Simple Injector with several bounded DbContexts - exception "IDbContext has already been registered" - entity-framework

I am trying to switch to Simple Injector Dependency Injection framework as I am impressed with its speed.
private static void RegisterServices(Container container)
container.RegisterPerWebRequest<IDbContext, DbContext1>();
////container.RegisterPerWebRequest<IDbContext, DbContext2>();
container.RegisterPerWebRequest<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>();
container.RegisterPerWebRequest<IColourRepository, ColourRepository>();
where DbContext1 and DbContext2 inherit from a BaseDbContext class
public class BaseDbContext<TContext> : DbContext, IDbContext where TContext : DbContext
which implements a rather simple IDbContext interface (like the many offered on SO), e.g:
public interface IDbContext
IQueryable<TEntity> Find<TEntity>() where TEntity : class;
DbSet<TEntity> Set<TEntity>() where TEntity : class;
int SaveChanges();
void Dispose();
If I use just a single DbContext class, it works fine - repositories get injected, data pulled etc.
However, I'd also like to use bounded contexts with a smaller number of DbSets in each of them (Shrink EF Models with DDD Bounded Contexts) as my Code-First DbContext would otherwise include hundreds of classes
private static void RegisterServices(Container container)
container.RegisterPerWebRequest<IDbContext, DbContext1>();
container.RegisterPerWebRequest<IDbContext, DbContext2>();
container.RegisterPerWebRequest<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>();
container.RegisterPerWebRequest<IColourRepository, ColourRepository>();
Then I get an exception:
System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled by user code
Message=Type IDbContext has already been registered and the container is currently not configured to allow overriding registrations. To allow overriding the current registration, please set the Container.Options.AllowOverridingRegistrations to true.
at SimpleInjector.Container.ThrowWhenTypeAlreadyRegistered(Type type)
at SimpleInjector.Container.AddRegistration(Type serviceType, Registration registration)
at SimpleInjector.Container.Register[TService,TImplementation](Lifestyle lifestyle, String serviceTypeParamName, String implementationTypeParamName)
at SimpleInjector.Container.Register[TService,TImplementation](Lifestyle lifestyle)
at SimpleInjector.SimpleInjectorWebExtensions.RegisterPerWebRequest[TService,TImplementation](Container container)
If I follow the suggestion:
container.Options.AllowOverridingRegistrations = true;
then DbContext2 seems to override DbContext1, e.g. DbSet "Colour" is in DbContext1 and it is not accessible any more:
Additional information: The entity type Colour is not part of the model for the current context.
How should I use Simple Injector and bounded DbContexts together?
The DbContexts are no used in controllers directly, they are dependencies of repositories which Simple Injector should be able to initialise in constructors
public class ColoursController : ApiController
private readonly IColourRepository _repository;
private readonly ModelFactory _modelFactory;
public ColoursController(IColourRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
_modelFactory = new ModelFactory();
public class ColourRepository : Repository<Colour>, IColourRepository
public ColourRepository(IDbContext context) : base(context) { }
ColourRepository expects a concrete implementation of DbContext1, but some other repository would need DbContext2 (with a different set of entities)
I do not see the reason why it is impossible to use IDbContext interface (or a base type) for both DbContext1 and DbContext2.
Unity can do it:
container.RegisterType<IDbContext, NorthwindContext>(new PerRequestLifetimeManager(), "NorthwindContext");
container.RegisterType<IDbContext, NorthwindCustomerContext>(new PerRequestLifetimeManager(), "NorthwindCustomerContext");
Ninject can do it.
Simple Injector mentions CompositeLogger - maybe that one could do the trick?

