Quantizing Double Type Input to Double Type Output in MATLAB - matlab

I'm trying to quantize a set of double type samples with 128 level uniform quantizer and I want my output to be double type aswell. When I try to use "quantize" matlab gives an error: Inputs of class 'double' are not supported. I tried "uencode" as well but its answer was nonsense. I'm quite new to matlab and I've been working on this for hours. Any help appriciated. Thanks

uencode is supposed to give integer results. Thats the point of it. but the key point is that it assumes a symmetric range. going from -x to +x where x is the largest or smallest value in your data set. So if your data is from 0-10 your result looks like nonsense because it quantizes the values on the range -10 to 10.
In any event, you actually want the encoded value and the quantized value. I wrote a simple function to do this. It even has little help instructions (really just type "help ValueQuantizer"). I also made it very flexible so it should work with any data size (assuming you have enough memory) it can be a vector, 2d array, 3d, 4d....etc
here is an example to see how it works. Our number is a Uniform distribution from -0.5 to 3.5 this shows that unlike uencode, my function works with nonsymmetric data, and that it works with negative values
a = 4*rand(2,4,2) - .5
[encoded_vals, quant_values] = ValueQuantizer(a, 3)
a(:,:,1) =
0.6041 2.1204 -0.0240 3.3390
2.2188 0.1504 1.4935 0.8615
a(:,:,2) =
1.8411 2.5051 1.5238 3.0636
0.3952 0.5204 2.2963 3.3372
encoded_vals(:,:,1) =
1 4 0 7
5 0 3 2
encoded_vals(:,:,2) =
4 5 3 6
1 1 5 7
quant_values(:,:,1) =
0.4564 1.8977 -0.0240 3.3390
2.3781 -0.0240 1.4173 0.9368
quant_values(:,:,2) =
1.8977 2.3781 1.4173 2.8585
0.4564 0.4564 2.3781 3.3390
so you can see it returns the encoded values as integers (just like uencode but without the weird symmetric assumption). Unlike uencode, this just returns everything as doubles rather than converting to uint8/16/32. The important part is it also returns the quantized values, which is what you wanted
here is the function
function [encoded_vals, quant_values] = ValueQuantizer(U, N)
% ValueQuantizer uniformly quantizes and encodes the input into N-bits
% it then returns the unsigned integer encoded values and the actual
% quantized values
% encoded_vals = ValueQuantizer(U,N) uniformly quantizes and encodes data
% in U. The output range is integer values in the range [0 2^N-1]
% [encoded_vals, quant_values] = ValueQuantizer(U, N) uniformly quantizes
% and encodes data in U. encoded_vals range is integer values [0 2^N-1]
% quant_values shows the original data U converted to the quantized level
% representing the number
if (N<2)
disp('N is out of range. N must be > 2')
quant_values = double(U(:));
max_val = max(quant_values);
min_val = min(quant_values);
%quantizes the data
quanta_size = (max_val-min_val) / (2^N -1);
quant_values = (quant_values-min_val) ./ quanta_size;
%reshapes the data
quant_values = reshape(quant_values, size(U));
encoded_vals = round(quant_values);
%returns the original numbers in their new quantized form
quant_values = (encoded_vals .* quanta_size) + min_val;
As far as I can tell this should always work, but I haven't done extensive testing, good luck


