Polynomial expansion: Separating polynomial coefficients and x's - matlab

I want to automatically calculate expansions of polynomials where there are variables (x1,x2,...) as well as coefficients (c1,c2, ...). My goal is to calculate p(1)*(c1*x1+c2*x2+...)^n+ ... + p(n)*(c1*x1+c2*x2+...)^n .
As you can notice the resulting expression can be written as F(x1,x2...)*g(c1,c2,...) [where F is a row matrix and g is column matrix], i.e. there is some multiplicative decoupling between the coefficients and the variables.
Right now I use the MATLAB symbolic toolbox and construct F and g by manually examining the resulting symbolic expansions. This is not very feasible as if n is big and c=(c1,c2,...) is too big there are too many terms and it is no longer possible manually. For instance for (c1*x1+c2*x2+c3) and n=2, what I want is following.
>> p=[2 5]
p =
2 5
>> syms c1 c2 c3
>> syms x1 x2
>> expression= p(1)*(c1*x1+c2*x2+c3)^2 + p(2)*(c1*x1+c2*x2+c3);
>> expand(expression)
ans =
2*c1^2*x1^2 + 4*c1*c2*x1*x2 + 4*c1*c3*x1 + 5*c1*x1 + 2*c2^2*x2^2 + 4*c2*c3*x2 + 5*c2*x2 + 2*c3^2 + 5*c3
>> F=[5*x1 5*x2 5 4*x1*x2 4*x1 4*x2 2*x1^2 2*x2^2 2]
F =
[ 5*x1, 5*x2, 5, 4*x1*x2, 4*x1, 4*x2, 2*x1^2, 2*x2^2, 2]
>> g=[c1 c2 c3 c1*c2 c1*c3 c2*c3 c1^2 c2^2 c3^2].'
g =
>> expand(F*g)
ans =
2*c1^2*x1^2 + 4*c1*c2*x1*x2 + 4*c1*c3*x1 + 5*c1*x1 + 2*c2^2*x2^2 + 4*c2*c3*x2 + 5*c2*x2 + 2*c3^2 + 5*c3
I have found the following question and it looks like there may be a way to do it automatically using conv etc. If one can come up with an automated solution (or at least some idea towards such automation) for the case where x=(x1,x2) and c=(c1,c2,c3) and n=2, the case depicted above; I guess I may be able to generalize it to higher dimensional cases.
Note: the ordering of terms in F or g does not matter, given that they are ordered in some structured way.

The coefficients from different terms don't overlap. The first term, p(1)*(c'*x)^1, has only terms of degree 1 in xi and ci, and so on. So it becomes a matter of computing the coefficients of one term at a time.
That, too, has a "simple" expression:
p(k)*(c'*x)^k = sum(i1,..,im>=0 with sum(i_)=k)
M(k;i1,..,im)*x1^i1*...*xm^im * c1^i1*...*cm^im
where the summation is such that the sum of all i equals k, and M is the multinomial coefficient.
For m=3, n=2, the i's would be in the order of your example: 110,101,011,200,020,002. M(2;110)=2 so the first term is `p(2)*M(2;110)*x1*x2 = 4*x1*x2'.
Your F and g terms are:
F(...) = p(k)*M(k;i1,..,im)*x1^i1*...*xm^im
g(...) = c1^i1*...*cm^im


MATLAB Simple Calculation

I am working on MATLAB on my own, and was doing problem 9 on Project Euler
It states
" A Pythagorean triplet is a set of three natural numbers, a < b < c, for which,
a2 + b2 = c2
For example, 32 + 42 = 9 + 16 = 25 = 52.
There exists exactly one Pythagorean triplet for which a + b + c = 1000.
Find the product abc."
Below is the code I wrote; however, it compiles, but does not produce and output. I was hoping to get some feedback on what's wrong, so I can fix it.
syms a;
syms b;
syms c;
d= 1000;
d= a + b + c ;
ab= a.^2 + b.^2;
ab= c.^2;
I propose a vectorized way (that is, without using loops) to solve the problem. It may seem relatively complicated, especially if you come from other programming languages; but for Matlab you should get used to this way of approaching problems.
Implicit singleton expansion;
Read up on these concepts if you are not familiar with them, and then try to solve the problem yourself (which of course is the whole point of Project Euler). As a hint, the code below proceeds along these lines:
Generate a 1×1000 vector containing all possible values for a and b.
Compute a 1000×1000 matrix with the values of c corresponding to each pair a, b
From that compute a new matrix such that each entry contains a+b+c
Find the row and column indices where that matrix equals 1000. Those indices are the desired a and b (why?).
You'll get more than one solution (why?). Pick one.
Compute the product of the obtained a and b and the corresponding c.
Once you have tried yourself, you may want to check the code (move the mouse over it):
ab = 1:1000; % step 1
cc = hypot(ab,ab.'); % step 2
sum_abc = ab+ab.'+cc; % step 3
[a, b] = find(sum_abc==1000); % step 4
a = a(1); b = b(1); % step 5
prod_abc = a*b*cc(a,b); % step 6

What is f(2) in the following code?

