Mongodb + Mongoose: trying to add a sub-sub-item - mongodb

Does this makes any sense when trying to add a sub-sub-item? (I'm new to mongo - be merciful :-))
question = db.questions.findOne({_id: ObjectId("529c5d44211c9a8c11000006")})
When I run this from the mongo console the result is an error saying [object object] does not have the method insert.
I have the following mongoDB Question Schema.
"__v" : 2,
"_creator" : ObjectId("529c5d2d211c9a8c11000005"),
"_id" : ObjectId("529c5d44211c9a8c11000006"),
"answers" : [
"postDate" : ISODate("2013-12-02T10:14:19.060Z"),
"postDateText" : "15min ago",
"authorEmail" : "",
"authorName" : "",
"body" : "You need magic powder",
"isWinner" : false,
"_creator" : ObjectId("529c5d2d211c9a8c11000005"),
"_id" : ObjectId("529c5d7b211c9a8c11000008"),
"votes" : [
"voteType" : "up",
"_creator" : ObjectId("529c5d2d211c9a8c11000005"),
"_id" : ObjectId("529c5d5b211c9a8c11000007")
"authorEmail" : "",
"authorName" : "",
"body" : "I'm trying to fly...\n\n<pre class=\"brush: js;\">\nfunction logName(name) {\n console.log(name);\n}\n</pre>",
"isResolved" : false,
"postDate" : ISODate("2013-12-02T10:13:24.235Z"),
"tags" : [
"title" : "How do I fly?",
"views" : [],
"votes" : [
"voteType" : "up",
"_creator" : ObjectId("529c5d2d211c9a8c11000005"),
"_id" : ObjectId("529c5d5b211c9a8c11000007")
I'm trying, given a questionId and an answerId to add a vote to the votes array (which is inside the answer). I can't seem to do it. Help?

insert is for adding whole new documents; when you just want to add a new element to an array field of an existing document, you can use update along with an operator like $push.
So, in the shell you would use something like this:
{_id: ObjectId("529c5d44211c9a8c11000006")},
{'answers.0.votes': {$push: voteToPush}})


Add field to every document with existing data (move fields data to new field)

I have almost no experience in SQL or noSQL.
I need to update every document so that my fields "Log*" are under the new field "Log"
I found some help from this StackOverflow, but I am still wondering how to move the data.
Thank you very much
Original document
// collection: Services
"_id" : ObjectId("5ccb4f99f4953d4894acbe79"),
"Name" : "WebAPI",
"LogPath" : "Product\\APIService\\",
"LogTypeList" : [
"Name" : "ApiComCounter",
"FileName" : "ApiComCounter.log"
"Name" : "ApiService",
"FileName" : "ApiService.log"
Final Document
// collection: Services
"_id" : ObjectId("5ccb6fa2ae8f8a5d7037a5dd"),
"Name" : "InvoicingService",
"Log" : {
"LogPath" : "Product\\APIService\\",
"LogTypeList" : [
"Name" : "ApiComCounter",
"FileName" : "ApiComCounter.log"
"Name" : "ApiService",
"FileName" : "ApiService.log"
This requires MongoDB 4.2 or higher:
db.<collection>.updateMany({}, [
{$set: {"Log.LogPath": "$LogPath", "Log.LogTypeList": "$LogTypeList"}},
{$unset: ["LogPath", "LogTypeList"]}

Spring data mongo remove element in sub collection

I have this document:
"_id" : ObjectId("5a698b8bc2539428e3738c7d"),
"_class" : "",
"product_id" : "5a67fde8c2539414b9712482",
"cn_name" : "index - test",
"en_name" : "test index - test",
"sample_desc" : "this is a sample description",
"people_type" : 1,
"ref_literature" : [
"_class" : "",
"_id" : null,
"name" : "ref 1"
"_class" : "",
"_id" : null,
"name" : "ref 2"
"user_id" : 6,
"gmt_create" : ISODate("2018-01-25T07:47:23.800+0000"),
"detail_desc" : null,
"gmt_modified" : ISODate("2018-01-25T07:49:50.923+0000"),
"index_level" : [
"_class" : "",
"_id" : ObjectId("5a72c83050abd32e7e54340d"),
"up_val" : "3.2",
"down_val" : "5.7",
"calc_symbol_type" : 2,
"level_desc" : "this is a test level desc"
I want to delete the element in index_level, and in here is:
"_class" : "",
"_id" : ObjectId("5a72c83050abd32e7e54340d"),
"up_val" : "3.2",
"down_val" : "5.7",
"calc_symbol_type" : 2,
"level_desc" : "this is a test level desc"
I can remove this sub document in mongo shell with the command:
{$pull:{"index_level": {"_id":ObjectId("5a72c83050abd32e7e54340d")}}}
But when I removed use mongotemplate code in below, I was failed to do this:
Update().pull("index_level", Query(Criteria.where("_id").`is`(ObjectId("5a72c83050abd32e7e54340d")))),
and tried below code:
Update().pull("index_level", Query(Criteria.where("_id").`is`(ObjectId("5a72c83050abd32e7e54340d")))),
and finally, I can remove this sub document with this code:
Update().pull("index_level", Query(Criteria.where("_id").`is`(ObjectId("5a72c83050abd32e7e54340d")))),
But this code has a problem, because in here the position field is _id, when I change the position field like "calc_symbol_type", the final code will remove all calc_symbol_type equals to the value which I send to the method.
So the question is where I was wrong? and the mongo shell command converts to mongotemplate code will be what?
Thanks !