ColourRepository expects a concrete implementation of DbContext1, but
some other repository would need DbContext2 (with a different set of
Your design is currently ambiguous. Although your design speaks about an IDbContext and it looks like if there's just one abstraction with two implementations, but those implementations are not interchangeable (a Liskov Substitution principle violation) which is an indication that there should in fact be two different interfaces. Besides, having one single interface makes your DI configuration more complicated and harder to maintain (this is independent on the framework you pick).
So the solution is to remove the ambiguity from your design by giving each context its own interface. This allows your repositories to take the dependency on the abstraction they need:
public class ColourRepository : Repository<Colour>, IColourRepository
public ColourRepository(ICustomerDbContext context) : base(context) { }
And this allows you to simplify the registration:
container.Register<IDbContext, NorthwindContext>(Lifestyle.Scoped);
container.Register<ICustomerDbContext, NorthwindCustomerContext>(Lifestyle.Scoped);
Note that using keyed registrations won't solve the core problem; you'll still forced to explicitly state which keyed version should be injected in which repository, which will make your DI configuration a maintenance nightmare and very error prone.


How Do I Create a DbContextFactory Within a Blazor Background Service?

I am working on my first Blazor Server application, which is also my first Entity Framework Core application. I am wanting to set up a background service which, once a day in the early morning, checks the database to see if any of a certain record type has been added with yesterday's date. If so, the relevant records are pulled, formatted, and then emailed to a stakeholder.
I have the EF, formatting, and emailing code working just fine when I trigger the report by manually visiting the page. The problem that I have is how to provide the background service with a DbContextFactory so that the EF and related code can execute.
Up to this point I've always used Razor-based dependency injection to inject the IDbContextFactory via an inject IDbContextFactory<OurAppContext> DbFactory at the top of the page, and then accessed the DbFactory via the DbFactory variable.
However, background services are (according to this Microsoft tutorial) set up through Program.cs, so I don't have access to Razor-based dependency injection there.
I have set up my background service (what I call the PhaseChangeReportService) as indicated in the above link, and it dutifully outputs to the console every 10 seconds that it is running with an updated execution count. I don't fully understand what's going on with the various layers of indirection, but it appears to be working as Microsoft intended.
I noted that the constructor for the background service takes in an ILogger as a parameter, specifically:
namespace miniDARTS.ScopedService
public sealed class PhaseChangeReportService : IScopedProcessingService
private int _executionCount;
private readonly ILogger<PhaseChangeReportService> _logger;
public PhaseChangeReportService(ILogger<PhaseChangeReportService> logger)
_logger = logger;
public async Task DoWorkAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
_logger.LogInformation("{ServiceName} working, execution count: {Count}", nameof(PhaseChangeReportService), _executionCount);
await Task.Delay(10_000, stoppingToken);
I was (and am) confused that the constructor is never referenced within Visual Studio, but when I drop a breakpoint on its one line of code it is hit. I tried modifying this constructor's signature so that it took in an IDbFactory<OurAppContext> as well, so that whatever dark magic is allowing an ILogger<BackgroundServiceType> to come in for assignment to _logger might bring in a DbFactory<OurAppContext> as well, like so:
private readonly ILogger<PhaseChangeReportService> _logger;
private readonly IDbContextFactory<miniDARTSContext> _dbContextFactory;
public PhaseChangeReportService(ILogger<PhaseChangeReportService> logger, IDbContextFactory<miniDARTSContext> dbContextFactory)
_logger = logger;
_dbContextFactory = dbContextFactory;
However, doing so just led to the constructor breakpoint being skipped over and not breaking, with no exception being thrown or any console output of any kind (i.e. the prior execution count console output no longer showed up). So, I gave up on that approach.
Here is the relevant section of Program.cs:
// Configure the database connection.
string connectionString = builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("miniDARTSContext");
var serverVersion = new MySqlServerVersion(new Version(8, 0, 28));
builder.Services.AddDbContextFactory<miniDARTSContext>(options => options.UseMySql(connectionString, serverVersion), ServiceLifetime.Scoped);
IHost host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
.ConfigureServices(services =>
services.AddScoped<IScopedProcessingService, PhaseChangeReportService>();
Here's IScopedProcessingService.cs:
namespace miniDARTS.ScopedService
public interface IScopedProcessingService
Task DoWorkAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken);
And here's ScopedBackgroundService.cs:
namespace miniDARTS.ScopedService;
public sealed class ScopedBackgroundService : BackgroundService
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
private readonly ILogger<ScopedBackgroundService> _logger;
public ScopedBackgroundService(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ILogger<ScopedBackgroundService> logger)
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
_logger = logger;
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
_logger.LogInformation($"{nameof(ScopedBackgroundService)} is running.");
await DoWorkAsync(stoppingToken);
private async Task DoWorkAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
_logger.LogInformation($"{nameof(ScopedBackgroundService)} is working.");
using (IServiceScope scope = _serviceProvider.CreateScope())
IScopedProcessingService scopedProcessingService = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IScopedProcessingService>();
await scopedProcessingService.DoWorkAsync(stoppingToken);
public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
_logger.LogInformation($"{nameof(ScopedBackgroundService)} is stopping.");
await base.StopAsync(stoppingToken);
I'm confident I'm misunderstanding something relatively fundamental here when it comes to services / dependency injection, but my Googling and review of past StackOverflow answers has not turned up anything I can run with.
The IDbContextFactory is an interface that is used for creating instances of a DbContext. When you add it to your services on program.cs for Blazor (services.AddDbContextFactory(parameters)), it implements the IDbContextFactory for you. This allows you to use the #inject IDbContextFactory<YourDbContext> DbFactory at the top of your razor components and then within your code you can call the CreateDbContext method when you need to create an instance of the DbContext (ex. using var context = DbFactory.CreateDbContext()).
You can pass an injected DbContextFactory as a parameter from a razor component to a class, and then use that DbContextFactory in a method to create an instance of the DbContext (see constructor injection), but that still relies on the razor component to inject the DbContextFactory to begin with.
To create an instance of a DbContext independent of a razor component, you need to use the constructor for your DbContext. Your DbContext will have a public constructor with a DbContextOptions parameter (this is required to be able to use AddDbContextFactory when registering the factory service in program.cs). You can use this constructor to implement your own factory. If you aren't sure which options to use, you can check your program.cs to see what options you used there.
public class YourDbFactory : IDbContextFactory<YourDbContext>
public YourDbContext CreateDbContext()
var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<YourDbContext>();
return new YourDbContext(optionsBuilder);
Once you've created your own implementation of the IDbContextFactory interface, you can then use it in your code independent of razor components - for example in the background service class.
YourDbFactory DbFactory = new YourDbFactory();
using var context = DbFactory.CreateDbContext();

