JBehave how to fail all stories - jbehave

I dont know why, but JBehave does not take in consideration failures in the given stories. If there is a failure in a givenstory, it will not perform the rest of the steps of that story, but it will execute the rest of the given stories. Here is a example:
GivenStories: stories/web/pmv/Story1.story,
When the user do something
Then something happens
For instance, if the Story2.story fails, I was expecting that the rest of the given stories and the last 2 steps were not executed. But they are.
Anyone knows why is that?
How can I fail all stories if one single step or story fails?
I noticed as well that the reports statistics just reflect the last given story and the following steps. Is this correct? Why?
I have the following configuration:
new StoryControls()
When i added the config doResetStateBeforeScenario(false), the following steps after the failure, even the ones inside the givestories were not performed. But in yet, the statistics show no error, because it was not last given story or the steps on the main story. In the end the maven build had no errors, in yet there failures in the test.
Any thoughts?

OK. After some searching around I managed to find that this issue was fixed in JBehave 3.8.
JIRA link: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JBEHAVE-841
I updated to latest jbehave version and this works fine.


An assertion on the test case file - Webdriverio

I need some help, I'm starting with this automation stuff, I like it but I'm still learning, recently I create a test case that basically is, going to a certain page and click on a button to upgrade the account on an specific sale, so I did that but when I got my PR reviewed and devops ask me if I can add an assertion.
So, this code is on the spec file not on the page objects file, so the devops mean I have to create the code on the page object file and then call it on the spec file???? any tip would be great and thanks!
You can do it either way. You can write the assertion in the spec file, or write the assertion in the page objects file and call it from the specs file. If the latter is your framework's code convention, you may want to do it that way for consistency, but either way should work.

Any way to get a link to a GitHub action's latest result?

GitHub's Actions feature recently started letting users generate badges, to showcase the status of their tests. For example, if I have a set of tests that run on my repo's dev branch from a file named .github/test_dev.yml, I can access that build's status by adding /badge.svg to the end of the test's URL.
That's great from the standpoint of keeping your project readme up to date with the status of the project, but the next logical step would be to also add a link to the badge that points to the latest testing outcome.
Unfortunately, even though you can access all the tests of a particular action as follows:
The test runs themselves seem to be behind a unique ID under actions/runs/.
Is there any way to construct a URL that just points to the latest test? Something like:
I poked through GitHub's documentation, but even though there's some documentation surrounding the generation of those badge SVG's, I couldn't find anything about linking directly to the action that actually generated that SVG.
you can use this to get the id in a yaml file:
https://github.com/<username>/<repo_name>/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}

How to make a systematic report in protractor

I am working on protractor for testing an angularjs application. I am also able to fetch the report but I want to mention some more points and details about the test execution. For example Its model name, Test case name, Severity, Priority, Where the test failed if it gets fails etc. Where should I add all this points so that I can be able to fetch a complete detailed report.Currently I am able to get the report I have attached here.
Please help me in getting the solution as I am new to protractor. Thanks a lot in advance.
Jasmine framework does specs reporting, not Protractor in e2e testing. You can either leverage some of the popular ones listed below or need to create your own using custom reporter.
Or you can try with allure plugin here http://allure.qatools.ru/
I also advice to use allure report. It is easy to setup and has a good documentation. Just want to mention that there is Allure 2 is ready. Take a look at Git Hub and integration for JS

Opshub migration failures

I'm migrating a large amount of projects from a on premise tfs2010 to vso, nearly all of them was able to migrate without any problems, but a few are creating errors. I am using Opshub Integration Manager Framework-OVSMU-V1.2.0.000.
OH-TFS-Connector-0054: Test Step Id cannot be empty and It must be a valid number. Please check the Mapping and add valid mapping for the Test Step Id.
The most common error. This error is also described in opshub-visual-studio-online-migration-utility-test-cases-failing, but has yet to receive an accepted answer. As mentioned in this post the cause if the problem might be Shared Steps, so I tried removing one from a test case, and that made it pass in the migration utility. Unfortunately I need those test cases and it is not feasible for me to just delete them.
OH-TFS-Connector-0051: Operation failed getCollectionMetaData. Server Error : TF201063: Adding a Test Case link to work item 18374 would result in a circular relationship. To create this link, evaluate the existing links, and remove one of the other links in the cycle.
After inspecting the Work Items that causes the error and concluding that there is no links, and no clear circular reference, not even a Shared Step linking to work item 18374. Upon further inspection I noticed that work item 18374 doesn't even exist.
Any help would be much appreciated.
OH-TFS-Connector-0054: Test Step Id cannot be empty and It must be a valid number. Please check the Mapping and add valid mapping for the Test Step Id.
This issue is addressed in latest release of OVSMU ( You can download from
OH-TFS-Connector-0051: Operation failed getCollectionMetaData. Server Error : TF201063: Adding a Test Case link to work item 18374 would result in a circular relationship.
This issue is scheduled for next release which will be out shortly. Check Visual Studio Gallery for further updates.

TeamCity - how to get currently running builds via REST API?

Does anyone know how to use the TeamCity REST API to find out which builds are currently running, and how far through they are (elapsed time vs estimated time)?
The URL returns what you are asking for, including percentage complete.
<builds count="1">
<build id="10" number="8" running="true" percentageComplete="24" status="SUCCESS" buildTypeId="bt3" startDate="20110714T210916+1200" href="/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/id:10" webUrl="http://phillipn02:29000/viewLog.html?buildId=10&buildTypeId=bt3"/>
Source: http://devnet.jetbrains.net/message/5291132#5291132.
The relevant line on the REST API documentation is the one that reads "http://teamcity:8111/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/?locator= - to get builds by "build locator"." in the "Usage" section.
This works with TeamCity version 6.5; I haven't tried it on earlier versions, but I suspect it will work back to version 5.
You can use "running:true/false/any" as one of the build dimensions for the build locator. (EDIT: added in TeamCity 6.0)
The TeamCity REST API documentation will give you some examples of some of the ways you can construct the URL. The Build Locator section on that page will list the different options you have for refining your results (one of which is running).
However, I don't know of a way to get information about the running builds elapsed/estimated time using the REST API. I'm not sure if this would be possible. If you did find a way to do this, I would be be very interested to read how!
Good luck!
I realise your question is more than five years old, but you wanted
to find out which builds are currently running, and how far through they are (elapsed time vs estimated time)
The method as suggested in the accepted answer only gives the percentageComplete attribute, which is not as useful without having to make another call to the API.
It can be achieved by supplying the fields request parameter to the url, e.g.:
where {buildFields} are properties of the builds object. For this, I am using:
The full url is then
which returns something like
<builds count="1">
<build id="128990" buildTypeId="{build type ID}" number="256" status="SUCCESS" branchName="{branch name}" href="/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/id:128990">
<running-info percentageComplete="6" elapsedSeconds="52" estimatedTotalSeconds="924" currentStageText="{status}" outdated="false" probablyHanging="false"/>
which will give you the percentage complete and elapsed/estimated total times in the running-info element.
Note: I am using TeamCity 9; the fields request parameter appears to be present in the documentation for TeamCity 5.x-7.x but the output may not be quite the same.
I did a little digging and a post on JetBrain's site stating that support for the running:true was actually added for TC6. TeamCity 5.X REST documentation just links to a different page which doesn't specify what was supported in TC5 and what is new to TC6.
EDIT: Hey Matt, I posted a question inquiring about REST documentation specific to TC 5.X. I know it would be very handy for me to know what exactly what I can do with REST for the version of TeamCity I am using and thought it may interest you as well!
You have a variant use not api -
So it's not good variant, but for me it's very good!