How do I get matching rows Left Outer Join - tsql

This time I thought I had it figured out; but how can my addled brain explain this. No, for this I need the experts.
According to Jeff Atwood A Visual Explanation of SQL Joins Left outer join produces a complete set of records from Table A, with the matching records (where available) in Table B.
SELECT R.[Computer]
From (
SELECT [User], max([StartDate]) as MaxDate
FROM <Table1>
Group by [User]
) As L
Left Outer Join <Table1> as R --Self join
on L.MaxDate = R.StartDate
MaxDate on the left always returns only one date for each User. This should be matched by exactly one matching row on the right. Or so I thought. I am getting multiple items for each date and user.
The purpose here is to return all the columns for each user using MaxDate to get the most recent date for each user. As the dates are unique, I should only get one row for each user, but instead I get several.
How do I limit the result set to the single matching row based on on L.MaxDate = R.StartDate ?

You get multiple matches from R if the same StartDate is found for multiple users. Add User to your join condition.


Oracle Sql - Discarding outer select if inner select returns null, and avoiding multiple rows

Pre-Info: In our company a person is marked * if he is actively working. And there are people who changed their departments.
For a report I use 2 tables named COMPANY_PERSON_ALL and trifm_izinler4, joining person_id field as below.
I want to discard (don't list) the row, if the first inner select returns null.
And I want to prevent the second inner select returning multiple Departments.
select izn.person_id, izn.adi_soyadi, izn.company_id,
(select a.employee_status from COMPANY_PERSON_ALL a where a.employee_status = '*' and a.person_id = izn.person_id) as Status,
(select a.org_code from COMPANY_PERSON_ALL a where a.person_id = izn.person_id) as Department,
izn.hizmet_suresi, izn.kalan_izin
from trifm_izinler4 izn
where trunc(rapor_tarihi) = trunc(SYSDATE)
Can you help me how to overcome these 2 problems of inner select statements?
Assuming you only want to see the department from the active person record, you can just join the two tables instead of using subquery expressions, and filter on that status:
select izn.person_id, izn.adi_soyadi, izn.company_id,
a.employee_status as status, a.org_code as department
izn.hizmet_suresi, izn.kalan_izin
from trifm_izinler4 izn
join company_person_all a on a.person_id = izn.person_id
where rapor_tarihi >= trunc(SYSDATE)
-- and rapor_tarihi < trunc(SYSDATE) + 1 -- probably not needed
and a.employee_status = '*'
I've also changed the date comparison; if you compare using trunc(rapor_tarihi) then a normal index on that column can't be used, so it's generally better to compare the original value against a range. Since you're comparing against today's date you probably only need to look for values greater than midnight today, but if that column can have future dates then you can put an upper bound on the range of midnight tomorrow - which I've included but commented out.
If a person can be active in more than one department at a time then this will show all of those, but your wording suggests people are only active in one at a time. If you want to see a department for all active users, but not necessarily the one that has the active flag (or if there can be more than one active), then it's a bit more complicated, and you need to explain how you would want to choose which to show.

Is this a JOIN, Lookup or how to select only records matching a col from two tables

I have two postgres tables where one column listing a city name matches. I'm trying to create a view of some records which I'm displaying on a map via WMS on my GeoServer.
I need to select only records from table1 of 100k records that has a city name that matches those cities listed in table2 of 20 records.
To list everything I've tried would be a waste of your time. I've tried every join tutorial and example but, am perplexed why I can't get any success. I would really appreciate some direction.
Here's a latest query but, if this is the wrong approach just ignore since I have about 50 similar attempts.
FROM schema1.table1 AS t1
LEFT JOIN schema2.table2 AS t2
ON t2.city_label = t1.prem_city;
Thanks for any help!
Your query seems correct, just a minor change - LEFT JOIN keeps all the records from the left table and only the matching record from the right one. If you want only those that appear in both - an INNER JOIN is required .
FROM schema1.table1 t1
JOIN schema2.table2 t2
ON t2.city_label = t1.prem_city;


