Is it possible to use symbol-macrolet to get labels-like behavior? - macros

In other words, is it possible to locally define a function in a way similar to how flet or labels does it? My final goal is to have a macro similar to labels which instead of regular functions uses instances of funcallable-standard-class and not having to use funcall. A use-case might look like the one below:
(funcallable-let ((foo func-class :initargs ...))
(foo ...))
symbol-macrolet seems to only expand when not in the head position. If I try (setf (symbol-function 'foo) (make-instance 'some-funcallable-class)) this sets it globally for this symbol an not for the scope of the enclosing let.
Here's what I could get so far (but it doesn't work because macrolet wouldn't expand in this scenario...)
(defclass func ()
((state :initarg :state :accessor state-of))
(:metaclass sb-mop:funcallable-standard-class))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((this func) &rest initargs)
(declare (ignore initargs))
this (lambda ()
(format t "~&I am: ~s, my state is: ~s" this (state-of this)))))
(defmacro funcallable-let (bindings &body body)
(loop :for binding :in bindings
:for name := (car binding)
:for class := (cadr binding)
:for init-args := (cddr binding)
:collect `(,name (make-instance ',class ,.init-args)) :into classes
:collect `(,name (&rest args) (list 'apply '',name args)) :into macrolets
:collect name :into ignorables
`(let ,classes
(declare (ignorable ,#ignorables))
(macrolet ,macrolets
(defun test-funcallable-let ()
(funcallable-let ((f func :state :f-state)
(g func :state :g-state))
(f) (funcall 'g)))
This is somewhat modified Lars' Brinkoff macro:
(defmacro funcallable-let (bindings &body body)
:for binding :in bindings
:for symbol := (gensym)
:for name := (car binding)
:for class := (cadr binding)
:for init-args := (cddr binding)
:collect `(,symbol (make-instance ',class ,.init-args)) :into lets
:collect `(,name (&rest args) (apply ',symbol args)) :into flets
:collect symbol :into ignorables
`(let ,lets
(declare (ignorable ,#ignorables))
(flet ,flets ,#body)))))
Which wouldn't work either.

So, we want the value of f to be the funcallable object, so that things like (setf (state-of f) new-state) work, but also a macro definition for f, so that (f 1 2 3) expands to (funcall f 1 2 3). Let's write some direct code first. First, your func definition, but with a slightly different funcallable instance function, so that we can pass some arguments in and see what they are:
(defclass func ()
((state :initarg :state :accessor state-of))
(:metaclass sb-mop:funcallable-standard-class))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((this func) &rest initargs)
(declare (ignore initargs))
this (lambda (&rest args)
(format t "~&I am: ~s, my state is: ~s, my args were ~s" this (state-of this) args))))
Then, we can write the code that we'd want the funcallable-let to expand into. As the output shows, f in a head position ends up being a call to the funcallable instance, but f in a non head position is a variable that has the funcallable instance as a value, so you can, e.g., (setf (state-of f) new-state):
(let ((f (make-instance 'func :state 34)))
(macrolet ((f (&rest args)
`(funcall f ,#args)))
(f 1 2 3)
(setf (state-of f) 89)
(f 4 5 6)))
; I am: #<FUNC {1002A0B329}>, my state is: 34, my args were (1 2 3)
; I am: #<FUNC {1002A0B329}>, my state is: 89, my args were (4 5 6)
That seems good. Now we just need to macroify it:
(defmacro funcallable-let (bindings &body body)
`(let (,#(loop :for (name . initargs) :in bindings
:collect `(,name (make-instance 'func ,#initargs))))
(macrolet (,#(loop :for (name . initargs) :in bindings
:collect `(,name (&rest args)
`(funcall ,',name ,#args))))
The macroexpansion looks right:
CL-USER> (pprint (macroexpand '(funcallable-let ((f :state 34))
(f 1 2 3))))
(F 1 2 3)))
And the behavior seems right (you can call with (f ...) or with (funcall f ...), and you can (setf (state-of f) ...):
CL-USER> (funcallable-let ((f :state 34))
(f 1 2 3)
(setf (state-of f) 89)
(f 4 5 6)
(setf (state-of f) 62)
(funcall f 7 8 9))
I am: #<FUNC {1002BEC389}>, my state is: 34, my args were (1 2 3)
I am: #<FUNC {1002BEC389}>, my state is: 89, my args were (4 5 6)
I am: #<FUNC {1002BEC389}>, my state is: 62, my args were (7 8 9)

