button title not displayed on ios5 in xcode5 - ios5

I created my application using storyboard.The app working fine in ios6 and ios7.But the button title not displayed in ios5+ and the button created with the background image in storyboard.


Click Save to image view controller dismissing from UIActivityController iOS 13 update

Need to download or save image to gallery while clicking save to image Presenting UIViewController dismissed after updating iOS 13. Need some solution for this

Status Item NSPopover won't display if app is fullscreened

I'm having trouble getting a NSPopover for my app to display when an app is full screened. It doesn't matter if the app is mine or another.
Image below is the popover displaying out of fullscreen, fullscreen it just flickers with nothing showing.

iPhone app not running on simulator xcode

So I'm trying to run a new tabbed application in the iPhone simulator, but I keep getting a black screen after my app loading screen.
I've tried Reset Content and Settings and I've made sure that my storyboard is the main interface.
My app also doesn't appear in the iPhone simulator app pages
Black screen appear only when, you do not set any initial launching screen in the application, and thus it show black window screen. In your storyboard select "Tab Bar controller Scene" and check its attribute inspector and check if "is Initial View controller" field is selected or not.
Make sure you set your initial view correctly in Storyboard

Resume app from background restarts the entire APP?

As described, it looks fine if you background the app and click the app icon again.
BUT if you double click home button and click the app icon from background application icons, your app restarted completely.
I have a menu view, and a game view. Where the menu view has a slider effect for 10sec, and then a start button for the game. and when I click start game, obi it does storyboard segue (model style) to the game view and start the game.
I have code for applicationWillResignActive, and it works fine, as soon as you reactive the game through normal app icon, but from the background app list queue.
Anyone has experienced this issue before?
Solution is to not putting any slideshow loading in ViewWillAppear but in ViewWillLoad

tabbar custom images for iphone / ipad selection

I am working on customizing my tabbar background image and i resolved this for iphone by customizing tabbar class. it looks like that:
Then same thing i put for my ipad app it looks like that
I need the tab bar without extra spaces or black color in the image above. so i tried to update the tabbar class for ipad as well and i reached to this image below:
I managed the tabbar button views without extra spaces but unable to manage its button selection area, how can i manage the tabbar button selection ? it is still the same as second image, you can see the highlight of "settings" tabbar button selection in "Transaction" tabbar button.
The UITabBarController cannot work as you would like it to. You should write your own UITabBarController class - see this for an example of how: https://github.com/aalittle/ALCustomTabBarController