how to pass compiler options to mocha - coffeescript

I run a mocha command to run my tests
$ ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script -R spec
I wish to pass additional options to the coffee-script compiler (--bare to avoid the outer closure that is introduced when compiling .coffee to .js). Is there a way to do this? I tried
$ ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script --bare -R spec
but that doesn't look right. It also failed saying that --bare is not a valid option for mocha.
error: unknown option `--bare'

The --compiler option doesn't support this, but you can write a script which activates the compiler with your options, then use mocha's --require option to activate your registration script. For example, create a file at the root of the project called babelhook.js:
// This file is required in mocha.opts
// The only purpose of this file is to ensure
// the babel transpiler is activated prior to any
// test code, and using the same babel options
experimental: true
Then add this to mocha.opts:
--require babelhook
And that's it. Mocha will require babelhook.js before any tests.

Simply add a .babelrc file to your root.
Then any instances of babel (build, runtime, testing, etc) will reference that.
You can even add specific config options per-environment.

In case anyone stumbles upon this. The 'experimental' option in babel has been deprecated. Your 'babelhook.js' should now read:
// This file is required in mocha.opts
// The only purpose of this file is to ensure
// the babel transpiler is activated prior to any
// test code, and using the same babel options
stage: 1


Specify alternate tsconfig.json for VS Code / ts-node / ts-node-dev

I'm migrating my project from JavaScript to Typescript.
I want to have the default tsconfig.json to show stricter warnings in VS Code, but have an alternate tsconfig.json with more lenient tsc compiler options to allow a successful build.
The migration plan is to gradually strict-ify the options in the alternate, just-compile-it-dammit tsconfig-dev.json file over time.
I can pass --project alt-tsconfig.json to tsc to specify an alternative tsconfig.json.
How can I specify which tsconfig.json to use with ts-node and ts-node-dev?
For both ts-node and ts-node-dev, you can pass:
-P tsconfig-dev.json
to specify an alternative path for tsconfig.json.
Alternatively, you can set the variable:
The latter also works for VS Code, which you may want do do via:
"env": { "TS_NODE_PROJECT": "tsconfig-dev.json" }.

React Serverside rendering Unexpected token, JSX and Babel

I'm having trouble finding the correct way to use babel to allow me to use jsx in serverside.
Node-jsx was deprecated for babel. It seems like babel-core/register is whats supposed to be used but I still get unexpected token issues.
I created a repo with the problem im having.
When I run node app or npm run watch-js I keep getting unexpected token referring to the JSX code '<'.
How do I get babel to transpile JSX, or am I completely off, thanks.
You need to use babel-register (npm i babel-register --save). And run on your server:
stage: 0
You can omit stage 0 if you aren't using experimental babel features. Also you might prefer to put those options in .babelrc instead.
Note that it will only work for files required AFTER calling that (so it would not have an effect on the file you include it in).
You could also have the presets and other options in a .babelrc file.
For babel 6x:
npm i babel-register babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react --save
presets: ['es2015', 'react']
Note: there are also stage 0-2 presets.
For watching as you've written in your package.json you could try a CLI command like the one facebook are suggesting in the note here (or use webpack):
babel --presets react es2015 --watch app/ --out-dir build/

Can I use CoffeeScript to write my Electron (Atom Shell) application?

Does anything special have to be done to get Electron to run my file? I have a main.js file (that works) that I converted to CoffeeScript (hence, but when I run Electron I get an error like the following:
App threw an error when running [SyntaxError: /Users/foo/develop/electron/
app.on('window-all-closed', ->
Unexpected token >]
I can only assume this is a CoffeeScript issue, since when I commented the offending code with CoffeeScript's block comment (###), I got the following:
App threw an error when running [SyntaxError: /Users/foo/develop/electron/
Unexpected token ILLEGAL]
I added coffee-script to my packages.json as a dependency, and made sure it was installed to my local node_modules directory like my other application dependencies, but that didn't seem to help.
I think, the main file main.js has to be javascript. But you can require a coffee file, for example, from there using coffee-script.
// main.js
app = require('app')
BrowserWindow = require('browser-window')
# ...
Installing coffee-script
Include it in your package.json:
"devDependencies": {
"electron-prebuilt": "^0.33.1",
"coffee-script": "~1.10.0"
And run:
npm install
I've recently discovered that instead of transpiling to Javascript, you can do something like:
and then in src/app/ you can use regular CoffeeScript :)
I found it in the app so there are more examples there.
There is no way to do it (atom doesn't ship with a coffeescript compiler), but you can use the watch option of coffeescript,
-w, --watch watch scripts for changes and rerun commands
For example:
coffee -w in your case.

