans:
Download plugin from:
Install the plugin in NetBeans: Tools\Plugins\Downloaded\Add Plugins…
Configure the plugin in NetBeans: Tools\Options\Path Tools
At Edit Commands For File enter: "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf" checkout "{path}"
Press Ok
With a file selected in the editor, or the package explorer press the “Edit Path…” toolbar button.
The file is now checked out in TFS.
Make sure to use the proper path to tf.exe.
There are 3 buttons, so you can configure 3 TFS actions (I use checkout, add, delete).
Microsoft actively supports only Eclipse for TFS integration.
At this page there are more info and the possibility to upvote, to report your interest in such a feature directly to Microsoft.
In NB 8.2 you can setup Kenai Team Server.
then you will be able to login into a team server : menu Team->Team Server -> login