Which is better in PHP: suppress warnings with '#' or run extra checks with isset()? - isset

For example, if I implement some simple object caching, which method is faster?
1. return isset($cache[$cls]) ? $cache[$cls] : $cache[$cls] = new $cls;
2. return #$cache[$cls] ?: $cache[$cls] = new $cls;
I read somewhere # takes significant time to execute (and I wonder why), especially when warnings/notices are actually being issued and suppressed. isset() on the other hand means an extra hash lookup. So which is better and why?
I do want to keep E_NOTICE on globally, both on dev and production servers.

I wouldn't worry about which method is FASTER. That is a micro-optimization. I would worry more about which is more readable code and better coding practice.
I would certainly prefer your first option over the second, as your intent is much clearer. Also, best to keep away edge condition problems by always explicitly testing variables to make sure you are getting what you are expecting to get. For example, what if the class stored in $cache[$cls] is not of type $cls?
Personally, if I typically would not expect the index on $cache to be unset, then I would also put error handling in there rather than using ternary operations. If I could reasonably expect that that index would be unset on a regular basis, then I would make class $cls behave as a singleton and have your code be something like
return $cls::get_instance();

The isset() approach is better. It is code that explicitly states the index may be undefined. Suppressing the error is sloppy coding.
According to this article 10 Performance Tips to Speed Up PHP, warnings take additional execution time and also claims the # operator is "expensive."
Cleaning up warnings and errors beforehand can also keep you from
using # error suppression, which is expensive.
Additionally, the # will not suppress the errors with respect to custom error handlers:
If you have set a custom error handler function with
set_error_handler() then it will still get called, but this custom
error handler can (and should) call error_reporting() which will
return 0 when the call that triggered the error was preceded by an #.
If the track_errors feature is enabled, any error message generated by
the expression will be saved in the variable $php_errormsg. This
variable will be overwritten on each error, so check early if you want
to use it.

# temporarily changes the error_reporting state, that's why it is said to take time.
If you expect a certain value, the first thing to do to validate it, is to check that it is defined. If you have notices, it's probably because you're missing something. Using isset() is, in my opinion, a good practice.

I ran timing tests for both cases, using hash keys of various lengths, also using various hit/miss ratios for the hash table, plus with and without E_NOTICE.
The results were: with error_reporting(E_ALL) the isset() variant was faster than the # by some 20-30%. Platform used: command line PHP 5.4.7 on OS X 10.8.
However, with error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE) the difference was within 1-2% for short hash keys, and up 10% for longer ones (16 chars).
Note that the first variant executes 2 hash table lookups, whereas the variant with # does only one lookup.
Thus, # is inferior in all scenarios and I wonder if there are any plans to optimize it.

I think you have your priorities a little mixed up here.
First of all, if you want to get a real world test of which is faster - load test them. As stated though suppressing will probably be slower.
The problem here is if you have performance issues with regular code, you should be upgrading your hardware, or optimize the grand logic of your code rather than preventing proper execution and error checking.
Suppressing errors to steal the tiniest fraction of a speed gain won't do you any favours in the long run. Especially if you think that this error may keep happening time and time again, and cause your app to run more slowly than if the error was caught and fixed.


Is input validation necessary?

This is a very naive question about input validation in general.
I learned about input validation techniques such as parse and validatestring. In fact, MATLAB built-in functions are full of those validations and parsers. So, I naturally thought this is the professional way of code development. With these techniques, you can be sure of data format of input variables. Otherwise your codes will reject the inputs and return an error.
However, some people argue that if there is a problem in input variable, codes will cause errors and stop. You'll notice the problem anyway, and then what's the point of those complicated validations? Given that codes for validation itself take some efforts and time, often with quite complicated flow controls, I had to admit this opinion has its point. With massive input validations, readability of codes may be compromised.
I would like hear about opinions from advanced users on this issue.
Here is my experience, I hope it matches best practice.
First of all, let me mention that I typically work in situations where I have full control, and won't build my own UI as #tom mentioned. In general, if there is at any point a large probability that your program gets junk inputs it will be worth checking for them.
Some tradeoffs that I typically make to decide whether I should check my inputs:
Development time vs debug time
If erronious inputs are hard to debug (for example because they don't cause errors but just undesirable outcomes) the balance will typically be in favor of checking, otherwise not.
If you are not sure where you will end up (re)using the code, it may help to enforce any assumptions that are required on the input.
Development time vs runtime experience
If your code takes an hour to run, and will break in the end when an invalid input value occurs, you would want to check of this at the beginning of the code
If the code runs into an error whilst opening a file, the user may not understand immediately, if you mention that no valid filename is specified this may be easier to deal with.
The really (really) short story:
Break your design down into user interface, business logic and data - (see MVC pattern)
In your UI layer, do "common sense" validation, e.g. if the input is a $ cost value then it should be >= 0, be able to be parsed into a decimal etc.
In your business logic layer, validate the value, e.g. the $ cost value might not be allowed to be greater than the profit margin (etc.)
In your data layer, validate the data operation, e.g. that insert operation succeeded
The extra really short story: YES! Validate all inputs.
For extra reading credits see: this!

