Strategies for making FOS RestBundle and json HAL integratable in RESTful apis - rest

What would be good strategies/approaches to integrate the HAL specification with the FOSRestBundle?
A rather simple approach would be to create a plain PHP entity to represent HAL in its entirety, and then send the object back with each response. Although this can work quite well, I think it should be integrated with listeners. That would require some thinking, and potentially the topics below would have to be covered:
Error handling (eg. Exception and Form Validation)
Resource representation (eg. the main resource directly in the body, whilst associated resources in the _embedded property)
HATEOAS (_links pointing to other URIs eg. pagination)

You will probably love the Hateoas library, and its Symfony2 bundle: BazingaHateoasBundle.

If you whant to implement Hal specification, there is a bundle for that alterway/RestHalBundle. You do not need to implement it in FOSRestBundle.
And for error handling : alterway / RestProblemBundle

Take a look at by ZF2 team. Apigility serves in JSON HAL format.
Here is a nice article on how to integrate a Symfony2 app with Apigility:


REST API - how relevant is WRML today?

I'm trying to figure out what the latest best practice is when it comes to REST APIs and finding an elegant way to "tell" the client what the response will look like. I'm no web expert. But I just recently joined a new team and I've noticed that in the client code, they have hardcoded URI to APIs... and anytime the schema of the return data changes, they have to patch their client code.
Trying to find a way to make things more dynamic by:
introducing patterns to "discover" API servers.
looking into HATEOAS.
More than anything else though, what I'm trying improve is having to change the client code each time the logic on the server changes as far as the body of a GET response.
I've been reading this:
And in particular, the following comments stood out to me: (under the WRML heading)
this media type communicates, directly to clients, distinct and
complementary bits of information regarding the content of a message.
The Web Resource Modeling Language (WRML, provides this
"pluggable" media type to give rich web applications direct access to
structural information and format serialization code. The media type's
self-descriptive and pluggable design reduces the need for information
to be communicated out-of-band and then hard-coded by client
is WRML still a thing? this book that i'm reading is from 2011... and I'm assuming a lot has changed since then.
Can I cheaply build my own inhouse solution where we use the Content-Type or some other header to provide the clients with schema information?
can you point me to an example / sample code where someone is using custom values in Content-Type or other Headers to accomplish something similar?
Or if you have any other suggestions I'm all ears.
Thank you.
I don't know much about WRML, but I would look into:
HATEOAS formats like HAL/HAL Forms and Siren, which are self-describing.
JSON-Schema to describe responses and requests (and yes they can be linked from HATEOAS responses).
If you don't want to go the hypermedia route, OpenAPI and RAML
I've been developing Ketting for the last 5 years and HATEOAS has been nothing short of magic lately as all the tools have been falling into place.


Why would one like to integrate JAX-RS(Jersey) using Rest API to Struts2? Struts2 is itself a mvc framework, so why would anyone want to integrate these both? If combined, how will the resulting framework be(I wanted to know if REST API just control the controller part of MVC).
There is a RESTful plugin called struts2-rest-plugin that has been included with the framework since version 2.1.1. A fair amount of information on the plugin can be found here.
Essentially, the plugin uses a custom action mapper that examines the request and based upon the HTTP Method used in conjunction with the URI, it dispatches the request to one of several different method names (e.g. GET /movies dispatched to index() method of action).
Just because Struts2 is an action-based framework does not mean a RESTful solution cannot be included as an alternative for developers. Spring MVC offers similar solutions themselves and it is also an action-based framework.
If you consider your JSON response as your view, you'll see that the fact that Struts2 is based on MVC design makes logical sense. Your model is simply the data structure you are returning to the client and your controller is the action.
Consider reading the link above on the plugin and you'll get a better picture of how the two can be integrated. If you want to return JSON but don't necessarily want to offer RESTful URLs in your Struts2 application, you can also consider the JSON plugin, found here.
I am not sure about Struts2, but in the past Struts1 did not have a "Rest" adapter built in. Jersey provides the cool #annotations that will easily serialize your datamodel and will push you in a "Restful" direction. Jersey does not provide an MVC framework as much as it provides convenience methods to work in a Restful/resource based way.