my coffeescript file compiles but mocha gives an error

I have a project that uses "coffee-script": "^1.7.1" in its package.json.
The code has this line in it:
[{id: id, name: name}, ...] = result.rows
This compiles fine using coffeescript version 1.7.1
The problem is that I am trying to use mocha for unit tests and it gives me an error on this line:
Parse error on line xyz: Unexpected '...'
Apparently mocha uses an older coffeescript. Is there a way to make it work without adjusting the source for mocha?
'use strict'
module.exports = ->
src: ['test/*.coffee']
reporter: 'spec'
ui: 'bdd'
'lib/mylib.js': ['src/*.coffee']
#loadNpmTasks 'grunt-cafe-mocha'
#loadNpmTasks 'grunt-contrib-coffee'
#registerTask 'default', ['coffee', 'cafemocha']
I added mocha.opts to the test directory:
--require coffee-script/register
--compilers coffee:coffee-script/register
--reporter spec
--ui bdd
but, still, when I run grunt, it gives me the same error. I am new to this environment, and I find it too complicated, please help.
Starting from version 1.7.x CoffeeScript compiler should be explicitly registered (see change log for version 1.7.0).
So, the problem is that CoffeeScript compiler is not registered when you're running your mocha tests, so node.js treats all your .coffee files as .js files.
The best possible solution is to specify --compilers option for your mocha tests:
--compilers coffee:coffee-script/register
If you don't want to include it to every mocha call, you could set it up using mocha.opts file.
Here are some useful links:
issue about it on github
reference in mocha docs
the reason behind this breaking change in CoffeeScript engine
Looks like your issue is much deeper then I thought.
First, grunt-cafe-mocha doesn't respect mocha.opts because it's running tests by requireing mocha as a dependency, instead of calling mocha test runner.
So, it would've been enough to add require('coffee-script/register') to the top of your gruntfile, if not for this old grunt issue.
In short, grunt uses coffee-script 1.3.x, forcing all its tasks to use the same version of coffee. I had the same problem with grunt-contrib-connect, being unable to use latest coffee-script in my express app.
So, the only help I can offer you is a small grunt task I wrote to solve similar problem in one of my projects. It runs mocha in a separate child process, thus completely isolating it from grunt.
N.B. I had a thought about releasing this task to npm, but considered it too minor.

CoffeeScript build setup that supports unit testing?

I want to use CoffeeScript for building what will essentially be a JavaScript library.
I would just like to be able to
define some classes, with inheritance
keep my code in several files
write some unit tests (QUnit or whatever works, preferably writing tests in CoffeeScript)
(ideally) have the project watched and built automatically while I work
This seems reasonable, no? My plan is just having the unit tests run against the compiled JavaScript, in a browser, although if I can run them straight in node.js that's even better.
Currently I'm trying to do this with CoffeeToaster and QUnit, using two different CoffeeToaster configurations, one with tests and one without. It is working, but perhaps somebody has a better suggestion? Should I ditch CoffeeToaster and do it with Cake? Or get another unit testing framework? Can anybody point me to a tutorial for this? I'm making a clientside JS lib, so I don't want to involve Rails etc.
I'm currently using:
Mocha as the test runner and should.js for assertions;
Mockery to intercept certain require calls for isolated testing with mocks/stubs of required libraries;
*JSCoverage for instrumenting the code for code coverage reports.
My code lives in src/ and I write my tests in CoffeeScript. I use make to build and test the code.
make build compiles the CoffeeScript in src/ to JavaScript in lib/.
make test builds the code and then runs the tests in test/.
make monitor watches and runs the tests as soon as they change. Unfortunately it doesn't recompile the code. I use a Vim keybinding to call make, which also triggers Mocha to re-run the tests.
Edit: If this bothers you, you could run coffee --watch -o lib/ -c src/.
make coverage generates a code coverage report and puts it in lib-cov/report.html.
My Makefile looks somewhat like this:
COFFEE = ./node_modules/.bin/coffee --compile
MOCHA = NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/mocha
--compilers coffee:coffee-script \
--require should \
#$(COFFEE) --output lib/ src/
test: build
#$(MOCHA) --reporter $(REPORTER) $(MOCHA_OPTS)
#$(MOCHA) --reporter min $(MOCHA_OPTS) \
--watch --growl
coverage: instrument
--reporter html-cov > lib-cov/report.html
instrument: build
#rm -rf ./lib-cov
#jscoverage ./lib ./lib-cov
.PHONY: build test monitor coverage instrument
You could probably use the above with very little modification.
To generate the coverage report with make coverage, the tests must be run against the instrumented code in lib-cov/ instead of the code in lib/. To make this possible, three things are needed:
The Makefile should set an environment variable, like MYLIB_COV (change the name as you like).
Your index.js should look at this environment variable and require either lib/ or lib-cov/ accordingly:
// index.js
module.exports = process.env.MYLIB_COV
? require('./lib-cov/mylib')
: require('./lib/mylib');
If you need exports from multiple source files, you can combine them here. If you have something other than index.js as 'main' in your package.json, don't forget to change it.
Your tests should require '../':
# test/
describe 'User', ->
User = {}
before ->
{User} = require '../'
describe '#equals()', ->
describe 'when users have the same username and host', ->
it 'should return true', ->
user1 = new User 'user', ''
user2 = new User 'user', ''
# etc.
I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to find out whether they need Mockery and how to use it if they do. I will point out, though, that the require call in the test snippet above is done inside before for a reason.
Happy coding!