Facebook Graph API "search" by email suddenly stopped working - facebook

We have an application that issue search requests (FB Graph API) using an email address as the main query parameter, so basically we are searching users by email (e.g. /search?q=email#dot.com&type=user). Everything was working perfect until yesterday when suddenly we started to get 0 results from that request. We are not aware if something has changed on the way the search API works, or if without previous notice that feature is not supported anymore. Does anybody else has had the same issue, or has any info about it?

This was a bug (https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/292220680814266) and should now be resolved. Thanks.

This functionality was deprecated because of low utilization, and they have no current plans to re-enable it. Have a look

I looked thru Facebook's documentation and they don't have specified you can search by email address, only by name. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/ (see the searching section).
Where did you find in their documentation you can search by email address? Can you send me a link?
I'm really thinking someone hacked into that feature and now Facebook considers it a security hole, and they plugged it.


Unexpected "Cannot call API on behalf of this user" after upgrading to graph api 2.10

We've allowed sign up/access to our website using Facebook Login for a long time. Two days ago, after upgrading to graph api 2.10, this stopped working for a portion of our users. Myself and most others are unaffected.
The error message received in the Access Token response reads "Cannot call API on behalf of this user".
I can't find anything in the 2.9 -> 2.10 changelog that mentions anything remotely connected to this problem, and I've found very little on this issue externally.
A few posts suggests that it might have something to do with insufficient privacy policy settings in our Facebook app settings, but everything is in place expect the non-mandatory Data Deletion Request URL. The fact that it also works perfectly fine for me as an EU citizen (affected by GDPR) says to me that it's something else. We do not have any country restrictions in place, and those who are affected by this comes from a variety of countries both inside and outside of the European Union.
Does anybody recognize this problem?
I ran into the same problem, also after an update (from 2.9 to 3.1). The fix for me was to remove location restrictions within the facebook console (Settings > Advanced > App Restriction > Contry Restricted):
I got this idea from a comment on this similar question, and this google group thread.
ref: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/optimization/apis/FB-login-Reporting-API
sounds like the app type should be Business
today I meet this error, follow above document, I new create a business app, then error be resolved.

Firebase Email Verification

I'm quite a noobie at Firebase. I'm asking for a sort of step by step guide to setup email verification.
Currently, my app uses basic email password login. I want users to be verified so I'm hiding content based on a user's emailVerified property. I'm calling the .sendEmailVerification() and it sends to the current user's email but, whenever I click the link in the email it says the link has expired or someone has used it, this also doesn't change the property. I suspect it has something to do with the api manager. I currently have my website hosted to the built-in Firebase hosting URL.
Based on this link in the docs (which refers to a similar function but not the exact one): https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.auth.Auth#sendPasswordResetEmail
p.s. I can't find anything regarding this exact function in the docs.
I think I need some sort of listener at the link of the email or on my website?
Thanks in advance, any answers are appreciated.
there could be an issue with your browser api key. You may have some referrer restrictions on it. This could cause the misleading error (code expired or used) to occur. Either fix that issue or generate a new one in the Google console.

Are proxymail.facebook.com email address still supported?

They all seem to be either bouncing explicitly or silently not going through now (0 open/click rate), and they had been working since they first introduced the feature. I know they aren't giving users the option to choose a proxymail.facebook.com address anymore in the newer Auth box. Thanks.
The answer is NO. Facebook no longer issues proxymail addresses.
Although there is no official reference which I can attach with this answer. But found this for reference.
Pretty sure it's still available to users, but Facebook rolls out
updates to their dialog boxes slowly, so it's possible a newer (or
even an older) one doesn't have that option.
This was one link where you had that:-
Now after the recent updates the Change button was removed.
I can answer the specific question I asked so long ago. I think Facebook must have had a bug for a while that broke the *#proxymail.facebook.com email integration, and it was during this period that I asked my original question. However, looking at our email logs, I can see that we have had people click on links in email sent to these Facebook proxy emails at the end of October, so whatever the issue was must have been resolved, and I believe if you have a Facebook proxy email, you can safely send to it.
That being said, of course the individual user may have revoked the email permission (in which case their proxy email will go to nowhere), and my impression is the same as sfussenegger that Facebook is no longer allowing users to use proxy email addresses. I haven't seen the option to anonymize my email in a FB permissions dialog in a long time...
does this answer your question?
Communicating Directly with Your Users via Email
The reason you're getting no click-rates, is because in all outgoing emails that go through the facebook proxymail servers, the remailer is rewriting the links. So stuff of the form:
<a href="http://www.domain.com/">
gets re-written as:
<a href="l.php/?u=http://www.domain.com/">
Which is a broken link, and so your open-detection or click-detection probably won't work at all. And undoubtedly, users are confused (as evidenced by my users who ran into this).