I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but maybe this?
(defmacro funcallable-let (bindings &body body)
(let ((gensyms (loop repeat (length bindings) collect (gensym))))
`(let ,(loop for (name value) in bindings and g in gensyms
collect `(,g ,value))
(flet ,(loop for (name value) in bindings and g in gensyms
collect `(,name (&rest args) (apply ,g args)))
Sample usage:
(funcallable-let ((foo (make-instance 'some-funcallable-class :initargs ...)))
(foo ...))

For a similar problem see GENERIC-FLET and GENERIC-LABELS of CLtL2 and why it was removed in ANSI Common Lisp.


Common Lisp macro let-curry - not working

I found myself calling lots of methods whose first argument is a complex object from a given class.
Whilst with-slots and with-accessors are useful, generic methods cannot be bound in this way. So I thought: if we could locally curry any functions, slots + accessors + generic functions + functions could all be addressed with the same construct.
Example of code I want to clean up:
(defun clox-string (scanner)
"Parse string into a token and add it to tokens"
(loop while (and (char/= #\" (peek scanner))
(not (at-end-p scanner)))
(if (char= #\Newline (peek scanner)) (incf (line scanner))
(advance scanner)))
(when (at-end-p scanner)
(clox.error::clox-error (line scanner) "Unterminated string.")
(return-from clox-string nil))
(advance scanner) ;; consume closing "
(add-token scanner 'STRING (subseq (source scanner)
(1+ (start scanner))
(1- (current scanner)))))
This would be cleaner (I'm imitating this in CL but I often end up with more verbose and less readable code than in Java - specially when using this classes a lot). As in CL methods don't belong to classes you end up declaring such arguments over and over. This would be a bit better:
(defun clox-string (scanner)
"Parse string into a token and add it to tokens"
(let-curry scanner (peek at-end-p line source start current advance add-token)
(loop while (and (char/= #\" (peek))
(not (at-end-p)))
(if (char= #\Newline (peek)) (incf (line))
(when (at-end-p)
(clox.error::clox-error (line) "Unterminated string.")
(return-from clox-string nil))
(advance) ;; consume closing "
(add-token 'STRING (subseq (source)
(1+ (start))
(1- (current)))))
sketch of macro (not working):
;; Clearly not as I don't understand macros very well :) non-working code:
(defmacro let-curry (obj functions &body body)
"Locally curry all functions"
(let ((fn (gensym)))
`(flet (loop
for ,fn in ,functions
collect (list ,fn (&rest args)
(funcall ,fn ,obj args)))
EDIT (ADD): Notice that scanner is a class; start, source, line, etc., accessors to the slots with the same name; add-token a generic function of more than one argument, advance a generic method of one argument:
(defclass scanner ()
:initarg :source
:accessor source)
(defmethod advance ((scanner scanner)) ...)
(defmethod add-token ((scanner scanner) token-type) ...)
Simpler Example with error:
;; With
(defun add (x y) (+ x y))
(defun mul (x y) (* x y))
;; I want to have this:
(let-curry 1000 (add mul)
(print (add 3))
(print (mul 3)))
;; expanding to:
(flet ((add (y) (add 1000 y))
(mul (y) (mul 1000 y)))
(print (add 3))
(print (mul 3)))
;; but instead I'm getting:
Execution of a form compiled with errors.
(LIST #1#
(FUNCALL #1# 1000 ARGS)))
(PRINT (MUL 3)))
Compile-time error:
The FLET definition spec LOOP is malformed.
Thanks! The basic question is: is it possible to make such macro work?
Your version didn't expand to what you wanted but:
(flet (loop for #:g8307 in (add mul) collect (list #:g8307 (&rest args) (funcall #:g8307 1000 args)))
(print (add 3)) (print (mul 3)))
Now the loop needs to be done at macro expansion time.
Here is a working version:
(defmacro let-curry (obj (&rest functions) &body body)
"Locally curry all functions"
`(flet ,(loop for fn in functions
collect `(,fn (&rest args)
(apply #',fn ,obj args)))
;; test it using add and mul from OP
(macroexpand-1 '(let-curry 10 (add mul) (list (add 5) (mul 5))))
;; ==>
(flet ((add (&rest args) (apply #'add 10 args))
(mul (&rest args) (apply #'mul 10 args)))
(list (add 5) (mul 5)))
(let-curry 10 (add mul) (list (add 5) (mul 5)))
;; ==> (15 50)
Using gensym is only needed if you are in danger of shadowing/colliding something or to ensure evaluation order is least surprising, but in your case you actually want to shadow the original names with the curried version so it makes sense to just use the original name.
If you want to have more than one argument you should use apply
since you know the function is in the function namespace you need to call #'symbol instead of symbol.
I've done (&rest functions) instead of functions in the prototype that with bad usage (not a list) you get a compile time error and it is more preciese.

