Can I assign running K2 Processes to another user? - k2

We are running k2 Blackpearl 4.6, and unfortunately, the K2 experts left the company. I was hired just before the last one turned in his notice. So really, there was no knowledge transfer. So I'm starting from the ground up, and supporting applications that currently use k2 within the solution.
Anyways, now that that's out of the way, one of the users that was assigned a few processes, retired. We need to re-assign any processes that were currently assigned to him to another user. So, a two part question.
Can I assign a process to another user? If so, what will I need to do to go about doing this?

Looks like all I had to do was go into the management console, click on Worklists, then filter by the Destination user. Once that was done, I could check all the items, then select 'Redirect'. The user now sees all the procesess that were assigned to the old user.


Sync two offline masters when network available

I have a use case where I need to set up two physical stations at a venue. Each station will be running a couple of app servers and a mongodb server.
I can't rely on the venue's internet access so I need my app to be able to work offline and "sync" the dbs every once in a while.
I initially thought about having two masters that would somehow sync with a remote one but TIL that master-master replication is not possible with mongodb.
I've read about the active-active approach, however, that won't let me write to a different shard when offline.
I'm running out of ideas, any recommendation would be greatly appreciated.
------ Update on what I'm trying to achieve:
I'm working with a venue that has two entrances. The idea is to be able to capture some information from people attending the events (name, email, etc). After getting registered we will print a name tag with some of the info.
Everything sounds pretty easy, however, if possible, I would like to not rely on the venue's network (internet). So that's where I started struggling figuring out whats the best approach. I guess what I want is being able to have a remote mongo but if the network goes down somehow keep saving records locally and send them to the remote mongo instance when network is available again.
Extra considerations:
- Events last a couple of days, some people lose their name tag overnight, they should be able to go to either of the entrances and get it reprinted. So we should be able to find their info even if they registered in entrance A but they are asking for a reprint in entrance B.
More questions:
- Am I overthinking it? Maybe venue's network + a 4G/LTE modem as a backup should be enough? I would prefer not relying on it tho.
I believe you're overthinking things. Here's what I would do if faced with a similar situation:
From the description, it doesn't sound like the two sites need to be connected in real time at all. I would create a server on Entry A, another in Entry B, and consolidate their data each day after the day ended if required. This is because:
It's unlikely that one person will register in both sites within a single day. If they lost their tag on that day, I'll just tell them to go back to where they registered earlier and get it reprinted there. Worst case, you'll create a duplicate entry (should be obvious which is the duplicate since no one would lose their tag within seconds) but I would not anticipate hundreds of people all lost their tags within a day.
If the attendee lost their tag overnight, both servers will have synced data and should be able to reprint.
If you're concerned about the venue's Wifi access, just run cables from the server to the printing stations.
Personally, I would argue that the overnight sync is not really needed at all (see the likelihood of people registering twice). I would just collect the data from both servers after the event ended. That is, unless you have specific needs for the combined data from both entries during the 2nd day.
Note: please make sure you're running a minimum of 3-node replica set. Running a standalone instance for prod environment is not recommended. Hardware/disk corruption is a common event.

AS/400 End User - run keystrokes automatically

I'm a novice with AS/400. I have a bit of coding experience and know that there's always an access to the backend if you're clever enough. But developers in my organisation said that it's hard to communicate with the server and make it run things remotely.
So I'm wondering if you anyone's got any ideas how I can schedule a simple task. I login to the "Personal Communication", which is the client app. Then I go to a certain menu, ie I543, enter a parameter "1". And Press "ENTER" to run a report which have a file output.
I know there is that "Macro" function within Personal Communication. But that relies on send keys which does not work on a locked screen, nor do I want to activate it manually, which really defies the point of automation.
I was hoping I can schedule a simple call command somehow to activate some kind of procedure. Just need to know if possible and where to start looking? Thanks.
Last millennium's AS/400 and today's IBM i both have a basic job scheduler built in.
From a command line WRKJOBSCDE.
You need to find out what happens when you select menu I543 option 1. Assuming it's a simple CALL MYRPT or SBMJOB CMD(CALL MYRPT) then adding a scheduled job to run the report is easy.
However, you probably don't have the authority to do so. Nor should your developers necessarily be able to do so. Your system administrator is the right person. In a small shop, that might be the guy doing development. In a large one, it's another person or team.
But your developers should have at least pointed you toward the admin and the job scheduler.

