Matlab - Spectral Method (Matrix Syntax) - matlab

I'm reading Trefethen's Spectral Methods in Matlab.
When creating the differentiation matrices,
column= [ anything ]
D=toeplitz(column,column([1 N:-1:2]))
Can someone please explain what exactly is happening inside the [ ... ] in the line above.
I understand you are shifting the columns but I don't understand that syntax.

Are you referring to the 2nd line with: [1 N:-1:2] ?
If so, lets look at an example, let N = 4 and just calculate:
N = 4; [1 N:-1:2]
ans =
1 4 3 2
Which creates a vector with the first element being 1. Next the values start at 4 and decrement by 1 until you reach 2.
This is a basic Matlab syntax, [a:b:c], creates a vector with starting value a, increasing (or decreasing if -b) to c in steps of b.
Is this what you are referring to?


Build the matrix of all the combinations of given numbers using recursion [matlab]

Let say we have the vector v=[1,2,3] and we want to build the matrix of all the combinations of the numbers contained in v, i.e.
1 2 3
1 3 2
2 1 3
2 3 1
3 1 2
3 2 1
Since I'm not good in recursion, firstly I tried to write the code to build such a matrix by using for loops
function A = makeLoop(v)
for i = 1:loops
for j = 1:loops2
for k = 1:loops3
it seems like it work, but obviously write it all for a bigger v would be like hell. Anyway I don't understand how to properly write the recursion, I think the recursive structure will be something like this
function A = makeLoop(v)
if length(v)==1
"do the last for loop"
"do a regular loop and call makeLoop(v) (v shrink at each loop)"
but I don't get which parts should I remove from the original code, and which to keep.
You were very close! The overall structure that you proposed is sound and your loopy-code can be inserted into it with practically no changes:
function A = makeLoop(v)
% number of (remaining) elements in the vector
loops = length(v);
if loops==1 %"do the last for loop"
A = v; %Obviously, if you input only a single number, the output has to be that number
else %"do a regular loop and call makeLoop(v) (v shrink at each loop)"
%preallocate matrix to store results
A = zeros(factorial(loops),loops);
%number of results per vector element
m = factorial(loops)/loops;
for i = 1:loops
%For each element of the vector, call the function again with that element missing.
dummy = v;
dummy(i) = [];
AOut = makeLoop(dummy);
%Then add that element back to the beginning of the output and store it.
A((1+m*(i-1)):m*i,:) = [bsxfun(#times,v(i),ones(m,1)) AOut];
Explanation bsxfun() line:
First, read the bsxfun documentation, it explains how it works way better than I could. But long story short, with bsxfun() we can replicate a scalar easily by multiplying it with a column vector of ones. E.g. bsxfun(#times,5,[1;1;1]) will result in the vector [5;5;5]. Note that since Matlab 2016b, bsxfun(#times,5,[1;1;1]) can written shorter as 5.*[1;1;1]
To the task at hand, we want to add v(i) in front (as the first column) of all permutations that may occur after it. Therefore we need to replicate the v(i) into the 1. dimension to match the number of rows of AOut, which is done with bsxfun(#times,v(i),ones(m,1)). Then we just horizontally concatenate this with AOut.
You can simply use the perms function to achieve this:
v = [1 2 3];
ans =
3 2 1
3 1 2
2 3 1
2 1 3
1 3 2
1 2 3
If you want them sorted using the same criterion you applied in the desired output, use the following code (refer to this page for an official documentation of the sortrows functon):
v = [1 2 3];
p = perms(v);
p = sortrows(p)
p =
1 2 3
1 3 2
2 1 3
2 3 1
3 1 2
3 2 1

In MATLAB, how to compare the elements of 2 vectors in the most efficient way?

I have a vector r, which stores the previously taken actions. Let,
r=[8,8,8,2,2,6,6, ... , 4,4,4]; % (8:up, 2:down, 4:left, 6:right)
and I have a second vector actions that indicates the currently available actions. Let,
and let n indicate the number of available actions. I want to compare the last n elements of vector r with the elements of vector actions and eliminate the current action that is in the opposite direction i.e. to avoid repetitions.
For example, since in this case vector r indicates that the last action was towards left, in vector actions 6 should be eliminated and the result would be
What is an efficient (i.e. ideally by avoiding loops) way of achieving this? Thanks.
I would define an array with the oposite actions, that in this case would be
oposite=[0 8 0 6 0 4 0 2]% (8:up, 2:down, 4:left, 6:right)
Then, to remove from actions the ones that have been used in tha last n you just use bsxfun to do singleton expansion of the equal function, so that actions would be:
That's it, just one line once 'oposite' is defined.
I solved it by defining a matrix that held the opposite action pairs. Then takes the last n- unqiue values of r and removes its pair from the actions array.
pairs = [2 8;...
8 2; ...
4 6; ...
6 4];
%The unique last n-values of r
lastN_r = unique(r(end-n+1:end));
%Where these are in the pairs matrix
matchI = ismember(pairs(:,1),lastN_r);
%Remove them.
parsedAct = actions(~ismember(actions,pairs(matchI,2)))
parsedAct =
2 8

