Emoji as question mark sending an email - html-email

sending an email as HTML some emoji are displayed as questions mark -> ???? and some not.
<b>Lancio del programma di affiliazione 😀</b>
Example where in the same email the emoji isn't displayed as questions mark.
<b>Iscriviti e se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni contattaci senza esitazione! ⏳</b>


URL Encoding with ISO8859-15 is converted to Unknown format

I have Rest API which sends SMS.
Content of the SMS is in French “Afin d'établir le tiers-payant pour votre traitement d'immunothérapie allergénique”
As SMS provider except the msg in IS08859-15 ,So I converted the msg into
Here the final call which sends msg
https://xxxx.xxxx.com/xxxxxx/xx/SendMTRequest.jsp?UserName=xxxxxx&Password=xxxxxxx$&Content= %20d%27%E9tablir%20le%20tiers-payant%20pour%20votre%20traitement%20d%27immunoth%E9rapie%20allerg%E9nique%2C%&DA=Mobileno&Flags=0&SenderAppId=3410
with header
Content-Type ISO8859-15
What is received on the Server side is
Can someone tell me why %E9 which is ISO88591-15 format for é is changed to %ef%bf%bd ?
and also a way to solve this.
Thank you

Is SpamAssassin sensitive against UTF-8 words?

let me explain with a simple example:
An email with Order in its subject will trigger SPAM filters such as SpamAssassin.
I want to know if an email subject contains that words translation in Arabic: أطلب or in Persian: سفارش, Does it draw attentions too?

How do I remove these white space characters from Swift Mailer?

My Swift Mailer code includes a variable being sent in the body. The email sends but doesn't get rid of the white space characters.
The following text: 76a7289eb67f6468356cba907809f2fd Winner :) gets translated into the following: 933eac234b1bf85619c971c4b3bf90df%20Winner%20%3A%29
This is my code:
$message = Swift_Message::newInstance('Wonderful Subject')
->setBody((rawurlencode($token. " Winner :)")));
I know the email is sending. I haven't included any background information life the sender or receiver. How do I fix this problem?

GMail breakpoints to hide/expand an email

Description of the issue
I am sending emails in JavaScript with
message2 = message.replace("<br>", "\n")
GmailApp.sendEmail(address, subject, message2, {
cc: cc,
name: sendername,
htmlBody: message
…where message is a long string containing HTML tags.
On my Gmail account the email that is received contains a … in the middle to hide/extend the end of the message. The … correspond to newlines (<br>) but it seems to chose a newline randomly that will be used to split the message randomly.
I cannot get rid of all <br> of course. I always saw these … to separate the main part of the email from the signature. But in my case it just appears anywhere as for example right after the first line:
How does GMail choses the “breakpoints” for shortening the message?
How can I avoid that GMail uses “breakpoints?”
Should I use something else than <br> to make newlines?

Paypal error in Dutch "De indeling van het bedrag van het object in de link waarmee u toegang heeft gekregen to het Paypal-systeem is onjuist"?

Does anybody know what this Dutch error means and how it translates to an English error message? The error is: De indeling van het bedrag van het object in de link waarmee u toegang heeft gekregen to het Paypal-systeem is onjuist.
It means something like "the layout of the amount of the object in the link that sent you to the Paypal system is incorrect"
Tried the whole setup and works fine in Sandbox, but in live situation I get this error.
I'm using the _xclick cmd, no shopping cart.
According to Free Translation
The classification of the amount of the object in the link that lets
you access has been given to the Paypal system is incorrect
It sounds like the amount of your button is wrong. Did you specify a currency_code as well?