JAX-RS Struts2 REST API - rest

Why would one like to integrate JAX-RS(Jersey) using Rest API to Struts2? Struts2 is itself a mvc framework, so why would anyone want to integrate these both? If combined, how will the resulting framework be(I wanted to know if REST API just control the controller part of MVC).

There is a RESTful plugin called struts2-rest-plugin that has been included with the framework since version 2.1.1. A fair amount of information on the plugin can be found here.
Essentially, the plugin uses a custom action mapper that examines the request and based upon the HTTP Method used in conjunction with the URI, it dispatches the request to one of several different method names (e.g. GET /movies dispatched to index() method of action).
Just because Struts2 is an action-based framework does not mean a RESTful solution cannot be included as an alternative for developers. Spring MVC offers similar solutions themselves and it is also an action-based framework.
If you consider your JSON response as your view, you'll see that the fact that Struts2 is based on MVC design makes logical sense. Your model is simply the data structure you are returning to the client and your controller is the action.
Consider reading the link above on the plugin and you'll get a better picture of how the two can be integrated. If you want to return JSON but don't necessarily want to offer RESTful URLs in your Struts2 application, you can also consider the JSON plugin, found here.

I am not sure about Struts2, but in the past Struts1 did not have a "Rest" adapter built in. Jersey provides the cool #annotations that will easily serialize your datamodel and will push you in a "Restful" direction. Jersey does not provide an MVC framework as much as it provides convenience methods to work in a Restful/resource based way.


Creating RESTful Webservice in CQ5,AEM

I want to host restful webservice from CQ5. Basically the intention is to expose all the users present in CQ5 to external systems based on some parameters like modified date, user state etc.
I went through https://chanchal.wordpress.com/2015/01/11/using-jax-rs-and-jersey-to-write-restful-services-in-osgi-apache-felix-adobe-cq5aem/ as I could find only this post online, but as I am a beginner I couldn't implement it. Need guidance in implementing such RESTful webservice in CQ5
CQ5 is based on Apache Sling which is inherently RESTful, so you don't usually need additional libraries. In your case (and unless the users info is already available as Sling resources, I don't remember if that's the case) implementing a Sling ResourceProvider is enough to provide a browseable RESTful representation of those resources. See the Sling docs for more info, they point to a simple PlanetResourceProvider as a minimal example.
Couldn't get the REST webservices working with AEM/CQ5. Even after installing the packages for JAXB for CQ5. It seems like sling overrides the resolving before it goes to the JAXB annotation handler. Due to lack to time had to implement an alternative approach where CQ5 will be timely writing the json data to an shared location as json file and the third party applications will fetch the files from there.
This will however impact the performace as schedulers are to be written and also it's not a recommended approach but still it will work in my scenario.
Thanks all for helping me.

Strategies for making FOS RestBundle and json HAL integratable in RESTful apis

What would be good strategies/approaches to integrate the HAL specification with the FOSRestBundle?
A rather simple approach would be to create a plain PHP entity to represent HAL in its entirety, and then send the object back with each response. Although this can work quite well, I think it should be integrated with listeners. That would require some thinking, and potentially the topics below would have to be covered:
Error handling (eg. Exception and Form Validation)
Resource representation (eg. the main resource directly in the body, whilst associated resources in the _embedded property)
HATEOAS (_links pointing to other URIs eg. pagination)
You will probably love the Hateoas library, and its Symfony2 bundle: BazingaHateoasBundle.
If you whant to implement Hal specification, there is a bundle for that alterway/RestHalBundle. You do not need to implement it in FOSRestBundle.
And for error handling : alterway / RestProblemBundle
Take a look at http://www.apigility.org by ZF2 team. Apigility serves in JSON HAL format.
Here is a nice article on how to integrate a Symfony2 app with Apigility: http://www.zimuel.it/create-api-symfony2-apigility

AngularJS OR BackboneJS from Webservice point of view

We are trying to rebuild an app using Backbone or Angular JS. Main criteria for selecting either of them would be:
The Java script Framework should be able to make calls via SOAP as well as REST.
My question is based on the criteria's which framework should I be choosing? I know angular as well as Backbone are good for REST web service. I am not really sure how well they do when we are trying to make SOAP calls. Not much help online either. Has anyone successfully implemented SOAP calls via Angular or Backbons JS?
Backbone.sync method can be easily overriden to make SOAP calls, but it will fall apart if your SOAP service manages anything else than resources, as REST calls in Backbone are made on behalf of either models or collections of models that support the classic CRUD semantics. As for AngularJS, I haven't used it enought to provide you with an informed answer.

How to manually hookup a jaydata model to a (non-O-Data) restful service

I like all the features that JayData provides. I am wondering for when I occasionally have a non-O-Data restful service if there is a way to manually hookup CRUD ops to my existing jaydata entity definitions so that I can take advantage of all the kendoui/knockout goodness that comes with this.
Is there any example where a jaydata entity definition is manually hooked up to restful service url kind of like the jquery method?
Our webapi provider is what your are after. Do not worry about its name, webapi is a microsoft framework for rest apis, hence the name, but it should work with other restful endpoints, php, java, ruby, etc. Of course it is only good for crud, as filtering, paging, ordering and projection is only standardized in odata. Also, for paging length() is needed, so that must be implemented on the server side, too.
Give it a try and tell us about your experience, good or bad, we're to help you.
Or consider using oData, JayData can act as an odata endpoint on the server side, we also have hosted odata service.

Ember.js & REST API

From all the various examples of Ember.js, I have not been able to figure out if there is a default method in Ember.js to do REST AJAX calls. Many examples build their own interfaces for CRUD operations. I even tried to sift through the code to find any reference to AJAX calls but came up with nothing.
So, my question is, is there a default implementation of REST API in Ember.js. If yes, how do I use it? Also if, for a specific application, I want to build custom CRUD methods, where do I plug these into Ember.js?
It seems that Ember Data is what you are looking for. It is part of emberjs organiztion in GitHub.
[2014-02-18: Deprecated - I no longer support ember-rest because it is overly simplistic, and would recommend using ember-data for most ember projects. Check out the Ember guides for an overview of ember-data as well as this example project ]
While learning Ember, I decided to create a very simple Ember REST library. I also wrote an example Rails CRUD app.
My goals were to keep this project as simple as possible, while still including error handling and validation. Ember REST is certainly much leaner than Ember Data and Ember Resource, and I hope you'll find the code well commented and accessible.
There is a Ember Resource library aiming REST JSON interfaces. It provides Ember.Resource class with save(), fetch() and destroy() operations that could be easily overriden. Looks like it should be more mature than Ember Data for now.
Ember.js can work nicely with Ember Data. That said, there is a specific format of REST to follow. When followed, you can streamline the process of connecting API with Ember and have so much less work.
In case you use custom REST, the place to adjust is:
adapter - to inform from where you like to get data
serializer - how data should be adjusted for custom REST API