How to know if a class is an #Entity (javax.persistence.Entity)?

How can I know if a class is annotated with javax.persistence.Entity?
Person (Entity)
#Table(name = "t_person")
public class Person {
public class PersonManager {
protected EntityManager em;
public Person findById(int id) {
Person person = this.em.find(Person.class, id);
return person;
I try to do it with instance of as the following
PersonManager manager;
Object o = manager.findById(1);
o instanceof Entity // false
however the result is false, shouldn't it be true?
While the existing answers provide a (somehow) working solution, some things should be noted:
Using an approach based on Reflection implies (a) Performance Overhead and (b) Security Restrictions (see Drawbacks of Reflection).
Using an ORM-specific (here: Hibernate) approach risks portability of the code towards other execution environments, i.e., application containers or other customer-related settings.
Luckily, there is a third JPA-only way of detecting whether a certain Java class (type) is a (managed) #Entity. This approach makes use of standardized access to the javax.persistence.metamodel.MetaModel. With it you get the method
Set < EntityType > getEntities();
It only lists types annotated with #Entity AND which are detected by the current instance of EntityManager you use. With every object of EntityType it is possible to call
Class< ? > getJavaType();
For demonstration purposes, I quickly wrote a method which requires an instance of EntityManager (here: em), either injected or created ad-hoc:
private boolean isEntity(Class<?> clazz) {
boolean foundEntity = false;
Set<EntityType<?>> entities = em.getMetamodel().getEntities();
for(EntityType<?> entityType :entities) {
Class<?> entityClass = entityType.getJavaType();
if(entityClass.equals(clazz)) {
foundEntity = true;
return foundEntity;
You can provide such a method (either public or protected) in a central place (such as a Service class) for easy re-use by your application components. The above example shall just give a direction of what to look for aiming at a pure JPA approach.
For reference see sections 5.1.1 (page 218) and 5.1.2 (page 219f) of the JPA 2.1 specification.
Hope it helps.
If the statement
sessionFactory.getClassMetadata( HibernateProxyHelper.getClassWithoutInitializingProxy( Person.class ) ) != null;
is true, than it is an entity.
#NiVer's answer is valid. But, if you don't have a session or sessionFactory at that point you could use Reflection. Something like:
o.getClass().getAnnotation(Entity.class) != null;

