Why small changes make "Access violation at address xxx" error on this delphi code? - tsql

I have 2 pieces of code :
It works normal
with ADOTemp do
SQL.Add('INSERT INTO documents');
Parameters.ParamByName('pfk_id_status').Value := p_id_status;
Parameters.ParamByName('pmoney_direction').Value := p_money_direction;
// Parameters.ParamByName('p').Value := p_id_base;
Parameters.ParamByName('pfk_id_user').Value := fMain.ApplicationVariablers.user_id;
It does not work and returns a terrible error
with ADOTemp do
SQL.Add('INSERT INTO documents');
Parameters.ParamByName('pfk_id_status').Value := p_id_status;
Parameters.ParamByName('pmoney_direction').Value := p_money_direction;
Parameters.ParamByName('p').Value := p_id_base;
Parameters.ParamByName('pfk_id_user').Value := fMain.ApplicationVariablers.user_id;
Error on image, line 1917

It seems that this question is in reference to your earlier question: Delphi, error :"Access violation at address xxxxxxxx. Read of address yyyyyyyy", at AdoQuery.SQL.Text:='''
You had added and accepted an answer there along the lines seen in this question. The error message, an AV in msvcrt.dll is indicative of a serious programming error. Perhaps a heap corruption. Perhaps something else. The change you made that stops the error occurring does not really fix the problem. The problem will still be there, lying dormant. You just got (un)lucky that the change you made appeared to fix the problem.
Access violations are not always reproducible. That's just their nature. When you encounter one you need to understand why it happens. Simply using trial and error to re-organise code from a completely different location will never lead to the real solution.
What you should be doing is tracking down the real cause of the problem. Do that, fix it, and either version of the code above will work. This is probably not the answer you are wanting to get. You may very well not want to accept what I say. But, speaking from experience, until you recognise that you have a more serious problem, you will make no headway here.

Looking at your code in the bitmap...I'm pretty sure you access violation is because of what David just said...you have serious Memory problems in your code...Your not freeing your objects...that you are creating...Anytime you pass a nil reference to Owner in a TComponent Constructor...your telling the compiler...that you know what your doing and will free it when your finished with it...Matter of fact good practice is to always free objects that you declare and use exclusively in the scope of your method.
procedure TForm1.MyMethod;
a_MyComp: TMyComp;
a_MyComp := TMyComp.Create(nil);
//use my a_MyComp...
Check out your code in CreateNewDocument...you'll notice that your not freeing your AdoTemp.

