why is there significant double precision difference between Matlab and Mathematica? - matlab

I created a random double precision value in Matlab by
x = rand(1,1);
then display all possible digits of x by
and obtain:
0.2238119394911369 7971853298440692014992237091064453125
I save x to a .mat file, and import it into Mathematica, and then convert it:
y = N[FromDigits[RealDigits[x]],100]
and obtain:
0.2238119394911369 0000
Then go back to Matlab and use (copy and paste all the Mathematica digits to Matlab):
and obtain:
0.22381193949113689 64518061375201796181499958038330078125
Why there is significant difference between the same double precision variable?
How to bridge the gap when exchanging data between Mathematica and Matlab?

You can fix this problem by using ReadList instead of Import. I have added some demo steps below to explore displayed rounding and equality. Note the final test d == e? is False in Mathematica 7 but True in Mathematica 9, (with all the expected digits). So it looks like some precision has been added to Import by version 9. The demo uses a demo file.
Contents of demo.dat:
a = Import["demo.dat"]
b = ReadList["demo.dat"]
a[[1, 1]] == a[[2, 1]]
b[[1]] == b[[2]]
a[[1, 1]] == b[[1]]
a[[1, 1]] == ToExpression#b[[2]]
b[[1]] // FullForm
c = First#StringSplit[ToString#FullForm#b[[1]], "`"]
ToExpression /# {c, b[[2]]}
d = N[FromDigits[RealDigits[a[[1, 1]]]], 100]
e = N[FromDigits[RealDigits[b[[1]]]], 100]
d == e

The precision is as expected for double values. A double has a 53 bit fraction, thus the precision is about 53*log(10)/log(2)=16 significant digits. You have 16 significant digits, it works as expected.


how can I show more than 15 significant digits for each entry in matlab?

I want to calculate numbers in Matlab.
how can I show more than 15 significant digits for each entry in Matlab?
a = 1:10;
x = (773712524553590618513 + (a * 8864385670));
Using the vpa function in the Symbolic Math Toolbox more than 16 digits can be shown.
format long e
x = (773712524553590618513+(a*8864385670));
Edit: Any clarification between the implications of using syms against variable-point-precision (vpa) for a, 773712524553590618513 and 8864385670 in this case is much appreciated. Seems that using vpa() on each item would have some error propagation.
a = sym(1:10);
f = sym(773712524553590618513)+(a*sym(8864385670));
Significant_Digits = 32;
x = vpa(f,Significant_Digits)

How to fix the difference in precision between double data type and uint64

I'm in the process of implementing Three Fish block cipher using MATLAB. At first, I implemented the algorithm on uint8 numbers to validate my code. Every thing was OK and the decryption was successful. But when I replaced the numbers to uint64 the plain text did not retrieved correctly.
I traced the rounds results again and over again to find the reason, but I couldn't find it so far. There is difference in the first four digits between encryption and decryption, that is, along the rounds x encrypted as 9824265115183455531, but it decrypts as 9824265115183455488.
I think the reason behind this difference is in the functions AddMod64 and SubMod64 to find arithmetic modulo 2 to the power 64. but really I could not fix it so far.
I know that
double(2^64) = 18446744073709552000
uint64(2^64) = 18446744073709551615 % z = ( x + y ) % 2^64
function z = AddMod64(x , y)
m = uint64(2^64);
z = double(mod(mod(double(x),m)+mod(double(y),m),m));
% z = (x - y ) % 2^64
function z = SubMod64(x , y)
m = uint64(2^64);
z = double(mod(mod(double(x),m) - mod(double(y),m),m));
double(2^64) is already the wrong result, the double type can hold only up to 2^52-1 as an integer without rounding.
Also, when you do uint64(2^64), the power is computed using double, giving the wrong result, which you then cast to uint64. And because the maximum value that a uint64 van hold is 2^64-1, that whole operation is wrong.
Use maxint instead:
m = maxint('uint64');
To do modulo addition in MATLAB is rather tricky, because MATLAB does saturated arithmetic with integers. You need to test for overflow before doing the computation.
if x > m - y
x = y - (m - x + 1);
x = x + y

