netbeans redeploy when resources files changes - netbeans

I'm working on a maven web project, both compile on save and redeploy on save netbeans features are on and they're working when any changes is applied on source code or web pages. however, when I modify resource files located in src/main/resources changes are not redeployed and I have to rebuild and redeploy the project manually. it's so painful to do it every single change! is it possible to do it automatically?


How to autodeploy whenever changes happen in code while using netbeans IDE and wildfly 19.1 application server

I am using Jsf ,primefaces as front end and java files. Whenever i make changes i will run Maven copy the war file and paste into deployments folder manually. I want to autocompile whenver i make changes and deploy automatically
If your budget permits, you can use the proprietary JRebel product. You don't have to redeploy after every change.
Also, in your case, instead of manually copying the war file to the application server, you can use wildfly-maven-plugin
mvn wildfly:deploy
mvn wildfly:redeploy

How to do the Hot fix deployment for the nifi-famework generated war file- NiFi

Can anyone suggest how to do the hot fix deployment for the nifi-famework generated war file.
I would like to make some css and js changes in nifi-web-ui under the nifi-nar-bundles and want the new build should be copied automatically each time i do the changes , to my nifi-assembly/target/...(parent directory).
Is there a way for an auto deployment, without doing the maven build everytime which is consuming a lot of time and how my latest changes can be reflected everytime without doing the build
I am trying to copy from

Glassfish step by step hot deploy

Hello i would like ask how it is possible configure glassfish server for something like live, hot deployment:
every time when i change some code of my jsp,html,js or css file i always need to clean and build project than deploy project to glassfish and again, again and again. That cost a lot of my time. I waste time for that. It will be easy when i could work on files which already use a started glasfish (deployed). But this files is in WAR file "project.war" and through my IDE (Netbeans) i cant edit this files (jsp,css,html or js). Netbeans made this file non editable.
Do you have idea how to speed up my development? I Will grateful for help.
Here is my glasfish home folder and all of 2 deployed applications are empty
yes, you can. if you need change xhtml, js, css only you can do this after your war was deployed. You can find all the files in the folder of your application
when you complete your changes you need copy them to project folder and rebuild war

Developing two related Projects in Eclipse for Tomcat

I have two projects in Eclipse. One Project is a dynamic web project which is deployed on the integrated tomcat server everytime i make changes to it (which works great).
The second project is a library project which currently needs to be build with ant. The resulting .jar file needs to be copied manually to the first project's WEB-INF/lib directory and the whole project needs to be refreshed, rebuilt and the tomcat needs to be restarted.
Is there a way to connect the library project to the web project so that changes made to the library will be automatically deployed to the web project? This would make the whole development process a lot easier
In your webapp project go to properties. Under "Deployment Asselmbly" you can add your other project. So it's automaticaly added to your WEB-INF/lib folder.
More information here.

How to deploy generated resources to tomcat with m2e-wtp?

I am pulling JavaScript from a jar as part of my build process. I wish this js to be part of my web resources for the app deployed on tomcat and I have updated my build process to allow this to happen. Doing a maven build (outside eclipse) works as expected and I can package up a war with everything in its proper order.
However, when building with eclipse I have run into some headaches. My understanding was in order to have web resources deployed to tomcat through an incremental build, I needed to put these build-time generated js files into the target/m2e-wtp/web-resources directory. However, when I publish these new files are ignored and the web-resources deployed to tomcat seem to be pulled from my source.
I also adjusted my project's deployment assembly settings. Through this I still don't have it working. I have the entry [source:/target/m2e-wtp/web-resources, DeployPath:/] which should find the newly generated files when I perform a "publish" to the server. However, the same thing happens where m2e-wtp seems to be pulling from source.
Am I missing something? How can I get standard behavior from m2e-wtp (i.e. make it comparable to a build done outside of eclipse)? Or can I have eclipse just build the war and deploy it as such (not do the incremental builds, I can sacrifice some speed)?
FYI (versions):
eclipse: (Using Spring Tool Suite) 3.2.0
m2e: 1.3.1
m2e-wtp: 0.17.0
tomcat: 7.0
Experiment added later:
After deleting my target dir, I performed a publish to Tomcat and all the web-resources were copied from my source. I also got a popup about files not found, most of which are compiled classes. However, it was looking for three files in the /target/m2e-wtp/web-resources/META-INF. Does the m2e-wtp plugin only look for specific files in a folder rather than the entire specified folder?
The problem is that the target directory was not being refreshed. Eclipse (or m2e plugin for that matter) doesn't recognize or care that files change in the target directory during a build, something that I was assuming. For now I have the auto-refresh (for the workspace) option on. The refresh on access option didn't working as it seemed to trigger the refresh only when I was publishing to tomcat for the first time.