"Keep only last email from sender" functionality - plugins

I saw this functionality in a Microsoft Web Outlook demo.
Keep only last email from sender.
I would like to have this for my gmail accounts.
How could this be accomplished?
Filters ?
Existing Plugin ?
Lab functionality ?
Or would one have to write there own via imap or some google api?

I haven't tried this myself. But something that I came across when doing a similar search. So, posting this here for you and other's help who're looking for something similar. I have to try this too.


Contact Form Email Verification?

recently I've been fighting with spammers on my sites and i managed to put under control the bots, but I am still facing human spammers.
My question is, has anyone managed to set-up a Contact Form email verification? Like, when you submit the form you receive a e-mail with a confirmation link that checks if the e-mail you are using is actually live not a spamming one.
All i found till now is this:
GitHub Magician11's Plugin which by the description looks exactly as what im looking for, but the code/plugin hasn't been updated in 2 long years and is not working as required.
So, has anyone came across such a problem and how did you solve it?

How to attach sent email with account

I am working on a project where we send emails to user. Now what i want is instead of user logging-in back into our system to reply, if he replies back to that email(whichever email account he got email to). It should automatically be attached back in our system.
Can somebody share their views on how to go on about this? or any suggestions on whats a best way to do this.
Many Thanks
You can do this using the auto-reply function in HmailServer.
Simply go to the administration windows, select an account, select the auto-reply function and set the subject and the body.
If you want to do this programatically, you can use the COM API, it can be used using various programming languages.

I want to let user send invitation through their email contact list, Like Twitter

I have been searching for this on internet for some time now but I havent found any results yet. I am not sure what its called or how I can do this. I have a website and I would like to give the user the oppurtunity, just like twitter does, to send invitation to all of thier contact list, through hotmail or gmail or yahoo contact list that they have... does anyone know what its called. let me know if you have any question, The site its Java based
may you get help from this, this is a library by using which you can import contact from other account also manage users, groups and permission in your own application .
From yahoo you can use the API see
You will probably have to use JSON from java see
Also see
There is also socialauth see
This does not work with hotmail presently apparently, just google and yahoo.

Facebook Graph API "search" by email suddenly stopped working

We have an application that issue search requests (FB Graph API) using an email address as the main query parameter, so basically we are searching users by email (e.g. /search?q=email#dot.com&type=user). Everything was working perfect until yesterday when suddenly we started to get 0 results from that request. We are not aware if something has changed on the way the search API works, or if without previous notice that feature is not supported anymore. Does anybody else has had the same issue, or has any info about it?
This was a bug (https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/292220680814266) and should now be resolved. Thanks.
This functionality was deprecated because of low utilization, and they have no current plans to re-enable it. Have a look
I looked thru Facebook's documentation and they don't have specified you can search by email address, only by name. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/ (see the searching section).
Where did you find in their documentation you can search by email address? Can you send me a link?
I'm really thinking someone hacked into that feature and now Facebook considers it a security hole, and they plugged it.

get contacts from email account

a lot of websites like twitter, facebook and others let the users enter their email id and pwd and 'extract' the contacts based on that.
Anyone know how this is done?
They login to your account and scrape the contents, or use a public API. Either way, it's not a method that I would implement or use myself because I wouldn't trust anyone else with my credentials. And I think it teaches users to be careless with the secrecy of their credentials.
Leaving aside the ethical questions, there's a commercial library available that can do this for you: http://www.octazen.com/product_abimporter.php
The library is available for PHP, .NET, Java, Ruby & ColdFusion. It supports importing contacts from dozens of different services (including all the main ones).
It only costs about $100 for a licence, works perfectly and (using the Java version) only requires this single line of code to import contacts from any of the supported services:
List<Contact> contacts = SimpleAddressBookImporter.fetchContacts(emailAddress, password)
They have another library that can import friend lists from social networks, though I haven't tried that one.
This is the sort of thing OAuth was designed for. Google have started to adopt it. It doesn't have the same trust issues as the more typical scraping.
Unfortunately, for the time being, people tend to just ask for your password, log in as you, and scrape the information, which is far less secure, as it gives the website total access to your account. This isn't something you should copy, use OAuth or an equivalent wherever possible.
There are APis available:
Yahoo --> http://developer.yahoo.com/addressbook/
Google --> http://code.google.com/apis/contacts/
None for AOL (yet).
I assume they log into your email account, either by POP3, a public API or they know the html formatting of webmail systems and read the DOM. Then they find whoever you recieved and sent emails to and looks through it's own user database to find matches.
yeah, I agree. trusting a site with your email credentials isnt safe. Especially after what was found by gmail archiver (http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/03/11/1723206&from=rss)
But just from programmatic POV I was wondering how they did this. maybe Gmail hotmail and all others do have API's which users can use....need to look into it more i guess.
The contact list Java library is easy to use and works well with Gmail, Yahoo!, yeah, Hotmail and MSN.
For gmail: