Extending instantiated objects by importing: Bad Idea? - scala

I have list of many City objects, and at some point after their creation, they will be labelled, so a Label field will be set for each one.
I want to do this in a functional, stateless way, i.e. without setting a default and using var. I'm really just curious as to what the best practice is.
I've got this working example, but I feel pretty funny about it. Notice, in particular, that I'm import-ing the existing City objects, which happens when I call City.addLabel(label).
case class LabelledCity(importCity: CityLike, label: Label) extends CityLike with Labelled
val cityState = importCity.cityState
val income = importCity.income
case class City(string: String) extends CityLike {
val split = string.split(" --- ")
val cityState = split(0)
val income = split(1).toInt
abstract class CityLike {
def addLabel(l: Label): LabelledCity = { new LabelledCity(this, l) }
val cityState: String
val income: Int
This all feels a little wrong, or like I'm missing something simple... am I?

Here is the immutable way to archive this (I have dropped class bodies for a sake of simplicity):
case class City(string: String, label: Option[String] = None)
val unknown = City("somestring")
// unknown: City = City(somestring,None)
val washington = unknown.copy(label = Some("Washington"))
// washington: City = City(somestring,Some(Washington))


How to manage the hierarchy of State in Functional Programming?

Say I have a Student class which has lots of actions:
final case class Student(name: String, knowledge: List[String]) {
def learn(item: String) : Student = this.copy(knowledge = knowledge :+ item)
Here you can notice that this class is not influenced by any outer State.
But if I put this class into a Stateful environment(like a School):
final case class School(students: Map[String, Student]) {
def learn(studentName: String, item: String) : State[School, Student] = State {
oldSchool => {
val oldStudent = students.get(studentName).getOrElse(Student(studentName, List()))
val newStudent = oldStudent.learn(item)
oldSchool.copy(students = students + (studentName -> newStudent)) -> newStudent
And then I cannot use student.learn(info) directly, for Student even doesn't know the environment(School class) exists. So if I want to call the actions of a student, I have to call the proxy function exposed by the Environment class. If I have lots of actions in Student, I HAVE TO write the same count of proxy functions in School, which is frustrating and not fun at all.
Any advices? How to manage this kind of State hierarchy?
Inspired by #WillemVanOnsem, here is my solution.
def updateStudent: String => (Student => Student) => School =
name =>
func =>
students = students + (name -> func(
students.get(name).getOrElse(Student(name, List()))
And the usage likes:
val stu1 = Student("name1", List())
val school = School(Map(stu1.name -> stu1))
val newSchool = school.updateStudent("name1") { student =>
And I notice that if your hierarchy is really deep, the (Student => Student) part can be replaced by Lens, so the you should prepare a bunch of Lens, rather than a bunch of Proxy Functions of different depth of functions, cool!

Adding functionality before calling constructor in extra constructor

Is it possible to add functionality before calling constructor in extra constructor in scala ?
Lets say, I have class User, and want to get one string - and to split it into attributes - to send them to the constructor:
class User(val name: String, val age: Int){
def this(line: String) = {
val attrs = line.split(",") //This line is leading an error - what can I do instead
this(attrs(0), attrs(1).toInt)
So I know I'm not able to add a line before sending to this, because all constructors need to call another constructor as the first statement of the constructor.
Then what can I do instead?
I have a long list of attributes, so I don't want to repeat line.split(",")
I think this is a place where companion object and apply() method come nicely into play:
object User {
def apply(line: String): User = {
val attrs = line.split(",")
new User(attrs(0), attrs(1).toInt)
class User(val name: String, val age: Int)
Then you just create your object the following way:
val u1 = User("Zorro,33")
Also since you're exposing name and age anyway, you might consider using case class instead of standard class and have consistent way of constructing User objects (without new keyword):
object User {
def apply(line: String): User = {
val attrs = line.split(",")
new User(attrs(0), attrs(1).toInt)
case class User(name: String, age: Int)
val u1 = User("Zorro,33")
val u2 = User("Zorro", "33")
Ugly, but working solution#1:
class User(val name: String, val age: Int){
def this(line: String) = {
this(line.split(",")(0), line.split(",")(1).toInt)
Ugly, but working solution#2:
class User(val name: String, val age: Int)
object User {
def fromString(line: String) = {
val attrs = line.split(",")
new User(attrs(0), attrs(1).toInt)
Which can be used as:
val johny = User.fromString("johny,35")
You could use apply in place of fromString, but this will lead to a confusion (in one case you have to use new, in the other you have to drop it) so I prefer to use different name
Another ugly solution:
class User(line: String) {
def this(name: String, age: Int) = this(s"$name,$age")
val (name, age) = {
val Array(nameStr,ageStr) = line.split(",")
But using a method of the companion object is probably better.

Existential types in Scala

Please find below a short example which puzzles me.
I must concede that I have some difficulties to manipulate existential types in Scala.
How should I solve the type mismatch line 56 ?
proposer is OK type _$1 while proposers is of type _$1 <: Individual
Thanks in advance,
class Individual(n: String) {
protected val name=n
var preferred: Individual = this
override def toString(): String=name
class Man(n: String) extends Individual(n) { }
class Woman(n: String) extends Individual(n) { }
class Marriage(m: Man, w: Woman){
private val man=m
private val woman=w
def this(w: Woman, m: Man) = this(m,w)
override def toString(): String = man+"--"+woman
class Matching(){
private var list: List[Marriage] = Nil
def add(m: Marriage): Unit = { list = m ::list }
override def toString(): String= {
var s: String = ""
for (elm<-list) s=s+elm+" "
return s
object Test{
protected var male = true
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val al = new Man("Al")
val bob = new Man("Bob")
val alice = new Woman("Alice")
val barbara = new Woman("Barbara")
al.preferred = alice
bob.preferred = barbara
alice.preferred = bob
barbara.preferred = al
val men = Set(al, bob)
val women = Set(alice, barbara)
val m = new Matching()
//var proposers=women
var proposers: Set[_ <:Individual] = Set[Individual]()
if (male) proposers = men
else proposers = women
while (!proposers.isEmpty) {
for(proposer <- proposers) {
val proposer=proposers.head
if (proposer.isInstanceOf[Man])
m.add(new Marriage(
m.add(new Marriage(
proposers-=proposer//There is an error here
This code is messy. It's poorly formatted, it mixes tabs and spaces, and it uses mutability even in the most trivial of places where a functional solution requires little thought.
This code also won't scale internationally to countries where same-sex marriage is a possibility.
Working from the top down...
I suspect you'll never want to directly instantiate an Individual, only ever a Man or a Woman. So a algebraic data type makes more sense, this is done with a sealed trait and case class subtypes.
I'll also drop the preferred property, as it can lead to circular references. Dealing with this in immutable data is beyond the level I'm willing to go in this answer.
sealed trait Individual {
def name: String
override def toString(): String=name
//as it's a case class, `name` becomes a val,
//which implements the abstract `def name` from the trait
case class Man(name: String) extends Individual
case class Woman(name: String) extends Individual
Marriage can also be a case class, and let's drop the clumsy duplication of class parameters into vals - it's just pointless boilerplate. This is also a good time to move the auxiliary constructor to a factory method in the companion object:
case class Marriage(man: Man, woman: Woman) {
override def toString(): String = man + "--" + woman
object Marriage {
def apply(w: Woman, m: Man) = new Marriage(m,w)
Matching is almost pointless, an entire class just to wrap a List? This kind of thing made sense in pre-Generics Java, but not any more. I'll keep it anyway (for now) so I can fix up that toString implementation, which is painfully mutable and uses return for no good reason:
case class Matching(){
private var list: List[Marriage] = Nil
def add(m: Marriage): Unit = { list ::= m }
override def toString() = list.mkString(" ")
Finally, the "meat" of the problem. Comments are inline, but you'll note that I don't need (or use) Matching. It's replaced in its entirety by the final println
object Test{
//better name, and a val (because it never changes)
protected val menPropose = true
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// `new` not required for case classes
val al = Man("Al")
val bob = Man("Bob")
val alice = Woman("Alice")
val barbara = Woman("Barbara")
// remember how preference was removed from `Individual`?
val mprefs = Map( al -> alice, bob -> barbara )
val fprefs = Map( alice -> bob, barbara -> al )
val men = Set(al, bob)
val women = Set(alice, barbara)
// nicely immutable, and using the returned value from if/else
val proposers = if (menPropose) men else women
// no while loop, name shadowing, or mutability.
// just a simple for-comprehension
val marriages = for(proposer <- proposers) yield {
//pattern-matching beats `isInstanceOf`... every time
proposer match {
case m: Man => Marriage(m, mprefs(m))
case f: Woman => Marriage(f, fprefs(f))
println(marriages mkString " ")
There's more that can be done here, way more. What of same-sex relationships? What if two or more people share the same preference? What if someone has no preference?
I could also encode the type of someone's preference into Individual instances. But that's getting a bit more advanced.