Creating RESTful Webservice in CQ5,AEM

I want to host restful webservice from CQ5. Basically the intention is to expose all the users present in CQ5 to external systems based on some parameters like modified date, user state etc.
I went through as I could find only this post online, but as I am a beginner I couldn't implement it. Need guidance in implementing such RESTful webservice in CQ5
CQ5 is based on Apache Sling which is inherently RESTful, so you don't usually need additional libraries. In your case (and unless the users info is already available as Sling resources, I don't remember if that's the case) implementing a Sling ResourceProvider is enough to provide a browseable RESTful representation of those resources. See the Sling docs for more info, they point to a simple PlanetResourceProvider as a minimal example.
Couldn't get the REST webservices working with AEM/CQ5. Even after installing the packages for JAXB for CQ5. It seems like sling overrides the resolving before it goes to the JAXB annotation handler. Due to lack to time had to implement an alternative approach where CQ5 will be timely writing the json data to an shared location as json file and the third party applications will fetch the files from there.
This will however impact the performace as schedulers are to be written and also it's not a recommended approach but still it will work in my scenario.
Thanks all for helping me.

REST API - how does the client know what a valid payload is to POST to the resource?

One of the goals of the REST API architecture is decoupling of the client and the server.
One of the questions I have run across in planning a REST API is: "how does the client know what is a valid payload for POST methods?"
Somehow the API needs to communicate to the UI what a valid payload for a given resource’s POST method. Otherwise here we are back at depending on out-of-band knowledge being necessary to work with an API and we are tightly coupled again.
So I’ve had this idea that the API response for a GET on a resource would provide a specification for constructing a valid payload for the POST method on that resource. This would include field names, data type, max length, etc.
This guy has a similar idea.
What's the correct way to handle this? Are most people just relying on out-of-band information? What are people doing in the real world with this problem?
Something I have come up with to solve this problem is illustrated in the following sequence diagram:
The client and the api service are separate. The client knows:
Entry point
How to navigate the API via the hypermedia.
Here's what happens:
Someone (user) requests the registration page from the client
The client requests the entry point from the API and receives all hypermedia links with appropriate meta data on how to traverse them legally.
Client constructs the registration form based on the meta data associated with the registration hypermedia POST method.
User fills in the form and submits.
Client POSTs to the API with the correct data and all is well.
No magic /meta resouces, no need to use a method for the meta data. Everything is provided by the API.
Most people are relying on out-of-band information. This is usually ok, though, because most clients aren't being built dynamically, but statically. They rely on known parts of the API rather than being HATEOAS-driven.
If you are developing or want to support a metadata-driven client, then yes, you're going to need to come up with a schema for providing that information. The implementation you linked to seems reasonable after a quick skim. Note that you've only moved the problem, though. Clients still need to know how to interpret the information in the metadata responses.
Your are right, the client should understand the semantics of the links in the response, and choose the right one from them to achieve its goal. The client is coupled to the semantics the API provides about this and not to the API itself. So for example a client should not retrieve information from the URI structure, since it is tightly coupled to the actual API.
I know of 2 current solution types about this:
by HAL+JSON you use IANA link relations to describe what the link does, and vendor specific MIME types to describe the schema of the fields
by JSON-LD (or any other RDF format) with Hydra vocab you send back RDF metadata according to the operation the link calls. This meta-data can contain the validation details of the fields (xsd vocab) and the semantics of the fields (microdata, microformats, etc...). This information is completely decoupled from the API implementation, so it might be a better option than using vendor specific MIME types, but Hydra is still under development and HAL is much simpler.
However your solution is valid as well, I think you should check both of these, since they are already standard solutions, and the uniform interface / self-descripting message constraint of REST encourages the usage of existing standards instead of custom solutions. But it is up to you if you want to create an own standard.
I think you are asking about, Rest API meta data handling. Unlike SOAP, Rest APIs doesn't use meta data normally, but sometimes it can be pretty useful, once your api size gets bigger.
I think you should look into swagger. It is the most elegant you can find out for rest apis. I have being using it for sometime and with the annotation support it is being rather easy to work with. It also has many examples found on github. Other advantage is, it contains nice configurable ui.
Apart from that you can find other ways of doing it like WADL and WSDL 2.0. Even-though I haven't being using them, you can read more about them here.
With RFC 6861, you can link to your form with create-form and edit-form Link Relations, instead of the client constructing the form by itself. The corresponding form should have the necessary schema to construct the POST request.

