How to know if a class is an #Entity (javax.persistence.Entity)? - jpa

How can I know if a class is annotated with javax.persistence.Entity?
Person (Entity)
#Table(name = "t_person")
public class Person {
public class PersonManager {
protected EntityManager em;
public Person findById(int id) {
Person person = this.em.find(Person.class, id);
return person;
I try to do it with instance of as the following
PersonManager manager;
Object o = manager.findById(1);
o instanceof Entity // false
however the result is false, shouldn't it be true?

While the existing answers provide a (somehow) working solution, some things should be noted:
Using an approach based on Reflection implies (a) Performance Overhead and (b) Security Restrictions (see Drawbacks of Reflection).
Using an ORM-specific (here: Hibernate) approach risks portability of the code towards other execution environments, i.e., application containers or other customer-related settings.
Luckily, there is a third JPA-only way of detecting whether a certain Java class (type) is a (managed) #Entity. This approach makes use of standardized access to the javax.persistence.metamodel.MetaModel. With it you get the method
Set < EntityType > getEntities();
It only lists types annotated with #Entity AND which are detected by the current instance of EntityManager you use. With every object of EntityType it is possible to call
Class< ? > getJavaType();
For demonstration purposes, I quickly wrote a method which requires an instance of EntityManager (here: em), either injected or created ad-hoc:
private boolean isEntity(Class<?> clazz) {
boolean foundEntity = false;
Set<EntityType<?>> entities = em.getMetamodel().getEntities();
for(EntityType<?> entityType :entities) {
Class<?> entityClass = entityType.getJavaType();
if(entityClass.equals(clazz)) {
foundEntity = true;
return foundEntity;
You can provide such a method (either public or protected) in a central place (such as a Service class) for easy re-use by your application components. The above example shall just give a direction of what to look for aiming at a pure JPA approach.
For reference see sections 5.1.1 (page 218) and 5.1.2 (page 219f) of the JPA 2.1 specification.
Hope it helps.

If the statement
sessionFactory.getClassMetadata( HibernateProxyHelper.getClassWithoutInitializingProxy( Person.class ) ) != null;
is true, than it is an entity.

#NiVer's answer is valid. But, if you don't have a session or sessionFactory at that point you could use Reflection. Something like:
o.getClass().getAnnotation(Entity.class) != null;


Audit accesses to a JPA entity

I have a JPA entity, with its attibutes and several NamedQueries.
I'm trying to log some information "any time the entity is used for something", i.e.:
any time any of its NamedQueries is invoked
any time the entity is used in a Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT....FROM thisEntity a, otherEntity b WHERE.....");
any time any of its attributes is accessed
The information i want to log must include the invoker class name and invoker method, among other.
I guess this must be achieved through interceptors, but i'm not sure for example if interceptors allow me to intercept the accesses to the class throw its NamedQueries.
You could achieve that using callback methods like #PrePersist, #PostPersist, #PostLoad, #PreUpdate, #PostUpdate, #PreRemove, #PostRemove inside the entity classes.
For example
public class EntityA {
public void beforePersist(){
//Log information
Additionally you could use that callback methods in listener classes.
public class EntityListenerA{
public void beforePersist(EntityA ob) {
//Log information
public class EntityA {
In your case I supose you must use the callback #PostLoad depending on the query.
Hope this help

How to obtain Class from JPA entity name?

