Where is the recent Maven repository for Eclipse? - eclipse

Maven Central's Eclipse jar files seem to be largely frozen around 2007-2009 (Versions 3.3, in general).
Is there a current (2014) Maven repository for Eclipse jars?

Have a look at the Services/Nexus eclipse Wiki-Page. The repository seems to be located at https://repo.eclipse.org.

There is no current Maven repository for Eclipse projects AFAIK. https://repo.eclipse.org only contains a very small subset of Eclipse artifacts.
There is an open issue in Eclipse bugzilla.

Good news: some parts (eclipse.platform, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.pde) of the Neon.2 release (december 2017) are now published on maven central as well (read more here).
The poms are user friendly (simple version numbers, standard maven metadata for dependencies, source artifacts, 3rd party dependencies...) so it is now easy to use the libs in your project. Have a look at this simple example to use the Eclipse java formatter in a simple java application.


How to maintain JAVA projects irrespective of IDE (Netbeans and Eclipse)

In my team, some of them are using Netbeans and some of them using Eclipse, so in our Subversion repository for each JAVA project we have Netbeans & Eclipse project files.
I do want to keep Netbeans & Eclipse project setting files inside the JAVA project, they are specific to IDEs.
Please help me to maintain only the JAVA source files inside the subversion.
Use a common build infrastructure, like maven. This encapsulates (as good as) all settings inside the maven pom.xml files (source encoding, java version etc.).
Also versioned library dependencies, subprojects are managed in maven.
NetBeans knows maven out-of-the-box, and eclipse has a good maven plugin.
In my experience manual configuration, especially in eclipse, and grown ant scripts, are cumbersome.

Eclipse and MyEclipse Using Same project Different Settings

I am working on a java project. The developer who started working on it is pretty firm on using myeclipse and I am pretty firm on using eclipse. Is there a way I can use the project settings that would not conflict with MyEclipse. When I open the project in Eclipse, I see a lot of myeclipse jar files for Java EE and what not. He's not using maven.
You will need to keep your project folders private and only share the source. Both of you cannot use the same project metadata.
Sharing metadata will cause both of you pain. And even more when upgrading to newer versions of eclipse and reading old projects.
Our solution was to switch to maven, and NOT having any metadata in source control repository. The m2e plugin then generates exactly the metadata you need when you import the maven projects in Eclipse.
An added benefit was that suddenly our projects worked with Netbeans and IntelliJ without any extra effort.

Eclipse project structure ANT and MAVEN

I am trying to set up a project, but feel completely overwhelmed with lack of knowledge. In university we used netbeans which resolved project structure gently for us. As community leans towards eclipse I am trying to migrate there, but feel myself like a penguin not able to fly. I can't understand project structure where and what has to be added, do I have to define ANT or MAVEN manually in eclipse can they be integrated? Where to go ? Apache manuals are so complicated, why is that I can program in Java , but don't know the fundamentals, soo depressed, please anyone guide me. I find pieces on web, but seems can't build full picture in my head.
You have a couple of options. Basically, eclipse uses a workspace, which contains one .metadata directory used by the plugins and all of the project folders. Projects can then be things like java projects, PDE projects, PHP projects, etc.
There is maven integration in eclipse which I would use, http://www.eclipse.org/m2e/ It was part of Indigo, which released June 2011.
Set up your java projects in your workspace, and then use m2e to mavenize them, or use m2e to generate the java projects into your workspace.
maven provides a facility to create a new project with the required structure based on the type of project (jar, war, etc.).
You can do this or achieve it directly from Eclipse as suggested by Paul Webster, by installing the m2e plugin.
This structure can then be easily built using maven, as well as developed in Eclipse.

Importing a Scala project from github into Eclipse

I've installed EGit plugin in my Eclipse Helios with latest Scala IDE plugin beta. I've imported it as a "general project" using clone and I can't find any Configure -> Add Scala nature option ... what am I doing wrong? (can't compile/run/add libraries etc)
I'm not familiar with the EGit Plug-in, but do you also have the option to import it as a Java project? The "Add Scala Nature" option is only available for Java projects.
If you can't create it as a Java project, you can also just modify the generated .project file and add the Java nature to it manually:
(taken from http://enarion.net/programming/eclipse-change-general-to-java-project/)
One recommended approach would be first to make your GitHub project compiled/run with sbt (which ensures both IDE-independence and third-party library dependency management).
The sbt-eclifsify can easily generates .classpath and .project files for the Eclipse IDE from the sbt project.
The class ProjectFile.scala details how the .project file is build.

Eclipse Automatically Download / Update JAR files

I just created a Web App project from a repository through Eclipse's SVN support. What I would be doing is have an ANT build going and then finally deploy through Tomcat.
I am using Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers on an Ubuntu system.
There are a number of jar files needed
to support my project - like Struts,
Hibernate, etc. etc.
Do I need to
manually download each of them
and put them in the lib folder?
Does Eclipse have a solution to
automatically UPDATE these from the internet? Any plugins to automatically take care of this?
You should consider using Maven for your project. It's VERY well supported in Eclipse, and handles all dependencies (as well as other things, such as releases).
The problem is there's a bit of a learning curve, but if you intend your project to get to a considerable size, I'd say it's very important.
Maven has support for ant builds and most libraries are in the central Maven repository. You just say your project has a dependency on the external project and it will automatically download the dependencies.