The code (written in Octave) is:
The output I get is
Hello World
ans = 0.84147
dffor = -1.07926 2.62926 -2.89423 4.44423 4.77985 -5.54500 13.59500 -12.95817
I do not understand some of the code. What does f(2) evaluate?
I actually want to get the numerical derivative of the matrix with respect to x. I thought this was the method of forward differences. Also, why am I getting a [1x11] matrix as the output for dffor, which is supposed to be the numerical differentiation matrix?
first, f is a 2D matrix in your code (size [2,6]) and I assume you meant to have a vector (size [1,12]).
dffor is indeed the forward diff. and it has 11 elements (rather than 12 as f) because it has the differences between each consequent pair of f: each element is used twice except for the first and last: (10*2 + 1 + 1)/2 = 11.
f(2) is just the second element of f which equals x(2) + y(2) + z(2)

How to take a polynomial form as input in matlab?

i have a polynomial of the form 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎0 + 𝑎1𝑥 + ⋯ +𝑎𝑛−1𝑥𝑛−1+𝑎𝑛𝑥𝑛.I want to take a0,a1...an from user and n = length(a0,a1...an) example:
f = 3*x^2 - 4*x + 2.Help me please,thank you.
A = [a0 a1 a2];
ans =
using polyval. Note that the order of input arguments goes from highest to lowest, so in this example the polynomial is x^2+3x+4.
Since MATLAB is a numeric package, you'd generally want the numeric values of the polynomial evaluated at discrete values of x, and not a symbolic expression.

Matlab integral over function of symbolic matrix

In an attempt to speed up for loops (or eliminate all together), I've been trying to pass matrices into functions. I have to use sine and cosine as well. However, when I attempt to find the integral of a matrix where the elements are composed of sines and cosines, it doesn't work and I can't seem to find a way to make it do so.
I have a matrix SI that is composed of sines and cosines with respect to a variable that I have defined using the Symbolic Math Toolbox. As such, it would actually be even better if I could just pass the SI matrix and receive a matrix of values that is the integral of the sine/cosine function at every location in this matrix. I would essentially get a square matrix back. I am not sure if I phrased that very well, but I have the following code below that I have started with.
I = [1 2; 3 4];
J = [5 6; 7 8];
syms o;
j = o*J;
SI = sin(I + j);
%SI(1,1) = sin(5*o + 1)
integral(#(o) o.*SI(1,1), 0,1);
Ideally, I would want to solve integral(#(o) o*SI,0,1) and get a matrix of values. What should I do here?
Given that A, B and C are all N x N matrices, for the moment, let's assume they're all 2 x 2 matrices to make the example I'm illustrating more succinct to understand. Let's also define o as a mathematical symbol based on your comments in your question above.
syms o;
A = [1 2; 3 4];
B = [5 6; 7 8];
C = [9 10; 11 12];
Let's also define your function f according to your comments:
f = o*sin(A + o*B + C)
We thus get:
f =
[ o*sin(5*o + 10), o*sin(6*o + 12)]
[ o*sin(7*o + 14), o*sin(8*o + 16)]
Remember, for each element in f, we take the corresponding elements in A, B and C and add them together. As such, for the first row and first column of each matrix, we have 1, 5 and 9. As such, A + o*B + C for the first row, first column equates to: 1 + 5*o + 9 = 5*o + 10.
Now if you want to integrate, just use the int command. This will find the exact integral, provided that the integral can be solvable in closed form. int also can handle matrices so it will integrate each element in the matrix. You can call it like so:
out = int(f,a,b);
This will integrate f for each element from the lower bound a to the upper bound b. As such, supposing our limits were from 0 to 1 as you said. Therefore:
out = int(f,0,1);
We thus get:
out =
[ sin(15)/25 - sin(10)/25 - cos(15)/5, sin(18)/36 - sin(12)/36 - cos(18)/6]
[ sin(21)/49 - sin(14)/49 - cos(21)/7, sin(24)/64 - sin(16)/64 - cos(24)/8]
Bear in mind that out is defined in the symbolic math toolbox. If you want the actual numerical values, you need to cast the answer to double. Therefore:
finalOut = double(out);
We thus get:
finalOut =
0.1997 -0.1160
0.0751 -0.0627
Obviously, this can generalize for any size M x N matrices, so long as they all share the same dimensions.
sin, cos, tan and the other related functions have their units in radians. If you wish for the degrees equivalent, append a d at the end of the function (i.e. sind, cosd, tand, etc.)
I believe this is the answer you're after. Good luck!