Apology in advance for a long question, but doing this just for the sake of learning:
i'm new to SQL and researching on JOIN for now. I'm getting two different behaviors when using INNER and OUTER JOIN. What I know is, INNER JOIN gives an intersection kind of result while returning only common rows among tables, and (LEFT/RIGHT) OUTER JOIN is outputting what is common and remaining rows in LEFT or RIGHT tables, depending upon LEFT/RIGHT clause respectively.
While working with MS Training Kit and trying to solve this practice: "Practice 2: In this practice, you identify rows that appear in one table but have no matches in another. You are given a task to return the IDs of employees from the HR.Employees table who did not handle orders (in the Sales.Orders table) on February 12, 2008. Write three different solutions using the following: joins, subqueries, and set
operators. To verify the validity of your solution, you are supposed to return employeeIDs: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9."
I'm successful doing this with subqueries and set operators but with JOIN is returning something not expected. I've written the following query:
HR.Employees AS H
JOIN Sales.Orders AS O
ON H.empid = O.empid
AND O.orderdate = '20080212'
JOIN HR.Employees AS E
ON E.empid <> H.empid
I'm expecting results as: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9 (6 rows)
But what i'm getting is: 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,7,7,7,8,8,9,9,9 (24 rows)
I tried some videos but could not understand this side of INNER/OUTER JOIN. I'll be grateful if someone could help this side of JOIN, why is it so and what should I try to understand while working with JOIN.
you can also use left outer join to get not matching
*** The LEFT JOIN keyword returns all rows from the left table (table1), with the matching rows in the right table (table2). The result is NULL in the right side when there is no match.
HR.Employees AS H
ON H.empid = O.empid
AND O.orderdate = '20080212'
Above script will return emp id who did not handle orders on specify date
here you can see all kind of join
Diagram taken from:
adjust your query to be like this
HR.Employees AS H
JOIN Sales.Orders AS O
ON H.empid = O.empid
where O.orderdate = '2008-02-12' AND O.empid IN null
distinct E.empid
HR.Employees AS H
JOIN Sales.Orders AS O
ON H.empid = O.empid
AND O.orderdate = '20080212'
JOIN HR.Employees AS E
ON E.empid <> H.empid
Primary things to always remind yourself when working with SQL JOINs:
INNER JOINs require a match in the join in order for result set rows produced prior to the INNER JOIN to remain in the result set. When no match is found for a row, the row is discarded from the result set.
For a row fed to an INNER JOIN that matches to ONLY one row, only one copy of that row fed to the result set is delivered.
For a row fed to an INNER JOIN that matches to multiple rows, the row will be delivered multiple times, once for each row match from the INNER JOIN table.
OUTER JOINs will not discard rows fed to them in the result set, whether or not the OUTER JOIN results in a match or not.
Just like INNER JOINs, if an OUTER JOIN matches to more than one row, it will increase the number of rows in the result set by duplicating rows equal to the number of rows matched from the OUTER JOIN table.
Ask yourself "if I get NO match on the JOIN, do I want the row discarded or not?" If the answer is NO, use an OUTER JOIN. If the answer is YES, use an INNER JOIN.
If you don't need to reference any of the columns from a JOIN table, don't perform a JOIN at all. Instead, use a WHERE EXISTS, WHERE NOT EXISTS, WHERE IN, WHERE NOT IN, etc. or similar, depending on your database engine in use. Don't rely on the database engine to be smart enough to discard unreferenced columns resulting from JOINs from the result set. Some databases may be smart enough to do that, some not. There's no reason to pull columns into a result set only to not reference them. Doing so increases chance of reduced performance.
Your JOIN of:
JOIN HR.Employees AS E
ON E.empid <> H.empid matching to all Employees rows with a DIFFERENT EMPID to all rows fed to that join. Use of NOT EQUAL on an INNER JOIN is a very rare thing to do or need, especially if the JOIN predicate is testing only ONE condition. That is why your getting duplicate rows in the result set.
On DB2, we could perform an EXCEPTION JOIN to accomplish that using a JOIN alone. Normally, on DB2, I would use a WHERE NOT EXISTS for that. On SQL Server you could do a JOIN to a query where the query set is all employees without orders in SALES.ORDERS on the specified date, but I don't know if that violates the rules of your tutorial.
Naveen posted the solution it appears your tutorial is looking for!

SQLPLUS Table Trouble

I've been using SQLPLUS lately and one of my tasks was to display a set of values from two tables (stocks, orderitems). I have done this part, but I am stuck on the last part of the question which states: "including the stocks that no order has been placed on them so far".
Here is the statement:
`select Stocks.StockNo, Stocks.Description, OrderItems.QtyOrd
from Stocks INNER JOIN OrderItems
ON Stocks.StockNo = OrderItems.StockNo;`
and I have gotten the correct results for this part, but the second part is eluding me, as the curernt statement doesn't display the 0 values for QtyOrd.
Any help would be appreciated.
You likely want to use a LEFT OUTER JOIN otherwise the INNER JOIN will exclude Stocks which don't have any Orders. You might also consider grouping by Stock, in order to SUM the overall quantities for each stock?
SELECT Stocks.StockNo, Stocks.Description, SUM(OrderItems.QtyOrd) AS QtyOrd
FROM Stocks
ON Stocks.StockNo = OrderItems.StockNo
GROUP BY Stocks.StockNo, Stocks.Description;

a dual variable not in statement?

I have the need to look at two tables that share two variables and get a list of the data from one table that does not have matching data in the other table. Example:
Table A
Table B
I need to be able to write a query that will check Table A and find entries that have no corresponding entry in Table B. If it was a one variable issue I could use not in statement but I can't think of a way to do that with two variables. A left join also does not appear like you could do it. Since looking at it by a specific date or place name would not work since we are talking about thousands of dates and hundreds of place names.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help out.
SELECT TableA.Date,
ON TableA.Date = TableB.Date
AND TableA.Place = TableB.Place
OR TableB.yAmount IS NULL
WHERE A.xName = B.yName AND A.Date = B.Date AND A.Place = B.Place AND A.xAmount = B.yAmount)
select xName , xAmount from tableA
select yName , yAmount from tableB