may the compiler optimize based on assert(...) expressions/contracts?

Regarding assert(0): "The optimization and code generation phases of compilation may assume that it is unreachable code."
The same documentation claims assert(0) is a 'special case', but there are several reasons that follow.
Can the D compiler optimize based on general assert-ions made in contracts and elsewhere?
(as if I needed another reason to enjoy the in{} and out{} constructs, but it certainly would make me feel a little more giddy to know that writing them could make things go fwoosh-ier)
In theory, yes, in practice, I don't think it does, especially since the asserts are killed before even getting to the optimizer on dmd -release. I'm not sure about gdc and ldc, but I think they share this portion of the code.
The spec's special case reference btw is that assert(0) is still present, in some form, with the -release compile flag. It is translated into an illegal instruction there (asm {hlt;} - non-kernel programs on x86 aren't allowed to use that so it will segfault upon hitting it), whereas all other asserts are simply left out of the code entirely in -release mode.
GDC certainly does optimise based on asserts. The if conditions make for much better code, even causing unnecessary code to disappear. However, unfortunately at the moment the way it is implemented is that the entire assert can disappear in release build mode so then the compiler never sees the beneficial if-condition info and actually generates worse code in release than in debug mode! Ironic. I have to admit that I've only looked at this effect with if conditions in asserts in the body, I haven't checked what effect in and out blocks have. The in- and out- etc contract blocks can be turned off based on a command line switch iirc, so they are not even compiled, I think this possibly means the compiler doesn't even look at them. So this is another thing that might possibly affect code generation, I haven't looked at it. But there is a feature here that I would very much like to see, that the if condition truth values in the assert conditions (checking that there is no side-effect code in the expression for the assert cond) can always be injected into the compiler as an assumption, just as if there had been an if statement even in release mode. It would involve pretending you had just seen an if ( xxx ) but with the actual code generation for the test suppressed in release mode, and with subsequent code feeling the beneficial effects of say known truth values, value-range limits and so on.

Who is affected when bypassing Perl safe signals?

Do the risks caused by bypassing Perl safe signals for example like shown in the second timeout example in the DBI documentation concern only the code that uses such bypassing?
The code in that example works hard to localize the change to just that section of code, or any code called from it.
There is not 100% guarantee that no code will be effected outside the code that bypasses safe signals, because signals are no longer safe. In the example the call being timed out is a DBI->connect. For most DBD's this will be implemented mostly in C, unless the C code can handle being aborted and tried again you might find that some data structures internal to the DBD, or the libraries it uses, are left in a inconstant state.
The chances of the example code going wrong is probably incredibly tiny. My personal anecdote on the issues is that I had used the traditional Perl signal handling for years before safe signals were introduced and for a long time I had never had a problem. I hadn't even been very cautious about what I did in my signal handlers. Then we managed to hit a data set that actually did trigger memory corruptions in about 1 out of ever 100 runs. Just modifying the signal handlers to use better practices, similar to those in the example, eliminated our issues.
What does that even mean? By using unsafe signals, you can corrupt Perl's internals and Perl variables. It can also cause problem if a non-reentrant C library call is interrupted.
This can lead to SEGFAULTs and other problems, and those may only manifest themselves outside the block where the timeout is in effect.