Is there a way to find out the
that is the one having
#Entity(name = "X")?
In other words use the Entity Name to get the classname of the Entity, of course at runtime :)
All registered #Entitys are available by MetaModel#getEntities(). It returns a List<EntityType<?>> whereby the EntityType has a getName() method representing the #Entity(name) and a getJavaType() representing the associated #Entity class. The MetaModel instance is in turn available by EntityManager#getMetaModel().
In other words, here's the approach in flavor of an utility method:
public static Class<?> getEntityClass(EntityManager entityManager, String entityName) {
for (EntityType<?> entity : entityManager.getMetamodel().getEntities()) {
if (entityName.equals(entity.getName())) {
return entity.getJavaType();
return null;
I've raised an issue in the JPA spec to be able to load entity by entity name 4 years ago and still no development on the matter:

Injecting generic Beans with CDI/Weld

I just come from my tiny nice JavaSE/Guice world and am currently discovering the path of "carried by the container"-EE6. After having some trouble with Glassfish3.1, I just switched to JBoss and am now facing a problem that shouldnt be one.
As infrastructural assisting class, im trying to create a generic repository/DAO for any kind of entity. In a very simple manner, this might look like this one.
public class Repository<E, K extends Serializable & Comparable<K>> {
private final Instance<EntityManager> entityManagerInstance;
protected final Class<E> getDomainObjectClass() {
return domainObjectClass;
private final Class<E> domainObjectClass;
protected final EntityManager getEntityManager() {
return entityManagerInstance.get();
public Repository(Instance<EntityManager> entityManageryProvider, Provider<E> domainObjectProvider) {
//This is a dirty hack, sadly :(
domainObjectClass = (Class<E>)domainObjectProvider.get().getClass();
this.entityManagerInstance = entityManageryProvider;
public final void persist(E domainObject) {
final EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
public final Collection<E> getAllEntities() {
final EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
final CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
final CriteriaQuery<E> query = cb.createQuery(getDomainObjectClass());
final List<E> result = em.createQuery(query).getResultList();
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
public final E find(K id) {
final EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
return em.find(getDomainObjectClass(), id);
// [...]
Now there may be a bean that does not require entity-dependent query capabilities but just a repository of a certain entity type, like (might be a test case):
public class DomainObjectARepositoryTest{
Repository<DomainObjectA, PersistableUUID> domainObjectARepository;
public void testMitarbeitererstellung() {
for (DomainObjectA a : domainObjectARepository.getAllEntities()) {
// do cool stuff
Unfortunatly Weld does not seem to like this kind of generic injection. At deployment time, I get the following error:
state=Create: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: WELD-001408 Unsatisfied dependencies for type [Repository<DomainObjectA , PersistableUUID>] with qualifiers [#Default] at injection point [[field] #Inject sompackage.DomainObjectARepositoryTest.domainObjectARepository]
Am I missing something or did they just forgot to implement generic injects? As far as I understand the generic stuff, it is erasured after compiletime anyway - even this worked so fine in guice3 so far.
Kind regards,
edit: found a comment by garvin king that this behavior is in the spec, but not implemented in weld, (staement was in june 2009)
That's rather a long comment than a complete answer to your question, but might point you in the right direction:
I'm following the discussions in seam-dev & weld-dev since quite some time, and do not remember that anything like this ever popped up. So my guess would be that it hasn't been on the agenda ever since Gavin commented about it.
What you can do relatively easy to verify this assumption:
(a) Obtain a reference to the BeanManager and query it for the relevant bean type (or just for Object to be on the save side), of course you will have to remove #Inject in DomainObjectARepositoryTest in order to get the application started.
(b) Register an extension and listen to ProcessBean to what comes up during the deployment. That would be my suggested way to go, you'll find more information here.
With that outcome you should definitely be able to tell if there are any bean types Repository<E, K extends Serializable & Comparable<K>> hanging around :-)
Would be cool if you'd report back here with the results and also considered filing a Jira issue in the negative case.