Matlab reading numbers with higher precision

I have made this scripts that calculates the frequency of a given dataset, but matlab is not precise enough, is it possible to make matlab read in more accurat numbers and not cut off the numbers? I want it to use 8 digits (0.12345678) instead of 4 (0.1234) that is does now
fid = fopen('forceCoeffs.dat','rt');
A = textscan(fid, '%f%f%f%f%f%f', 'HeaderLines',9,'Collect', 9);
A = A{1};
t = A(:,1);
Fs = 1/(A(1,1));
x = A(:,2)
x = detrend(x,0);
xdft = fft(x);
freq = 0:Fs/length(x):Fs/2;
xdft = xdft(1:length(x)/2+1);
[~,I] = max(abs(xdft));
fprintf('Maximum occurs at %d Hz.\n',freq(I));
File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9CEsYCSSZUSb1JmcHRkbFdWYUU/view?usp=sharing
Thank you for including the forceCoeffs.dat file as it allowed me to run your code. Here is an explanation of what you are seeing.
First I want to point out that MATLAB is not rounding anything. You can check the data type of A to ensure you have enough precision.
>> class(A)
ans =
And since you are reading in the file using %f for each column, MATLAB will use all the bits provided by the double type. Ok, now take a look at the contents of your file. The first column has only 2 decimals of precision at most.
0.05 -7.013874e-09 1.410717e+02 -6.688450e-02 -3.344226e-02 -3.344224e-02
349.95 -1.189524e-03 1.381022e+00 -2.523909e-01 -1.273850e-01 -1.250059e-01
350 -1.423947e-03 1.380908e+00 -2.471767e-01 -1.250123e-01 -1.221644e-01
Since no more is needed MATLAB only prints four decimal places when you look at the variable in the variable explorer. Try looking at one of the other columns to see what I am talking about. I commented out the A = A{1} part of your code and looked at the second column. When clicking on the number you see the full precision.
You can use a long type to display 16 digits
To get more than 4 digits precision, you can use
format long
However, to get exactly 8 digits, you need to round it. If your number is a then let use:
format long

Quantizing Double Type Input to Double Type Output in MATLAB

I'm trying to quantize a set of double type samples with 128 level uniform quantizer and I want my output to be double type aswell. When I try to use "quantize" matlab gives an error: Inputs of class 'double' are not supported. I tried "uencode" as well but its answer was nonsense. I'm quite new to matlab and I've been working on this for hours. Any help appriciated. Thanks
uencode is supposed to give integer results. Thats the point of it. but the key point is that it assumes a symmetric range. going from -x to +x where x is the largest or smallest value in your data set. So if your data is from 0-10 your result looks like nonsense because it quantizes the values on the range -10 to 10.
In any event, you actually want the encoded value and the quantized value. I wrote a simple function to do this. It even has little help instructions (really just type "help ValueQuantizer"). I also made it very flexible so it should work with any data size (assuming you have enough memory) it can be a vector, 2d array, 3d, 4d....etc
here is an example to see how it works. Our number is a Uniform distribution from -0.5 to 3.5 this shows that unlike uencode, my function works with nonsymmetric data, and that it works with negative values
a = 4*rand(2,4,2) - .5
[encoded_vals, quant_values] = ValueQuantizer(a, 3)
a(:,:,1) =
0.6041 2.1204 -0.0240 3.3390
2.2188 0.1504 1.4935 0.8615
a(:,:,2) =
1.8411 2.5051 1.5238 3.0636
0.3952 0.5204 2.2963 3.3372
encoded_vals(:,:,1) =
1 4 0 7
5 0 3 2
encoded_vals(:,:,2) =
4 5 3 6
1 1 5 7
quant_values(:,:,1) =
0.4564 1.8977 -0.0240 3.3390
2.3781 -0.0240 1.4173 0.9368
quant_values(:,:,2) =
1.8977 2.3781 1.4173 2.8585
0.4564 0.4564 2.3781 3.3390
so you can see it returns the encoded values as integers (just like uencode but without the weird symmetric assumption). Unlike uencode, this just returns everything as doubles rather than converting to uint8/16/32. The important part is it also returns the quantized values, which is what you wanted
here is the function
function [encoded_vals, quant_values] = ValueQuantizer(U, N)
% ValueQuantizer uniformly quantizes and encodes the input into N-bits
% it then returns the unsigned integer encoded values and the actual
% quantized values
% encoded_vals = ValueQuantizer(U,N) uniformly quantizes and encodes data
% in U. The output range is integer values in the range [0 2^N-1]
% [encoded_vals, quant_values] = ValueQuantizer(U, N) uniformly quantizes
% and encodes data in U. encoded_vals range is integer values [0 2^N-1]
% quant_values shows the original data U converted to the quantized level
% representing the number
if (N<2)
disp('N is out of range. N must be > 2')
quant_values = double(U(:));
max_val = max(quant_values);
min_val = min(quant_values);
%quantizes the data
quanta_size = (max_val-min_val) / (2^N -1);
quant_values = (quant_values-min_val) ./ quanta_size;
%reshapes the data
quant_values = reshape(quant_values, size(U));
encoded_vals = round(quant_values);
%returns the original numbers in their new quantized form
quant_values = (encoded_vals .* quanta_size) + min_val;
As far as I can tell this should always work, but I haven't done extensive testing, good luck

(0.3)^3 == (0.3)*(0.3)*(0.3) returns false in matlab?