Any good way to declare unused variables in destructuring-bind?

I can't figure, is there any way to put something like _ in erlang, for "unused value" in destructuring-bind?
For example there we have something like that:
(destructuring-bind ((_SNIPPET
(_TITLE . title)
(_DESCRIPTION . description)
_RESOURCE-ID (_VIDEO-ID . video-id)))) entry
(declare (ignore
(list video-id title description)))
It'll be great not to put specific variable for every unused value, and write something like that:
(destructuring-bind ((_
(_ . title)
(_ . description)
(_ (_ . video-id)))) entry
(list video-id title description)))
Is there any way to get such behavior with standart destructuring-bind or any other standart macros? Or I have to use some ML-like pattern matching library, and if so - which one?
It's not possible with DESTRUCTURING-BIND (you can't use a variable more than once, some compiler will complain). You can enumerate the variables, _1, _2, ... But then you have to ignore each of them.
LOOP can do it:
CL-USER 23 > (loop for ((a b nil c) nil d) in '(((1 2 3 4) 5 6)
((1 2 3 4) 5 6))
collect (list a b c d))
((1 2 4 6) (1 2 4 6))
NIL is used as the wildcard variable.
You can reuse the LOOP macro:
(defmacro match-bind (pattern object &body body)
`(loop with ,pattern = ,object
while nil
finally (return (progn ,#body))))
CL-USER 37 > (match-bind ((a b nil c) nil d)
'((1 2 3 4) 5 6)
(list a b c d))
(1 2 4 6)
You can use some LET-MATCH from some library. For example:
There are probably more fancy versions.
There's nothing built into the language for this. Rainer Joswig's answer points out that loop can do some destructuring, but it doesn't do nearly as much. In an earlier version of this answer, I suggested traversing the destructuring lambda list and collecting a list of all the symbols that begin with _ and adding a declaration to the form to ignore those variables. A safer version replaces each one with a fresh variable (so that there are no repeated variables), and ignores them all. Thus something like
(destructuring-bind (_a (_b c)) object
would expand into
(destructuring-bind (#:g1 (#:g2 c)) object
(declare (ignore #:g1 #:g2))
This approach will work OK if you're only using the "data-directed" described in Data-directed Destructuring by Lambda Lists. However, if you're using "lambda-list-directed" approach described in Lambda-list-directed Destructuring by Lambda Lists, where you can use lambda-list keywords like &optional, &key, etc., then things are much more complicated, because you shouldn't replace variables in some parts of those. For instance, if you have
&optional (_x '_default-x)
