Soundcloud HTML5 widget not playing on mobile - soundcloud

Starting today, we're noticing an issue where our HTML 5 SoundCloud widget does not play via most iPhone and Android (Nexus 4, 7, etc) mobile phones.
I've created a basic example using boilerplate SC embed code from the website:
Works fine on my laptop but when you visit this URL with an iPhone / Nexus 4, etc... it does not playback any sound. When I debug the mobile clients I see the following URL is hanging:
Request URL:
No JS errors. does get called. But since the mp3 stream is hanging, no music plays and the player freezes up.
Any ideas?

#gryzzly autoplay stopped working awhile ago, but by explicitly calling it was working as recently as a week or so ago. Now doing that locks up the player. If I check for mobile and do not call, the user can click on the widget and play the track. Alas... the workaround appears to now be broken. Thanks for the insight.


Google TV template 2 works fine on my browser but not on TV

I'm using template 2 for the Google TV and using AJAX calls. Everything loads perfectly on the browser but when I try to load it on an actual TV that has a google TV device, only the sound loads, but there is no actual video showing up...ANybody has any clues of why this isn't showing up...
I'm using the HTML5 templates btw. thanks for the help guys
GOOgle TV does not support playing HTML5 videos inside android webView

iOS 6 app hangs at splashscreen JQTouch + Phonegap

I have a weird problem with an App i'm developing with jQTouch and Phonegap. The App works fine most of the time, but sometimes (seems random) the App is stuck at the SplashScreen. Sometimes it still opens after a few minutes. It does nothing more than just load the HTML, CSS and JS files (no Ajax request or whatever). Is anyone familiar with this problem, or any ideas how to debug it?
Me too. I think we need to upgrade phonegap for our app.

Play Video on Iphone using code developed in html5

I am playing videos through my application on desktops and mobile phones as well.
I have a code which is written in html using video tag. I send URL to user to play a video and it works totally fine on desktop's including Mac as well. I have tried accessing it on Samsung galaxy SII phone which has got android os in it. my video works on it with no issues but when I try to access that URL on iPhone player.aspx gets load properly but it just doesn't play the video.
Video is in .mp4 format.
I am playing it in IPHONE on safari browser.
Can anyone please help me regarding it.
Thank you

Problem with youtube embed in UIWebView

I inserted a youtube embed code (the iframe code) in a UIWebView on iPhone and since i upgraded to iOS 4.3.4 it will not play those videos anymore.
It shows fine in the uiwebview but when tapping the play button it goes blank.
Has anyone had a similar problem?
(I could use the old youtube embed code but it really stirs my display when it is returning)
best regards,
Edit (July 30th 2011): It is working again! Really great. Thanks to the guys at YouTube
Check out this link, it looks like its a youtube issue and not us! Engineers are working on it.
I can confirm this issue exists in iOS 4.3.5 as well (tested on an iPhone 4 and iPad 2). We've found that YouTube's embed method no longer works in a UIWebView. The video will usually play but you will only hear the audio.
Falling back to YouTube's old Flash embed code will solve the problem, however it is indeed slower this way. But at least it works.
In the app I'm working on, we retrieve JSON encoded data from a web server. We've simply made it so this data includes the YouTube embed code, which we can change back to the iframe at any time. That way we don't have to keep updating our app every time Apple breaks some functionality, instead we just update our JSON script which only takes a second. Hopefully you can implement some workaround similar to this, or perhaps just go with the old embed code for now until Apple or YouTube addresses the bug.

Bug with audio reCaptcha in safari

Can other Safari users please test for me, to see if the audio reCaptcha plays properly? On my machine, I can only hear the audio if I click the Download sound as MP3 link. I also don't get the spoken introduction at all. It works OK in Firefox and Chrome.
I was alerted to this bug on my own development site, using the Zend Service for ReCaptcha. However, if it's broken on the official site, then I guess it's not a Zend bug. There don't seem to be any JavaScript errors.
Any ideas?
OK, forget that.
It was my Flash blocker in Safari which prevented the sound from playing. Didn't realise the audio reCaptcha used Flash.