Implementing snapshot in FRP

I'm implementing an FRP framework in Scala and I seem to have run into a problem. Motivated by some thinking, this question I decided to restrict the public interface of my framework so Behaviours could only be evaluated in the 'present' i.e.:
This also falls in line with Conal's assumption in the Fran paper that Behaviours are only ever evaluated/sampled at increasing times. It does restrict transformations on Behaviours but otherwise we find ourselves in huge problems with Behaviours that represent some input:
val slider = Stepper(0, sliderChangeEvent)
With this Behaviour, evaluating future values would be incorrect and evaluating past values would require an unbounded amount of memory (all occurrences used in the 'slider' event would have to be stored).
I am having trouble with the specification for the 'snapshot' operation on Behaviours given this restriction. My problem is best explained with an example (using the slider mentioned above):
val event = mouseB // an event that occurs when the mouse is pressed
val sampler = slider.snapshot(event)
val stepper = Stepper(0, sampler)
My problem here is that if the 'mouseB' Event has occurred when this code is executed then the current value of 'stepper' will be the last 'sample' of 'slider' (the value at the time the last occurrence occurred). If the time of the last occurrence is in the past then we will consequently end up evaluating 'slider' using a past time which breaks the rule set above (and your original assumption). I can see a couple of ways to solve this:
We 'record' the past (keep hold of all past occurrences in an Event) allowing evaluation of Behaviours with past times (using an unbounded amount of memory)
We modify 'snapshot' to take a time argument ("sample after this time") and enforce that that time >= now
In a more wacky move, we could restrict creation of FRP objects to the initial setup of a program somehow and only start processing events/input after this setup is complete
I could also simply not implement 'sample' or remove 'stepper'/'switcher' (but I don't really want to do either of these things). Has anyone any thoughts on this? Have I misunderstood anything here?
Oh I see what you mean now.
Your "you can only sample at 'now'" restriction isn't tight enough, I think. It needs to be a bit stronger to avoid looking into the past. Since you are using an environmental conception of now, I would define the behavior construction functions in terms of it (so long as now cannot advance by the mere execution of definitions, which, per my last answer, would get messy). For example:
Stepper(i,e) is a behavior with the value i in the interval [now,e1] (where e1 is the
time of first occurrence of e after now), and the value of the most recent occurrence of e afterward.
With this semantics, your prediction about the value of stepper that got you into this conundrum is dismantled, and the stepper will now have the value 0. I don't know whether this semantics is desirable to you, but it seems natural enough to me.
From what I can tell, you are worried about a race condition: what happens if an event occurs while the code is executing.
Purely functional code does not like to have to know that it gets executed. Functional techniques are at their finest in the pure setting, such that it does not matter in what order code is executed. A way out of this dilemma is to pretend that every change happened in one sensitive (internal, probably) piece of imperative code; pretend that any functional declarations in the FRP framework happen in 0 time so it is impossible for something to change during their declaration.
Nobody should ever sleep, or really do anything time sensitive, in a section of code that is declaring behaviors and things. Essentially, code that works with FRP objects ought to be pure, then you don't have any problems.
This does not necessarily preclude running it on multiple threads, but to support that you might need to reorganize your internal representations. Welcome to the world of FRP library implementation -- I suspect your internal representation will fluctuate many times during this process. :-)
I'm confused about your confusion. The way I see is that Stepper will "set" the behavior to a new value whenever the event occurs. So, what happens is the following:
The instant in which the event mouseB occurs, the value of the slider behavior will be read (snapshot). This value will be "set" into the behavior stepper.
So, it is true that the Stepper will "remember" values from the past; the point is that it only remembers the latest value from the past, not everything.
Semantically, it is best to model Stepper as a function like luqui proposes.

Should a Perl constructor return an undef or a "invalid" object?