then it might be OK to replace _x with something, but not _default-x, because the latter isn't a pattern. But, in Lisp, code is data, so we can still write a macro that maps over the destructuring-lambda-list and replaces only in locations that are patterns. Here's somewhat hairy code that does just that. This takes a function and a destructuring lambda list, and calls the function for each pattern variable in the lambda list, along with the type of the argument (whole, required, optional, etc.).
(defun map-dll (fn list)
(let ((result '())
(orig list)
(keywords '(&allow-other-keys &aux &body
&key &optional &rest &whole)))
(labels ((save (x)
(push x result))
(handle (type parameter)
(etypecase parameter
(list (map-dll fn parameter))
(symbol (funcall fn type parameter)))))
(macrolet ((parse-keyword ((&rest symbols) &body body)
(when (and (not (atom list))
(member (first list) ',symbols))
(save (pop list))
(doparameters ((var) &body body)
`(do () ((or (atom list) (member (first list) keywords)))
(save (let ((,var (pop list)))
(parse-keyword (&whole)
(save (handle :whole (pop list))))
(doparameters (required)
(handle :required required))
(parse-keyword (&optional)
(doparameters (opt)
(if (symbolp opt)
(handle :optional opt)
(list* (handle :optional (first opt)) (rest opt)))))
(when (and (atom list) (not (null list))) ; turn (... . REST)
(setq list (list '&rest list))) ; into (... &rest REST)
(parse-keyword (&rest &body)
(save (handle :rest (pop list))))
(parse-keyword (&key)
(doparameters (key)
(if (symbolp key)
(handle :key key)
(destructuring-bind (keyspec . more) key
(if (symbolp keyspec)
(list* (handle :key keyspec) more)
(destructuring-bind (keyword var) keyspec
(list* (list keyword (handle :key var)) more)))))))
(parse-keyword (&allow-other-keys))
(parse-keyword (&aux)
(doparameters (aux) aux))
(unless (null list)
(error "Bad destructuring lambda list: ~A." orig))
(nreverse result)))))
Using this, it's pretty easy to write a destructuring-bind* that replaces each pattern variable beginning with _ with a fresh variable that will be ignored in the body.
(defmacro destructuring-bind* (lambda-list object &body body)
(let* ((ignores '())
(lambda-list (map-dll (lambda (type var)
(declare (ignore type))
(if (and (> (length (symbol-name var)) 0)
(char= #\_ (char (symbol-name var) 0)))
(let ((var (gensym)))
(push var ignores)
`(destructuring-bind ,lambda-list ,object
(declare (ignore ,#(nreverse ignores)))
Now we should look at the expansions it produces:
'(destructuring-bind* (&whole (a _ . b)
c _ d
&optional e (f '_f)
&key g _h
&aux (_i '_j))
(list a b c d e f g)))
(&WHOLE (A #:G1041 &REST B) C #:G1042 D
&KEY G #:G1043
&AUX (_I '_J))
(DECLARE (IGNORE #:G1041 #:G1042 #:G1043))
We haven't replaced anywhere we shouldn't (init forms, aux variables, etc.), but we've taken care of the places that we should. We can see this work in your example too:
'(destructuring-bind* ((_ (_ . title)
(_ . description)
(_ . video-id)))
(list video-id title description)))
(#:G1048 &REST VIDEO-ID)))
(DECLARE (IGNORE #:G1044 #:G1045 #:G1046 #:G1047 #:G1048))

