update doc in mongoose - mongodb

update doc in mongoose.
Model.findOne({_id: '123'}, function (err, doc) {
// some conditions
doc.body = 'body';
doc.update(); //update the doc in db
The conditions are complex inline representation like MyModel.update({ age: { $gt: 18 } }, { oldEnough: true }, fn); as shown in documentation
doc.update(); does not work. How do i make the document update, most efficiently?

Instead of running your code with update, you have to use save(). The reason is that your update does absolutely nothing (you have not specified which documents you need to update and how to update it).
Save command will not create a new element, because you will not change the id of the element (if you are not doing this in //some conditions code). So it will just modify the element with that specific _id.


MongoDb: Insert Document in collection only if collection has no newer document since point in time

I want to depict the following use case using MongoDb:
I want to read from a collection and memorize that particular point in time.
When writing the next time to that collection, I want to not be able to write a new document, if another document has been added to that collection in between.
Using a timestamp property on the documents would be ok.
Is this possible?
One trick is use findAndModify
Assume at the time of reading, your most recent timestamp on a document is oldTimestamp:
query: {timestamp: {$gt: oldTimestamp}},
new: true, // Return modified / inserted document
upsert: true, // Update if match found, insert otherwise
update: {
$setOnInsert: {..your document...}
This will not insert your document if another document is inserted between your read and write operation.
However, this won't let you know that the document is inserted or not directly.
You should compare returned document with your proposed document to find that out.
In case using nodejs driver, the correct pattern should be:
collection.findAndModify(criteria[, sort[, update[, options]]], callback)
According to the example, our query should be:
{timestamp: {$gt: oldTimestamp}}, // query, timestamp is a property of your document, often set as the created time
[['timestamp','desc']], // sort order
{$setOnInsert: {..your document..}}, // replacement, replaces only the field "hi"
new: true,
upsert: true
}, // options
function(err, object) {
if (err){
console.warn(err.message); // returns error if no matching object found
This can be achieved, using a timestamp property in every document. You can take a look at the Mongoose Pre Save path validation hook . Using this hook, you can write something like this.
YourSchema.path('timestamp').validate(function(value, done) {
this.model(YourSchemaModelName).count({ timestamp: {$gt : value} }, function(err, count) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
// if count exists and not zero hence document is found with greater timestamp value
}, 'Greater timestamp already exists');
Sounds like you'll need to do some sort of optimistic locking at the collection level. I understand you are writing new documents but never updating existing ones in this collection?
You could add an index on the timestamp field, and your application would need to track the latest version of this value. Then, before attempting a new write you could lookup the latest value from the collection with a query like
db.collection.find({}, {timestamp: 1, _id:0}).sort({timestamp:-1}).limit(1)
which would project just the maximum timestamp value using a covered query which is pretty efficient.
From that point on, it's up to your application logic to handle the 'conflict'.

Using MongoDB mongo go driver for counters persistent collection [duplicate]

as the title says, I want to perform a find (one) for a document, by _id, and if doesn't exist, have it created, then whether it was found or was created, have it returned in the callback.
I don't want to update it if it exists, as I've read findAndModify does. I have seen many other questions on Stackoverflow regarding this but again, don't wish to update anything.
I am unsure if by creating (of not existing), THAT is actually the update everyone is talking about, it's all so confuzzling :(
Beginning with MongoDB 2.4, it's no longer necessary to rely on a unique index (or any other workaround) for atomic findOrCreate like operations.
This is thanks to the $setOnInsert operator new to 2.4, which allows you to specify updates which should only happen when inserting documents.
This, combined with the upsert option, means you can use findAndModify to achieve an atomic findOrCreate-like operation.
query: { _id: "some potentially existing id" },
update: {
$setOnInsert: { foo: "bar" }
new: true, // return new doc if one is upserted
upsert: true // insert the document if it does not exist
As $setOnInsert only affects documents being inserted, if an existing document is found, no modification will occur. If no document exists, it will upsert one with the specified _id, then perform the insert only set. In both cases, the document is returned.
Driver Versions > 2
Using the latest driver (> version 2), you'll use findOneAndUpdate as findAndModify was deprecated. The new method takes 3 arguments, the filter, the update object (which contains your default properties, that should be inserted for a new object), and options where you have to specify the upsert operation.
Using the promise syntax, it looks like this:
const result = await collection.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: new ObjectId(id) },
$setOnInsert: { foo: "bar" },
returnOriginal: false,
upsert: true,
const newOrUpdatedDocument = result.value;
Its a bit dirty, but you can just insert it.
Be sure that the key has a unique index on it (if you use the _id it's ok, it's already unique).
In this way if the element is already present it will return an exception that you can catch.
If it isn't present, the new document will be inserted.
Updated: a detailed explanation of this technique on the MongoDB Documentation
Here's what I did (Ruby MongoDB driver):
$db[:tags].update_one({:tag => 'flat'}, {'$set' => {:tag => 'earth' }}, { :upsert => true })}
It will update it if it exists, and insert it if it doesn't.