What is considered to be "Best practice" - and why - of handling errors in a constructor?.
"Best Practice" can be a quote from Schwartz, or 50% of CPAN modules use it, etc...; but I'm happy with well reasoned opinion from anyone even if it explains why the common best practice is not really the best approach.
As far as my own view of the topic (informed by software development in Perl for many years), I have seen three main approaches to error handling in a perl module (listed from best to worst in my opinion):
Construct an object, set an invalid flag (usually "is_valid" method). Often coupled with setting error message via your class's error handling.
Allows for standard (compared to other method calls) error handling as it allows to use $obj->errors() type calls after a bad constructor just like after any other method call.
Allows for additional info to be passed (e.g. >1 error, warnings, etc...)
Allows for lightweight "redo"/"fixme" functionality, In other words, if the object that is constructed is very heavy, with many complex attributes that are 100% always OK, and the only reason it is not valid is because someone entered an incorrect date, you can simply do "$obj->setDate()" instead of the overhead of re-executing entire constructor again. This pattern is not always needed, but can be enormously useful in the right design.
Cons: None that I'm aware of.
Return "undef".
Cons: Can not achieve any of the Pros of the first solution (per-object error messages outside of global variables and lightweight "fixme" capability for heavy objects).
Die inside the constructor. Outside of some very narrow edge cases, I personally consider this an awful choice for too many reasons to list on the margins of this question.
UPDATE: Just to be clear, I consider the (otherwise very worthy and a great design) solution of having very simple constructor that can't fail at all and a heavy initializer method where all the error checking occurs to be merely a subset of either case #1 (if initializer sets error flags) or case #3 (if initializer dies) for the purposes of this question. Obviously, choosing such a design, you automatically reject option #2.
It depends on how you want your constructors to behave.
The rest of this response goes into my personal observations, but as with most things Perl, Best Practices really boils down to "Here's one way to do it, which you can take or leave depending on your needs." Your preferences as you described them are totally valid and consistent, and nobody should tell you otherwise.
I actually prefer to die if construction fails, because we set it up so that the only types of errors that can occur during object construction really are big, obvious errors that should halt execution.
On the other hand, if you prefer that doesn't happen, I think I'd prefer 2 over 1, because it's just as easy to check for an undefined object as it is to check for some flag variable. This isn't C, so we don't have a strong typing constraint telling us that our constructor MUST return an object of this type. So returning undef, and checking for that to establish success or failure, is a great choice.
The 'overhead' of construction failure is a consideration in certain edge cases (where you can't quickly fail before incurring overhead), so for those you might prefer method 1. So again, it depends on what semantics you've defined for object construction. For example, I prefer to do heavyweight initialization outside of construction. As to standardization, I think that checking whether a constructor returns a defined object is as good a standard as checking a flag variable.
EDIT: In response to your edit about initializers rejecting case #2, I don't see why an initializer can't simply return a value that indicates success or failure rather than setting a flag variable. Actually, you may want to use both, depending on how much detail you want about the error that occurred. But it would be perfectly valid for an initializer to return true on success and undef on failure.
I prefer:
Do as little initialization as possible in the constructor.
croak with an informative message when something goes wrong.
Use appropriate initialization methods to provide per object error messages etc
In addition, returning undef (instead of croaking) is fine in case the users of the class may not care why exactly the failure occurred, only if they got a valid object or not.
I despise easy to forget is_valid methods or adding extra checks to ensure methods are not called when the internal state of the object is not well defined.
I say these from a very subjective perspective without making any statements about best practices.
I would recommend against #1 simply because it leads to more error handling code which will not be written. For example, if you just return false then this works fine.
my $obj = Class->new or die "Construction failed...";
But if you return an object which is invalid...
my $obj = Class->new;
die "Construction failed #{[ $obj->error_message ]}" if $obj->is_valid;
And as the quantity of error handling code increases the probability of it being written decreases. And its not linear. By increasing the complexity of your error handling system you actually decrease the amount of errors it will catch in practical use.
You also have to be careful that your invalid object in question dies when any method is called (aside from is_valid and error_message) leading to yet more code and opportunities for mistakes.
But I agree there is value in being able to get information about the failure, which makes returning false (just return not return undef) inferior. Traditionally this is done by calling a class method or global variable as in DBI.
my $dbh = DBI->connect($data_source, $username, $password)
or die $DBI::errstr;
But it suffers from A) you still have to write error handling code and B) its only valid for the last operation.
The best thing to do, in general, is throw an exception with croak. Now in the normal case the user writes no special code, the error occurs at the point of the problem, and they get a good error message by default.
my $obj = Class->new;
