Can Meteor.js fully substitute traditional PHP/MySQL/Apache stack? [closed] - frameworks

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I followed several tutorials and examples in Meteor, but they are always showing what is Meteor goot at. So my question would be, what is Meteor bad at?
Could I for example develop an eshop (which would be a typical task for PHP developer) with ease? Or is Meteor specifically aimed at different kind of websites?


Is it a good practice for OpenSource developers to close source documentation? [closed]

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Closed 4 days ago.
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While trying to replace some functionality in AOSP with something more suitable I got stuck in the mess of the Soong documentation. It seems, that there is some better edited documentation available, but only for those who have the honor to be within the oo-VPN.
As the soong process is at the very heart of the AOSP project, it would be very helpful if the full documentation would be accessible.

Rest or RestQL or Falcor or GraphQl [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm going to develop a web-application and planning to expose several APIs to customer. Also, going to consume several APIs from third party system
Rest or RestQL or Falcor or GraphQl
Which one would be the best choice of the above 4???

Starting to contribute on Github [closed]

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Closed 12 months ago.
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I've been programming for a career and as a hobby for more than two years now. I want to start contributing to some projects on Git hub, but I'm not sure where to start. What advice do you have for me for first starting out on Git hub?
If you use projects hosted on Github in your programming, you'll eventually encounter typos and mistakes in documentation. Fixing these is an excellent way to get started with contributing.

How to know if a web-site is developed/running using a specific technology? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Since many front-end frameworks/CMS have a fully customizable appearance, I would like to know how is the best/easiest way to determine or identify if some web-site is developed or running with a specific technology.
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
Wappalyzer browser extension is the best way to know the technology behind a website.
And to discover if it's build with Liferay or any other way.

Laravel 4 & MongoDB [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm a Laravel's fan. Php generally & Laravel individually is a good combination with MySql. However, I have recently been interested in MongoDB's flexibility & simplicity. I want to refer your ideas about:
Is the combination between Laravel & MongoDB good?
Which package should I use? (Laravel-MongoDB, lmongo, mongolid-laravel...)
Have you tried building apps with Laravel & Mongodb?
Thank all.