How does intelligent code completion work in Scheme?

From reading a Lisp book I remember they showed an example of an OOP-style method dispatcher based on closures:
(defun create-object ()
(let ((val 0)
(get (lambda () val))
(set (lambda (new-val) (setq val new-val)))
(inc (lambda () (setq val (+ 1 val)))))
(lambda (method)
(cond ((eq method 'get)
((eq method 'set)
((eq method 'inc)
(let ((obj (create-object)))
(funcall (obj 'set) 1)
(funcall (obj 'inc))
(funcall (obj 'get))) ;; 2
Since it's just a function with a string symbol argument, I guess code intel won't be of much help here, not completing the method names or their signatures. (Compare with a similar JavaScript object.)
Is this problem generally solved? How do you program an object system in Scheme so that an editor (like Emacs) can be more intelligent with your code?
P.S. The example may be not a valid Scheme code, but you should get the idea.
I've made some starting code for you.
It's for Emacs Lisp, but it's should be very easily portable to Scheme.
Here's your usage example:
(defun create-object ()
(lexical-let* ((val 0)
(get (lambda() val))
(set (lambda(x) (setq val x))))
(generate-dispatch-table get set)))
(setq obj (create-object))
(funcall (funcall obj 'get))
;; => 0
(funcall (funcall obj 'set) 1)
;; => 1
(funcall (funcall obj 'get))
;; => 1
(scheme-completions obj)
;; => (get set)
And here's how it's implemented:
(defmacro generate-dispatch-table (&rest members)
`(lambda (method)
(cond ,#(mapcar
(lambda (x) `((eq method ',x) ,x)) members))))
(defun collect (pred x)
(when (and x (listp x))
(let ((y (funcall pred x))
(z (append
(collect pred (car x))
(collect pred (cdr x)))))
(if y
(append (list y) z)
(defun scheme-completions (obj)
(lambda(x) (and (eq (car x) 'eq)
(eq (cadr x) 'method)
(eq (caaddr x) 'quote)
(cadr (caddr x))))
And here's a simple visual interface for completions:
(require 'helm)
(defun scheme-completions-helm ()
(let ((y (and
(looking-back "(funcall \\([^ ]*\\) +")
(intern-soft (match-string 1)))))
(when y
(helm :sources
`((name . "members")
(candidates . ,(scheme-completions (eval y)))
(action . (lambda(x) (insert "'" x))))))))
I'm not a Emacs user, but use DrRacket and it does have an object system and do what an IDE should do, but I know Emacs is very customizable since it uses elisp so you can make support for your own syntax both in syntax highlighting and tab-completion. So you do:
Make your own object system
Edit your Emacs editor to do what you want
Many of my colleagues use it and they fix their Emacs in such ways.
Another thing, this question makes me think about the resources at on the subject where the different approaches are mentioned and even a similar code to the one you posted is posted as example. It's a good read.
I would avoid double notion of symbols in create-object via an obarray.
Furthermore, the interface of the object are all functions. Therefore, use fset and avoid the double funcall.
(defun create-object ()
(lexical-let (val
(_oa (make-vector 11 0)))
(fset (intern "get" _oa) (lambda () val))
(fset (intern "inc" _oa) (lambda () (incf val)))
(fset (intern "set" _oa) (lambda (new-val) (setq val new-val)))
(lambda (method &rest args)
(apply 'funcall (intern (symbol-name method) _oa) args))))
(fset 'obj1 (create-object))
(fset 'obj2 (create-object))
(obj1 'set 1)
(obj2 'set 2)
(obj1 'inc)
(obj2 'inc)
(obj2 'inc)
(obj2 'get)
(obj1 'get)
Example for inheritance:
(defun create-object ()
(lexical-let (val
(_oa (make-vector 11 0)))
(fset (intern "get" _oa) (lambda () val))
(fset (intern "inc" _oa) (lambda () (incf val)))
(fset (intern "set" _oa) (lambda (new-val) (setq val new-val)))
(lambda (method &rest args)
(apply 'funcall (or (intern-soft (symbol-name method) _oa)
(error "Undefined function: %s" method))
(defun create-object-add10 ()
(lexical-let ((base (create-object))
(_oa (make-vector 11 0)))
(fset (intern "inc" _oa) (lambda () (funcall base 'set (+ (funcall base 'get) 10))))
(lambda (method &rest args)
(let ((call (intern-soft (symbol-name method) _oa)))
(if call
(apply 'funcall call args)
(apply 'funcall base method args))))))
(fset 'obj1 (create-object))
(fset 'obj2 (create-object-add10))
(obj1 'set 1)
(obj2 'set 2)
(obj1 'inc)
(obj2 'inc)
(obj2 'inc)
(obj2 'get)
(obj1 'get)
The definition of create-object-like methods should additionally be supported through macros. That is not done here.
For more features, note, there is a CLOS-compatible object oriented system in emacs:

How to set local function definition using function (or closure) objects?