Perl's traditional recommendations against throwing exceptions in library code as being impolite is outdated. Perl programmers are (finally) embracing exceptions. Rather than writing error handling code ever and over again, badly and often forgetting, exceptions DWIM. If you're not convinced just start using autodie (watch pjf's video about it) and you'll never go back.
Exceptions align Huffman encoding with actual use. The common case of expecting the constructor to just work and wanting an error if it doesn't is now the least code. The uncommon case of wanting to handle that error requires writing special code. And the special code is pretty small.
my $obj = eval { Class->new } or do { something else };
If you find yourself wrapping every call in an eval you are doing it wrong. Exceptions are called that because they are exceptional. If, as in your comment above, you want graceful error handling for the user's sake, then take advantage of the fact that errors bubble up the stack. For example, if you want to provide a nice user error page and also log the error you can do this:
eval {
} or do {
You only need it in one place, at top of your call stack, rather than scattered everywhere. You can take advantage of this at smaller increments, for example...
my $users = eval { Users->search({ name => $name }) } or do {
...handle an error while finding a user...
There's two things going on. 1) Users->search always returns a true value, in this case an array ref. That makes the simple my $obj = eval { Class->method } or do work. That's optional. But more importantly 2) you only need to put special error handling around Users->search. All the methods called inside Users->search and all the methods they call... they just throw exceptions. And they're all caught at one point and handled the same. Handling the exception at the point which cares about it makes for much neater, compact and flexible error handling code.
You can pack more information into the exception by croaking with a string overloaded object rather than just a string.
my $obj = eval { Class->new }
or die "Construction failed: $# and there were #{[ $#->num_frobnitz ]} frobnitzes";
Do the right thing without any thought by the caller
Require the least code for the most common case
Provide the most flexibility and information about the failure to the caller
Modules such as Try::Tiny fix most of the hanging issues surrounding using eval as an exception handler.
As for your use case where you might have a very expensive object and want to try and continue with it partially build... smells like YAGNI to me. Do you really need it? Or you have a bloated object design which is doing too much work too early. IF you do need it, you can put the information necessary to continue the construction in the exception object.
First the pompous general observations:
A constructor's job should be: Given valid construction parameters, return a valid object.
A constructor that does not construct a valid object cannot perform its job and is therefore a perfect candidate for exception generation.
Making sure the constructed object is valid is part of the constructor's job. Handing out a known-to-be-bad object and relying on the client to check that the object is valid is a surefire way to wind up with invalid objects that explode in remote places for non-obvious reasons.
Checking that all the correct arguments are in place before the constructor call is the client's job.
Exceptions provide a fine-grained way of propagating the particular error that occurred without needing to have a broken object in hand.
return undef; is always bad[1]
bIlujDI' yIchegh()Qo'; yIHegh()!
Now to the actual question, which I will construe to mean "what do you, darch, consider the best practice and why". First, I'll note that returning a false value on failure has a long Perl history (most of the core works that way, for example), and a lot of modules follow this convention. However, it turns out this convention produces inferior client code and newer modules are moving away from it.[2]
[The supporting argument and code samples for this turn out to be the more general case for exceptions that prompted the creation of autodie, and so I will resist the temptation to make that case here. Instead:]
Having to check for successful creation is actually more onerous than checking for an exception at an appropriate exception-handling level. The other solutions require the immediate client to do more work than it should have to just to obtain an object, work that is not required when the constructor fails by throwing an exception.[3] An exception is vastly more expressive than undef and equally expressive as passing back a broken object for purposes of documenting errors and annotating them at various levels in the call stack.
You can even get the partially-constructed object if you pass it back in the exception. I think this is a bad practice per my belief about what a constructor's contract with its clients ought to be, but the behavior is supported. Awkwardly.
So: A constructor that cannot create a valid object should throw an exception as early as possible. The exceptions a constructor can throw should be documented parts of its interface. Only the calling levels that can meaningfully act on the exception should even look for it; very often, the behavior of "if this construction fails, don't do anything" is exactly correct.
[1]: By which I mean, I am not aware of any use cases where return; is not strictly superior. If someone calls me on this I might have to actually open a question. So please don't. ;)
[2]: Per my extremely unscientific recollection of the module interfaces I've read in the last two years, subject to both selection and confirmation biases.
[3]: Note that throwing an exception does still require error-handling, as would the other proposed solutions. This does not mean wrapping every instantiation in an eval unless you actually want to do complex error-handling around every construction (and if you think you do, you're probably wrong). It means wrapping the call which is able to meaningfully act on the exception in an eval.