Quickfix/J - Automatic re logon after Session disconnect("Done", false); - quickfix

I have a Quickfix/J implementation and when I call this:
// from the sender/initiator
Session.lookupSession(sessionId).disconnect("Done", false);
I get the expected behaviour on the onLogout handlers
SenderFixEngine standalone logged off
Receiver Fix Engine logged OFF, next sender num : 2 next target num : 3
but I then immediately get the reverse happening automatically
Receiver Fix Engine logged ON next sender num : 3 next target num : 4
SenderFixEngine standalone logged on

The usual QF app design is not run-and-done, but an app that stays on during the duration of a session. Thus, if the session is broke for some reason, the engine immediately tries to reconnect so you don't miss anything.
If you really want to stop, you should call Initiator.stop(). Or better yet, just have your app terminate itself.
I honestly don't see any good reason to call disconnect().


Trouble with agent state chart

I'm trying to create an agent statechart where a transition should happen every day at 4 pm (except weekends).
I have already tried:
1. a conditional transition (condition: getHourOfDay() == 16)
2: A timeout transition that will "reinsert" my agent into the chart every 1 s and check if time = 16.
My code is still not running, does anyone have any idea how to solve it?
This is my statechart view. Customer is a single resource that is supposed to "get" the products out of my stock everyday at 4pm. It is supposed to happen in the "Active" state.
I have set a timeout transition (from Active-Active) that runs every 1s.
Inside my "Active" state in the "entrance action" i wrote my code to check if it is 4 pm and run my action if so.
I thought since i set a timeout transition it would check my condition every 1s, but apparently it is not working.
Your agent does not enter the Active state via an internal transition.
Redraw the transition to actually go out of the Active state and then enter it again as below:
Don't use condition-based transitions, for performance reasons. In your case, it also never triggers because it is only evaluated when something happens in the model. Incidentally, that is not the case at 4pm.
re your timeout approach: Why would you "reinsert" your agent into its own statechart? Not sure I understand...
Why not set up a schedule or event with your recurrence requirement and make it send a message to the statechart: stateChart.fireEvent("trigger!");. In your statechart, add a message-based transition that waits for this message. This will work.
Be careful to understand the difference between the Statechart.fireEvent() and the Statechart.receiveMessage() functions, though.
PS: and agree with Felipe: please start using SOF the way it is meant, i.e. also mark replies as solved. It helps us but also future users to quickly find solutions :-) cheers

google action conversation exit: not waiting for user response

I am trying to seek user feedback at the end of a google action session using actions sdk.
As per the Actions documentation (https://developers.google.com/actions/assistant/conversation-exits), I have set the cancel intent
"conversations" : {
"inDialogIntents": [
"name": "actions.intent.CANCEL"
and in my functions code I am calling a SimpleResponse as below:
app.intent('actions.intent.CANCEL', (conv, input) => {
conv.close(new SimpleResponse({
speech: 'Kindly rate between 1 and 5,
text: 'Rate between 1 and 5'
When the user says goodbye, the above code gets called. The speech is heard and text displayed but the conversation immediately exits with an earcon.
The documentation mentions that the system will wait for 2 seconds before exiting but it seems to do so immediately. Is there a way to get this working? Thanks
It's not quite clear to me what you'd like to achieve. First of all, as long as you're using conv.close() method, you are ending the conversation. If you want to keep the mic open, you need to use conv.ask() method. But I'm not sure id you can use conv.ask() with actions.intent.CANCEL, because that event is there to get the user out, not to keep the conversation going. But I'm not %100 sure, you need to try it.
If what you're trying to achieve is something like this:
User: cancel
System: How would you rate our interaction?
User: Good.
Then, in my humble opinion, you probably shouldn't (and as I said you probably can't) do it. The docs clearly state that the purpose for custom exit behavior is:
to cleanup your fulfillment logic and respond to the user one last time.
Also, the docs doesn't say the system will wait for the user response for 2 second. It says the execution of the request (the time out for your fulfillment) is 2 seconds. Plus; if a user is canceling mid-conversation, chances are that the interaction was unsuccessful anyway. I'd rather create feedback dialog turns that are connected to the fallback intents and happy path(s).
Still, try to use conv.ask() instead and let me know if that works. (And please let me know by commenting.) Either case, though, I'd consider getting the feedback some other way.

Delphi: How to restore a form's original location when monitor configuration changes?

I have a multi-form application in which a child form is positioned on the second monitor on startup, at which time its BoundsRect is saved.
When the computer's display configuration changes, Windows moves the form to the first (primary) monitor. I can catch this change with WM_DISPLAYCHANGE:
procedure WMDisplayChange(var msg: TWMDisplayChange); message WM_DISPLAYCHANGE;
What I'm interested in doing is moving the child form back to the second monitor when it reappears in the configuration (i.e. Screen.MonitorCount goes from 1 to 2), e.g.:
childForm.BoundsRect := childForm.m_WorkingBounds;
// (or)
childForm.BoundsRect := Screen.Monitors[Screen.MonitorCount-1].BoundsRect;
However this assignment is have no affect -- the child form stays on monitor 0.
I've tried other approaches, such as SetWindowPos(), with no success ...
Root of your problem is in the fact that Delphi VCL does not refresh its internal list of monitors when they actually change. You have to force that refresh yourself.
Monitors are refreshed with TScreen.GetMonitors method that is unfortunately private method so you cannot call it directly.
However, TApplication.WndProc(var Message: TMessage) processes WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE and upon receiving that message it calls Screen.GetMonitors - this is most benign way to achieve your goal.
When you receive notifications that monitors are changed just send it to Application:
SendMessage(Application.Handle, WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE, 0, 0);
I tested this with old version Delphi5 and it worked easy just to:
Screen := TScreen.Create(Nil);
The screen handling has changed in later versions of Delphi, however a similar approach may work.