Access violation exceptions (AVs) tell you that you have made a mistake in the memory access of your program. However, the way access violations work: they are unable to guarantee always detecting the error every time you make a mistake. (Sometimes you get un-lucky and no access violations are raised, but the mistake is still there causing other things to quietly go wrong inside your application.)
You can think of the memory available to your program being represented as below (where "." means the memory is not allocated to anything, and "A" means the memory is allocated to something within your program: e.g. object, local variable, parameter, machine code).
Suppose you create some object; this will require memory to be allocated for the object itself. If the object in turn creates child objects, this will also be allocated in memory. (I'll use "O" and "C")
Note that within the memory allocated to O, it might hold references to its child objects.
Conversely to the above, whenever an object is destroyed, its memory is deallocated. Let us suppose you have made a mistake in your memory access, and something has destroyed one of O's child objects before O has finished using it.
If O now tries to use its second child object, you will get an access violation. However, you might be un-lucky and not get an access violation showing your earlier mistake IF:
You destroy O without it trying to do anything to the second child object.
Or you first create a new object that happens to be allocated in the exact same place the child object was.
The second situation tends to be worse than the first, because every time C2 is used on the assumption that it is the correct child of O: unexpected results are produced and an incorrect values are written in memory. These incorrect values may be important data, or references to other objects (making the problem get worse over time).
So: Whenever yo do get an access violation, thank your lucky stars and hunt down the root cause of the problem.
NB! NB! I cannot stress the importance of the above enough.
Investigating your particular problem
First note, when an exception pauses in the debugger, the code usually points to the next line that would have been executed if not for the exception. (This doesn't affect anything here, because the previous line is also ADOTemp.SQL.Add; - the point is be prepared to consider the previous line as the cause of an exception - and test to confirm it!)
Useful tip: When an exception is thrown within Delphi/Third Party code, it can be useful to build with Debug DCU's or recompile Third Party source with debug information to get closer to the actual line raising the exception. (This can even be useful in situations like this where the error appears to be inside a Microsoft DLL.)
Looking at your screen-shot, the exception is thrown from a brand new instance of TADOQuery. Now there really isn't any sensible explanation for a brand new query to be throwing access violations when simply adding text to its SQL query. This strongly implies a corruption problem as described earlier.
One possibility would be another thread interfering with this one. (NOTE: even if your application isn't multi-threaded, the ADO objects do have built-in support for asynchronous operations.) However, I'm going to ignore that possibility for now because threading issues tend to be less consistent than you've implied this one is.
So, assuming you have a memory access problem somewhere else that is only manifesting here with a brand new TADOQuery (used correctly at least up to the point of the AV) - what other objects are interacting with this query to possibly cause corruption?
ADOTemp.Connection := fMain.ADOConnection;
There is a very strong possibility that commenting out the above line would also eliminate your access violation. So what are the possible problems:
fMain might have been destroyed prematurely and is now a dangling pointer meaning the code to return ADOConnection could do any of a number of unexpected things.
Any of the code backing fMain.ADOConnection may be referencing corrupted memory or dangling pointers; this includes the returned connection itself.
NOTE: One very common cause of invalid memory access is to have a function such as GetADOConnection that does not correctly initialise its Result. So in some cases it returns a 'random' address in memory, resulting in all sorts of unexpected behaviour when something tries to use the connection.
Is your ADOConnection created on a different thread, and being used by multiple threads?
PS: Don't forget to follow Rick's advice, and make sure you destroy the query when you've finished using it. Who knows, there might be an internal bug in ADO that when it runs out of a particular internal resource (due to queries not being destroyed), that causes ADO to start throwing AVs.
NOTE: You should be able to test my theory without altering functionality by simply changing the ADOTemp.Connection := ... line. Simply assign a connection string to the query instead of a connection object. However, if that solves (or more correctly stated: hides) the problem, please follow my advice, and hunt down the root cause of the AV.


JPA - JTA - two big problems (on .persist() and on .remove()) - MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException

Firstly i would like to apologize if i could not find anything about what i would like to describe that really solved my problems. This does not mean that i fully searched in the site. Although i have been spending too much time (days). I am also new on here (in the sense that i never wrote/replied to SO users). And i am sorry for my possible english errors.
I have to say i am new to Java EE.
I am working on WildFly 14, using MySQL.
I am now focusing on a JPA problem.
I have a uniqueness constraint. I am doing tests and while performing the uniqueness violation test, from the data source level i get a MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException, and that's ok. I have the problem in that the persist() method does not let me catch the exception (i even put Throwable in the clause, but nothing..). I strongly, strictly, need to catch that, in order to manage a crucial procedure (that, indirectly contains the call to .remove()) in my work's code.
By the way, trying to write that exception, the system does not show me the window of the suggested classes/annotations/etc, suggesting me just to create the class "MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException". Doesn't working on WildFly, using MySQL, suffice, for having the suggestions?
Not finding the solution, i decided to change: instead of using persist(), i decided to use .createNativeQuery() in which i put as parameter a String describing an insertion in the db. It seems working. Indeed it works (signals uniqueness violation (ok!), does not execute the TRY block code (ok!) and goes into CATCH block (ok!)). But, again, the exception/error is not clear.
Also, when in the code i enter the piece of code that is in charge of managing the catching and then executing what's inside (and i have a .remove(), inside), it raises the exception:
"Transaction is required to perform this operation (either use a transaction or extended persistence context)" --> this referring to my entityManager.remove() execution..
Now i cannot understand.. should not JPA/JTA manage automatically the transactions?
Moreover, trying, later, to put entityManager.getTransaction().begin() (and commit()), it gives me the problem of having tried to manage manually transactions when instead i couldn't.. seems an endless loop..
[edit]: i am working in CMT context, so i am allowed to work with just EntityManager and EntityManagerFactory. I have tried with entityManager.getTransaction().begin() and entityManager.getTransaction().commit() and it hasn't worked.
[edit']: .getTransaction (EntityTransaction object) cannot be used in CMT context, for this reason that didn't work.
[edit'']: i have solved the transaction issue, by means of the transaction management suited for the CMT context: JTA + CMT requires us to manage the transactions with a TRY-CATCH-FINALLY block, in whose TRY body it is needed to put the operation we want to perform on the database and in whose FINALLY body it is needed to put the EntityManager object closing (em.close()). Though, as explained above, i have used em.createNativeQuery(), that, when failing, throws catchable (catchable in my app) exceptions; i would really need to do a roll-back (usage of .createNativeQuery() is temporary) in my work code and use the .persist() method, so i need to know what to do in order to be able to catch that MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException.
Thanks so much!
IT SEEMS i have solved the problem.
Rolling back to the use of .persist() (so, discarding createNativeQuery()), putting em.flush() JUST AFTER em.persist(my_entity_object) has helped me, in that, once the uniqueness constraint is violated (see above), the raised exception is now catchable. With the catchable exception, I can now do as described at the beginning of the post.
WARNING: I remind you of the fact that i am new to JavaEE-JPA-JTA. I have been "lucky" because, since my lack of knowledge, i put that instruction (em.flush()) by taking a guess (i don't know how i could think of that). Hence, I would not be able to explain the behaviour; I would appreciate, though, any explanation of what could have happen, of how and when the method flush() is used, and so on and so forth..