Generic repository implementation with EF

For a simple repository
public interface ISimpleRepository<T>
IApplicationState AppState { get; set; }
void Add(T instance);
void Delete(T instance);
void Delete(Guid rowGuid);
IQueryable<T> GetAll();
T Load(Guid rowGuid);
void SaveChanges();
void Update(T instance);
my implementation of the Load() method for specific repository for class Product might look like this:
public Product Load(Guid rowid)
return (from c in _ctx.Products where == rowid select c).FirstOrDefault();
Now this is assumed when my repository implementation class looks like this:
public class EntityFrameworkProductsProvider : IRepository<Product> ...
What if I had like dozens or hundreds of this small and simple entities that would all use the same behaviour when doing CRUDs (use the same implementation of methods)? I certainly don't want to go and create a class to implement IRepository for each one of them..
I want something like this:
public class EntityFrameworkDefaultProvider<T> : IRepository<T> ...
but I don't know how to implement the LINQ Select expression then because of course I can't write from e in _ctx.T where e... or do I?
I haven't run into this scenario yet because so far I only had very specific entities with custom repository implementation.
Because you tagged your question with entity-framework and entity-framework-4 I assume you are using ObjectContext API. ObjectContext offers method CreateObjectSet<T> which is equivalent of Set<T> on DbContext.
This question is actually duplicate of either:
Generic GetById with DbContext
Generic GetById with ObjectContext
Instead of writing _ctx.Products, you can write _ctx.Set<T>. That takes care of half of the problem (you need to add a generic constraint where T: class to your repository)
Then, if rowid is the object's key, you can use _ctx.Set<T>.Find(rowid) instead of a LINQ query to retrieve by Id.
Alternatively, you can create a base interface IHaveId (or a BaseEntity class, whatever you like) which has the Id property, and then add that as an generic constraint on T, so you can use it in your queries.
If you're using EF 4.1, see the sample generic repository here:
I know that this is possible in EF4.1 with the DbContext API, where you have a "Set" method on the context that gets you the entity set corresponding to the type T. this way, you could have your repository like this:
public class EntityFrameworkDefaultProvider<T> : IRepository<T> where T:class
public T Load(Guid rowId)
return _context.Set<T>().Find(rowId);
one more remark: I think you could use this syntax :
return _ctx.Products.FirstOrDefault(c=> == rowid);
to get the entity you want instead of using the (from... in...). it's clearer (in my opinion) :)
Hope this helps

Function Import and Repository pattern with Entity Framework 4.0

Could anyone advise me on how they've implemented the use of Function Imports when using the Repository pattern against EF 4.0?
We have a table mapped to a Candidate Entity and also a Function Import off an existing sproc that maps to Candidate. This works great in EF but we're abstracting by use of Repositories which take on their constructor the IObjectSet where T is the POCO entity. However this means I'm unable to get a reference to the function import. The only way I can see of doing this is passing a reference to the ObjectContext to the repositories that need it but this feels like a bit of a design smell to me.
Even though several of our Repositories are extended with custom interfaces we're still faced with the same issue.
public class CandidateRepository : Repository<Candidate>, ICandidateRepository
public CandidateRepository(IObjectSet<Candidate> entities)
: base(entities)
public Candidate GetByEmail(string email)
return Entities.SingleOrDefault(c => c.EmailAddress.Equals(email));
public bool CandidateExists(string candidateNumber)
return Entities.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Number.Equals(candidateNumber)) != null;
public Candidate GetByNumber(string number)
return Entities.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Number.Equals(number));
public Candidate GetMember(string number)
return new Candidate(); //This one needs to return from the Function Import
Any advice greatly appreciated.
To solve your problem directly you can cast entities to ObjectSet<T> and use entites.Context property to get ObjectContext.
public Candidate GetMember(string number)
var objectSet = Enities as ObjectSet<Candidate>;
if(objectSet == null) throw new Exception("Oh, it's not EF IObjectSet implementation");
return objectSet.Context.MyCustomFunction(string number);
As you can see this code relies on specific IObjectSet implementation which is not good at all.
The better idea is to create repositories for aggregate roots only rather then for each table. So it will be more natural to pass ObjectContext to repository ctor.
I have went down this route and i have experienced that it is less of a pain when you pass in an interface implementation of the ObjectContext to your repository. The interface implementation should have some way of calling the function. So when you pass in the concrete implementation of the ObjectContext everything should work fine.