Moving from file-based tracing session to real time session

I need to log trace events during boot so I configure an AutoLogger with all the required providers. But when my service/process starts I want to switch to real-time mode so that the file doesn't explode.
I'm using TraceEvent and I can't figure out how to do this move correctly and atomically.
The first thing I tried:
const int timeToWait = 5000;
using (var tes = new TraceEventSession("TEMPSESSIONNAME", #"c:\temp\TEMPSESSIONNAME.etl") { StopOnDispose = false })
using (var tes = new TraceEventSession("TEMPSESSIONNAME", TraceEventSessionOptions.Attach))
Here I wanted to make that I can transfer the session to real-time mode. But instead, the file I got contained events from a 15s period instead of just 10s.
The same happens if I use new TraceEventSession("TEMPSESSIONNAME", #"c:\temp\TEMPSESSIONNAME.etl", TraceEventSessionOptions.Create) instead.
It seems that the following will cause the file to stop being written to:
using (var tes = new TraceEventSession("TEMPSESSIONNAME"))
But here I must reenable all the providers and according to the documentation "if the session already existed it is closed and reopened (thus orphans are cleaned up on next use)". I don't understand the last part about orphans. Obviously some events might occur in the time between closing, opening and subscribing on the events. Does this mean I will lose these events or will I get the later?
I also found the following in the documentation of the library:
In real time mode, events are buffered and there is at least a second or so delay (typically 3 sec) between the firing of the event and the reception by the session (to allow events to be delivered in efficient clumps of many events)
Does this make the above code alright (well, unless the improbable happens and for some reason my thread is delayed for more than a second between creating the real-time session and starting processing the events)?
I could close the session and create a new different one but then I think I'd miss some events. Or I could open a new session and then close the file-based one but then I might get duplicate events.
I couldn't find online any examples of moving from a file-based trace to a real-time trace.
I managed to contact the author of TraceEvent and this is the answer I got:
Re the exception of the 'auto-closing and restarting' feature, it is really questions about the OS (TraceEvent simply calls the underlying OS API). Just FYI, the deal about orphans is that it is EASY for your process to exit but leave a session going. This MAY be what you want, but often it is not, and so to make the common case 'just work' if you do Create (which is the default), it will close a session if it already existed (since you asked for a new one).
Experimentation of course is the touchstone of 'truth' but I would frankly expecting unusual combinations to just work is generally NOT true.
My recommendation is to keep it simple. You need to open a new session and close the original one. Yes, you will end up with duplicates, but you CAN filter them out (after all they are IDENTICAL timestamps).
The other possibility is use SetFileName in its intended way (from one file to another). This certainly solves your problem of file size growth, and often is a good way to deal with other scenarios (after all you can start up you processing and start deleting files even as new files are being generated).

Quickfix reset sequence number at start time but not set ResetSeqNum in Logon message

When the quickfix initiator reconnects at startTime (defined in config) it deletes the files with sequence number, but does not set ResetSeqNumFlag to Y, and the server replies with a Logout message with text "seq msg number to low ..."
Is there a way to set ResetSeqNumFlag = Y only for this behavior? I don`t want to reset the sequence on every log-on.
This appears to be a QuickFIX/J quirk (some might consider it a bug). If ResetOnLogon=N then no ResetSeqNumFlag=Y is sent when the session start time triggers a logon. If ResetOnLogon=Y, the ResetSeqNumFlag=Y is sent on every logon. I believe this is not a big problem in practice because participants in a FIX session typically reset their sequence numbers locally after a session ends (logically ends at the end time, not a connection disconnect).
If you want to slightly modify the source code to implement this behavior, you'd modify the quickfix.Session next() method. You could add a local flag that indicates a session has restarted (per the schedule as determined by checkSessionTime()). Pass that flag to generateLogon() and that method would use it to determine when to send ResetSeqNumFlag=Y regardless of the ResetOnLogon configuration.
I don`t want to reset the sequence on every log-on.
Then don't do it! Set ResetOnLogon=N.
At StartTime, the session will reset sequence numbers always. If ResetOnLogon=N, then they won't reset again until the next StartTime.
The initiator and acceptor should always have matching ResetOnXXX settings.
What you are asking cannot, should not be done. You start you engine with some config and then you change the config while running. If something goes wrong it will be very difficult to pinpoint what started the issue.
Instead of doing ResetSeqNumFlag = Y try adding ResetOnLogon=Y in your config for the acceptor side(that is if you have control over it) or ResetOnLogout=Y / ResetOnDisconnect=Y in your initiator config file. That would be much easier and changing config while running, is possibly not the best solution.
Your logout(disconnect can happen anytime) will happen anyways at EndTime anyways and should be easier for your application.