Paypal error in Dutch "De indeling van het bedrag van het object in de link waarmee u toegang heeft gekregen to het Paypal-systeem is onjuist"? - paypal

Does anybody know what this Dutch error means and how it translates to an English error message? The error is: De indeling van het bedrag van het object in de link waarmee u toegang heeft gekregen to het Paypal-systeem is onjuist.
It means something like "the layout of the amount of the object in the link that sent you to the Paypal system is incorrect"
Tried the whole setup and works fine in Sandbox, but in live situation I get this error.
I'm using the _xclick cmd, no shopping cart.

According to Free Translation
The classification of the amount of the object in the link that lets
you access has been given to the Paypal system is incorrect
It sounds like the amount of your button is wrong. Did you specify a currency_code as well?


URL Encoding with ISO8859-15 is converted to Unknown format

I have Rest API which sends SMS.
Content of the SMS is in French “Afin d'établir le tiers-payant pour votre traitement d'immunothérapie allergénique”
As SMS provider except the msg in IS08859-15 ,So I converted the msg into
Here the final call which sends msg$&Content= %20d%27%E9tablir%20le%20tiers-payant%20pour%20votre%20traitement%20d%27immunoth%E9rapie%20allerg%E9nique%2C%&DA=Mobileno&Flags=0&SenderAppId=3410
with header
Content-Type ISO8859-15
What is received on the Server side is
Can someone tell me why %E9 which is ISO88591-15 format for é is changed to %ef%bf%bd ?
and also a way to solve this.
Thank you

Emoji as question mark sending an email

sending an email as HTML some emoji are displayed as questions mark -> ???? and some not.
<b>Lancio del programma di affiliazione 😀</b>
Example where in the same email the emoji isn't displayed as questions mark.
<b>Iscriviti e se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni contattaci senza esitazione! ⏳</b>

edited ics file does not set an event on phone calendar automatically

I am trying to edit a file that a transport company sent me which automatically set my trip information in my calendar . I want to edit this file so that it can reminds me other events but, when i change the date and send it to myself or another email adress, it doesn't set the event automatically anymore. What is the problem?
Even sending the same file, not even changing the date, gives the same problem.
i tried to read this guide but have not found anything...
LOCATION:Torino Porta Nuova
DESCRIPTION:Torino Porta Nuova-Albenga;
Treno: Regionale Veloce 10113, pa
rtenza da Torino Porta Nuova Ore: 14:25; arrivo a Albenga
Ore: 17:38
ce Biglietto: 120303025;
SUMMARY:Viaggio Torino Porta Nuova-Albenga, Treno Regionale
Veloce 10113,
Codice Biglietto 120303025 ,
I would really appreciate some help.
SOLVED!! the voice "organizer" must be the mail who send the event and you have to write the mail of the receivers to the "attedee" voice (i don't know yet if this is strictly necessary)

Request Ride on API - Range street number

I am facing a divergence of racing information requested directly by the Uber application and my software. When prompted directly by the Uber application, the address sent to the driver is exactly as entered. When prompted by my software and sent via API Request, the address sent to the driver is with street number range.
I'm sending start_latitude, start_longitude and start_address.
Here's an example:
Start address: Av. Das Camélias, 263 - Nova Suíssa, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil
Start_Latitude: -19.932592
Start_Longitude: -43.975979
Address received by the driver:
Av. Das Camélias, 236-260 - Nova Suíssa, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil
Any suggestions on how to confirm that the driver receives the exact address?
What really matters is 'start_latitude' and 'start_longitude' - because this is what will tell the driver what is the pickup location. So if you have those two parameters setup in the 'POST /v1.2/requests' the driver will receive exact location. Address details are modified based on best pick up location - and adjusted by Uber Maps so that is why you are getting the street number as a range. poort 3000

Ik heb een webshop en mijn probleem is dat ik een ssl sleutel heb laten installeren maar kom nu tot de conclusie dat mijn tijdscounter niet meer loopt zoals het moet.
Als ik op inspecteren klik krijg ik deze melding : Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
How can i fix that?
You can't mix HTTP and HTTPS content with AJAX calls, you need to implement https on or find out if the same service is available as https over a different port number.