fixed point binary operation with matlab

I have these decimal values:
I converted them to their equal binary values, in the format Q7.10
So, these are the binary values:
% All of the binary values are signed and in Q7.10 format.
I want to do this operation with binary values in matlab :
% This line is equal to multiplying "((x1-x4) / (y1-y4))" with 2^10;
x1x4_div_y1y4 = ((x1-x4) / (y1-y4)) << 10
While trying to do this operation I had some difficulties,
firstly, I couldn't declare the negative binary values in Matlab.
secondly, are we allowed to do math operations with binary values or should I do the operations with decimal values then convert them to binary values?
But what I need is to do this operation with binary operations so I can implement it in verilog hdl.
a= ((-43.00488-11.5048) / (-11.5048+43.00488))*(2^10)
a =
I am not sure if these statements are given the true answer. Should I multiply it with 2^10 or so...
I want to do the same operation using binary values. Can I do that in Matlab? And how to do that?
Thank you in advance.
Your question is not very clear. I think you probably need to think about what you want the fixed-point format of x1x4_div_y1y4 to be. I'm not sure if you really want to multiply by 2^10, or you just did that because you thought you needed to.
However, since you stated that's the operation you want to do, I will assume you really wanted to multiply by 2^10.
The code below converts the binary numbers to fixed point, does the calculation you want, then converts the result back to binary.
Your decimal result (-1772) was correct. You just need to convert it back to signed binary. However, be careful because this number cannot be represented in Q7.10 format (because you multiplied by 2^10, so now it's too large).
In the code below, I just assumed you want the result in signed Q16.8 format (which I interpret as 1 sign bit + 16 integer bits + 8 fractional bits). If you want something different, you can just change those numbers.
close all; clear all; clc;
% All of the binary values are signed and in Q7.10 format.
x1 = '10101001111111011';
x4 = '00010111000000101';
y1 = '11101000111111011';
y4 = '10101001111111011';
% Convert to signed integers
x1 = -bin2dec(x1(1))*2^16 + bin2dec(x1(2:end));
x4 = -bin2dec(x4(1))*2^16 + bin2dec(x4(2:end));
y1 = -bin2dec(y1(1))*2^16 + bin2dec(y1(2:end));
y4 = -bin2dec(y4(1))*2^16 + bin2dec(y4(2:end));
% Convert from integer to fixed point values
x1 = x1 / 2^10;
x4 = x4 / 2^10;
y1 = y1 / 2^10;
y4 = y4 / 2^10;
% The operation I want to do
x1x4_div_y1y4 = ((x1-x4) / (y1-y4)) * 2^10; % << 10
% Convert back to binary...
% Let's assume we want signed Q16.8 output
% Convert from fixed-point to integer
x1x4_div_y1y4 = round(x1x4_div_y1y4 * 2^FRACTIONAL_BITS);
% Handle the sign bit
if x1x4_div_y1y4 < 0
x1x4_div_y1y4 = x1x4_div_y1y4 + 2*2^(INTEGER_BITS + FRACTIONAL_BITS);
% Convert to binary
x1x4_div_y1y4 = dec2bin(x1x4_div_y1y4, 1+INTEGER_BITS+FRACTIONAL_BITS)

Verify Law of Large Numbers in MATLAB

The problem:
If a large number of fair N-sided dice are rolled, the average of the simulated rolls is likely to be close to the mean of 1,2,...N i.e. the expected value of one die. For example, the expected value of a 6-sided die is 3.5.
Given N, simulate 1e8 N-sided dice rolls by creating a vector of 1e8 uniformly distributed random integers. Return the difference between the mean of this vector and the mean of integers from 1 to N.
My code:
function dice_diff = loln(N)
% the mean of integer from 1 to N
A = 1:N
meanN = sum(A)/N;
% I do not have any idea what I am doing here!
V = randi(1e8);
meanvector = V/1e8;
dice_diff = meanvector - meanN;
First of all, make sure everytime you ask a question that it is as clear as possible, to make it easier for other users to read.
If you check how randi works, you can see this:
R = randi(IMAX,N) returns an N-by-N matrix containing pseudorandom
integer values drawn from the discrete uniform distribution on 1:IMAX.
randi(IMAX,M,N) or randi(IMAX,[M,N]) returns an M-by-N matrix.
randi(IMAX,M,N,P,...) or randi(IMAX,[M,N,P,...]) returns an
M-by-N-by-P-by-... array. randi(IMAX) returns a scalar.
randi(IMAX,SIZE(A)) returns an array the same size as A.
So, if you want to use randi in your problem, you have to use it like this:
V=randi(N, 1e8,1);
and you need some more changes:
function dice_diff = loln(N)
%the mean of integer from 1 to N
A = 1:N;
meanN = mean(A);
V = randi(N, 1e8,1);
meanvector = mean(V);
dice_diff = meanvector - meanN;
For future problems, try using the command
help randi
And matlab will explain how the function randi (or other function) works.
Make sure to check if the code above gives the desired result
As pointed out, take a closer look at the use of randi(). From the general case
X = randi([LowerInt,UpperInt],NumRows,NumColumns); % UpperInt > LowerInt
you can adapt to dice rolling by
Rolls = randi([1 NumSides],NumRolls,NumSamplePaths);
as an example. Exchanging NumRolls and NumSamplePaths will yield Rolls.', or transpose(Rolls).
According to the Law of Large Numbers, the updated sample average after each roll should converge to the true mean, ExpVal (short for expected value), as the number of rolls (trials) increases. Notice that as NumRolls gets larger, the sample mean converges to the true mean. The image below shows this for two sample paths.
To get the sample mean for each number of dice rolls, I used arrayfun() with
CumulativeAvg1 = arrayfun(#(jj)mean(Rolls(1:jj,1)),[1:NumRolls]);
which is equivalent to using the cumulative sum, cumsum(), to get the same result.
CumulativeAvg1 = (cumsum(Rolls(:,1))./(1:NumRolls).'); % equivalent
% MATLAB R2019a
% Create Dice
NumSides = 6; % positive nonzero integer
NumRolls = 200;
NumSamplePaths = 2;
% Roll Dice
Rolls = randi([1 NumSides],NumRolls,NumSamplePaths);
% Output Statistics
ExpVal = mean(1:NumSides);
CumulativeAvg1 = arrayfun(#(jj)mean(Rolls(1:jj,1)),[1:NumRolls]);
CumulativeAvgError1 = CumulativeAvg1 - ExpVal;
CumulativeAvg2 = arrayfun(#(jj)mean(Rolls(1:jj,2)),[1:NumRolls]);
CumulativeAvgError2 = CumulativeAvg2 - ExpVal;
% Plot
subplot(2,1,1), hold on, box on
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvg1,'b--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 1')
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvg2,'r--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 2')
xlabel('Number of Trials')
ylim([1 NumSides])
subplot(2,1,2), hold on, box on
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvgError1,'b--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 1')
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvgError2,'r--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 2')
xlabel('Number of Trials')