best way to obtain one answer that satisfy a linear equation in matlab

I have a linear equation:
vt = v1*x1 + v2*x2 + v3*x3
vt, v1, v2, v3 are scalars with values between 0 and 1. What is the best way to generate one set (any set will be fine) of x1, x2 and x3 that satisfy the equation above. and also satisfy
I have couple thousand sets of vt,v1,v2 and v3, therefore I need to be able to generate x1, x2 and x3 programmatically.
There are two ways you could approach this:
From the method that you have devised in your post. Randomly generate x1 and x2 and ensure that vt < v1*x1 + v2*x2, then go ahead and solve for x3.
Formulate this into linear program. A linear program is basically solving a system of equations that are subject to inequality or equality constraints. In other words:
As such, we can translate your problem to be of a linear programming problem. The "maximize" statement is what is known as the objective function - the overall goal of what you are trying to accomplish. In linear programming problems, we are trying to minimize or maximize this objective. To do this, we must satisfy the inequalities seen in the subject to condition. Usually, this program is represented in canonical form, and so the constraints on each variable should be positive.
The maximize condition can be arbitrary as you don't care about the objective. You just care about any solution. This whole paradigm can be achieved by linprog in MATLAB. What you should be careful with is how linprog is specified. In fact, the objective is minimized instead of maximized. The conditions, however, are the same with the exception of ensuring that all of the variables are positive. We will have to code that in ourselves.
In terms of the arbitrary objective, we can simply do x1 + x2 + x3. As such, c = [1 1 1]. Our equality constraint is: v1*x1 + v2*x2 + v3*x3 = vt. We also must make sure that x is positive. In order to code this in, what we can do is choose a small constant so that all values of x are greater than this value. Right now, linprog does not support strict inequalities (i.e. x > 0) and so we have to circumvent this by doing this trick. Also, to ensure that the values are positive, linprog assumes that the Ax <= b. Therefore, a common trick that is used is to negate the inequality of x >= 0, and so this is equivalent to -x <= 0. To ensure the values are non-zero, we would actually do: -x <= -eps, where eps is a small constant. However, when I was doing experiments, by doing it this way, two of the variables end up to be the same solution. As such, what I would recommend we do is to generate good solutions that are random each time, let's draw b to be from a uniform random distribution as you said. This will then give us a starting point every time we want to solve this problem.
Therefore, our inequalities are:
-x1 <= -rand1
-x2 <= -rand2
-x3 <= -rand3
rand1, rand2, rand3 are three randomly generated numbers that are between 0 and 1. In matrix form, this is:
[-1 0 0][x1] [-rand1]
[0 -1 0][x2] <= [-rand2]
[0 0 -1][x3] [-rand3]
Finally, our equality constraint from before is:
[v1 v2 v3][x1] [vt]
[x2] =
Now, to use linprog, you would do this:
X = linprog(c, A, b, Aeq, beq);
c is a coefficient array that is defined for the objective. In this case, it would be defined as [1 1 1], A and b is the matrix and column vector defined for the inequality constraints and Aeq and beq is the matrix and column vector defined for the equality constraints. X would thus give us the solution after linprog converges (i.e. x1, x2, x3). As such, you would do this:
A = -eye(3,3);
b = -rand(3,1);
Aeq = [v1 v2 v3];
beq = vt;
c = [1 1 1];
X = linprog(c, A, b, Aeq, beq);
As an example, suppose v1 = 0.33, v2 = 0.5, v3 = 0.2, and vt = 2.5. Therefore:
rng(123); %// Set seed for reproducibility
v1 = 0.33; v2 = 0.5; v3 = 0.2;
vt = 2.5;
A = -eye(3,3);
b = -rand(3,1);
Aeq = [v1 v2 v3];
beq = vt;
c = [1 1 1];
X = linprog(c, A, b, Aeq, beq);
I get:
X =
To verify that this equals vt, we would do:
s = Aeq*X
s = 2.5000
The above simply does v1*x1 + v2*x2 + v3*x3. This is computed in a dot product form to make things easy as X is a column vector and v1, v2, v3 are already set in Aeq and is a row vector.
As such, either way is good, but at least with linprog, you don't have to keep looping until you get that condition to be satisfied!
Small Caveat
One small caveat that I forgot to mention in the above approach is that you need to make sure that vt >= v1*rand1 + v2*rand2 + v3*rand3 to ensure convergence. Since you said that v1,v2,v3 are bounded between 0 and 1, the worst case is when v1,v2,v3 are all equal to 1. As such, we really need to make sure that vt > rand1 + rand2 + rand3. If this is not the case, then simply take each value of rand1, rand2, rand3, and divide by (rand1 + rand2 + rand3) / vt. As such, this will ensure that the total summation will equal vt assuming that all of the weights are 1, and this will allow the linear program to converge properly.
If you don't, then the solution will not converge due to the inequality conditions placed in for b, and you won't get the right answer. Just some food for thought! As such, do this for b before you run linprog
if sum(-b) > vt
b = b ./ (sum(-b) / vt);
Good luck!