Windowed subtraction of vectors that are not same size and then finding the mean of results

Good day,
I have a question what I want to achieve without the loop if possible. As title says I need to do windowed subtraction of vectors that are not same size and then finding the mean of results.
As example, let say that we have vector a = [2 3 4 5 6] and vector b = [1 2].
Program will have to move window with smaller numbers of elements (in this example vector b) over bigger one (vector a) and make operations on that way so it starts in first two elements in vector a and make subtraction with vector b and then sum results and find mean.
In this example it will just make calculation of subtraction 2-1 = 1, 3-2 = 1, summing results 1+1=2 and divide them with 2 (because vector b is that size). Final result is 1.
Then we move window on second elements of vector a (value 3 and 4 there, or index 2 and 3) and repeat process to the last elements of vector a.
For final result we need to get vector c who consist of elements [1 2 3 4] for this example.
Is this possible to do without looping because I have data sets over 10k of size. Thanks in advance
I can solve it with only one loop, iterating through "b" (two loops in your example).
Declare vectors (as columns! This is needed for matlabs computations to work)
a = [2 3 4 5 6]';
b = [1 2]';
Declare matrix for computed results. Each column represents subtractions of elements in "a" with one of the elements in "b".
c = zeros(length(a)-length(b)+1,length(b));
for k = 1:length(b)
c(:,k) = a(k:length(a)-length(b)+k)-b(k);
Now just sum the elements in "c" row wise and divide by length of "b" to get the mean
result = sum(c,2)/length(b);
You can simplify this for your exact example, but this is a generic solution for any vetors "a" and "b", where "b" is the smaller vector.

Possible "Traveling Salesman" function in Matlab?

I am looking to solve a Traveling Salesman type problem using a matrix in order to find the minimum time between transitions. The matrix looks something like this:
A = [inf 4 3 5;
1 inf 3 5;
4 5 inf 3;
6 7 1 inf]
The y-axis represents the "from" node and the x-axis represents the "to" node. I am trying to find the optimal time from node 1 to node 4. I was told that there is a Matlab function called "TravellingSalesman". Is that true, and if not, how would I go about solving this matrix?
Here's an outline of the brute-force algorithm to solve TSP for paths from node 1 to node n:
C = inf
P = zeros(1,n-2)
for each permutation P of the nodes [2..n-1]
// paths always start from node 1 and end on node n
C = A(1,P(1)) + A(P(1),P(2)) + A(P(2),P(3)) + ... +
A(P(n-3),P(n-2)) + A(P(n-2),n)
if C < minCost
minCost = C
minPath = P
elseif C == minCost // you only need this part if you want
minPath = [minPath; P] // ALL paths with the shortest distance
Note that the first and last factors in the sum are different because you know beforehand what the first and last nodes are, so you don't have to include them in the permutations. So in the example given, with n=4, there are actually only 2!=2 possible paths.
The list of permutations can be precalculated using perms(2:n-1), but that might involve storing a large matrix (n! x n). Or you can calculate the cost as you generate each permutation. There are several files on the Mathworks file exchange with names like nextPerm that should work for you. Either way, as n grows you're going to be generating a very large number of permutations and your calculations will take a very long time.

Statistical error computing Matlab

I have two vectors of values and I want to compare them statistically. For simplicity assume A = [2 3 5 10 15] and B = [2.5 3.1 4.8 10 18]. I want to compute the standard deviation, the root mean square error (RMSE), the mean, and present conveniently, maybe as histogram. Can you please help me how to do it so that I understand? I know question is probably simple, but I am new into this. Many thanks!
This is how I wanted to implement RMSE.
dt = 1;
for k=1:numel(A)
t(k) = dt*k;
However it gives me bigger values than I expect, since e.g. 3 and 3.1 differ only in 0.1.
This is how I calculate error between reference value of each cycle with corresponding estimated in that cycle.
Can you tell me, am I doing right, or what's wrong?
abs_err = A-B;
The way you are looping through the vectors is not element by element but rather by increasing the vector length, that is, you are comparing the following at each iteration:
A(1,1:k) B(1,1:k)
-------- --------
k=1 [2] [2.5]
=2 [2 3] [2.5 3.1]
=3 [2 3 5] [2.5 3.1 4.8]
At no point do you compare only 2 and 2.1!
Assuming A and B are vectors of identical length (and both are either column or row vectors), then you want functions std(A-B), mean(A-B), and if you look in matlab exchange, you will find a user-contributed rmse(A-B) but you can also compute the RMSE as sqrt(mean((A-B).^2)). As for displaying a histogram, try hist(A-B).
In your case:
dt = 1;
for k=1:numel(A)
stdab(k) = std(A(1,1:k)-B(1,1:k));
meanab(k) = mean(A(1,1:k)-B(1,1:k));
t(k) = dt*k;
You can also include hist(A(1,1:k)-B(1,1:k)) in the loop if you want to compute histograms for every vector pair difference A(1,1:k)-B(1,1:k).