Cannot use Subclipse after installing - eclipse

I have installed Subclipse in Eclipse EE Luna.
This is what my installation details look like :
Going on past experience, I would now expect a silo icon to appear next to all of my files as they are locally all part of a SVN directory structure.
Also when I right click a file or folder I expect lots of SVN options. All I see is this :
Which leads me to believe that is not switched on? not working maybe?
Does anyone know what I need to do to get it working? Other SVN tools immediately synch up with my projects.
(The neverending Eclipse configuration nightmare continues....)

You get that context menu for 'Team' if the current project is not being shared.
So right click on the Project and use 'Team > Share Project...' to set up the project in SVN.

Subclipse cannot automatically connect to projects that existed in the workspace before you installed Subclipse. For those projects, you have to use Team > Share Project. Subclipse will recognize that it is a SVN working copy and just "connect it".
That said, your option is grayed out. That means these projects are already "connected" to a Team provider as far as Eclipse is concerned. However, since there are no Team options on the menu, that means the team provider is likely not installed.
So my conclusion is that you had these projects linked to the Subversive plugin, not Subclipse. You will have to install that plugin so you can use Team > Disconnect ... or you need to delete these projects and then re-import them to the workspace.


How can I disable SVN completely in Eclipse?

Since I prefer to use the CLI instead of the Eclipse plugin I would like to disable it completely.
Since I am unable to find any settings to do this, I just uninstalled through Help > Installation Details > Installed Software all SVN related plugins (and restarted my computer).
After removing the plugins, SVN is still present. On the projects I can still choose Team > SVN actions and SVN is also still in the preferences view.
So how can I disable it?
Make sure you have not overlooked any Subversive/Subclipse feature that has no SVN in its name: filter/search for sub.

Subclipse not showing the SVN data in package explorer and team options not available

I installed completely from scratch adt latest version with Juno, and I installed the latest subclipse plug-in (1.10) from the update site. However, once everything is installed I am not able to see the SVN data in the package explorer and in the context menu on the file no team option is available.
How can I investigate what's happening behind? I have not been able to find anything helping in google.
Some information from suggestions below:
I was having a previous installation of juno and I started from scratch in a new folder.
I am using the same workspace as before.
I have tried using subclipse alone, subversive alone and both installed at the same time.
The folder in workspace is recognized by Tortoise in windows, no corruption on SVN folder.
If you do not see the Share Project option in the Team menu, then I would guess the issue is that you are reusing an existing workspace and you had Subversive plugin, not Subclipse installed, and these projects were already connected to Subversive. So the Eclipse framework thinks it is associated with Subversive, but that plugin is not available to add its options to the Team menu.
Create a new workspace is one option. Install Subversive is another option.
If you do see the Share Project option, then that is your answer. You need to take that option to "connect" your project to your SCM plugin. Projects that are already in your workspace when you install a new SCM plugin do not get connected to your SCM automatically. You have to take Team > Share Project to make the connection.
For recognizing the existing installation of SVN you need to use Team > Share Project and then select the proper version control tool (SVN this case), automatically will associated SVN to the project.

Export repository locations from STS or RAD

Due to recent hardware failures, I am having to set up a new workspace for STS and I have a lot of repositories to add.
I have added them all, but I am trying to find a way to export the repository locations so that in the future, anyone on my team or myself could pull them out of my network drive and just import them in. This would save me some time. It wouldn't be a lot of time I know, but it would be nice.
So far, the only thing I have found was an Eclipse option that I could select File/Export, select SVN Repositories and voila. However, using STS or RAD, I am not getting the SVN Repository option in the export options. Is that Eclipse exclusive? If so, why would it be removed for STS and RAD?
Any help pointing me in the right direction is appreciated.
There are two different projects that can provide svn support in Eclipse: Subversive (from and Subclipse (from STS includes Subclipse, but many people get Subversive when they install SVN support into a "plain" Eclipse. Subversive includes the ability to export your repositories when exporting preferences. My copy of STS, which has Subclipse 1.8.22, does not (like you observe). It appears that the feature was supposedly added to Subclipse a few years ago, according to this and this (bug tickets for subclipse), so I'm not sure what's going on there. Maybe the version of Subclipse that STS includes is out of date... who knows.
One potential workaround would be to export Team Project Set(s) for the project groups that you want to be able to easily import. That will automatically include the repository info, but has other advantages, too. Read more about them here and here.