Mongodb put Documents array as the same level

I have this array of documents, I would like to put "table" on the same level like mastil_antenas and other variables. how Can I do that with aggregate?
I'm trying with the aggregate $project but I can't get the result.
Example of Data
[ {
"mastil_antena" : "1",
"nro_platf" : "1",
"antmarcmast" : "ANDREW",
"antmodelmast" : "HWXXX6516DSA3M",
"retmarcmast" : "Ericsson",
"retmodelmast" : "ATM200-A20",
"distmast" : "1.50",
"altncramast" : "41.30",
"ORIENTMAG" : "73.00",
"incelecmast" : "RET",
"incmecmast" : "1.00",
"Feedertypemast" : "Fibra Optica",
"longjumpmast" : "5.00",
"longfo" : "100",
"calibrecablefuerza" : "10 mm",
"longcablefuerza" : "65.00",
"modelorruantena" : "32B66A",
"tiltmecfoto" : "",
"tiltmecfoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:51:22Z",
"az0foto" : "",
"az0foto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:55:21Z",
"azneg60foto" : "",
"azneg60foto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:55:36Z",
"azpos60foto" : "",
"azpos60foto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:55:49Z",
"etiqantenafoto" : "",
"etiqantenafoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:56:01Z",
"tiltelectfoto" : "",
"tiltelectfoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:56:13Z",
"idcablefoto" : "",
"idcablefoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:56:38Z",
"rrutmafoto" : "",
"rrutmafoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:56:49Z",
"etiquetarrufoto" : "",
"etiquetarrufoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:57:02Z",
"rrutmafoto1" : "",
"rrutmafoto1_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:57:12Z",
"etiquetarrufoto1" : "",
"etiquetarrufoto1_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:57:27Z",
"botontorre4" : "sstelcel3",
"table" : { /* put all varibles one level up*/
"tecmast" : "LTE",
"frecmast" : "2100",
"secmast" : "1",
"untitled440" : "Salir"
"comentmast" : "",
"longfeedmast" : "",
"numtmasmast" : "",
"otra_marca_antena" : "",
"otro_modelo_antena" : ""
Starting from MongoDB version 3.4 you could use $addFields to do this.
//replace products with what makes sense in your database
{ //1 add the properties from subdocument table to documents
$addFields: {
"documents.tecmast" : "documents.0.table.tecmast",
"documents.frecmast" : "documents.0.table.frecmast",
"documents.secmast" : "documents.0.table.secmast",
"documents.untitled440" : "documents.0.table.untitled440"
//(optional) 2 remove the table property from the documents
$project: {"documents.table" : 0}
Step 1: use $addFields to grab properties from table inside documents.table and put them on documents
Step 2: (optional) remove property "table" from documents.
I hope this helps!!!

meteor client find is not working due to $eq

I subscribed to my servers's publication as follows:
var self = this;
Now I need to fetch my data using helper function:
observedQuestionsList : function(){
questions = Questions.find({
observedByUsers : {$exists: true,$elemMatch:{$eq:Meteor.userId()}}});
return questions;
but it does not work due to $eq being not recognised in minimongo.
How to solve it?
doc sample:
"_id" : "rP4JP8jkprwwi3ZCp",
"qUserId" : "NLLW3RBXqnbSGuZ3n",
"type" : "question",
"date" : ISODate("2016-02-13T11:23:10.845Z"),
"subject" : "test",
"question" : "test",
"replies" : [
"rID" : "LphcqKnkTHf25SCwq",
"rUserID" : "NLLW3RBXqnbSGuZ3n",
"date" : ISODate("2016-02-13T11:23:10.847Z"),
"answer" : "reply1."
"rID" : "HxaohnEgxwNJLtf2z",
"rUserID" : "NLLW3RBXqnbSGuZ22",
"date" : ISODate("2016-02-13T11:23:10.848Z"),
"answer" : "reply2"
"observedByUsers" : [ "Bi24LGozvtihxFrNe" ]
Judging from your sample Questions document, the field observedByUsers is a simple array which contains user IDs.
As a result, you could simply use the following query:
Questions.find({observedByUsers: Meteor.userId()});

MongoDB count occurances of a substring in a collection

Hello I'm a MongoDb beginner. I have a database of a IRC chatlog. The document structure is very simple
"_id" : ObjectId("000"),
"user" : "username",
"message" : "foobar foobar potato idontknow",
"time" : NumberLong(1451775601469)
I have thousands of these and I want to count the number of occurrences of the string "foobar". I have googled this issue and found something about aggregations. I looks very complicated and I haven't really found any issue this "simple". I'd be glad if someone pointed me in the right direction what to research and I wouldn't mind an example command that does exactly this what I want. Thank you.
There is no any built-in operator to solve your request.
You can try this query, but it has very poor performance:{
print(doc["user"] + " > " + ((doc["message"].match(/foobar/g) || []).length))
If you could change your message field to array, then we could apply aggregation...
If you add array of splitted words into your entry, we can apply aggregation
"_id" : ObjectId("569bb7040586bcb40f7d2539"),
"user" : "username",
"fullmessage" : "foobar foobar potato idontknow",
"message" : [
"time" : NumberLong(1451775601469)
Aggregation. We create new entry for each array element, match given word (foobar, in this case) and then count matched result.[
{"$unwind" : "$message"},
{"$match" : {"message" : {"$regex" : "foobar", "$options" : "i"}}},
{"$group" : {_id:{"_id" : "$_id", "user" : "$user", "time" : "$time", "fullmessage" : "$fullmessage"}, "count" : {$sum:1}}},
{"$project" : {_id:"$_id._id", "user" : "$_id.user", "time" : "$_id.time", "fullmessage" : "$_id.fullmessage", "count" : "$count"}}
"_id" : ObjectId("569bb7040586bcb40f7d2539"),
"count" : 2,
"user" : "username",
"time" : NumberLong(1451775601469),
"fullmessage" : "foobar foobar potato idontknow"