Is "credit_balance" whitelisted feature on Facebook?

I've been storming the internet for information on how to obtain "credit_balance" from Facebook user.
To get user credit_balance, I'm using: Facebook Credits - Getting error code 13 when trying to get credit balance
I'm aware of the fact that you have to use "application access_token" instead of user's one (I've been trying both tokens lately just to be sure).
And I'm fully aware of multiple posts which are saying that getting "credit_balance" is whitelisted feature.
So my conclusion is, that our app has not been whitelisted yet, that's why I'm receiving "Exception: 13: The underlying FQL query made by this API call has encountered the following error: credit_balance is not a member of the user table." exceptions ... so it should be end of story ... but, one of the Facebook officials told me, that "credit_balance" IS NOT whitelisted feature. Now I'm confused...
My two questions:
So where the truth lies? Please, can someone confirm or refute whether "obtaining credit_balance" from Facebook is whitelisted feature and that I have to undergone the whitelisting procedure which begins with filling the form here: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact_us.php?id=157379954315015
And then wait for the eternity to get whitelisted (obviously, we've already asked to get whitelisted...). (I'm also aware of fact that after whitelisting you have to re-authenticate your users, done that as well, still no luck.)
Also is there any chance how to check whether my application is whitelisted?
Thank you in advance
Finally, an official answer. Our application has been whitelisted for: frictionless payments, get_balance (== get_credits == credit_balance), and gamer_status.
So if anybody has problem with "getting number of facebook credits", be sure you are whitelisted first.
Facebook whitelisted us after about 1.5month, so you should apply for "whitelisting" as soon as you start your project + you should be kicking (with all respect) Facebook to reply you as soon as possible.
I don't know the specific answer to your question, but I know that the Facebook API keeps changing rapidly, and so many of the posts/guides on the internet are outdated.
Also, a quick look on the official Facebook credit API page yields the following:
This whitelisted feature is an API call that allows an application to
determine a user's balance. It is only available to developers who
have designated Credits as their in-game currency. You can apply here.
Please Note: This feature is currently only available through the old
PHP SDK. You also must re-authenticate the user after whitelisting,
before making the function call.
Perhaps the note is relevant to you?

Facebook Connect: proxied_email not always returned by users_getInfo

Today I realized that FB Connect does not return the proxied_email field in about 4 out of 5 times. (I can reproduce this with a single users repeatedly, so this obviously does not have anything to do with privacy options or permissions)
It definitely worked fine last week ago.
I could not find any official info that this field is going to be removed or anything, so...
Does anybody else have this problem? Is there anything I am doing wrong that could be causing this behavior? Or is Facebook just having a bad day?
I did the following quick fix:
$personArray = $facebook->api_client->users_getInfo( $fb_config->user_id, "last_name, first_name, birthday, hometown_location, current_location, is_app_user, proxied_email" );
$email = $personArray[0]['proxied_email'];
echo 'Proxied email was not retreived. Trying fql query...';
$facebookFQLResultXml = $facebook->api_client->fql_query("SELECT proxied_email FROM user WHERE uid=".$fb_config->user_id);
$email = $facebookFQLResultXml['proxied_email'];
I'm going to posit that it's just one of those Facebook days. There is supposed to be a big change this month that will change the way developers interact with users. Notifications will be removed, etc. Facebook is going to allow full access to a user's real email address (with the user's permission), and remove the proxied email system.
However, the official word is that the email proxy system should still be supported. According to http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Roadmap_Email, users who have already granted proxy email permissions will continue to be available. However, it doesn't say anything about new users, so perhaps they have removed the email addresses for those that did not grant permission?
I noticed that they put the new privacy controls in place today, so it could be they made a change to the proxy at this time.
The same thing happened to me too. In the Facebook Connect JS API the proxied_email works about 80% of the time, but in the Facebook Developer Toolkit (for .NET) it barely works at all (which is strange cause I think they use the same facebook api under the hood).
This probably could have something to do with the somewhat failed privacy settings introduced the other day, as the whole proxy email functionality is related to facebook privacy (as zombat mentions above)? According to http://developers.facebook.com/live_status.php, the API seems to be under a fair amount of stress at the moment, cause it's acting a bit sluggish.
Do these things happen often? Where the facebook team either decide to just change the implementation overnight or where the service more or less nosedives?
It seems that the data returned by users_getInfo doesn't longer contains the proxied_email value
You can't circumvent the problem with FQL:
$aResult = $facebook->api_client->fql_query("SELECT proxied_email FROM user WHERE uid=$fbUid");
$sFbMail = $aResult[0]['proxied_email'];
I'm using the Facebook .NET Developer Toolkit and think it's just a bit buggy, which is why it didn't always work. In the end I also worked around the problem using FQL which worked really well (with a touch of XPath)