I am trying to understand roundoff error for basic arithmetic operations in MATLAB and I came across the following curious example.
(0.3)^3 == (0.3)*(0.3)*(0.3)
ans = 0
I'd like to know exactly how the left-hand side is computed. MATLAB documentation suggests that for integer powers an 'exponentiation by squaring' algorithm is used.
"Matrix power. X^p is X to the power p, if p is a scalar. If p is an integer, the power is computed by repeated squaring."
So I assumed (0.3)^3 and (0.3)*(0.3)^2 would return the same value. But this is not the case. How do I explain the difference in roundoff error?
I don't know anything about MATLAB, but I tried it in Ruby:
irb> 0.3 ** 3
=> 0.026999999999999996
irb> 0.3 * 0.3 * 0.3
=> 0.027
According to the Ruby source code, the exponentiation operator casts the right-hand operand to a float if the left-hand operand is a float, and then calls the standard C function pow(). The float variant of the pow() function must implement a more complex algorithm for handling non-integer exponents, which would use operations that result in roundoff error. Maybe MATLAB works similarly.
Interestingly, scalar ^ seems to be implemented using pow while matrix ^ is implemented using square-and-multiply. To wit:
octave:13> format hex
octave:14> 0.3^3
ans = 3f9ba5e353f7ced8
octave:15> 0.3*0.3*0.3
ans = 3f9ba5e353f7ced9
octave:20> [0.3 0;0 0.3]^3
ans =
3f9ba5e353f7ced9 0000000000000000
0000000000000000 3f9ba5e353f7ced9
octave:21> [0.3 0;0 0.3] * [0.3 0;0 0.3] * [0.3 0;0 0.3]
ans =
3f9ba5e353f7ced9 0000000000000000
0000000000000000 3f9ba5e353f7ced9
This is confirmed by running octave under gdb and setting a breakpoint in pow.
The same is likely true in matlab, but I can't really verify.
Thanks to #Dougal I found this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
double x = 0.3;
printf("%.40f\n", (x*x*x));
long double y = 0.3;
printf("%.40f\n", (double)(y*y*y));
which gives:
The case is strange because the computation with more digits gives a worst result. This is due to the fact that anyway the initial number 0.3 is approximated with few digits and hence we start with a relatively "large" error. In this particular case what happens is that the computation with few digits gives another "large" error but with opposite sign... hence compensating the initial one. Instead the computation with more digits gives a second smaller error but the first one remains.
Here's a little test program that follows what the system pow() from Source/Intel/xmm_power.c, in Apple's Libm-2026, does in this case:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
// basically lines 1130-1157 of xmm_power.c, modified a bit to remove
// irrelevant things
double x = .3;
int i = 3;
//calculate ix = f**i
long double ix = 1.0, lx = (long double) x;
//calculate x**i by doing lots of multiplication
int mask = 1;
//for each of the bits set in i, multiply ix by x**(2**bit_position)
while(i != 0)
if( i & mask )
ix *= lx;
i -= mask;
mask += mask;
lx *= lx; // In double this might overflow spuriously, but not in long double
printf("%.40f\n", (double) ix);
This prints out 0.0269999999999999962252417162744677625597, which agrees with the results I get for .3 ^ 3 in Matlab and .3 ** 3 in Python (and we know the latter just calls this code). By contrast, .3 * .3 * .3 for me gets 0.0269999999999999996946886682280819513835, which is the same thing that you get if you just ask to print out 0.027 to that many decimal places and so is presumably the closest double.
So there's the algorithm. We could track out exactly what value is set at each step, but it's not too surprising that it would round to a very slightly smaller number given a different algorithm for doing it.
Read Goldberg's "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic" (this is a reprint by Oracle). Do understand it. Floating point numbers are not the real numbers of calculus. Sorry, no TL;DR version available.