Scala Reflection to update a case class val

I'm using scala and slick here, and I have a baserepository which is responsible for doing the basic crud of my classes.
For a design decision, we do have updatedTime and createdTime columns all handled by the application, and not by triggers in database. Both of this fields are joda DataTime instances.
Those fields are defined in two traits called HasUpdatedAt, and HasCreatedAt, for the tables
trait HasCreatedAt {
val createdAt: Option[DateTime]
case class User(name:String,createdAt:Option[DateTime] = None) extends HasCreatedAt
I would like to know how can I use reflection to call the user copy method, to update the createdAt value during the database insertion method.
Edit after #vptron and #kevin-wright comments
I have a repo like this
trait BaseRepo[ID, R] {
def insert(r: R)(implicit session: Session): ID
I want to implement the insert just once, and there I want to createdAt to be updated, that's why I'm not using the copy method, otherwise I need to implement it everywhere I use the createdAt column.
This question was answered here to help other with this kind of problem.
I end up using this code to execute the copy method of my case classes using scala reflection.
import reflect._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.reflect.runtime._
class Empty
val mirror = universe.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
// paramName is the parameter that I want to replacte the value
// paramValue is the new parameter value
def updateParam[R : ClassTag](r: R, paramName: String, paramValue: Any): R = {
val instanceMirror = mirror.reflect(r)
val decl = instanceMirror.symbol.asType.toType
val members = decl.members.map(method => transformMethod(method, paramName, paramValue, instanceMirror)).filter {
case _: Empty => false
case _ => true
val copyMethod = decl.declaration(newTermName("copy")).asMethod
val copyMethodInstance = instanceMirror.reflectMethod(copyMethod)
copyMethodInstance(members: _*).asInstanceOf[R]
def transformMethod(method: Symbol, paramName: String, paramValue: Any, instanceMirror: InstanceMirror) = {
val term = method.asTerm
if (term.isAccessor) {
if (term.name.toString == paramName) {
} else instanceMirror.reflectField(term).get
} else new Empty
With this I can execute the copy method of my case classes, replacing a determined field value.
As comments have said, don't change a val using reflection. Would you that with a java final variable? It makes your code do really unexpected things. If you need to change the value of a val, don't use a val, use a var.
trait HasCreatedAt {
var createdAt: Option[DateTime] = None
case class User(name:String) extends HasCreatedAt
Although having a var in a case class may bring some unexpected behavior e.g. copy would not work as expected. This may lead to preferring not using a case class for this.
Another approach would be to make the insert method return an updated copy of the case class, e.g.:
trait HasCreatedAt {
val createdAt: Option[DateTime]
def withCreatedAt(dt:DateTime):this.type
case class User(name:String,createdAt:Option[DateTime] = None) extends HasCreatedAt {
def withCreatedAt(dt:DateTime) = this.copy(createdAt = Some(dt))
trait BaseRepo[ID, R <: HasCreatedAt] {
def insert(r: R)(implicit session: Session): (ID, R) = {
val id = ???//insert into db
(id, r.withCreatedAt(??? /*now*/))
Since I didn't answer your original question and you may know what you are doing I am adding a way to do this.
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val user = User("aaa", None)
val m = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val im = m.reflect(user)
val decl = im.symbol.asType.toType.declaration("createdAt":TermName).asTerm
val fm = im.reflectField(decl)
fm.set(??? /*now*/)
But again, please don't do this. Read this stackoveflow answer to get some insight into what it can cause (vals map to final fields).

What is a good way to handle default values with spray-json

In some cases default values make more sense than optionals in case classes:
case class Car(numberOfWheels:Int = 4, color:String)
case class Car(numbeOfWheels:Option[Int], color:String) //silly
In the first case I'd expect to be able to easily convert the following json to an instance:
But with a standard jsonFormat2(Car), spray-json complains about missing value for numberOfWheels.
How do I work around this most cleanly?
I stumbled upon the same problem. I've create a patch that solves it for me. It makes fields with a default value optional.
update: PR is updated and still open https://github.com/spray/spray-json/pull/93
I have never used spray, but here's my guess about what may work:
case class Car(numberOfWheels: Int, color: String) {
def this(color: String) = this(4, color)
object Car {
def apply(color: String) = new Car(color)
Maybe now jsonFormat1(Car) will work.
The fix I found for the same issue was to implement my own jsonFormat:
implicit object carFormat extends JsonFormat[Car] {
def write(car: Car): JsObject = {
val fields = List(
("numberOfWheels" -> JsNumber(car.numberOfWheels)),
("color" -> JsString(car.color))
JsObject(fields: _*)
def read(json: JsValue): Car = {
val numberOfWheels = fromField[Option[Int]](json, "numberOfWheels")
val color = fromField[String](json, "color")
Car(numberOfWheels.getOrElse(4), color)