Using Unity, how do you register type mappings for generics?

I'm trying to implement a repository solution for Entity Framework but I am having trouble registering the types that include generics using Unity.
// IRepository interface
public interface IRepository<TEntity>
// omitted for brevity
// Repository implementation
public class Repository<TEntity, TContext> : IRepository<TEntity>, IDisposable
where TEntity : class
where TContext : DbContext
// omitted for brevity
// service layer constructor
public MyServiceConstructor(IRepository<Account> repository)
_repository = repository;
I need to register the type mapping for IRepository to Repository. but I'm having trouble with the Unity syntax for this kind of mapping.
I have tried the following with no luck:
container.RegisterType<IRepository<>, typeof(Repository<,>)>();
container.RegisterType<typeof(IRepository<>), Repository<,>>();
Based, on #Steven response I have the following implementation now:
// UnityRepository implementation
public class UnityRepository<TEntity> : Repository<TEntity, MyDbContextEntities>
where TEntity : class
public UnityRepository() : base(new MyDbContextEntities()) { }
// Unity bootstrapper
container.RegisterType(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(UnityRepository<>));
You are trying to do the following:
container.RegisterType(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(Repository<,>));
This would normally work, but won't do the trick in this case, since there is IRepository<TEntity> has one generic argument and Repository<TEntity, TContext> has two, and Unity (obviously) can't guess what type it should fill in for TContext.
What you need is this:
typeof(Repository<, MyDbContextEntities>));
In other words, you'd want to supply the Repository<TEntity, TContext> as a partial open generic type (with one parameter filled in). Unfortunately, the C# compiler does not support this.
But even if the C# did support this, Unity doesn't support partial open generic types. In fact most IoC libraries eworks don't support this. And for that one library that does support it, you would still have to do the following (nasty thing) to create the partial open generic type:
Type myDbContextEntitiesRepositoryType =
There's a easy trick work around to get this to work though: define a derived class with one generic type:
// Special implementation inside your Composition Root
public class UnityRepository<TEntity> : Repository<TEntity, MyDbContextEntities>
where TEntity : class
public UnityRepository([dependencies]) : base([dependencies]) { }
Now we can easily register this open generic type:
container.RegisterType(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(UnityRepository<>));