Convolution Kernel using a user defined function. How to deal with negative pixel values?

I've declared a function that will be used to calculate the convolution of an image using an arbitrary 3x3 kernel. I also created a script that will prompt the user to select both an image as well as enter the convolution kernel of their choice. However, I do not know how to go about dealing with negative pixel values that will arise for various kernels. How would I implement a condition into my script that will deal with these negative values?
This is my function:
function y = convul(x,m,H,W)
for i=2:(H-1)
for j=2:(W-1)
And this is the script that I've written that prompts the user to enter an image and select a kernel of their choice:
x = imread(fullfile(path,file));
prompt='Enter a convulation kernel m: ';
I've tried to use the absolute value of the convolution, as well as attempting to locate negatives in the output image, but nothing worked.
This is the original image:
This is the image I get when I use the kernel [-1 -1 -1;-1 9 -1; -1 -1 -1]:
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
MATLAB is rather unique in how it handles operations between different data types. If x is uint8 (as it likely is in this case), and m is double (as it likely is in this case), then this operation:
returns a uint8 value, not a double. Arithmetic in MATLAB always takes the type of the non-double argument. (And you cannot do arithmetic between two different types unless one of them is double.)
MATLAB does integer arithmetic with saturation. That means that uint8(5) * -1 gives 0, not -5, because uint8 cannot represent a negative value.
So all your Z1..Z9 are uint8 values, negative results have been set to 0. Now you add all of these, again with saturation, leading to a value of at most 255. This value is assigned to the output (a double). So it looks like you are doing your computations correctly and outputting a double array, but you are still clamping your result in an odd way.
A Correct implementation would cast each of the values of x to double before multiplying by a potentially negative number. For example:
for i = 2:H-1
for j = 2:W-1
s = 0;
s = s + double(x(i-1,j-1))*m(1,1);
s = s + double(x(i-1,j))*m(1,2);
s = s + double(x(i-1,j+1))*m(1,3);
s = s + double(x(i,j-1))*m(2,1);
s = s + double(x(i,j))*m(2,2);
s = s + double(x(i,j+1))*m(2,3);
s = s + double(x(i+1,j-1))*m(3,1);
s = s + double(x(i+1,j))*m(3,2);
s = s + double(x(i+1,j+1))*m(3,3);
y(i,j) = s;
(Note that I removed your use of 9 different variables, I think this is cleaner, and I also removed a lot of your unnecessary brackets!)
A simpler implementation would be:
for i = 2:H-1
for j = 2:W-1
s = double(x(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1)) .* m;
y(i,j) = sum(s(:));

integers can only be combined with integers of same class or scalar doubles error