RESTful Services - WSDL Equivalent

I have been reading about REST and SOAP, and understand why implementing REST can be beneficial over using a SOAP protocol. However, I still don't understand why there isn't the "WSDL" equivalent in the REST world. I have seen posts saying there is "no need" for the WSDL or that it would be redundant In the REST world, but I don't understand why. Isn't it always useful to programmatically bind to a definition and create proxy classes instead of manually coding? I don't mean to get into a philosophical debate, just looking for the reason there is no WSDL in REST, or why it is not needed. Thanks.
The Web Application Description Language (WADL) is basically the equivalent to WSDL for RESTful services but there's been an ongoing controversy whether something like this is needed at all.
Joe Gregorio has written a nice article about that topic which is worth a read.
WSDL describes service endpoints. REST clients should not be coupled to server endpoints (i.e. should not be aware of in URLs in advance). REST clients are coupled on the media-types that are transfered between the client and server.
It may make sense to auto generate classes on the client to wrap around the returned media-types. However, as soon as you start to create proxy classes around the service interactions you start to obscure the HTTP interactions and risk degenerating back towards a RPC model.
RSDL aims to turn rest like a hypermedia, in other words, it has more information than a service descriptor like WSDL or WADL. For example, it has the information about navigation, like hypertext and hyperlinks.
For example, given a current resource, you have a set os links to another resources related.
However, i didn't find Rest Clients that supports this format or Rest Server Solutions with a feature to auto generate it.
I think there is a long way for a conclusion about it. See the HTML long story and W3C vs Browsers lol.
For more details about Rest like Hypermedia look it:
Note : Roy Fielding has been criticizing these tendencies in Rest Apis without the hypermidia approach:
My Conclusion : Now a Days, WADL is more common that Rest and Integration Frameworks like Camel CXF already supports WADL ( generate and consume ), because it is similar to WSDL, therefore most easy to understand in this migration process ( SOAP to REST ).
Let's see the next chapters ;)
Isn't it always useful to programmatically bind to a definition and
create proxy classes instead of manually coding?
Agree wholeheartedly, this is why I use
Swagger is a powerful open source framework backed by a large
ecosystem of tools that helps you design, build, document, and consume
your RESTful APIs.
So basically I use Swagger to describe my models, endpoints, etc, and then I use other tools like swagger-codegen to generate the proxy classes instead of manually coding it.
See also: RAML
There is an RSDL (restful service description language) which is equivalent to WSDL. The URL below describes its practice and
The problem is that we have lots of tool to generate code from wsdl to java, or reverse.
But I didn't find any tool to generate code from RSDL.
WSDL is extensible to allow description of endpoints and their messages regardless of what message formats or network protocols are used to communicate
However, REST uses the network protocol by using HTTP verbs and the URI to represent an objects state.
WSDLs tell you at this place, if you send this message, you'll perform this action and get this format back as a result.
In REST, if I wanted to create a new profile I would use the verb POST with a JSON body or http server variables describing my profile to the URL /profile
POST should return a server-side generated ID, using the status code 201 CREATED and the header Location: *new_profile_id* (for example 12345)
I can then perform updates changing the state of /profile/12345 using the HTTP verb POST, say to change my email addresss or phone number. Obviously changing the state of the remote object.
GET would return the current status of the /profile/12345
PUT is usually used for client-side generated ID
DELETE, obvious
HEAD, gets the status without returning the body.
With REST it should be self-documenting through a well designed API and thus easier to use.
This is a great article on REST. It really help me understand it too.
WSDL 2.0 specification has added support for REST web services too. Best of both worlds scenario. Problem is WSDL 2.0 is not widely supported by most tools out there yet. WSDL 2.0 is W3C recommended, WSDL1.1 is not W3C recommended but widely supported by tools and developers.
The Web Application Description Language (WADL) is an XML vocabulary used to describe RESTful web services.
As with WSDL, a generic client can load a WADL file and be immediately equipped to access the full functionality of the corresponding web service.
Since RESTful services have simpler interfaces, WADL is not nearly as necessary to these services as WSDL is to RPC-style SOAP services.