DB2 executing a Script in another Script - db2

I am facing a problem in DB2. In my Oracle environment it was very easy for me to include multiple scripts in one master script, which were executed sequentially. e.g.:
connect ....
Now I have to build up same logic in DB2 LUW. Is there a simple way to include multiple scripts in one master script? I would like to have one single db2 call from shell, which executes the master script and within all subscripts.

There is notrhing to stop you from creating a single file with multiple sql batches. In the Windows world, it would look like this:
Note: First you initialize the db2 command prompt.
db2cmd -c -w -i %1.bat
With as many of these as you want in the .bat file:
db2 -txf c:\Example\db2html.sql

In Linux, the db2clp is included in the shell once you load the db2profile ('. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile). In windows, you need to call db2cmd in order to use db2clp.
With a interactive db2clp, you cannot call db2 scripts via #scriptX, however, you can call them from the shell like
db2 -tvf script
However, if you use the CLP*Plus you can do almost everything you do in SQL*Plus. For more information: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/IMSupport/entry/tech_tip_db2_s_new_clp_plus_utility?lang=en


How to start XAMPP-VM by command line?

I'm using
I need to write a shell script to automatically start XAMPP-VM, Apache, and MySQL.
How can I start XAMPP-VM by a command line?
View /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/ctlscript.sh, you could see all logic of scripts which control XAMPP's services by shell script.

WildFly CLI run script against embedded server

I have some scripts that I run using jboss-cli -c --controller=... --file=myscript.cli.
The -c and --controller options are great, because my script does not know which server it should be run against and can be reused for multiple servers.
I now want to use the offline-cli feature to avoid port conflicts and prevent servers from beeing reachable through the network while they are beeing set up.
My issue is now that in order to start an embedded server I have to use the CLI-command embed-server, but I don't want to add that command to my scripts, because the scripts are not supposed to know the name of the server config xml file.
Unfortunately I can't use both --command="embed-server --server-config=my-standalone.xml" and --file=myscript.cli at the same time, because the CLI complains with:
Only one of '--file', '--commands' or '--command' can appear as the argument at a time.
Another thing I tried was: --commands="embed-server --server-config=my-standalone.xml,run-batch --file=\"myscript.cli\" but this does not work either, because my scripts contain some if-else logic, for instance:
if (outcome == success) of /subsystem=iiop-openjdk:read-resource()
And unfortunately conditional logic is not supported in batch mode (see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1083176).
the simple way is to start your embedded server in your script :
embed-server --std-out=echo --server-config=standalone-full.xml
/subsystem=messaging-activemq/server=default/jms-queue=inQueue:add(durable=true, entries=["/queue/inQueue","java:jboss/exported/queue/inQueue"])
/subsystem=messaging-activemq/server=default/jms-queue=outQueue:add(durable=true, entries=["/queue/outQueue","java:jboss/exported/queue/outQueue"])
Don't forget to quit at the end of your cli script :)
If you are using a Unix system you may try something like this:
(echo embed-server --std-out=echo --server-config=my-standalone.xml; cat myscript.cli) | jboss-cli.sh

how to invoke unix command in perl

i am trying to execute following unix command but its not getting executed
$array_of_tables= `dbsmp $srv_name`;
print "$array_of_tables\n";
please help me to find out list of tables in a data base through perl scripting.
Also i am trying to copy a file from a path to different path by using following command:-
copy(`cd /osp/slee/service/$srv_name/bin/exec/script.txt`,`cd /osp/local/home/linus/amit/scripts`);
but getting an error:-
Usage: copy(FROM, TO [, BUFFERSIZE])
please provide some solution
Use doublequotes instead of back ticks.
and remove the cd
In Perl, the preferable way to capture the output of a system (shell) command is the qx() operator. See http://perldoc.perl.org/perlop.html#Quote-Like-Operators.
$array_of_tables = qx(dbsmp $srv_name);
Actually, backticks should also work, so the problem must lie with your dbsmp command. I'm not sure what that command is; you'll have to provide more information about the utility and what error you're seeing.
For comparison, I can retrieve the list of tables in my local postgres database as a pipe-separated table using this shell command:
> psql -tAXq main postgres <<<\\d;
And this can be run from Perl as follows:
> perl -e 'print(qx(psql -tAXq main postgres <<<\\\\d;));'

Exception / error handlers in DB2?

I have a bunch of SQL scripts (with shell script wrappers) to unload data like so
I want to add an error handler to the script the way Oracle does it:
SPOOL /tmp/out.csv;
According to DB2's documentation, this can be done in stored procedures, C, Perl, REXX, and nothing else...
How can this be done in SQL scripts?
I am running DB2/LINUXX8664 9.7.2.
you could use the DB2 command line command processor and get its return code. http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r5/topic/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.cmd.doc/doc/r0010411.html
or you could use the SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD procedure and use its return codes. http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r5/topic/com.ibm.db2.luw.sql.rtn.doc/doc/r0023573.html
you could put the stored proc calls in a script file and run something like db2 -tvf runexport.txt or put the db2 commands in a linux script file and use linux scripting foo to handle the db2 return codes.

Redirect input from another command in windows batch files

In linux I can do something like this:
mysql -u user -p=pass somedb <(echo "create database foo;")
How can I do that with windows batch scripts?
Basically, I want to make a batch file that runs a sql script without having to keep the script in a separate file.
One way is to echo the SQL commands into a file, run the mysql command with option to include the SQL file, and then remove the file (if you really don't want it.)
You can do
echo create database foo;|mysql ...
just fine, but for multiple lines you really want to make a temporary file you just pass to MySQL to read.