maven plugin repository for eclipse equinox KeplerSR1 - eclipse

Currently I'm trying to build my maven project which requires plugins from latest equinox KeplerSR1 release. So I'm looking for pluginRepository for eclipse-kepler SR1 release but could not find it.
I found this mirror url [1] but did't know how to use it to build my maven module.
Appreciate if someone can provide this.

Equinox does not maintain maven plugin repository for vendors. I had to manually deploy the plugins to a maven repository which I'm using on my organization.


How to use maven repositories instead of p2 update sites to provision plugins in Eclipse IDE?

In my region it will be much faster using a maven repository instead of a p2 update site to provision plugins in Eclipse IDE and I'm craving for a solution. Has there been solutions already or can somebody drop some hints for me to modify the source code of the update mechanism so that a maven repository can fit in? I see that the DBeaver Universal Database Tool, which is an Eclipse RCP application, uses maven repositories to deliver database connection drivers. How can I achieve the same in provisioning of Eclipse plugins?

Where is the recent Maven repository for Eclipse?

Maven Central's Eclipse jar files seem to be largely frozen around 2007-2009 (Versions 3.3, in general).
Is there a current (2014) Maven repository for Eclipse jars?
Have a look at the Services/Nexus eclipse Wiki-Page. The repository seems to be located at
There is no current Maven repository for Eclipse projects AFAIK. only contains a very small subset of Eclipse artifacts.
There is an open issue in Eclipse bugzilla.
Good news: some parts (eclipse.platform, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.pde) of the Neon.2 release (december 2017) are now published on maven central as well (read more here).
The poms are user friendly (simple version numbers, standard maven metadata for dependencies, source artifacts, 3rd party dependencies...) so it is now easy to use the libs in your project. Have a look at this simple example to use the Eclipse java formatter in a simple java application.

Gradle Plugin resolve artifact

Is it possible for a Gradle plugin to resolve an artifact on its own? I know that in Maven, plugins can inject the Aether RepositorySystem and use that to download artifacts (That's how the Appengine Maven Plugin downloads the Appengine SDK). Is there similar functionality in Gradle?
I don't know what exactly you are trying to achieve but there are two things you could do when it comes to adding artifacts to a project with a plugin:
simply add the dependency you wish to be resolved to one of project's configurations using the plugin and let Gradle resolve it for you
add a custom configuration and do whatever you need to do with the resolved artifact, just like gradle gae plugin does for downloading gae sdk here and here

How do I have Maven install and/or configure eclipse plugins automatically

I am new to eclipse and the interaction between eclipse and maven.
Is it possible to have Maven automatically install Eclipse plugins if the eclipse path is known?
Is it possible to configure specific project settings for each installed plugin when the eclipse project is created? Is it easy to update these configuration settings once the eclipse project is created?
How may I go about this using Maven? Or is it not possible/ideal?
To install a plugin, you would have to copy the plugin files to the eclipse/plugins folder as described in the Eclipse wiki
You can use maven to copy the plugin files/folders to the eclipse plugins directory. This question will show how: Best practices for copying files with Maven
However, I would not advise to use maven to configure the IDE and its plugins, you should manage your projects and not your IDEs with maven.

OSGi bundles dependency management in Eclipse

I have an OSGi bundle which is in Eclipse IDE represented as Eclipse Plug-in Project. The only way I found to satisfy the dependencies of this plug-in/bundle is to
1) import all dependencies (.jar files) through File > Import... > Plug-ins and Fragments wizard
2) and then declare the imported dependencies in MANIFEST.MF
Yes, this solution works, but on the other hand after I commit the changes to our repository all my team mates also have to manually import dependencies to Eclipse to fix the compilation errors.
Is there a solution which does not require such irritating steps? I just want to pull the changes from repository and continue my work without need to fix the dependecies in MANIFEST.MF again and again...
P.S.: To retrieve dependencies we use Apache Ivy.
You need to set up a target platform in Eclipse. I find the easiest way is to put all the dependencies in a folder, and save the target platform as a .target file which I check into source control. Then the only steps my colleagues need to do is retrieve the dependencies and configure Eclipse to use the shared target definition. If we add new dependencies to the definition Eclipse will automatically pick up the changes with a restart or target platform refresh.
The Eclipse documentation should get you started:
If you develop server based applications then it is much better to let maven or Ivy manage the dependencies and use the maven bundle plugin to generate the Manifest. So you can avoid the Eclipse OSGi mode and the target platform. See for a tutorial how to develop OSGi bundles using maven and deploy on Apache Karaf. For Ivy you may have to use a slightly different build but the basics should be the same.