how to invoke unix command in perl - perl

i am trying to execute following unix command but its not getting executed
$array_of_tables= `dbsmp $srv_name`;
print "$array_of_tables\n";
please help me to find out list of tables in a data base through perl scripting.
Also i am trying to copy a file from a path to different path by using following command:-
copy(`cd /osp/slee/service/$srv_name/bin/exec/script.txt`,`cd /osp/local/home/linus/amit/scripts`);
but getting an error:-
Usage: copy(FROM, TO [, BUFFERSIZE])
please provide some solution

Use doublequotes instead of back ticks.
and remove the cd

In Perl, the preferable way to capture the output of a system (shell) command is the qx() operator. See
$array_of_tables = qx(dbsmp $srv_name);
Actually, backticks should also work, so the problem must lie with your dbsmp command. I'm not sure what that command is; you'll have to provide more information about the utility and what error you're seeing.
For comparison, I can retrieve the list of tables in my local postgres database as a pipe-separated table using this shell command:
> psql -tAXq main postgres <<<\\d;
And this can be run from Perl as follows:
> perl -e 'print(qx(psql -tAXq main postgres <<<\\\\d;));'


trying to locate output file from postgresql \o -o command

I am making an automated script from terminal that creates a file with the output of \l
But I do not know where the \o command in postgresql prints out the file that it has made. The documentation doesn't inform where.
I did read this, but no luck:
\o points at the named file in current working directory of psql. As you found out, this has some issues in automated environments.
This means you have basically two options:
use absolute paths with \o
Alternatively you can use \cd to set your current working directory inside your psql script.
In your particular case, however, you know that psql -l gives you the same info? That may be easier to manage in an automated environment.

How to run scripts in mongoDB

I have the following scripts, which can be run in Sublime text built-in build.
I want to know how to run the sample script in command line
like mongo -f sample_script.js, thanks
use security_development;
You don't need the -f. Move database selection to command-line argument, though (use and show helpers don't work when executed from a file)
mongo -d security_development sample_script.js

How to ssh as different user, change group, and run a script within Perl

I need to be able to run a script from within a script but first I need to ssh as a different user and then change my group.
I am currently doing the following inside my perl script:
`ssh <user>#<host> ; newgrp <group> ; /script/to/`
When running this command form the command line it doesn't seam to switch groups. I assume this is because it's changing to a new shell.
How do I get around this and get it to work?
Also, please note, I do not have sudo/root privelages.
The first semicolon is interpreted by the local shell. So the three commands are run on the same host. I think you want this
ssh <user>\#<host> "newgrp <grp>; /bin/"
salva, in his reply, answered my question:
sg $group -c '$cmd'
The reason the following command:
newgrp <int>
doesn't work is because it creates a new shell. At least that is my best guess. the "sg" command gets around this.
I have found the following to work (with ksh on hpux) :
ssh user#host "echo 'date;pwd;echo bozo;id' | newgrp nerds;"
which basically executes the commands as user:nerds :
I think OP wants to construct a string to execute from Perl, notice the backticks. Not sure but OP might have to use:
$s='ssh <user>#<host> ; newgrp <group> ; /script/to/'; # Normal single quotes not backticks
OP, there are different ways to execute shell functions from a Perl script. You used backticks. There is also exec($s) and system($s).

DB2 executing a Script in another Script

I am facing a problem in DB2. In my Oracle environment it was very easy for me to include multiple scripts in one master script, which were executed sequentially. e.g.:
connect ....
Now I have to build up same logic in DB2 LUW. Is there a simple way to include multiple scripts in one master script? I would like to have one single db2 call from shell, which executes the master script and within all subscripts.
There is notrhing to stop you from creating a single file with multiple sql batches. In the Windows world, it would look like this:
Note: First you initialize the db2 command prompt.
db2cmd -c -w -i %1.bat
With as many of these as you want in the .bat file:
db2 -txf c:\Example\db2html.sql
In Linux, the db2clp is included in the shell once you load the db2profile ('. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile). In windows, you need to call db2cmd in order to use db2clp.
With a interactive db2clp, you cannot call db2 scripts via #scriptX, however, you can call them from the shell like
db2 -tvf script
However, if you use the CLP*Plus you can do almost everything you do in SQL*Plus. For more information:

DB2 procedure compilation from KSH script

I am writing a KSH script to accept a .sql file parameter followed by each schema that file is to be compiled in. The script assumes the .sql file is a DB2 9.7 procedure.
I believe I am stuck on the syntax of the db2 command for the termination character. We always use the at symbol ('#'), however the following snippet fails with error "DB21001E The option "-#" specified after the 'db2' command or in the DB2OPTIONS variable is incorrect." Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
. $IBM_DB_DIR/db2profile
db2 connect to dwdev3
const_compil_string_suffix="-vtd# -f ../../stored_procedures/"
db2 "$const_compil_string_suffix$script_name"
db2 terminate
I have confirmed that the resulting string command above the 'terminate' does work at linux prompt compiling the procedure as expected:
db2 -vtd# -f ../../stored_procedures/ETL.THING.sql
Thank you in advance.
Try losing the quotation marks:
db2 ${const_compil_string_suffix}${script_name}
I suspect the option string -vtd# might be the culprit.
When using single character options most unix command accept two types of options, those with and those without arguments.
Apparently the # character is being processed as an option argument, however the error message indicates it is seen as an option on its own.
Try separating the options, as in: -v -t -d#, reorder them. or remove one of the -t or -v options.
Beware though. I have no knowledge about the db2 cli. Experiment at your own risk.
Was the -t option added later?