Just like the portlets, I'm trying to find the theme under {liferay\Temp} folder but it is unavailable.
My main goal is to change/update .VM code in the theme just like I'm doing under the Temp\Sample-portlet for JSP files which do not need compilation, as this process does not require deployment.
I am changing the .VM files under webapps for the theme, but it is not reflecting in the page.
When deploy it, it takes more time to deploy than normal.
I am developing a Liferay 7 portlet with bundled Tomcat 7.
To deploying a portlet, I copy the war file into deploy folder under Liferay home folder, and then I have to wait a lot of minutes to see my file modified.
Usually I work only on javascript, css and html, I want to see immediately what I changed, then, is there a way to have hot deploy for webapp resource?
You should use the Liferay workspaces and modules. If it is a theme, the gulp watch task will help.
Liferay cache all resources by default, because that you have to wait a lot of time to see the changes. You have 3 ways to force Liferay to delete this cache.
Before deploy the module you must delete the module cache folder. This is in the following path (this applies to js and jsp resources):
Delete the module cache servlet folder located in:
The other option is enter in Liferay Control Panel and click the cache action tasks:
Hello i would like ask how it is possible configure glassfish server for something like live, hot deployment:
every time when i change some code of my jsp,html,js or css file i always need to clean and build project than deploy project to glassfish and again, again and again. That cost a lot of my time. I waste time for that. It will be easy when i could work on files which already use a started glasfish (deployed). But this files is in WAR file "project.war" and through my IDE (Netbeans) i cant edit this files (jsp,css,html or js). Netbeans made this file non editable.
Do you have idea how to speed up my development? I Will grateful for help.
Here is my glasfish home folder and all of 2 deployed applications are empty
yes, you can. if you need change xhtml, js, css only you can do this after your war was deployed. You can find all the files in the folder of your application
when you complete your changes you need copy them to project folder and rebuild war
I'm working on a maven web project, both compile on save and redeploy on save netbeans features are on and they're working when any changes is applied on source code or web pages. however, when I modify resource files located in src/main/resources changes are not redeployed and I have to rebuild and redeploy the project manually. it's so painful to do it every single change! is it possible to do it automatically?
I am developing a Java application with Eclipse and under Apache Tomcat.
when I load an image it puts it in this directory : C:\wamp\www.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps\myproject\.
If I want to display the image I should refresh the directory (images) in Eclipse.
Does that happen only when I use Eclipse? And if I deploy the project, will the image be loaded always in this folder or in any folder?
When you create a Tomcat project with Eclipse, you have a special folder where you can copy your web resources to, e.g. images, CSS files, and the like.
When you deploy your web application, Eclipse will package it correctly to make sure the images and CSS get copied over.
Make sure you use relative paths, not absolute paths. Also I would recommend you write a maven script or ant script to handle packaging and deployment instead of using Eclipse. It is cleaner and you understand better how things work.
Using Tomcat, I build a new WAR via Maven. Then I copy the output WAR to $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps. Then, ROOT.war becomes exploded and ROOT appears.
If I modify ROOT/style/core.css, will those changes be picked up by my web app at run-time when I re-run $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/catalina.sh start?
Note, this is a GWT application.
If you change files in the exploded WAR directory inside your webapps folder, the changes will immediately be visible. You don't even have to restart Tomcat for this to work.
I think there is a dev mode for GWT that will load the CSS as a static file distinct from the rest of the app. This wold enable normal editing of the file on disk to be seen in your gui.