subclipse not showing "share project" option on project context menu in eclipse

Within eclipse, with Subclipse installed, if I right click a project and select "team" there are normally 2 options:
apply patch
share project
Once you have shared project you get the full Subclipse menu from "team"
One project however only has one option - apply patch. If I close the project I see both options but the share project option is grayed out.
I have other projects where this is not happening.
What could be special about this project to stop me getting the share project option? Is there another path to the share project function I could use?
Solve this problem with these steps:
Verify that you can update using TortoiseSVN (this will guarantee that your .svn is not corrupt)
Delete all your projects that have this problem, but in the delete dialog, do not delete the project contents!
Select File -> Import -> Existing projects into Workspace.
Select your projects folder or your workspace folder.
Subeclipse should now detect and connect your projects automatically, without need to select 'Share Project' for each one of them.
This is usually the case when the directory containing the project is not properly under version control (bad or corrupted .svn).
can you execute SVN commands in a shell a the root of your project?
where are your .project and .classpath files (in the eclipse workspace or at the root directory of your project?)
If you upgraded your Eclipse recently, make sure you're still using the same SVN plugins... :)
In my case, I upgraded my Eclipse and accidentally installed Subversive instead of Subclipse. The existing .svn directory of the project contained data in the format expected by Subclipse, and so Subversive got confused (e.g. but not showing the "Share Project" option).
Close Project and Re-Open project has worked for me.
I have the same problem after emergency-migrating (again!) from Subversive to Subclipse.
Old .svn entries are all there but Subclipse won't pick them up.
I can successfully commit using an external tool, in this case TortoiseSVN, but in Eclipse, I just see normal Java projects that cannot be shared (because of stale .svn entries I suspect).
The only solution I see is to commit everything you want to keep with an external tool, then freshly check out your projects into a new workspace and copy over any missing pieces from your old workspace.
Try to select prespective as java instead of j2ee and then restart as eclipse .
This works for me.
Delete the file:
And the Share Project option appears!
I had the exactly same situation with Yaniv above.
If you upgraded your Eclipse recently, make sure you're still using
the same SVN plugins... :)
In my case, I upgraded my Eclipse and accidentally installed
Subversive instead of Subclipse. The existing .svn directory of the
project contained data in the format expected by Subclipse, and so
Subversive got confused (e.g. but not showing the "Share Project"
My solution is like below:
Exported the current project in the new workspace into .war file.
Double-checked the current project is in the svn repository.
Removed the project in the new workspace completely once I was sure that I have the exported .war file and svn repository so that I will be able to import the project again.
Imported the project from svn, and checked out the project from the svn.
(Or, you can import the project from the .war file and you will be able to Share Project)
-> It worked well with the Subversive which is installed in the new workspace.
Please double check if you were using: Subversive or Subclipse?
It is likely that you have opened an old project with a newer Eclipse installation, where the software to be used may not be the one used previously, for example:
Subclipse instead of Subversive
Subversive instead of Subclipse
In my case after a fresh install of "Eclipse IDE for PHP Developers"
Version: 2018-09 (4.9.0)
Build id: 20180917-1800
while I needed to make some modifications to an ancient SVN tracked project.
I had Subclipse instead of Subversive (so simple yet you may be up for a spin).
Credit to the answer from Yaniv, he had installed the software the other way around - same issue.