release build variable corruption when using ne10 math library assembly function

has anyone experience the following issue?
A stack variable getting changed/corrupted after calling ne10 assembly function such as ne10_len_vec2f_neon?
float gain = 8.0;
ne10_len_vec2f_neon(src, dst, len);
after the call to ne10_len_vec2f_neon, the value of gain changes as its memory is getting corrupted.
1. Note this only happens when the project is compiled in release build but not debug build.
2. Does Ne10 assembly functions preserve registers?
3. Replacing the assembly function call to c equivalent such as ne10_len_vec2f_c and both release and debug build seem to work OK.
thanks for any help on this. Not sure if there's an inherent issue within the program or it is really the call to ne10_len_vec2f_neon causing the corruption with release build.enter code here
I had a quick rummage through the master NEON code here:
... and it doesn't really touch address-based stack at all, so not sure it's a stack problem in memory.
However based on what I remember of the NEON procedure call standard q4-q7 (alias d8-d15 or s16-s31) should be preserved by the callee, and as far as I can tell that code is clobbering q4-6 without the necessary save/restore, so it does indeed look like it's clobbering the stack in registers.
In the failed case do you know if gain is still stored in FPU registers, and if yes which ones? If it's stored in any of s16/17/18/19 then this looks like the problem. It also seems plausible that a compiler would choose to use s16 upwards for things it needs to keep across a function call, as it avoids the need to touch in-RAM stack memory.
In terms of a fix, if you perform the following replacements:
in that file, then I think it should work; no means to test here, but those higher register blocks are not callee saved.

Assigning to RadioGroup Tag from Form Tag in XE8 causes access violation

I have recently upgraded from XE4 to XE8 and have come across a access violation when assigning a itemindex to a radio group. I was curious why in XE4 this works and XE8 it doesn't. All of the forms have been created when the main program starts up. This code works fine when debugging but when running as a standalone it throws the exception.
with TravelBookingForm do begin
rg1.itemindex:=tag-1;//not sure which causes the access violation
on E : Exception do
showMessage(E.Message); //access violation message is shown
rg1.tag := 0;
NB: I have omitted code that isn't relevent
So after more testing I can confirm that rg1 is not nil and that it is the item causing the access violation.
If rg1 is not nil and yet leads to an access violation then the most plausible explanation is that rg1 points to memory that has been freed. This matches the observation that the error occurs sometimes (outside debugger) and not others (under debugger).
So, your program is destroying the form at some point, and then later referring to the form.
Clearly that is an error in your program and you will need to make sure that you never refer to forms after they have been destroyed. Unfortunately the IDE encourages you to create all your forms once at startup, and hold references in global variables. This makes it all too easy to have stale references.
If you used the full debug version of FastMM then that tool would be able to warn you when you attempt to access memory that has been freed.

