Can't share link due to privacy settings? - facebook

I've set up an app on facebook, and it is now live. Everything is working as expected and I can use the FB JS SDK to trigger a feed popup dialog, which also works great.
The problem is when I try to trigger a share popup dialog. In the dialog it states:
Some people may not be able to see this attachment because of its privacy settings.
The link itself is pretty simple, and is in the form of:{app_id}&link={redirect url - same url as the app}&picture={some jpg - same domain as app}&name={name}&caption={caption}&description={description}
I've looked over all the settings of the app, it's a page app not a canvas app, and nothing seems to be out of place. What should I do?


My Facebook App's icon isn't appearing when sharing

I have a Facebook App (Page Tab, Website and Canvas) and since it's gone live I've updated the App Icon (1024x1024) but whenever someone shares the Canvas URL you still this:
How can I update this icon from Facebook's default image?
As I say, I've already updated the App Icon on the App Details page ( Is there somewhere else that I need to update the Canvas icon?
The answer was simple, and had nothing to do with the App Icon. Even though the user is sharing the Canvas URL, Facebook constructs the share data like it does for any website.
The issue was merely caching. I ran the Canvas URL through the Object Debugger (previous known as Linter) and it worked fine.

Facebook Share Button Creates Stories with link "via" my FB app URL - change to website URL

I don't have 10 reputation points yet, so can't embed image, sorry. Please see the image that can help clarify, right away, what's wrong:
I am having issues integrating Facebook buttons on my site. I have created a FB app to use with the integration - my like button (see is working just like I want it to. However, the share button next to it returns a story like you see above. The real disconcerting piece is that the link for the "Sounds Viral" name (which is the name of the app here, not the site) links to the app itself, which I don't want users to visit at all.) How can I change this URL to be my homepage (or the link in the post below, if that's preferable?)
I also which I could change "link" here to be "song", which is a supported og:type and is in use for my "like" button. However, for the "share" button, it just says "link". But that's less important to me than the actual URL in the story.
Thanks for any ideas!
The solution is to set your facebook app to be a website app that directs facebook users to your website.
To do this:
go to you app page
go to Settings
click Add Platform button
Select Website option
Enter URL of your website and save

FB Wall Posting with Link from FB IFrame App

I am doing the FB Wall post with a link say When i post it from my standalone website (using spring social) the link on the wall is working fine. It goes to the
But when i use the same code from FB app and post it to the wall, even though the wall post looks correct, but when i click on the link it is getting redirected to
instead of
and then getting a error page that my "An error occured with app name. Please try again.
Any help please... My intention is even if the wall posting is done from FB app (iframe), it should be directed to instead of going to my app connect and permission
is there any extra permission need to granted in the app?
Constructing link like below
FacebookLink link = new FacebookLink("",
rtvLinkTitle, rtvLinkHeading,
and doing the post like
facebook.feedOperations().postLink(message, facebookLink);
To rectify the problem follow the below steps,
To Post the Cross domain URL ( as link do the following,
Go to developer app setting ( for the corresponding App.
Click the Edit App tab.
Click the Advanced tab on left side.
In the settings of Migrations Menu, check the radio button to Disabled for Stream post URL security

Publishing action for Canvas (iframe) apps

I've provided my canvas app with all required for publishing actions to Facebook. After I publish an action I have a message like "John made an action over {SomeObject}" in my timeline. Everything works OK but the {SomeObject} i click opens in a window, not in facebook iframe where my app usually works. The URL of this link is rendered like this:{my_app_id}&method=permissions.request&redirect_uri={my_object_url}&response_type=code&display=page&auth_referral=1&fb_private_mode_enc={some_text_string}
What should i do to make my clicked object open in facebook iframe, not window? Can i somehow change display=page to display=iframe in this URL?
I've been having this problem too - I'd like to be able to direct a user straight to my canvas app. Added to this, unless the meta in {my_object_url}'s HTML lines up with what Facebook expects to see, the link resolves to a "this app is having a problem" dialog.
A possible workaround for you, not so much a 100% answer: allow the redirect, but in the meta of the page being redirected to, do an HTML refresh back to the app canvas? This would redirect users back to the app.
If you needed to direct them to a specific page of the app, you could use an app_data signed request addition to the canvas-redirect URL.
Hope this helps. Not a silver bullet though.

Adding Facebook Apps to Page Tabs

I have googled and googled around for this and found the blog post from Facebook about remove app profile pages etc. I also found that you can go to this link:[ID NUMBER HERE]&display=popup&next=[URL OF YOUR DOMAIN]
The problem is what do i put in URL OF YOUR DOMAIN. I cant put a site url in the app settings because its not a web site application, its a page tab application. Any combo of URL's i try, it just errors with "URL not owned by application"
Any ideas or experiences with this?
Use FB.ui method of JS-SDK with method pagetab as shown in example of Add Page Tab Dialog documentation this will automatically provide needed info to dialog.
FB.ui({method: 'pagetab'}, function(){
// User either closed dialog or added tab, you can call Graph API to check...
You have to register the URL first with Facebook and then use it. First go to Then go to your app and hit [Edit App]. At the Basic Info section, you'll find a textbox requesting you to enter the APP Domain. Once you save it will work fine.
I simply entered, no http, no slashes.