SVN not working in Eclipse

One day I pressed in Eclipse Help -> Check for Updates (and I learnt that I should Never Ever update a software which works fine.)
Then in a project that I used with SVN the whole submenu of "Team" and the little icons that showed that some files weren't commited, they all dissapeared.
I tried everything:
revert from Instalation History tab
uninstall from Installed Software tab
replaced the folder eclipse in Program Files with a new one downloaded from eclipse website and tried to install again
searched how to install it on the net
But in none of the cases above if I press Ctrl+N There is no SVN group;
If i right click on a project and select Team -> Share project, a window with CVS appears, but no SVN.
If I choose File -> Import I can't find SVN anywhere.
If I go to Help -> About Eclipse -> Instalation details I see at Instalation History in 25.06.2009, 09:59:08 GMT+03:00 (when SVN worked)
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Subclipse (Required) 1.6.2
Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter (Required) 1.6.3
SVNKit Library
In the Installed Software tab I have now installed
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers epp.package.jee
Subclipse (Required) 1.6.5
Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter (Required) 1.6.6
SVNKit Library
How can I make SVN to work?
Where does eclipse store its files, because when I changed the eclipse directory with a new one all my stuff was there (the ones that I installed with no success: SVN, Subversive, Subclipse, SVNKit, ...)
Subversive is my favorite SVN implementation in Eclipse because it works better than the others and it integrates neatly into the UI.
I suggest you follow these steps:
Download the most recent version of Eclipse (currently Galileo) and extract it to your desired installation location
Prior to running Eclipse, make sure you delete (or rename/relocate) your default workspace (under Windows this is workspace in your user directory)
Install the Subversive SVN Team Provider (as instructed by the Eclipse incubation website) using Eclipse's software installer:
Choose Help, then Install New Software...
Create a new download location and specify the following download URL:
Locate Collaboration, expand it, then check Subversive SVN Team Provider (Incubation)
Proceed through the installation and accept the TOS
Restart Eclipse and Subversive should prompt you to select a SVN Connector. Reading the symptoms you describe, it sounds like you don't have a connector installed, or it isn't communicating with your team provider. The Polarion website has a guide for choosing the connector best suited for you.
If you aren't prompted to install a connector, you can always do so from the preferences screen:
If the above doesn't work for you, it seems that your workspace isn't cleaned out. Locate your default workspace and try getting things working without any projects before you continue.
You could then also try deleting the .eclipse directory in your user directory. And starting over from step 3.
The problem I had was that svn icons where not showing in the package explorer.
The solution for me was to delete the .metadata folder in the workspace folder (which will reset all your workspace including preferences and repository configurations)
After that all the icons appeared.
I had same issue when SVN connector was not able to connect SVN repository in Eclipse.
Then, I do the following step's :-
Right click on Project under Eclipse.
Go to Team -> share Project.
It's working :)
I found a problem related to installing plugins here. I also could not get the SVN stuff to show up in the preferences because of some bug with the software updater updating the Mylin plugins. You'll likely have to get your Eclipse installation straightened out first and you can do this by just using a new workspace. You don't have to blow away the .metadata folder if you point Eclipse temporarily at a new workspace folder. When the Eclipse installation is clean, you can start installing plugins again, but make sure to uncheck the box labeled Contact all update sites during install to find required software
Eclipse uses local SVN libraries that are part of an installed plugin for SVN support, be it SVNkit or JavaHL. Netbeans uses SVN libraries that are installed independently.
I have had this happen before with Eclipse and the various SVN plugins that it supports. The SVN plugin, for some reason, sometimes looses the SVN connection. Your best bet is to simply delete the project and re-check it out of svn. If you have changes that need to be committed you can use the command line.
Another problem you may have is that your plugin and your repository are out of sync in terms of version numbers. I have had problems before using a plugin designed for svn 1.6.x and a repository that was still at svn 1.4 or 1.5.
Just delete all projects from eclipse and Re-Import the all projects again.
It is working for me.
Just try it
If you want to completely start over with eclipse, you need to delete your workspace as well (the path you see when you first start eclipse). Just re-installing the eclipse files and pointing to the same default workspace will not change anything for you.
Your best bet is to remove eclipse and your workspace and start over because you probably inadvertently broke some other parts of the plug in while you were trying to fix your initial problem.
Even if you install everything as it is said, Subversive and SVN Connector (svnkit 1.x.x), in the project you may not see svn working. In my case I had to remove the project from workspace and import it again. Then it appears. (Refresh, clean did not worked).