Generic repository implementation with EF

For a simple repository
public interface ISimpleRepository<T>
IApplicationState AppState { get; set; }
void Add(T instance);
void Delete(T instance);
void Delete(Guid rowGuid);
IQueryable<T> GetAll();
T Load(Guid rowGuid);
void SaveChanges();
void Update(T instance);
my implementation of the Load() method for specific repository for class Product might look like this:
public Product Load(Guid rowid)
return (from c in _ctx.Products where == rowid select c).FirstOrDefault();
Now this is assumed when my repository implementation class looks like this:
public class EntityFrameworkProductsProvider : IRepository<Product> ...
What if I had like dozens or hundreds of this small and simple entities that would all use the same behaviour when doing CRUDs (use the same implementation of methods)? I certainly don't want to go and create a class to implement IRepository for each one of them..
I want something like this:
public class EntityFrameworkDefaultProvider<T> : IRepository<T> ...
but I don't know how to implement the LINQ Select expression then because of course I can't write from e in _ctx.T where e... or do I?
I haven't run into this scenario yet because so far I only had very specific entities with custom repository implementation.
Because you tagged your question with entity-framework and entity-framework-4 I assume you are using ObjectContext API. ObjectContext offers method CreateObjectSet<T> which is equivalent of Set<T> on DbContext.
This question is actually duplicate of either:
Generic GetById with DbContext
Generic GetById with ObjectContext
Instead of writing _ctx.Products, you can write _ctx.Set<T>. That takes care of half of the problem (you need to add a generic constraint where T: class to your repository)
Then, if rowid is the object's key, you can use _ctx.Set<T>.Find(rowid) instead of a LINQ query to retrieve by Id.
Alternatively, you can create a base interface IHaveId (or a BaseEntity class, whatever you like) which has the Id property, and then add that as an generic constraint on T, so you can use it in your queries.
If you're using EF 4.1, see the sample generic repository here:
I know that this is possible in EF4.1 with the DbContext API, where you have a "Set" method on the context that gets you the entity set corresponding to the type T. this way, you could have your repository like this:
public class EntityFrameworkDefaultProvider<T> : IRepository<T> where T:class
public T Load(Guid rowId)
return _context.Set<T>().Find(rowId);
one more remark: I think you could use this syntax :
return _ctx.Products.FirstOrDefault(c=> == rowid);
to get the entity you want instead of using the (from... in...). it's clearer (in my opinion) :)
Hope this helps

Entity Framework Code First - No Detach() method on DbContext

I'm wondering why there is no Detach method on the DbContext object like there is for ObjectContext.  I can only assume this omission was intentional, but I have a hard time figuring out why.  I need to be able to detach and re-attach entities (for putting in the cache in an ASP.NET project, for example).  However, since I can't detach an entity, when I try to attach an entity that was associated with a previous context, I get the "An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker" exception.
What's the guidance here?  Am I missing something?
For people that might stumble upon this question, as of CTP5 you now need to write
in order to get to ObjectContext.
DbContext uses an ObjectContext internally and EF team make this available as a protected property just in case you ever need to drop down to the lower level API and sounds like this is the case here, so you can use or expose the required functionality from a derived DbContext:
public class YourContext : DbContext
public void Detach(object entity)
Then you can call this method from your controller to detach an entity.
Alternatively, you can change it to even have a richer API:
public class YourContext : DbContext
public void ChangeObjectState(object entity, EntityState entityState)
ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(entity, entityState);
Here is how DbContext looks like from metadata:
public class DbContext : IDisposable
protected System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext ObjectContext { get; }
EF:CF 4.1 RC1 and EF:CF 4.1 RTW have the same explicitly implemented IObjectContextAdapter:
public static class DbContextExtensions
public static void Detach(this System.Data.Entity.DbContext context, object entity)
Microsoft decided "Detach is too advanced technology and should be hidden". IMHO the man who invented this should be shot - because if you add brand new entity, it is otherwise difficult to just remove it without commiting changes to db (you can manipulate with DbEntityEntry but that's another story).
Edit 4 years later:
With EF6 (i somehow skipped EF5 :) ) you dont need detach() anymore, becouse removing freshly added entry does not generate delete from [table] where [Id] = 0 as in EF4 - you can just call mySet.Remove(myFreshlyCreatedAndAddedEntity) and everything will be allright.
I usually extend the base class(inherits from the DbContext) with the property:
public class MyDbContext : DbContext
public ObjectContext ThisObjectContext
return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext;
later you can use this property for variety of useful stuff ... like Detach :)