Which is better in PHP: suppress warnings with '#' or run extra checks with isset()?

For example, if I implement some simple object caching, which method is faster?
1. return isset($cache[$cls]) ? $cache[$cls] : $cache[$cls] = new $cls;
2. return #$cache[$cls] ?: $cache[$cls] = new $cls;
I read somewhere # takes significant time to execute (and I wonder why), especially when warnings/notices are actually being issued and suppressed. isset() on the other hand means an extra hash lookup. So which is better and why?
I do want to keep E_NOTICE on globally, both on dev and production servers.
I wouldn't worry about which method is FASTER. That is a micro-optimization. I would worry more about which is more readable code and better coding practice.
I would certainly prefer your first option over the second, as your intent is much clearer. Also, best to keep away edge condition problems by always explicitly testing variables to make sure you are getting what you are expecting to get. For example, what if the class stored in $cache[$cls] is not of type $cls?
Personally, if I typically would not expect the index on $cache to be unset, then I would also put error handling in there rather than using ternary operations. If I could reasonably expect that that index would be unset on a regular basis, then I would make class $cls behave as a singleton and have your code be something like
return $cls::get_instance();
The isset() approach is better. It is code that explicitly states the index may be undefined. Suppressing the error is sloppy coding.
According to this article 10 Performance Tips to Speed Up PHP, warnings take additional execution time and also claims the # operator is "expensive."
Cleaning up warnings and errors beforehand can also keep you from
using # error suppression, which is expensive.
Additionally, the # will not suppress the errors with respect to custom error handlers:
If you have set a custom error handler function with
set_error_handler() then it will still get called, but this custom
error handler can (and should) call error_reporting() which will
return 0 when the call that triggered the error was preceded by an #.
If the track_errors feature is enabled, any error message generated by
the expression will be saved in the variable $php_errormsg. This
variable will be overwritten on each error, so check early if you want
to use it.
# temporarily changes the error_reporting state, that's why it is said to take time.
If you expect a certain value, the first thing to do to validate it, is to check that it is defined. If you have notices, it's probably because you're missing something. Using isset() is, in my opinion, a good practice.
I ran timing tests for both cases, using hash keys of various lengths, also using various hit/miss ratios for the hash table, plus with and without E_NOTICE.
The results were: with error_reporting(E_ALL) the isset() variant was faster than the # by some 20-30%. Platform used: command line PHP 5.4.7 on OS X 10.8.
However, with error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE) the difference was within 1-2% for short hash keys, and up 10% for longer ones (16 chars).
Note that the first variant executes 2 hash table lookups, whereas the variant with # does only one lookup.
Thus, # is inferior in all scenarios and I wonder if there are any plans to optimize it.
I think you have your priorities a little mixed up here.
First of all, if you want to get a real world test of which is faster - load test them. As stated though suppressing will probably be slower.
The problem here is if you have performance issues with regular code, you should be upgrading your hardware, or optimize the grand logic of your code rather than preventing proper execution and error checking.
Suppressing errors to steal the tiniest fraction of a speed gain won't do you any favours in the long run. Especially if you think that this error may keep happening time and time again, and cause your app to run more slowly than if the error was caught and fixed.

Post mortem minidump debugging In windbg -- what causes <memory access error> for heap memory?

I'm looking at a crash dump. Some variables seem perfectly viewable in windbg, while others just say "memory access error". What causes this? Why do some variables have sensical values while others simply list ?
It appears that all the problems are associated with following pointers. I'm certain that while many of these pointers are uninitialized the vast majority of them should be pointing somewhere valid. Based on the nature of this crash (a simple null ptr dereference) I'm fairly certain the whole process hasn't gone out to lunch.
Mini-dumps are fairly useless, they don't contain a snapshot of all in use memory. Instead, all they contain are some critical structures/lists (e.g. the loaded module list) and the contents of the crashing stack.
So, any pointer that you try to follow in the dump will just give you question marks. Grab a full memory dump instead and you'll be able to see what these buffers point to.
If they are local pointer variables, what is most likely happening is that the pointers are not initialized, or that stack location has been reused to contain another variable, that may not be a pointer. In both cases, the pointer value may point to a random, unreadable portion of memory.