What are the methods of rolling out new/beta features to a large user-base?

So as to avoid overwhelming the infrastructure in a web application instance, what would be the methods of implementing a feature roll out to a controlled group of your user-base?
It depends on the situation. You can't really redirect them to another site using another database if the users are expecting to work with real data and the real site.
I would introduce a flag on your users in your user-table, let's say isBetaUser (bool). Then you can just show these new features for users that got this flag set to True. You could also let them check this flag off using a checkbox through some settings page, if they don't like the idea of trying out new features that is.
Partition your users into groups. Randomly. Demographically. Somehow.
Pick one or more groups for a pilot.
Fix your web site to have both versions of your app running. Maybe use virtual hosting or a different path or something.
One database. Two applications. Data doesn't move. Only the presentation changes.
At first, all users are in the old version. Workload has not changed.
Move a group of users so that their default URL's or links or menus or whatever are references to the new application.
Same workload. Same database. Same number of users. Two applications.
Move another group of users to the new application.
Same workload. Same database. Same number of users. Two applications.
Eventually, after all users are moved, you can delete the old application.

Can Microsoft Windows Workflow route to specific workstations?

I want to write a workflow application that routes a link to a document. The routing is based upon machines not users because I don't know who will ever be at a given post. For example, I have a form. It is initially filled out in location A. I now want it to go to location B and have them fill out the rest. Finally, it goes to location C where a supervisor will approve it.
None of these locations has a known user. That is I don't know who it will be. I only know that whomever it is is authorized (they are assigned to the workstation and are approved to be there.)
Will Microsoft Windows Workflow do this or do I need to build my own workflow based on SQL Server, IP Addresses, and so forth?
Also, How would the user at a workstation be notified a document had been sent to their machine?
Thanks for any help.
I think if I was approaching this problem workflow would work to do it. It is a state machine you want that has three states:
A Start
B Completing
C Approving
However workflow needs to work in one central place (trust me on this, you only want to have one workflow run time running at once, otherwise the same bit of work can be done multiple times see our questions on MSDN forum). So a central server running the workflow is the answer.
How you present this to the users can be done in multiple ways. Dave suggested using an ASP.NET site to identify the machines that are doing the work, which is probably how I would do it. However you could also write a windows forms client that would do the same thing. This would require using something like SOAP / WCF to facilitate communication between client form applications and the central workflow service. This would have the advantage that you could use a system try icon to alert the user.
You might also want to look at human workflow engines, as they are designed to do things such as this (and more), I'm most familiar with PNMsoft's Sequence
You can design a generic "routing" workflow that will cause data to go to a workstation. The easiest way to do this would be to embed the workflow in an ASP.NET application. Each workstation should visit the application with a workstation ID in the querystring:
When the form is filled out at workstation A, the workflow running in the web app can enter it into the "work bin" of the next workstation. Anyone sitting at the computer for which the form is destined will see it appear in their list of forms to review. You can use AJAX to make it slick and auto-updating.

Why is my K2 process not appearing in the reports?

I use K2 as my workflow engine. For some reason my processes are not available in any of the reporting views (on the workspace). Do I have to do something special when deploying to get them there?
Your k2 process should appear in the reports automatically. If it does not, maybe it has never been started?
Look at the _ProcInst table in the K2Server database to see if it's there.
Check that you have view permissions set for that process. If you do not have view permissions you will not see the process in reports.
TrueWill's comments are correct. However, the most likely cause of not seeing specific process data is the lack of required permissions. Make sure your account has either View, View Participate, or the Admin right on the process depending upon the requirement. View Participate requires that you participated in the process in some way, like being a destination user (which would usually mean a task is assigned to you), for you to see the reporting data for that instance.