What does Mongoose update() really update?

The Mongoose docs mention this example code:
Tank.findById(id, function (err, tank) {
if (err) return handleError(err);
tank.size = 'large';
tank.save(function (err, updatedTank) {
if (err) return handleError(err);
Does this result to a MongoDB update() command setting just the size property (i.e. db.tanks.update({_id: tank._id}, {$set: {size: "large"}});) or does this replace the whole document?
Or, with other words, what if another client updates another property (let's say, color) just after findById() returns but before before save() is executed? Is color then reverted to the previous value or kept intact?
And, in case Mongoose is smart enough to update only "changed" properties, how exactly is that detected (values being compared before/after? or via a setter on the tank object?)? What if the tank size was already "large" anyway?
I'm asking because the Mongoose docs are not very clear on this and I'd like to understand how Mongoose is designed and intended to be used in this regard.
A bit of testing shows that Mongoose tracks modifications to documents (by using setters, as you already mentioned), and will run an update that $set's the new values.
So this:
tank.size = 'large';
Is (roughly speaking) implemented as:
tankCollection.update({ _id : tank._id }, { $set : { size : 'large' } }, ...);
If the previous value of size was also large, it won't perform the update. Also, if the document is new, it will run a different code path (calling tankCollection.insert()).
So concurrent updates should work, provided that they don't update the same property (in which case the last performed update wins).

How to get removed document in MongoDB?

Is it possible to get the document that was removed from MongoDB?
result = db.things.remove({_id: id})
// is there a result.removedObjects?
It is possible, but it requires a different command. You are looking for the findAndModify command.
If you set the options to {query: ..., remove: true, new: false}, you will delete a single document and return the removed document.
Some notes:
new is a keyword in many languages, ensure that you are wrapping the text of the flag correctly.
the findAndModify will only work with a single document. This is fine for deleting _id but not good for ranged removes.
id: '123456'
}, function (error, response) {
response.value;// returns the deleted object, but no longer exists in the database

MongoDB: update every document on one field

I have a collected named foo hypothetically.
Each instance of foo has a field called lastLookedAt which is a UNIX timestamp since epoch. I'd like to be able to go through the MongoDB client and set that timestamp for all existing documents (about 20,000 of them) to the current timestamp.
What's the best way of handling this?
Regardless of the version, for your example, the <update> is:
{ $set: { lastLookedAt: Date.now() / 1000 } }
However, depending on your version of MongoDB, the query will look different. Regardless of version, the key is that the empty condition {} will match any document. In the Mongo shell, or with any MongoDB client:
$version >= 3.2:
db.foo.updateMany( {}, <update> )
{} is the condition (the empty condition matches any document)
3.2 > $version >= 2.2:
db.foo.update( {}, <update>, { multi: true } )
{} is the condition (the empty condition matches any document)
{multi: true} is the "update multiple documents" option
$version < 2.2:
db.foo.update( {}, <update>, false, true )
{} is the condition (the empty condition matches any document)
false is for the "upsert" parameter
true is for the "multi" parameter (update multiple records)
This code will be helpful for you
'type': "newuser"
}, {
$set: {
email: "abc#gmail.com",
}, {
multi: true
function(err, result) {
I have been using MongoDB .NET driver for a little over a month now. If I were to do it using .NET driver, I would use Update method on the collection object. First, I will construct a query that will get me all the documents I am interested in and do an Update on the fields I want to change. Update in Mongo only affects the first document and to update all documents resulting from the query one needs to use 'Multi' update flag. Sample code follows...
var collection = db.GetCollection("Foo");
var query = Query.GTE("No", 1); // need to construct in such a way that it will give all 20K //docs.
var update = Update.Set("timestamp", datetime.UtcNow);
collection.Update(query, update, UpdateFlags.Multi);
You can use updateMany() methods of mongodb to update multiple document
Simple query is like this
db.collection.updateMany(filter, update, options)
For more doc of uppdateMany read here
As per your requirement the update code will be like this:
User.updateMany({"created": false}, {"$set":{"created": true}});
here you need to use $set because you just want to change created from true to false. For ref. If you want to change entire doc then you don't need to use $set