The problem with flet is that the functions bound therein must be defined inline. In other words, there's no way to do this:
(new-flet ((a (lambda (f x)
(funcall f (* x 2))))
(b (function-generator)))
(a #'b 10))
I considered defining such a macro myself, but the problem is that flet seems to be the only way to set local function values. symbol-function always gets the global definition only, and function can't be used with setf. Anyone have an idea how this can be done fairly cleanly, if at all?
You can easily build a trampoline
(defun function-generator (x)
(lambda (y) (* x y)))
(let ((fg (function-generator 42)))
(flet ((a (f x) (funcall f (* x 2)))
(b (x) (funcall fg x)))
(a #'b 10)))
A macro implementation of new-flet with this approach is
(defmacro new-flet (bindings &body body)
(let ((let-bindings (list))
(flet-bindings (list))
(args (gensym)))
(dolist (binding bindings)
(let ((name (gensym)))
(push `(,name ,(second binding))
(push `(,(first binding) (&rest ,args)
(apply ,name ,args))
`(let ,(nreverse let-bindings)
(flet ,(nreverse flet-bindings)
that expands in your example case as
(macroexpand-1 '(new-flet ((a (lambda (f x) (funcall f (* x 2))))
(b (function-generator)))
(a #'b 10)))
==> (LET ((#:G605 (LAMBDA (F X)
(FUNCALL F (* X 2))))
(FLET ((A (&REST #:G604)
(APPLY #:G605 #:G604))
(B (&REST #:G604)
(APPLY #:G606 #:G604)))
(A #'B 10)))
(let* ((a (lambda (f x) (funcall f (* x 2))))
(b (function-generator)))
(funcall a b 10))
a fairly clean solution to your problem?
How about binding the variables with let, so that they're setfable, and then using an flet as the body of the let so that they're funcallable and (function …)-able, too. E.g., where I've given a silly little function instead of (generate-function):
(let ((a (lambda (f x)
(funcall f (* x 2))))
(b (lambda (&rest args)
(print (list* 'print-from-b args)))))
(flet ((a (&rest args)
(apply a args))
(b (&rest args)
(apply b args)))
(a #'b 10)))
We can wrap this up in a macro relatively easily:
(defmacro let/flet (bindings &body body)
(let ((args (gensym (string '#:args-))))
`(let ,bindings
(flet ,(loop :for (name nil) :in bindings
:collect `(,name (&rest ,args) (apply ,name ,args)))
(let/flet ((a (lambda (f x)
(funcall f (* x 2))))
(b (lambda (&rest args)
(print (list* 'print-from-b args)))))
(a #'b 10))
expands into the first block of code. Note that you can also use (a b 10) in the body as well, since the binding of b is the same as the value of #'b. You can use setf on the variable as well:
(let/flet ((a (lambda (x)
(print (list 'from-a x)))))
(a 23)
(setf a (lambda (x)
(print (list 'from-new-a x x))))
(a 23))
(FROM-A 23)
(FROM-NEW-A 23 23)
If anyone's interested in a labels equivalent, here it is:
(defmacro my-labels ((&rest definitions) &rest body)
(let ((gensyms (loop for d in definitions collect (gensym)))
(names (loop for d in definitions collect (car d)))
(fdefs (loop for f in definitions collect (cadr f)))
(args (gensym)))
`(let (,#(loop for g in gensyms collect (list g)))
(labels (,#(loop for g in gensyms for n in names
collect `(,n (&rest ,args) (apply ,g ,args))))
,#(loop for g in gensyms for f in fdefs
collect `(setf ,g ,f))
This is sort of like Scheme's letrec.

How to modify this macro in common lisp to integrate collect in loop?

I have a macro below that iterates along bits in an integer. I would like to integrate the collect capability of the loop like this:
(loop for x in '(a b c d e)
for y in '(1 2 3 4 5)
collect (list x y) )
How should I modify the macro below to accomplish the above?
(defmacro do-bits ((var x) &rest body)
"Evaluates [body] forms after binding [var] to each set bit in [x]"
(let ((k (gensym)))
`(do ((,k ,x (logand ,k (1- ,k))))
((= ,k 0))
(let ((,var (logand ,k (- ,k))))
here's a simple macro with-collector that should do the trick:
(defmacro with-collector ((&optional (collector-name 'collect)) &body body)
(let ((result (gensym)))
`(let ((,result (list)))
(flet ((,collector-name (arg) (push arg ,result)))
(progn ,#body)
(when ,result
(nreverse ,result)))))
it uses the name collect by default:
(with-collector ()
(collect 'a)
(collect 'b)); => (A B)
but you can use another name if you like (e.g. for nesting or resolving a symbol conflict)
(with-collector (foo)
(foo 'bar)
(foo 'baz)); => (BAR BAZ)
to integrate it with your macro, just wrap the do form:
(defmacro do-bits ((var x) &rest body)
"Evaluates [body] forms after binding [var] to each set bit in [x]"
(let ((k (gensym)))
`(with-collector ()
(do ((,k ,x (logand ,k (1- ,k))))
((= ,k 0))
(let ((,var (logand ,k (- ,k))))
and collect will be available in the body:
(do-bits (x 255) (collect x))
; => (1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128)
(do-bits (x 256) (collect x))
; => (256)