I do not know what this error means or how to fix it. I am trying to perform an image rotation in a separate space of coordinates. When defining the reference space of the matrix to be at zero, I am getting the error that integers can only be comibined with integers of the same class or scalar doubles. the line is
WZcentered = WZ - [x0;yo]*ones(1,Ncols);
WZ is classified as a 400x299x3 unit 8, in the workspace. It is an image. x0 and y0 are set to 0 when the function is called. How can I fix this issue/what exactly is happening here?
Also, when I do the same thing yet make WZ to be equal to double(WZ) I get the error that 'matrix dimensions must agree.' I am not sure what the double function does however. Here is the whole code.
function [out_flag, WZout, x_final, y_final] = adopted_moveWZ(WZ, x0, y0);
%Initial Test of plot
if Nrows ~= 2
if Ncols ==2
WZ=transpose(WZ); %take transpose
[Nrows,Ncols]=size(WZ); %reset the number of rows and columns
fprintf('ERROR: Input file should have 2-vectors for the input points.\n');
title('These are the original points in the image');
%WZorig = WZ;
WZcentered = WZ - ([x0;y0] * ones(1,Ncols));
axis([-FigScale 2*FigScale -FigScale 2*FigScale])
disp('Hit any key to start the animation');
SceneCenter = zeros(Nrows,Ncols);
WZnew = WZcentered;
for ii=0:20
R = [cos(pi/ii) -sin(pi/ii) 0; sin(pi/ii) cos(pi/ii) 0; 0 0 1];
WZnew = R * WZnew;
%place WZnew at a different place in the scene
SceneCenter = (ii*[30;40])*ones(1,Ncols);
plot(SceneCenter(1,:) + WZnew(1,:), SceneCenter(2,:) + WZnew(2,:),'.')
axis([-FigScale 2*FigScale -FigScale 2*FigScale])
%Set final values for output at end of program
x_final = SceneCenter(1,1);
y_final = SceneCenter(2,1);
PPout = PPnew + SceneCenter;
This happens due to WZ and ([x0;y0] * ones(1,Ncols)) being of different data types. You might think MATLAB is loosely typed, and hence should do the right thing when you have a floating point type operated with an integer type, but this rule breaks every once in a while. A simpler example to demonstrate this is here:
X = uint8(magic(5))
Y = zeros(5)
X - Y
This breaks with the same error that you are reporting. One way to fix this is to force cast one of the operands to the other, typically up-casted to make sure the math works. When you do this, both the numbers you are working on are floating point (double precision), and so they are represented in the same byte formatting sequence in memory. This way, the '-' sign is valid, in the same way that you can say 3 apples + 4 apples = 7 apples, but 3 oranges (uint8) + 4 apples (double) = ?. The double(X) makes it clear that you really mean to use double precision arithmetic, and hence fixes the error. This is how it looks now:
double(X) - Y
After having identified this, the new error is 'matrix dimensions do not match'. This means exactly what it says. WZ is a 400x299x3 matrix, and the right hand side matrix is 2xnCols. Now can you subtract a 2D matrix from a 3D matrix of different sizes meaningfully?
Depending on what your code is really intending to do, you can pad the RHS matrix, or find out other ways to make the sizes equal.
All of this is why MATLAB includes routines to do image rotation, namely http://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/imrotate.html . This is part of the Image Processing Toolbox, though.

calculating mean gray level

I have a lot of images in IM{}. I want to calculate mean graylevel of non-black pixels. When I run my code sum has 255 as a maximum value. I don't understand the reason. Why doesn't sum get higher values?
for i=1: length(IM)
[L,W,z]=size( IM{i});
for L=1:L
for W=1: W
if IM{i}(L,W)~=0;
That's probably because IM is of type uint8. This data type can't hold values larger than 255. Example:
>> uint8(200) + uint8(200)
ans =
To avoid this, you should convert IM to double:
IM = double(IM);
Anyway, your code could be reduced to a single line (including the conversion):
result = mean(double(IM(IM>0)));
With this approach, you could even dispense with double, because mean (actually sum, which is called by mean) converts to double automatically:
result = mean(IM(IM>0));