Click Save to image view controller dismissing from UIActivityController iOS 13 update - uiactivitycontroller

Need to download or save image to gallery while clicking save to image Presenting UIViewController dismissed after updating iOS 13. Need some solution for this


How do I make an uploaded image permanent on a view controller in Swift?

I am writing code to allow a user to upload an image on a view controller. The image can be uploaded successfully, but once you navigate away from the view controller and then come back to it, the image they uploaded is gone. How would I make the image a global variable so that when the user returns to the view controller, the image is still present? I am using imagePickerController to select the image for upload. This is my code

Webview actionsheet cancel button closes the ViewController

In webview (be it UIWebview or WKWebview) I have an attachment button on which when clicked will open an actionsheet to open camera or choose images from library and a default cancel button.
When the app is installed for the first time, clicking on this attachment button brings up the actionsheet and when I choose cancel, then viewWillDisappear and viewDidDisappear of the present VC which has this webview is called and a VC from another storyboard is displayed (I have 3 storyboards in total) - (See update)
Again I have to pass through different VCs to get to this webview and if i again click on actionsheet and now if i select either options, 'from library', 'from camera' or 'cancel' option the same problem persists.
But when the app is stopped or quit from the background and is run again, this issue seems to vanish off.
Could yo pls let me know what am I doing wrong here or is there anything that can be done as a workaround???
Update - Actionsheet cancel button when clicked gets back to a ViewController which has no TabbarController or Navigation bar or both.
I made a sample with each one seperately and found the same issue with either of them.
Note: This is done in Swift 2.3
This issue is fixed in iOS 11.
It can be solved by pushing the WKWebview controller or changing the presentation style of the modal presentation to be currentContext.

how to hide/ show custom toolbar(s) in a subclass of uiimage picker controller

I subclassed uiimagepickercontroller for a camera based application, and added two custom tool bars.I want to navigate to another viewcontroller before taking a photo and the custom tool bars hidden in the new view.Till here it is working fine.But when i pop back to camera view controller,the tool bars are still hidden.Where exactly should i write the code to unhide the toolbars?? I wrote the code to unhide in viewWillAppear method of camera class.But it is not working
it is correct to write the code under viewWillAppear, but it should be in the viewController (UIViewController)

Media Type Splash Screen in iPhone iOS

Wanna create a custom splash screen for the iPhone, but Im asking for opinion from all of you.
For what I understand, the splash screen is only a image (Default.png), so if I want to make the splash screen longer, the only way I can do is create a image then add the subview to the front? Then create a timer to call a method to remove the image from the view.
But then I want to create a media type splash screen, which will show audio, video and etc. So the question is what flow will it look like. The only way I think of is create a ViewController, then present it in a modal view. Later I also will add in an option to detect a tap from user, if tapped then the media will quit/hide/dismiss the fake splash screen and present the main view controller.
For now the flow of my thinking is like this:
AppDelegate --> RootViewController --> SplashViewController(Modal View)
is it possible to make it like this?
AppDelegate --> SplashViewController --> RootViewController
Is there any other way to show the media when the app start?
Any answer is appreciate, thank you in advance.
set the root view controller of your navigation controller to Be your splash screen.
Then just dont allow the user to navigate that low.
after the timer lapses, push onto the nav with animation:NO and your splash screen will be replaced.
Alternatively you can add your splash.. and when the timer lapses, you tell the splash screen to remove itself from its parent view, then add your root controller.

Load a tabBarController from a UIButton in a subview

I am working on an app where i have a view controller that contains a view in that view i have a button that when pressed i would like it to load my tabViewController.
I trying to get a splash screen to load before my app so i can do some downloading and parsing of data before i load my tabViewController because the data im putting the data into a tableView that is in the tabViewController.
Here's a good example on creating a splash screen
I would suggest that you look into using performSelector and launching a background thread
before putting your splash screen up to populate/parse the data.